Esempio n. 1
        public EngineManager(Preprocessor preprocessor, ConfigOptions configOptions)
            _configOptions = configOptions;
            Engine = new Engine();
            Configurator = new Configurator(Engine, preprocessor);
            // Set no cache if requested
            if (_configOptions.NoCache)
                Engine.Settings.UseCache = false;

            // Set folders
            Engine.FileSystem.RootPath = _configOptions.RootPath;
            if (_configOptions.InputPaths != null && _configOptions.InputPaths.Count > 0)
                // Clear existing default paths if new ones are set
                // and reverse the inputs so the last one is first to match the semantics of multiple occurrence single options
            if (_configOptions.OutputPath != null)
                Engine.FileSystem.OutputPath = _configOptions.OutputPath;
            if (_configOptions.NoClean)
                Engine.Settings.CleanOutputPath = false;
            if (_configOptions.GlobalMetadata != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> item in _configOptions.GlobalMetadata)

            // Set NuGet settings
            Configurator.PackageInstaller.UpdatePackages = _configOptions.UpdatePackages;
            Configurator.PackageInstaller.UseLocalPackagesFolder = _configOptions.UseLocalPackages;
            Configurator.PackageInstaller.UseGlobalPackageSources = _configOptions.UseGlobalSources;
            if (_configOptions.PackagesPath != null)
                Configurator.PackageInstaller.PackagesPath = _configOptions.PackagesPath;

            // Metadata
            Configurator.GlobalMetadata = configOptions.GlobalMetadata;
            Configurator.InitialMetadata = configOptions.InitialMetadata;

            // Script output
            Configurator.OutputScript = _configOptions.OutputScript;

            // Application input
            Engine.ApplicationInput = _configOptions.Stdin;
Esempio n. 2
 protected override ExitCode RunCommand(Preprocessor preprocessor)
     _path = new DirectoryPath(Environment.CurrentDirectory).Combine(_path ?? "output");
     using (PreviewServer.Start(_path, _port, _forceExtension))
         Trace.Information("Hit any key to exit");
         Trace.Information("Shutting down");
     return ExitCode.Normal;
Esempio n. 3
 public static EngineManager Get(Preprocessor preprocessor, ConfigOptions configOptions)
         return new EngineManager(preprocessor, configOptions);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Trace.Critical("Error while instantiating engine: {0}", ex.Message);
         return null;
Esempio n. 4
        public void Parse(ArgumentSyntax syntax, Preprocessor preprocessor)
            // Global options
                syntax.DefineOption("v|verbose", ref _verbose, "Turns on verbose output showing additional trace message useful for debugging.");
                syntax.DefineOption("attach", ref _attach, "Pause execution at the start of the program until a debugger is attached.");

            // Command options

            // Directives
            if (SupportedDirectives != null)
                foreach (IDirective directive in preprocessor.Directives
                    .Where(x => SupportedDirectives.Contains(x.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    // Get the option name and help text
                    string optionName = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(directive.ShortName) ? string.Empty : directive.ShortName + "|") + directive.Name;
                    string optionHelp = $"{directive.Description}{(string.IsNullOrEmpty(directive.GetHelpText()) ? string.Empty : " See below for syntax details.")}";

                    // Single or multiple?
                    if (directive.SupportsMultiple)
                        // Multiple
                        IReadOnlyList<string> directiveValues = null;
                        syntax.DefineOptionList(optionName, ref directiveValues, optionHelp);
                        if (directiveValues != null)
                            foreach (string directiveValue in directiveValues)
                                preprocessor.AddValue(new DirectiveValue(directive.Name, directiveValue));
                        // Single
                        string directiveValue = null;
                        syntax.DefineOption(optionName, ref directiveValue, optionHelp);
                        if (directiveValue != null)
                            preprocessor.AddValue(new DirectiveValue(directive.Name, directiveValue));

