Esempio n. 1
        public List <ScannableAsset> DiscoverHost(string target, HostStatus hostStatus, int jobid)
            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Entering DiscoverHost");

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Target is '{0}'", target));

            string   outputXml = string.Empty;
            Assembly a;

            a = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();

            string program;

            program = Path.GetDirectoryName(a.Location) + @"\Nmap\nmap.exe"; //Hardcoded

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Using nmap at '{0}'", program));

            string nmapfile;

            nmapfile = string.Format("nmap{0}_{1}", DateTime.Now.Ticks, this.GetHashCode());

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Command line is [nmap {0}]", "--no-stylesheet -O -A -sC -P0 -oX " + nmapfile + ".xml " + target));

            Process process;

            process = new Process();

            process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;

                process.StartInfo.FileName = program;
                //process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(a.Location) + @"\Nmap\";
                process.StartInfo.Arguments              = " --no-stylesheet -O -A -sC -P0 -oX " + nmapfile + ".xml " + target; //Hardcoded
                process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = false;
                process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
                // process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                // process.Exited += new EventHandler(Process_Exited);
                // Process.Start(vProgram,vIAnnotationLocal.Folder + vIAnnotationLocal.EntryPoint);
            catch (Win32Exception vException)
                if (vException.NativeErrorCode == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND : Exception = {0}", vException.Message));
                    //return null;
                else if (vException.NativeErrorCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED : Exception = {0}", vException.Message));
                    //return null;

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Nmap is running"));

            XmlDocument doc;

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Waiting for Nmap to finish"));

                process.WaitForExit(600000);    //HARDCODED 1 hour
            catch (Exception vException)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Exception = {0}", vException.Message));
                //return null;

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Nmap has finished");
            StreamReader SR        = process.StandardOutput;
            string       strOutput = SR.ReadToEnd();

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Output: " + strOutput));

            if (strOutput.Contains("0 hosts up"))
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "0 hosts up");
                //return null;
            if (strOutput.Contains("Windows does not support scanning your own machine"))
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Windows does not support scanning your own machine");
                //return null;

            doc = new XmlDocument();
            string m_data = string.Empty;

                //TODO: Input Validation (XML)
                doc.Load(nmapfile + ".xml");
                m_data = doc.InnerXml;
            catch (Exception vException)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Exception Load = {0}", vException.Message));
                //return null;

            //Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("XML results have been saved to 'C:\\NmapResults.xml'"));

            List <ScannableAsset> tabNmapAsset;

            tabNmapAsset = new List <ScannableAsset>();

                string xpath = string.Empty;

                if (hostStatus == HostStatus.Both)
                    //xpath = string.Format("/nmaprun/host/status[@state='up']");
                    xpath = "/nmaprun/host/status"; //Hardcoded
                else if (hostStatus == HostStatus.Alive)
                    xpath = "/nmaprun/host/status[@state='up']";
                    xpath = "/nmaprun/host/status[@state='down']";

                XmlNodeList nodes;
                nodes = doc.SelectNodes(xpath);

                foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                    ScannableAsset nmapAsset;
                    nmapAsset = new ScannableAsset();

                    XmlNode nodeHost;
                    nodeHost = node.ParentNode;

                    // ====================
                    // Handle the addresses
                    // ====================
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Handles the addresses");
                    XmlNodeList addressNodes;
                    addressNodes = nodeHost.SelectNodes("address"); //Hardcoded
                    foreach (XmlNode addressNode in addressNodes)
                        string addr = addressNode.Attributes["addr"].InnerText;
                        ScannableAddress.ADDRESSTYPE addrtype = (ScannableAddress.ADDRESSTYPE)Enum.Parse(typeof(ScannableAddress.ADDRESSTYPE), addressNode.Attributes["addrtype"].InnerText);

                        nmapAsset.Addresses.Add(new ScannableAddress()
                            Address = addr, AddressType = addrtype

