} = new List <ParsingNode>();                                                 // child tokens
 public ListParsingNode(JArray json, IOpenApiVersionParser versionParser, ContextStorage storage) : base(json, versionParser, storage)
     foreach (var token in json)
         childNodes.Add(Create(token, versionParser, storage)); // add child elements to the node tree
        } = new List <PropertyParsingNode>();                                                         // child properties

        public ObjectParsingNode(JObject json, IOpenApiVersionParser versionParser, ContextStorage storage) : base(json, versionParser, storage)
            foreach (var property in json.Properties())
                childNodes.Add(Create(property, versionParser, storage) as PropertyParsingNode); // add child elements to the node tree
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate a tree of nodes. To be called by a OpenAPI version-specific parsing service.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="json"> JToken representing the OpenAPI json. </param>
 /// <param name="versionParser"> Version-specific parsing service. </param>
 /// <param name="storage"> Temporary storage to use in the parsing of the tree. </param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static ParsingNode Create(JToken json, IOpenApiVersionParser versionParser, ContextStorage storage = null)
     if (json is JObject)
         return(new ObjectParsingNode(json as JObject, versionParser, storage));
     else if (json is JArray)
         return(new ListParsingNode(json as JArray, versionParser, storage));
     else if (json is JProperty)
         return(new PropertyParsingNode(json as JProperty, versionParser, storage));
     else if (json is JValue)
         return(new ValueParsingNode(json as JValue, versionParser, storage));
     throw new ArgumentException("Invalid OpenAPI/Swagger file - unsupported JToken type found.");
 public ValueParsingNode(JValue json, IOpenApiVersionParser versionParser, ContextStorage storage) : base(json, versionParser, storage)
     Value = json.Value;
 }                                      // property value
 public PropertyParsingNode(JProperty json, IOpenApiVersionParser versionParser, ContextStorage storage) : base(json, versionParser, storage)
     Name  = json.Name;
     Value = Create(json.Value, versionParser, storage); // add child elements to the node tree
        }                                // JToken containing the json for this node

        protected ParsingNode(JToken json, IOpenApiVersionParser versionParser, ContextStorage storage)
            this.json          = json;
            this.versionParser = versionParser;
            this.storage       = storage;