            // Command parameters
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Configurator"/> class. This overload
        /// allows passing in a <see cref="Preprocessor"/> that can be reused and pre-configured
        /// with directives not sourced from the script.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine">The engine to configure.</param>
        /// <param name="preprocessor">The preprocessor.</param>
        public Configurator(Engine engine, Preprocessor preprocessor)
            _engine = engine;
            _preprocessor = preprocessor;
            _assemblyResolver = new AssemblyResolver(_scriptManager); 
            AssemblyLoader = new AssemblyLoader(engine.FileSystem, engine.Assemblies, _assemblyResolver);
            PackageInstaller = new PackageInstaller(engine.FileSystem, AssemblyLoader);
            ClassCatalog = new ClassCatalog();

            // Add this namespace and assembly
Esempio n. 6
        protected override ExitCode RunCommand(Preprocessor preprocessor)
            // Directives
            if (_directives)
                Console.WriteLine("Available preprocessor directives:");
                foreach (IDirective directive in preprocessor.Directives)
                    Console.WriteLine("#" + directive.Name + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(directive.ShortName) ? string.Empty : ", #" + directive.ShortName));
                    string helpText = directive.GetHelpText();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpText))

            return ExitCode.Normal;
Esempio n. 7
        private int Run(string[] args)
            // Add a default trace listener
            Trace.AddListener(new SimpleColorConsoleTraceListener { TraceOutputOptions = System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions.None });
            // Output version info
            AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute versionAttribute
                = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(Program).Assembly, typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)) as AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute;
            Trace.Information("Wyam version {0}", versionAttribute == null ? "unknown" : versionAttribute.InformationalVersion);

            // It's not a serious console app unless there's some ASCII art

            // Parse the command line
            Preprocessor preprocessor = new Preprocessor();
            Command command;
                bool hasParseArgsErrors;
                command = CommandParser.Parse(args, preprocessor, out hasParseArgsErrors);
                if (command == null)
                    return hasParseArgsErrors ? (int)ExitCode.CommandLineError : (int)ExitCode.Normal;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.Error("Error while parsing command line: {0}", ex.Message);
                if (Trace.Level == SourceLevels.Verbose)
                    Trace.Error("Stack trace:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, ex.StackTrace);
                return (int)ExitCode.CommandLineError;

            // Run the command
            return (int) command.Run(preprocessor);
Esempio n. 8
        public ExitCode Run(Preprocessor preprocessor)
            if (GlobalArguments)
                // Set verbose tracing
                if (_verbose)
                    Trace.Level = System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels.Verbose;

                // Attach
                if (_attach)
                    Trace.Information("Waiting for a debugger to attach (or press a key to continue)...");
                    while (!Debugger.IsAttached && !Console.KeyAvailable)
                    if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                        Trace.Information("Key pressed, continuing execution");
                        Trace.Information("Debugger attached, continuing execution");

            return RunCommand(preprocessor);
Esempio n. 9
 protected abstract ExitCode RunCommand(Preprocessor preprocessor);
Esempio n. 10
        protected override ExitCode RunCommand(Preprocessor preprocessor)
            // Get the standard input stream
            _configOptions.Stdin = StandardInputReader.Read();
            // Fix the root folder and other files
            DirectoryPath currentDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            _configOptions.RootPath = _configOptions.RootPath == null ? currentDirectory : currentDirectory.Combine(_configOptions.RootPath);
            _logFilePath = _logFilePath == null ? null : _configOptions.RootPath.CombineFile(_logFilePath);
            _configOptions.ConfigFilePath = _configOptions.RootPath.CombineFile(_configOptions.ConfigFilePath ?? "config.wyam");

            // Set up the log file         
            if (_logFilePath != null)
                Trace.AddListener(new SimpleFileTraceListener(_logFilePath.FullPath));

            // Get the engine and configurator
            EngineManager engineManager = EngineManager.Get(preprocessor, _configOptions);
            if (engineManager == null)
                return ExitCode.CommandLineError;