                    // Scripts
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Handles the scripts");
                    XmlNodeList ScriptsNodes;
                    ScriptsNodes = nodeHost.SelectNodes("hostscript/script");   //Hardcoded
                    string strTemp        = string.Empty;
                    string sambaversion   = string.Empty;
                    string sambaosversion = string.Empty;
                    string macaddress     = string.Empty;
                    Regex  myRegex        = new Regex("");
                    foreach (XmlNode scriptNode in ScriptsNodes)
                        switch (scriptNode.Attributes["id"].InnerText)
                        case "nbstat":
                            //<script id="nbstat" output="NetBIOS name: xmachine, NetBIOS user: &lt;unknown&gt;, NetBIOS MAC: &lt;unknown&gt;"/>
                            //<script id="nbstat" output="NetBIOS name: XORCISM-LXTE4KS, NetBIOS user: &lt;unknown&gt;, NetBIOS MAC: 00:0c:29:23:13:b9 (VMware)&#xa;"/>
                            myRegex = new Regex("NetBIOS MAC: [^<>]*");
                            strTemp = myRegex.Match(scriptNode.Attributes["output"].InnerText).ToString();
                            if (strTemp != "")
                                if (strTemp.Contains("unknown"))
                                    strTemp = strTemp.Replace("NetBIOS MAC: ", "");
                                    strTemp = strTemp.Replace("&#xa;", "");
                                    //Console.WriteLine("strTemp=" + strTemp);
                                    macaddress = strTemp;
                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("macaddress = {0}", macaddress));

                        case "smbv2-enabled":
                            //<script id="smbv2-enabled" output="Server doesn&apos;t support SMBv2 protocol"/>
                            //<script id="smbv2-enabled" output="Server doesn&apos;t support SMBv2 protocol"/>


                        case "smb-os-discovery":
                            //<script id="smb-os-discovery" output="&#xa;  OS: Unix (Samba 3.4.7)&#xa;  Name: Unknown\Unknown&#xa;  System time: 2011-04-14 15:14:49 UTC+2&#xa;"/>
                            //<script id="smb-os-discovery" output=" &#xa;  OS: Windows Server 2003 R2 3790 Service Pack 1 (Windows Server 2003 R2 5.2)&#xa;  Name: WORKGROUP\XORCISM-LXTE4KS&#xa;  System time: 2011-04-15 09:41:57 UTC+0&#xa;"/>
                            myRegex = new Regex(Regex.Escape("(") + "Samba [^<>]*" + Regex.Escape(")"));
                            strTemp = myRegex.Match(scriptNode.Attributes["output"].InnerText).ToString();
                            if (strTemp != "")
                                strTemp = strTemp.Replace("(", "");
                                strTemp = strTemp.Replace(")", "");
                                //Console.WriteLine("strTemp=" + strTemp);
                                sambaversion = strTemp;
                            myRegex = new Regex("OS: Windows [^<>]*" + Regex.Escape(")"));
                            strTemp = myRegex.Match(scriptNode.Attributes["output"].InnerText).ToString();
                            if (strTemp != "")
                                strTemp = strTemp.Replace("OS: ", "");
                                //Console.WriteLine("strTemp=" + strTemp);
                                sambaosversion = strTemp;


                    // ================
                    // Handles the ports
                    // ================
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Handle the ports");
                    XmlNodeList portNodes;
                    portNodes = nodeHost.SelectNodes("ports/port"); //Hardcoded
                    foreach (XmlNode portNode in portNodes)
                        XProviderCommon.PROTOCOL protocol = (XProviderCommon.PROTOCOL)Enum.Parse(typeof(XProviderCommon.PROTOCOL), portNode.Attributes["protocol"].InnerText);
                        int portid = Convert.ToInt32(portNode.Attributes["portid"].InnerText);

                        string  service = "";
                        XmlNode node1;
                        node1 = portNode.SelectSingleNode("service/@name");
                        if (node1 != null)
                            service = node1.InnerText.ToUpper();

                        string version = "";
                        node1 = portNode.SelectSingleNode("service/@product");
                        if (node1 != null)
                            version = node1.InnerText;
                        node1 = portNode.SelectSingleNode("service/@version");
                        if (node1 != null)
                            version = version + " " + node1.InnerText;
                        version = version.Trim();

