Esempio n. 1
 private void BearingMadeInteractions(Clicker clicker)
     if( == "Bearing")
         state = State.RaftDeflated;
         gameGUI.message = "Almost there. Now just fill up the raft with air and sail forward";
Esempio n. 2
 private void PumpClickedInteractions(Clicker clicker)
     if(clicker.gameObject == raft.gameObject)
         gameGUI.message = "A closer inspection reveals that the ball bearing assembly (that keeps the air from going out) " +
                             "has been damaged. You will need to create one. Perhaps you can make use of the items available on " +
                             "the table";
         state = State.RaftChecked;
Esempio n. 3
 public override void Interact(Clicker clicker)
     base.Interact (clicker);
     if(clicker as Shard)
         RaycastHit info;
         beaker.collider.enabled = true;
         if(beaker.collider.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out info, Camera.main.farClipPlane))
             if(!selectedShards.Contains(clicker as Shard))
                 selectedShards.Add (clicker as Shard);
             clicker.transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition).GetPoint(info.distance+0.14f);
             selectedShards.Remove(clicker as Shard);
             MoveToReset component = clicker.gameObject.AddComponent<MoveToReset>();
             component.end = clicker.startPosition;
             component.start = clicker.transform.position;
             component.time = 0.5f;
         beaker.collider.enabled = false;
         currentVolume = 0;
         foreach(Shard shard in selectedShards)
             currentVolume += shard.volume;
         beaker.transform.Find("Water").localScale = new Vector3 (1,1, Mathf.Min (1+currentVolume/20f, 2));
     else if (clicker == furnace)
         if(currentVolume == correctVolume)
             Item ball = Instantiate(ballBearing,, Quaternion.identity) as Item;
    = "Bearing";
             furnace.manager = null;
             foreach(Shard shard in shards)
                 Destroy (shard.gameObject);
             Destroy (this);
             GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent<GameGUI>().message = "Not the correct volume. Try again.";
             AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(wrongClip, beaker.transform.position);
        public override void Interact(Clicker clicker)
            base.Interact (clicker);
            if(clicker as Shard)
                RaycastHit info;
                beaker.collider.enabled = true;
                if(beaker.collider.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out info, Camera.main.farClipPlane))
                    if(!selectedShards.Contains(clicker as Shard))
                        selectedShards.Add (clicker as Shard);
                    clicker.transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition).GetPoint(info.distance+0.14f);
                        LearnedItem item = Instantiate(learnedItem) as LearnedItem;
                        item.message =
                            "Eureka!\n\nYou just learned Archimedes' principle for displacement of volume.\n\n" +
                            "Archimedes was a Greek philosophist who lived during the third century BCE. Perhaps he is best known " +
                            "for proposing a method for computing the volume of arbitrarily shaped bodies through displacement. In this " +
                                "experiment, observe how the water level changes as you put more items into the flask.";
                        learned = true;

                    selectedShards.Remove(clicker as Shard);
                    MoveToReset component = clicker.gameObject.AddComponent<MoveToReset>();
                    component.end = clicker.startPosition;
                    component.start = clicker.transform.position;
                    component.time = 0.5f;
                beaker.collider.enabled = false;
                currentVolume = 0;
                foreach(Shard shard in selectedShards)
                    currentVolume += shard.volume;
                beaker.transform.Find("Water").localScale = new Vector3 (1,1, 1+currentVolume/20f);
Esempio n. 5
 public virtual void Interact(Clicker clicker)
Esempio n. 6
 private void StartInteractions(Clicker clicker)
Esempio n. 7
 private void FinishInteractions(Clicker clicker)
Esempio n. 8
 public override void Interact(Clicker clicker)
Esempio n. 9
 private void RaftCheckedInteractions(Clicker clicker)
     if( == "Bearing")
         state = State.BearingMade;
         (clicker as Item).target = raft.collider;
         (clicker as Item).manager = this;
         AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(foundClip, raft.transform.position);
         GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent<InventoryManager>().Interact(clicker as Item);
         gameGUI.message =
             "Well done!\n" +
             "You managed to create a ball bearing of the appropriate size. The shiny new ball has been added to your inventory. " +
                 "We should be able to fix the raft using it.";
Esempio n. 10
 private void StartInteractions(Clicker clicker)
     if(clicker.gameObject == raft.gameObject)
         state = State.RaftClicked;
         gameGUI.message = "It appears the raft has lost much of its air. There is a pump nearby. Maybe you can pump some air in.";
Esempio n. 11
 private void RaftInflatedInteractions(Clicker clicker)
     if(clicker.gameObject == raft.gameObject)
         GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform.position = targetLocation.position;
         GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform.rotation = targetLocation.rotation;
         gameGUI.message = "Quest completed! You were able to successfully apply Archimedes' principle to fix your raft. Great job.\n\n<-- End of Game -->";
         state = State.Finish;
         AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(successClip, targetLocation.position);
Esempio n. 12
 private void RaftDeflatedInteractions(Clicker clicker)
     if(clicker.gameObject == pump.gameObject)
         pump.animation.Play ("Pump");
         AnimateDelayed component = raft.gameObject.AddComponent<AnimateDelayed>();
         component.time = 1;
         component.clip = "Inflate";
         state = State.RaftInflated;
         AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(leverClip, pump.transform.position);
Esempio n. 13
        private void RaftClickedInteractions(Clicker clicker)
            if(clicker.gameObject == pump.gameObject)

                pump.gameObject.animation.Play ("Pump");
                AnimateDelayed component = raft.gameObject.AddComponent<AnimateDelayed>();
                component.time = 1;
                component.clip = "InflateDeflate";
                gameGUI.message = "Awesome! The pump inflated the raft, but it has soon deflated again. Perhaps something is wrong with the raft";
                state = State.PumpClicked;
                AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(leverClip, pump.transform.position);