public void Render(DrawArgs drawArgs) { if ((DrawArgs.WorldWindow != null) && (DrawArgs.WorldWindow.MenuBar.Anchor == MenuAnchor.Bottom)) { this.Top = 0; this.Bottom = drawArgs.screenHeight - 120; } else { this.Top = 120; this.Bottom = drawArgs.screenHeight - 1; } MenuUtils.DrawBox(Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top, 0.0f, World.Settings.menuBackColor, drawArgs.device); RenderContents(drawArgs); outlineVerts[0].X = Left; outlineVerts[0].Y = Top; outlineVerts[1].X = Right; outlineVerts[1].Y = Top; outlineVerts[2].X = Right; outlineVerts[2].Y = Bottom; outlineVerts[3].X = Left; outlineVerts[3].Y = Bottom; outlineVerts[4].X = Left; outlineVerts[4].Y = Top; MenuUtils.DrawLine(outlineVerts, World.Settings.menuOutlineColor, drawArgs.device); }
public override void RenderContents(DrawArgs drawArgs) { m_DrawArgs = drawArgs; try { if (itemFont == null) { itemFont = drawArgs.CreateFont(World.Settings.LayerManagerFontName, World.Settings.LayerManagerFontSize, World.Settings.LayerManagerFontStyle); // TODO: Fix wingdings menu problems System.Drawing.Font localHeaderFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 12.0f, FontStyle.Italic | FontStyle.Bold); headerFont = new Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Font(drawArgs.device, localHeaderFont); System.Drawing.Font wingdings = new System.Drawing.Font("Wingdings", 12.0f); wingdingsFont = new Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Font(drawArgs.device, wingdings); AddFontResource(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "World Wind Dings 1.04.ttf")); System.Drawing.Text.PrivateFontCollection fpc = new System.Drawing.Text.PrivateFontCollection(); fpc.AddFontFile(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "World Wind Dings 1.04.ttf")); System.Drawing.Font worldwinddings = new System.Drawing.Font(fpc.Families[0], 12.0f); worldwinddingsFont = new Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Font(drawArgs.device, worldwinddings); } this.updateList(); this.worldwinddingsFont.DrawText( null, "E", new System.Drawing.Rectangle(this.Right - 16, this.Top + 2, 20, topBorder), DrawTextFormat.None, TextColor); int numItems = GetNumberOfUncollapsedItems(); int totalHeight = GetItemsHeight(drawArgs); //numItems * ItemHeight; showScrollbar = totalHeight > ClientHeight; if (showScrollbar) { double percentHeight = (double)ClientHeight / totalHeight; int scrollbarHeight = (int)(ClientHeight * percentHeight); int maxScroll = totalHeight - ClientHeight; if (scrollBarPosition < 0) { scrollBarPosition = 0; } else if (scrollBarPosition > maxScroll) { scrollBarPosition = maxScroll; } // Smooth scroll const float scrollSpeed = 0.3f; float smoothScrollDelta = (scrollBarPosition - scrollSmoothPosition) * scrollSpeed; float absDelta = Math.Abs(smoothScrollDelta); if (absDelta > 100f || absDelta < 3f) { // Scroll > 100 pixels and < 1.5 pixels faster smoothScrollDelta = (scrollBarPosition - scrollSmoothPosition) * (float)Math.Sqrt(scrollSpeed); } scrollSmoothPosition += smoothScrollDelta; if (scrollSmoothPosition > maxScroll) { scrollSmoothPosition = maxScroll; } int scrollPos = (int)((float)percentHeight * scrollBarPosition); int color = isScrolling ? World.Settings.scrollbarHotColor : World.Settings.scrollbarColor; MenuUtils.DrawBox( Right - ScrollBarSize + 2, ClientTop + scrollPos, ScrollBarSize - 3, scrollbarHeight + 1, 0.0f, color, drawArgs.device); scrollbarLine[0].X = this.Right - ScrollBarSize; scrollbarLine[0].Y = this.ClientTop; scrollbarLine[1].X = this.Right - ScrollBarSize; scrollbarLine[1].Y = this.Bottom; MenuUtils.DrawLine(scrollbarLine, DialogColor, drawArgs.device); } this.headerFont.DrawText( null, "Layer