                        //Check if we retrieved the exact version of the service with the scripts
                        if (sambaversion != "" && version.Contains("Samba") && version.Contains(".X"))
                            version = sambaversion;

                        ScannablePort nmapPort;
                            nmapPort = new ScannablePort()
                                Protocol = protocol, Port = portid, Service = service, Version = version
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Exception ScannablePort = " + ex.Message + " " + ex.InnerException);
                            //return null;

                    // OS
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Looking at OSname");
                    XmlNodeList OsNodes;
                    OsNodes = nodeHost.SelectNodes("os/osmatch");   //Hardcoded
                    XmlNode nodeOs = OsNodes[0];
                    if (nodeOs != null)
                        string name     = nodeOs.Attributes["name"].InnerText;
                        int    accuracy = Convert.ToInt32(nodeOs.Attributes["accuracy"].InnerText);
                        nmapAsset.OS.OSName = name;
                        if (sambaosversion != "")
                            nmapAsset.OS.OSName = sambaosversion;
                        nmapAsset.OS.Accuracy    = accuracy;
                        nmapAsset.OS.Description = "";

            catch (Exception ex)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Exception while parsing XML results = " + ex.Message + " " + ex.InnerException);
                //return null;

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Number of assets found = " + tabNmapAsset.Count);
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Updating job {0} status to FINISHED", jobid));
                string          status = XCommon.STATUS.FINISHED.ToString();
                XORCISMEntities model  = new XORCISMEntities();
                var             Q      = from j in model.JOB
                                         where j.JobID == jobid
                                         select j;

                JOB myJob = Q.FirstOrDefault();
                myJob.Status  = status;
                myJob.DateEnd = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
                myJob.XmlResult = encoding.GetBytes(m_data);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Exception = " + ex.Message);

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Leaving DiscoverHost");

Esempio n. 2
        public void GetServicesVersionForSession(string target, int sessionid)
            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Entering GetServicesVersionForSession");

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Target is '{0}'. Session is {1}", target, sessionid));

            string   outputXml = string.Empty;
            Assembly a;

            a = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();

            string program;

            program = Path.GetDirectoryName(a.Location) + @"\Nmap\nmap.exe";    //Hardcoded

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Using nmap at '{0}'", program));

            string nmapfile;

            nmapfile = string.Format("nmap{0}_{1}", DateTime.Now.Ticks, this.GetHashCode());

            //Some filters
            target = target.Replace("&", "");
            target = target.Replace("|", "");
            Regex check = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9.-/]+$");

            if (!check.IsMatch(target))
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "ERROR BAD CHARACTERS/FORMAT for target");
            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Command line is [nmap {0}]", "--no-stylesheet -O -A -sC -P0 -oX " + nmapfile + ".xml " + target));   //Hardcoded

            Process process;

            process = new Process();

            process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;

                process.StartInfo.FileName               = program;
                process.StartInfo.Arguments              = " --no-stylesheet -O -A -sC -P0 -oX " + nmapfile + ".xml " + target; //Hardcoded
                process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = false;
                process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
                // process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                // process.Exited += new EventHandler(Process_Exited);
                // Process.Start(vProgram,vIAnnotationLocal.Folder + vIAnnotationLocal.EntryPoint);
            catch (Win32Exception vException)
                if (vException.NativeErrorCode == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND : Exception = {0}", vException.Message));
                    //return null;
                else if (vException.NativeErrorCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED : Exception = {0}", vException.Message));
                    //return null;

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Nmap is running"));

            XmlDocument doc;

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Waiting for Nmap to finish"));

                process.WaitForExit(600000);    //1 hour
            catch (Exception vException)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Exception = {0}", vException.Message));
                //return null;

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Nmap has finished");
            StreamReader SR        = process.StandardOutput;
            string       strOutput = SR.ReadToEnd();

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Output: " + strOutput));

            if (strOutput.Contains("0 hosts up"))
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "0 hosts up");
                //return null;
            if (strOutput.Contains("Windows does not support scanning your own machine"))
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Windows does not support scanning your own machine");
                //return null;

            doc = new XmlDocument();
            string m_data = string.Empty;