            // Configure and execute
            if (!engineManager.Configure())
                return ExitCode.ConfigurationError;

            if (_verifyConfig)
                Trace.Information("No errors. Exiting.");
                return ExitCode.Normal;

            Trace.Information($"Root path:{Environment.NewLine}  {engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.RootPath}");
            Trace.Information($"Input path(s):{Environment.NewLine}  {string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "  ", engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.InputPaths)}");
            Trace.Information($"Output path:{Environment.NewLine}  {engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.OutputPath}");
            if (!engineManager.Execute())
                return ExitCode.ExecutionError;

            bool messagePump = false;

            // Start the preview server
            IDisposable previewServer = null;
            if (_preview)
                messagePump = true;
                DirectoryPath previewPath = _previewRoot == null
                    ? engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.GetOutputDirectory().Path
                    : engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.GetOutputDirectory(_previewRoot).Path;
                previewServer = PreviewServer.Start(previewPath, _previewPort, _previewForceExtension);

            // Start the watchers
            IDisposable inputFolderWatcher = null;
            IDisposable configFileWatcher = null;
            if (_watch)
                messagePump = true;

                Trace.Information("Watching paths(s) {0}", string.Join(", ", engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.InputPaths));
                inputFolderWatcher = new ActionFileSystemWatcher(engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.GetOutputDirectory().Path,
                    engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.GetInputDirectories().Select(x => x.Path), true, "*.*", path =>

                if (_configOptions.ConfigFilePath != null)
                    Trace.Information("Watching configuration file {0}", _configOptions.ConfigFilePath);
                    configFileWatcher = new ActionFileSystemWatcher(engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.GetOutputDirectory().Path,
                        new[] { _configOptions.ConfigFilePath.Directory }, false, _configOptions.ConfigFilePath.FileName.FullPath, path =>
                            FilePath filePath = new FilePath(path);
                            if (_configOptions.ConfigFilePath.Equals(filePath))

            // Start the message pump if an async process is running
            ExitCode exitCode = ExitCode.Normal;
            if (messagePump)
                // Only wait for a key if console input has not been redirected, otherwise it's on the caller to exit
                if (!Console.IsInputRedirected)
                    // Start the key listening thread
                    var thread = new Thread(() =>
                        Trace.Information("Hit any key to exit");
                        IsBackground = true

                // Wait for activity
                while (true)
                    _messageEvent.WaitOne();  // Blocks the current thread until a signal
                    if (_exit)

                    // See if we need a new engine
                    if (_newEngine)
                        // Get a new engine
                        Trace.Information("Configuration file {0} has changed, re-running", _configOptions.ConfigFilePath);
                        engineManager = EngineManager.Get(preprocessor, _configOptions);

                        // Configure and execute
                        if (!engineManager.Configure())
                            exitCode = ExitCode.ConfigurationError;
                        Console.WriteLine($"Root path:{Environment.NewLine}  {engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.RootPath}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Input path(s):{Environment.NewLine}  {string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "  ", engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.InputPaths)}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Root path:{Environment.NewLine}  {engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.OutputPath}");
                        if (!engineManager.Execute())
                            exitCode = ExitCode.ExecutionError;

                        // Clear the changed files since we just re-ran
                        string changedFile;
                        while (_changedFiles.TryDequeue(out changedFile))

                        // Execute if files have changed
                        HashSet<string> changedFiles = new HashSet<string>();
                        string changedFile;
                        while (_changedFiles.TryDequeue(out changedFile))
                            if (changedFiles.Add(changedFile))
                                Trace.Verbose("{0} has changed", changedFile);
                        if (changedFiles.Count > 0)
                            Trace.Information("{0} files have changed, re-executing", changedFiles.Count);
                            if (!engineManager.Execute())
                                exitCode = ExitCode.ExecutionError;

                    // Check one more time for exit
                    if (_exit)
                    Trace.Information("Hit any key to exit");

