Esempio n. 1
        public T GetInterpreter <T>() where T : class, IInterpreter
            IInterpreter v = null;

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(RegularExpressionInterpreter))
                v = new RegularExpressionInterpreter();
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(InvalidChildElementInterpreter))
                v = new InvalidChildElementInterpreter();
            if (v == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The supplied validator type '" + typeof(T).FullName + "' could not be loaded");
            if (null != this.Logs)
                foreach (var l in this.Logs)
            if (null != this.TimedLogs)
                foreach (var l in this.TimedLogs)
            return(v as T);
 public void Invalid_IncorrectElementNamespace()
     var interpreter = new XCRI.Validation.XmlExceptionInterpretation.InvalidChildElementInterpreter();
     System.Xml.Linq.XElement furtherInformation;
     string updatedMessage = String.Empty;
     string standardMessage = @"The element 'provider' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'description' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'hasPart' in namespace '' as well as 'contributor' in namespace '' as well as 'contributor' in namespace '' as well as 'date' in namespace '' as well as 'date, created, valid, available, issued, modified, dateAccepted, dateCopyrighted, dateSubmitted' in namespace '' as well as 'description' in namespace '' as well as 'description, tableOfContents, abstract' in namespace '' as well as 'identifier' in namespace '' as well as 'identifier, bibliographicCitation' in namespace '' as well as 'image' in namespace '' as well as 'subject' in namespace '' as well as 'subject' in namespace '' as well as 'title' in namespace ''.";
         interpreter.Interpret(new Exception(standardMessage), out furtherInformation, ref updatedMessage)
     Assert.AreNotEqual<string>(standardMessage, updatedMessage, "The message returned was not interpreted.");
     Assert.AreEqual<string>("The element 'description' should be in namespace '', not ''.", updatedMessage, "The message returned was unexpected.");
Esempio n. 3
        public void Invalid_IncorrectElementNamespace()
            var interpreter = new XCRI.Validation.XmlExceptionInterpretation.InvalidChildElementInterpreter();

            System.Xml.Linq.XElement furtherInformation;
            string updatedMessage  = String.Empty;
            string standardMessage = @"The element 'provider' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'description' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'hasPart' in namespace '' as well as 'contributor' in namespace '' as well as 'contributor' in namespace '' as well as 'date' in namespace '' as well as 'date, created, valid, available, issued, modified, dateAccepted, dateCopyrighted, dateSubmitted' in namespace '' as well as 'description' in namespace '' as well as 'description, tableOfContents, abstract' in namespace '' as well as 'identifier' in namespace '' as well as 'identifier, bibliographicCitation' in namespace '' as well as 'image' in namespace '' as well as 'subject' in namespace '' as well as 'subject' in namespace '' as well as 'title' in namespace ''.";

            Assert.AreEqual <InterpretationStatus>
                interpreter.Interpret(new Exception(standardMessage), out furtherInformation, ref updatedMessage)
            Assert.AreNotEqual <string>(standardMessage, updatedMessage, "The message returned was not interpreted.");
            Assert.AreEqual <string>("The element 'description' should be in namespace '', not ''.", updatedMessage, "The message returned was unexpected.");