                //TODO: Input (XML) Validation
                doc.Load(nmapfile + ".xml");
                m_data = doc.InnerXml;
            catch (Exception vException)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Exception Load = {0}", vException.Message));
                //return null;

                string xpath = string.Empty;

                //if (hostStatus == HostStatus.Both)
                //    //xpath = string.Format("/nmaprun/host/status[@state='up']");
                xpath = "/nmaprun/host/status";     //Hardcoded
                //else if (hostStatus == HostStatus.Alive)
                //    xpath = "/nmaprun/host/status[@state='up']";
                //    xpath = "/nmaprun/host/status[@state='down']";

                XmlNodeList nodes;
                nodes = doc.SelectNodes(xpath);

                foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                    //    ScannableAsset nmapAsset;
                    //    nmapAsset = new ScannableAsset();

                    XmlNode nodeHost;
                    nodeHost = node.ParentNode;

                    // ====================
                    // Handle the addresses
                    // ====================

                    XmlNodeList addressNodes;
                    addressNodes = nodeHost.SelectNodes("address"); //Hardcoded
                    foreach (XmlNode addressNode in addressNodes)
                        string addr = addressNode.Attributes["addr"].InnerText; //Hardcoded
                        //    ScannableAddress.ADDRESSTYPE addrtype = (ScannableAddress.ADDRESSTYPE)Enum.Parse(typeof(ScannableAddress.ADDRESSTYPE), addressNode.Attributes["addrtype"].InnerText);

                        //    nmapAsset.Addresses.Add(new ScannableAddress() { Address = addr, AddressType = addrtype });

                    // Scripts
                    XmlNodeList ScriptsNodes;
                    ScriptsNodes = nodeHost.SelectNodes("hostscript/script");   //Hardcoded
                    string strTemp        = string.Empty;
                    string sambaversion   = string.Empty;
                    string sambaosversion = string.Empty;
                    string macaddress     = string.Empty;
                    Regex  myRegex        = new Regex("");
                    foreach (XmlNode scriptNode in ScriptsNodes)
                        switch (scriptNode.Attributes["id"].InnerText)  //Hardcoded
                        case "nbstat":
                            //<script id="nbstat" output="NetBIOS name: xmachine, NetBIOS user: &lt;unknown&gt;, NetBIOS MAC: &lt;unknown&gt;"/>
                            //<script id="nbstat" output="NetBIOS name: XORCISM-LXTE4KS, NetBIOS user: &lt;unknown&gt;, NetBIOS MAC: 00:0c:29:23:14:b9 (VMware)&#xa;"/>
                            myRegex = new Regex("NetBIOS MAC: [^<>]*");     //Hardcoded
                            strTemp = myRegex.Match(scriptNode.Attributes["output"].InnerText).ToString();
                            if (strTemp != "")
                                if (strTemp.Contains("unknown"))
                                    strTemp = strTemp.Replace("NetBIOS MAC: ", "");
                                    strTemp = strTemp.Replace("&#xa;", "");
                                    //Console.WriteLine("strTemp=" + strTemp);
                                    macaddress = strTemp;
                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("macaddress = {0}", macaddress));

                        case "smbv2-enabled":
                            //<script id="smbv2-enabled" output="Server doesn&apos;t support SMBv2 protocol"/>
                            //<script id="smbv2-enabled" output="Server doesn&apos;t support SMBv2 protocol"/>