Manager", new System.Drawing.Rectangle(Left + 5, Top + 1, Width, topBorder - 2), DrawTextFormat.VerticalCenter, TextColor); Microsoft.DirectX.Vector2[] headerLinePoints = new Microsoft.DirectX.Vector2[2]; headerLinePoints[0].X = this.Left; headerLinePoints[0].Y = this.Top + topBorder - 1; headerLinePoints[1].X = this.Right; headerLinePoints[1].Y = this.Top + topBorder - 1; MenuUtils.DrawLine(headerLinePoints, DialogColor, drawArgs.device); int runningItemHeight = 0; if (showScrollbar) { runningItemHeight = -(int)Math.Round(scrollSmoothPosition); } // Set the Direct3D viewport to match the layer manager client area // to clip the text to the window when scrolling Viewport lmClientAreaViewPort = new Viewport(); lmClientAreaViewPort.X = ClientLeft; lmClientAreaViewPort.Y = ClientTop; lmClientAreaViewPort.Width = ClientWidth; lmClientAreaViewPort.Height = ClientHeight; Viewport defaultViewPort = drawArgs.device.Viewport; drawArgs.device.Viewport = lmClientAreaViewPort; for (int i = 0; i < _itemList.Count; i++) { if (runningItemHeight > ClientHeight) { // No more space for items break; } LayerMenuItem lmi = (LayerMenuItem)_itemList[i]; runningItemHeight += lmi.Render( drawArgs, ClientLeft, ClientTop, runningItemHeight, ClientWidth, ClientBottom, itemFont, wingdingsFont, worldwinddingsFont, MouseOverItem); } drawArgs.device.Viewport = defaultViewPort; } catch (Exception caught) { Log.Write(caught); } }
public int Render(DrawArgs drawArgs, int x, int y, int yOffset, int width, int height, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Font drawingFont, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Font wingdingsFont, Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Font worldwinddingsFont, LayerMenuItem mouseOverItem) { if (ParentControl == null) { ParentControl = drawArgs.parentControl; } this._x = x; this._y = y + yOffset; this._width = width; int consumedHeight = 20; System.Drawing.Rectangle textRect = drawingFont.MeasureString(null, m_renderableObject.Name, DrawTextFormat.None, System.Drawing.Color.White.ToArgb()); consumedHeight = textRect.Height; if (m_renderableObject.Description != null && m_renderableObject.Description.Length > 0 && !(m_renderableObject is WorldWind.Renderable.Icon)) { System.Drawing.SizeF rectF = DrawArgs.Graphics.MeasureString( m_renderableObject.Description, drawArgs.defaultSubTitleFont, width - (this._itemXOffset + this._expandArrowXSize + this._checkBoxXOffset) ); consumedHeight += (int)rectF.Height + 15; } lastConsumedHeight = consumedHeight; // Layer manager client area height int totalHeight = height - y; updateList(); if (yOffset >= -consumedHeight) { // Part of item or whole item visible int color = m_renderableObject.IsOn ? itemOnColor : itemOffColor; if (mouseOverItem == this) { if (!m_renderableObject.IsOn) { // mouseover + inactive color (black) color = 0xff << 24; } MenuUtils.DrawBox(m_parent.ClientLeft, _y, m_parent.ClientWidth, consumedHeight, 0, World.Settings.menuOutlineColor, drawArgs.device); } if (m_renderableObject is WorldWind.Renderable.RenderableObjectList) { RenderableObjectList rol = (RenderableObjectList)m_renderableObject; if (!rol.DisableExpansion) { worldwinddingsFont.DrawText( null, (this.isExpanded ? "L" : "A"), new System.Drawing.Rectangle(x + this._itemXOffset, _y, this._expandArrowXSize, height), DrawTextFormat.None, color); } } string checkSymbol = null; if (m_renderableObject.ParentList != null && m_renderableObject.ParentList.ShowOnlyOneLayer) { // Radio check checkSymbol = m_renderableObject.IsOn ? "O" : "P"; } else { // Normal check checkSymbol = m_renderableObject.IsOn ? "N" : "F"; } worldwinddingsFont.DrawText( null, checkSymbol, new System.Drawing.Rectangle( x + this._itemXOffset + this._expandArrowXSize, _y, this._checkBoxXOffset, height), DrawTextFormat.NoClip, color); drawingFont.DrawText( null, m_renderableObject.Name, new System.Drawing.Rectangle( x + this._itemXOffset + this._expandArrowXSize + this._checkBoxXOffset, _y, width - (this._itemXOffset + this._expandArrowXSize + this._checkBoxXOffset), height), DrawTextFormat.None, color); if (m_renderableObject.Description != null && m_renderableObject.Description.Length > 0 && !