Esempio n. 1
        void tracking()
            WinSys.GetWindowRect(windowHandle, ref followedWindowSize);
            WinSys.GetWindowPlacement( windowHandle, ref windowInformation);

            // if the window has been maximized
            if ( (windowInformation.flags & WinSys.SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) != 0
              || (windowInformation.flags & WinSys.SW_MAXIMIZE) != 0)
                currentState = TrackingState.WaitingMaximization;
                windowFollowTimer.Interval = fastTimerInterval;
                if ( WinSys.RECT.Diff( oldPos, followedWindowSize ) > 0 )
                    #if LOGGING
                    logEvent( "% Moved < " + followedWindowSize.Left.ToString()
                                    + ", " + followedWindowSize.Top.ToString()
                                    + ", " + (followedWindowSize.Right - followedWindowSize.Left).ToString()
                                    + ", " + (followedWindowSize.Bottom - followedWindowSize.Top).ToString()
                                    + " >" );

                    Left = Math.Max( followedWindowSize.Left - Width, 0 );
                    Top = followedWindowSize.Top;
                    Height = followedWindowSize.Bottom - followedWindowSize.Top;

                    oldPos = followedWindowSize;
                    // here we handle the speedup to follow the window
                    // to obtain a smoother move
                    lastWindowMove = 0;
                    if (windowFollowTimer.Interval != fastTimerInterval)
                        windowFollowTimer.Interval = fastTimerInterval;
                else if (windowFollowTimer.Interval.Milliseconds == fastTimerInterval.Milliseconds)
                    // when the window don't move anymore, we hope to bring
                    // back the old slow timer.
                    lastWindowMove += fastTimerInterval.Milliseconds;
                    if (lastWindowMove > maxWaitDelay)
                        windowFollowTimer.Interval = windowFollowDelay;

                WinSys.GetWindowRect(thisHandle, ref thisWindowSize );
                WinSys.SetWindowPos( thisHandle
                            , windowHandle
                            , thisWindowSize.Left
                            , thisWindowSize.Top
                            , thisWindowSize.Right - thisWindowSize.Left
                            , thisWindowSize.Bottom - thisWindowSize.Top
                            , 0);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// In this method, we wait till the window has finished it's animation
        /// of maximization to tackle ourselves nearby, without changing the
        /// maximization state.
        /// </summary>
        void waitingMaximization()
            WinSys.GetWindowRect(windowHandle, ref followedWindowSize);

            // animation is finished.
            if ( WinSys.RECT.Diff( oldPos, followedWindowSize ) == 0 )
                // ok, the user just to maximize it, we're gonna give it to him
                WinSys.GetWindowRect( thisHandle, ref thisWindowSize);

                int thisWidth = thisWindowSize.Right - thisWindowSize.Left;

                Left = Math.Max( followedWindowSize.Left - thisWidth, 0 );
                Top = followedWindowSize.Top;
                Height = followedWindowSize.Bottom - followedWindowSize.Top;

                WinSys.SetWindowPos( windowHandle
                            , IntPtr.Zero
                            , followedWindowSize.Left + thisWidth
                            , followedWindowSize.Top
                            , followedWindowSize.Right - followedWindowSize.Left - thisWidth
                            , followedWindowSize.Bottom - followedWindowSize.Top
                            , 0

                WinSys.SetWindowPos( thisHandle
                            , windowHandle
                            , followedWindowSize.Left
                            , followedWindowSize.Top
                            , thisWidth
                            , followedWindowSize.Bottom - followedWindowSize.Top
                            , 0

                currentState = TrackingState.Maximized;
                windowFollowTimer.Interval = windowFollowDelay;

            oldPos = followedWindowSize;
Esempio n. 3
        public ViewWindow()
            watcher = null;

            windowFollowTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
            windowFollowTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(FollowPIDWindow);
            windowFollowTimer.Interval = windowFollowDelay;

            // just to be sure to start with a long timer.
            lastWindowMove = maxWaitDelay + 1;

            followedWindowSize = new WinSys.RECT();
            oldPos = new WinSys.RECT();

            windowInformation = new WinSys.WINDOWPLACEMENT();
            windowInformation.length =     3 * sizeof(int)
                                     + 2 * 2 * sizeof(int)  // POINT
                                     + 1 * 4 * sizeof(int); // RECT
            #if LOGGING
            logEvent( "= Init : " + Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major.ToString() );