                        case "smb-os-discovery":
                            //<script id="smb-os-discovery" output="&#xa;  OS: Unix (Samba 3.4.7)&#xa;  Name: Unknown\Unknown&#xa;  System time: 2011-04-14 15:14:49 UTC+2&#xa;"/>
                            //<script id="smb-os-discovery" output=" &#xa;  OS: Windows Server 2003 R2 3790 Service Pack 1 (Windows Server 2003 R2 5.2)&#xa;  Name: WORKGROUP\XORCISM-LXTE4KS&#xa;  System time: 2011-04-15 09:41:57 UTC+0&#xa;"/>
                            myRegex = new Regex(Regex.Escape("(") + "Samba [^<>]*" + Regex.Escape(")"));        //Hardcoded
                            strTemp = myRegex.Match(scriptNode.Attributes["output"].InnerText).ToString();
                            if (strTemp != "")
                                strTemp = strTemp.Replace("(", "");
                                strTemp = strTemp.Replace(")", "");
                                //Console.WriteLine("strTemp=" + strTemp);
                                sambaversion = strTemp;
                            myRegex = new Regex("OS: Windows [^<>]*" + Regex.Escape(")"));      //Hardcoded
                            strTemp = myRegex.Match(scriptNode.Attributes["output"].InnerText).ToString();
                            if (strTemp != "")
                                strTemp = strTemp.Replace("OS: ", "");
                                //Console.WriteLine("strTemp=" + strTemp);
                                sambaosversion = strTemp;


                    // ================
                    // Handle the ports
                    // ================
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Handle the ports"));

                    XmlNodeList portNodes;
                    portNodes = nodeHost.SelectNodes("ports/port"); //Hardcoded
                    foreach (XmlNode portNode in portNodes)
                        XProviderCommon.PROTOCOL protocol = (XProviderCommon.PROTOCOL)Enum.Parse(typeof(XProviderCommon.PROTOCOL), portNode.Attributes["protocol"].InnerText);
                        int portid = Convert.ToInt32(portNode.Attributes["portid"].InnerText);

                        string  service = "";
                        XmlNode node1;
                        node1 = portNode.SelectSingleNode("service/@name");
                        if (node1 != null)
                            service = node1.InnerText.ToUpper();

                        string version = "";
                        node1 = portNode.SelectSingleNode("service/@product");
                        if (node1 != null)
                            version = node1.InnerText;
                        node1 = portNode.SelectSingleNode("service/@version");
                        if (node1 != null)
                            version = version + " " + node1.InnerText;
                        version = version.Trim();

                        //Check if we retrieved the exact version of the service with the scripts
                        if (sambaversion != "" && version.Contains("Samba") && version.Contains(".X"))
                            version = sambaversion;

                        //    ScannablePort nmapPort;
                        //    nmapPort = new ScannablePort() { Protocol = protocol, Port = portid, Service = service, Version = version };

                        //    nmapAsset.Ports.Add(nmapPort);

                        #region updateendpoint
                        //Searches the endpoint for this session and updates it
                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Updating endpoints"));
                        XORCISMEntities model     = new XORCISMEntities();
                        var             endpoints = from e in model.ENDPOINT
                                                    where e.SessionID == sessionid && e.PortNumber == portid
                                                    select e;

                        foreach (ENDPOINT myendpoint in endpoints.ToList())
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Updating endpoint = {0} {1}/{2} ({3}) {4}", myendpoint.EndPointID, myendpoint.ProtocolName, myendpoint.PortNumber, myendpoint.Service, myendpoint.Version));
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "New version=" + version);
                                myendpoint.Version = version;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Exception in update endpoint = " + ex.Message);
                                //return null;

                        #endregion updateendpoint

                    // OS
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", string.Format("Dealing with OSname"));
                    XmlNodeList OsNodes;
                    OsNodes = nodeHost.SelectNodes("os/osmatch");   //Hardcoded
                    XmlNode nodeOs = OsNodes[0];
                    if (nodeOs != null)
                        string name     = nodeOs.Attributes["name"].InnerText;
                        int    accuracy = Convert.ToInt32(nodeOs.Attributes["accuracy"].InnerText);
                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "OSName=" + name);
                        //nmapAsset.OS.OSName = name;
                        if (sambaosversion != "")
                            //    nmapAsset.OS.OSName = sambaosversion;
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "sambaosversion=" + sambaosversion);
                        //nmapAsset.OS.Accuracy = accuracy;
                        //nmapAsset.OS.Description = "";

            catch (Exception ex)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NMAP", "Exception while parsing XML results = " + ex.Message);
                //return null;