(m_renderableObject is WorldWind.Renderable.Icon)) { drawArgs.defaultSubTitleDrawingFont.DrawText( null, m_renderableObject.Description, new System.Drawing.Rectangle( x + this._itemXOffset + this._expandArrowXSize + this._checkBoxXOffset, _y + textRect.Height, width - (_itemXOffset + _expandArrowXSize + _checkBoxXOffset), height), DrawTextFormat.WordBreak, System.Drawing.Color.Gray.ToArgb()); } if (m_renderableObject.MetaData.Contains("InfoUri")) { Vector2[] underlineVerts = new Vector2[2]; underlineVerts[0].X = x + this._itemXOffset + this._expandArrowXSize + this._checkBoxXOffset; underlineVerts[0].Y = _y + textRect.Height; underlineVerts[1].X = underlineVerts[0].X + textRect.Width; underlineVerts[1].Y = _y + textRect.Height; MenuUtils.DrawLine(underlineVerts, color, drawArgs.device); } } if (isExpanded) { for (int i = 0; i < m_subItems.Count; i++) { int yRealOffset = yOffset + consumedHeight; if (yRealOffset > totalHeight) { // No more space for items break; } LayerMenuItem lmi = (LayerMenuItem)m_subItems[i]; consumedHeight += lmi.Render( drawArgs, x + _subItemXIndent, y, yRealOffset, width - _subItemXIndent, height, drawingFont, wingdingsFont, worldwinddingsFont, mouseOverItem); } } return(consumedHeight); }
public void Render(DrawArgs drawArgs) { if (m_sprite == null) { m_sprite = new Sprite(drawArgs.device); } if (mouseCursor != CursorType.Arrow) { DrawArgs.MouseCursor = mouseCursor; } foreach (MenuButton button in m_toolsMenuButtons) { if (button.IsPushed()) { // Does not render the button, but the functionality behind the button button.Render(drawArgs); } } foreach (MenuButton button in m_toolsMenuButtons) { button.Update(drawArgs); } foreach (MenuButton button in m_layersMenuButtons) { button.Update(drawArgs); } if (!World.Settings.showToolbar) { return; } if (this._isHideable) { if (this._visibleState == VisibleState.NotVisible) { if ( (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Top && DrawArgs.LastMousePosition.Y < MenuButton.NormalSize) || (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Bottom && DrawArgs.LastMousePosition.Y > drawArgs.screenHeight - MenuButton.NormalSize) || (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Right && DrawArgs.LastMousePosition.X > drawArgs.screenWidth - MenuButton.NormalSize) ) { this._visibleState = VisibleState.Ascending; this._lastVisibleChange = System.DateTime.Now; } } else if ( (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Top && DrawArgs.LastMousePosition.Y > 2 * this._outerPadding + MenuButton.NormalSize) || (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Bottom && DrawArgs.LastMousePosition.Y < drawArgs.screenHeight - 2 * this._outerPadding - MenuButton.NormalSize) || (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Right && DrawArgs.LastMousePosition.X < drawArgs.screenWidth - MenuButton.NormalSize) ) { if (this._visibleState == VisibleState.Visible) { this._visibleState = VisibleState.Descending; this._lastVisibleChange = System.DateTime.Now; } else if (this._visibleState == VisibleState.Descending) { if (System.DateTime.Now.Subtract(this._lastVisibleChange) > System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(hideTimeMilliseconds)) { this._visibleState = VisibleState.NotVisible; this._lastVisibleChange = System.DateTime.Now; } } } else if (this._visibleState == VisibleState.Ascending) { if (System.DateTime.Now.Subtract(this._lastVisibleChange) > System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(hideTimeMilliseconds)) { this._visibleState = VisibleState.Visible; this._lastVisibleChange = System.DateTime.Now; } } else if (this._visibleState == VisibleState.Descending) { if (System.DateTime.Now.Subtract(this._lastVisibleChange) > System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(hideTimeMilliseconds)) { this._visibleState = VisibleState.NotVisible; this._lastVisibleChange = System.DateTime.Now; } } } else { this._visibleState = VisibleState.Visible; } int totalNumberButtons = m_toolsMenuButtons.Count + m_layersMenuButtons.Count; MenuButton.NormalSize = MenuButton.SelectedSize / 2; _outerPadding = MenuButton.NormalSize * padRatio; float menuWidth = (MenuButton.NormalSize + _outerPadding) * totalNumberButtons + _outerPadding; if (menuWidth > drawArgs.screenWidth) { MenuButton.NormalSize = (drawArgs.screenWidth) / ((padRatio + 1) * totalNumberButtons + padRatio); _outerPadding = MenuButton.NormalSize * padRatio; // recalc menuWidth if we want to center the toolbar menuWidth = (MenuButton.NormalSize + _outerPadding) * totalNumberButtons + _outerPadding; } if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Left) { x = 0; y = (int)MenuButton.NormalSize; } else if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Right) { x = (int)(drawArgs.screenWidth - 2 * _outerPadding - MenuButton.NormalSize); y = (int)MenuButton.NormalSize; } else if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Top) { x = (int)(drawArgs.screenWidth / 2 - totalNumberButtons * MenuButton.NormalSize / 2 - _outerPadding); y = 0; } else if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Bottom) { x = (int)(drawArgs.screenWidth / 2 - totalNumberButtons * MenuButton.NormalSize / 2 - _outerPadding); y = (int)(drawArgs.screenHeight - 2 * _outerPadding - MenuButton.NormalSize); } if (this._visibleState == VisibleState.Ascending) { TimeSpan t = System.DateTime.Now.Subtract(this._lastVisibleChange); if (t.Milliseconds < hideTimeMilliseconds) { double percent = (double)t.Milliseconds / hideTimeMilliseconds; int dx = (int)((MenuButton.NormalSize + 5) - (percent * (MenuButton.NormalSize + 5))); if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Left) { x -= dx; } else if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Right) { x += dx; } else if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Top) { y -= dx; } else if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Bottom) { y += dx; } } } else if (this._visibleState == VisibleState.Descending) { TimeSpan t = System.DateTime.Now.Subtract(this._lastVisibleChange); if (t.Milliseconds < hideTimeMilliseconds) { double percent = (double)t.Milliseconds / hideTimeMilliseconds; int dx = (int)((percent * (MenuButton.NormalSize + 5))); if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Left) { x -= dx; } else if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Right) { x += dx; } else if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Top) { y -= dx; } else if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Bottom) { y += dx; } } } lock (m_toolsMenuButtons.SyncRoot) { MenuButton selectedButton = null; if (_curSelection >= 0 & _curSelection < totalNumberButtons) { if (_curSelection < m_toolsMenuButtons.Count) { selectedButton = (MenuButton)m_toolsMenuButtons[_curSelection]; } else { selectedButton = (MenuButton)m_layersMenuButtons[_curSelection - m_toolsMenuButtons.Count]; } } //_outerPadding = MenuButton.NormalSize*padRatio; //float menuWidth = (MenuButton.NormalSize+_outerPadding)*totalNumberButtons+_outerPadding; //if(menuWidth>drawArgs.screenWidth) //{ // //MessageBox.Show(drawArgs.screenWidth.ToString()); // MenuButton.NormalSize = (drawArgs.screenWidth)/((padRatio+1)*totalNumberButtons+padRatio); // //MessageBox.Show(MenuButton.NormalSize.ToString()); // _outerPadding = MenuButton.NormalSize*padRatio; //} if (this._visibleState != VisibleState.NotVisible) { if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Top) { MenuUtils.DrawBox(0, 0, drawArgs.screenWidth, (int)(MenuButton.NormalSize + 2 * _outerPadding), 0.0f, World.Settings.toolBarBackColor, drawArgs.device); } else if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Bottom) { MenuUtils.DrawBox(0, (int)(y - _outerPadding), drawArgs.screenWidth, (int)(MenuButton.NormalSize + 4 * _outerPadding), 0.0f, World.Settings.toolBarBackColor, drawArgs.device); } } float total = 0; float extra = 0; for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberButtons; i++) { MenuButton button; if (i < m_toolsMenuButtons.Count) { button = (MenuButton)m_toolsMenuButtons[i]; } else { button = (MenuButton)m_layersMenuButtons[i - m_toolsMenuButtons.Count]; } total += button.CurrentSize; extra += button.CurrentSize - MenuButton.NormalSize; } float pad = ((float)_outerPadding * (totalNumberButtons + 1) - extra) / (totalNumberButtons + 1); float buttonX = pad; // TODO - to center the menubar set the buttonX to center-half toolbar width // float buttonX = (drawArgs.screenWidth - menuWidth) / 2; m_sprite.Begin(SpriteFlags.AlphaBlend); for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberButtons; i++) { MenuButton button; if (i < m_toolsMenuButtons.Count) { button = (MenuButton)m_toolsMenuButtons[i]; } else { button = (MenuButton)m_layersMenuButtons[i - m_toolsMenuButtons.Count]; } if (button.IconTexture == null) { button.InitializeTexture(drawArgs.device); } if (this._visibleState != VisibleState.NotVisible) { int centerX = (int)(buttonX + button.CurrentSize * 0.5f); buttonX += button.CurrentSize + pad; float buttonTopY = y + _outerPadding; if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Bottom) { buttonTopY = (int)(drawArgs.screenHeight - _outerPadding - button.CurrentSize); } if (button.IsPushed()) { // Draw the chevron float chevronSize = button.CurrentSize * padRatio; enabledChevron[0].Color = chevronColor; enabledChevron[1].Color = chevronColor; enabledChevron[2].Color = chevronColor; if (m_anchor == MenuAnchor.Bottom) { enabledChevron[2].X = centerX - chevronSize; enabledChevron[2].Y = y - 2; enabledChevron[2].Z = 0.0f; enabledChevron[0].X = centerX; enabledChevron[0].Y = y - 2 + chevronSize; enabledChevron[0].Z = 0.0f; enabledChevron[1].X = centerX + chevronSize; enabledChevron[1].Y = y - 2; enabledChevron[1].Z = 0.0f; } else { enabledChevron[2].X = centerX - chevronSize; enabledChevron[2].Y = y + 2; enabledChevron[2].Z = 0.0f; enabledChevron[0].X = centerX; enabledChevron[0].Y = y + 2 + chevronSize; enabledChevron[0].Z = 0.0f; enabledChevron[1].X = centerX + chevronSize; enabledChevron[1].Y = y + 2; enabledChevron[1].Z = 0.0f; } drawArgs.device.VertexFormat = CustomVertex.TransformedColored.Format; drawArgs.device.TextureState[0].ColorOperation = TextureOperation.Disable; drawArgs.device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 1, enabledChevron); drawArgs.device.TextureState[0].ColorOperation = TextureOperation.SelectArg1; } button.RenderEnabledIcon( m_sprite, drawArgs, centerX, buttonTopY, i == this._curSelection, m_anchor); } } m_sprite.End(); } }