                // Shutdown
                Trace.Information("Shutting down");

            return exitCode;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the command line arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="preprocessor">The preprocessor.</param>
        /// <param name="hasErrors">If set to <c>true</c>, the command line had errors.</param>
        /// <returns>The resulting command.</returns>
        public static Command Parse(string[] args, Preprocessor preprocessor, out bool hasErrors)
            // Construct a mapping of command names to commands
            List<Tuple<string, Command>> commands = Commands
                .Select(x =>
                    string commandName = x.GetType().Name.ToLowerInvariant();
                    commandName = commandName.EndsWith("command")
                        ? commandName.Substring(0, commandName.Length - 7)
                        : commandName;
                    return Tuple.Create(commandName, x);

            // If the first argument is not a valid command, set it to the first command as a default
            // Make sure to allow the default help flags to handle help output
            if (args == null || args.Length == 0)
                args = new[] {commands[0].Item1};
            else if (args[0] != "-?" && args[0] != "-h" && args[0] != "--help"
                && commands.All(x => x.Item1 != args[0]))
                args = new[] { commands[0].Item1 }.Concat(args).ToArray();
            else if (args.Length == 1 && args[0] == "help")
                // Special case for the help command without any additional arguments, output global help instead
                args = new[] {"--help"};

            // Parse the command line arguments
            Command command = null;
            ArgumentSyntax parsed = ArgumentSyntax.Parse(args, syntax =>
                // Add all commands
                foreach (Tuple<string, Command> cmd in commands)
                    syntax.DefineCommand(cmd.Item1, ref command, cmd.Item2, cmd.Item2.Description);
                    cmd.Item2.Parse(syntax, preprocessor);

            hasErrors = parsed.HasErrors;

            // Output help text for any directive that got used for this command
            if (parsed.IsHelpRequested() && command?.SupportedDirectives != null)
                foreach (IDirective directive in preprocessor.Directives
                    .Where(x => command.SupportedDirectives.Contains(x.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    string helpText = directive.GetHelpText();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpText))
                        Console.WriteLine($"--{directive.Name} usage:");

            if (parsed.IsHelpRequested() || hasErrors)
                return null;
            Trace.Information($"**{commands.First(x => x.Item2 == command).Item1.ToUpperInvariant()}**");
            return command;
Esempio n. 12
        protected override ExitCode RunCommand(Preprocessor preprocessor)
            // Make sure we actually got a recipe value
            if (preprocessor.Values.All(x => x.Name != "recipe"))
                Trace.Critical("A recipe must be specified");
                return ExitCode.CommandLineError;

            _configOptions.RootPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            _path = _path ?? "input";

            // Get the engine and configurator
            using (EngineManager engineManager = EngineManager.Get(preprocessor, _configOptions))
                if (engineManager == null)
                    return ExitCode.CommandLineError;
                // Check to make sure the directory is empty (and provide option to clear it)
                IDirectory scaffoldDirectory = engineManager.Engine.FileSystem.GetRootDirectory(_path);
                if (scaffoldDirectory.Exists)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Scaffold directory {scaffoldDirectory.Path.FullPath} exists, are you sure you want to clear it [y|N]?");
                    char inputChar = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar;
                    if (inputChar != 'y' && inputChar != 'Y')
                        Trace.Information($"Scaffold directory will not be cleared");
                        return ExitCode.Normal;
                    Trace.Information($"Scaffold directory will be cleared");
                    Trace.Information($"Scaffold directory {scaffoldDirectory.Path.FullPath} does not exist and will be created");
                if (scaffoldDirectory.Exists)

                // We can ignore theme packages since we don't care about the theme for scaffolding
                engineManager.Configurator.IgnoreKnownThemePackages = true;

                // Configure everything (primarily to get the recipe)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Trace.Critical("Error while configuring engine: {0}", ex.Message);
                    return ExitCode.ConfigurationError;
                // Scaffold the recipe

            return ExitCode.Normal;