Esempio n. 1
 public DestroyAfterSecondsClass(LoadingHandler.LoadObjectFromBundle gameObject, int seconds)
     this.GameObject = gameObject;
     this.Seconds    = seconds;
Esempio n. 2
        public void OnGUI()
            if (!WorldEditor.Instance.Enabled)

                Vector3 playerloc = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(transform.localPosition);

                if (SpawnedObject != null && SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate != null)
                    Collider collider    = SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.collider;
                    bool     hascollider = false;
                    if (collider != null)
                        hascollider = SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate

                    GUI.Label(new Rect(0, Screen.height - 100, Screen.width, 20), "POS:"
                              + SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate
                              + " ROT:" + SpawnedObject
                              + " Size:" +
                              + " Col: " +
                              hascollider, style2);

                string prefab = "";
                if (ShowList)
                    int selectedItemIndex = comboBoxControl.Show();
                    if (comboBoxList[selectedItemIndex] != null)
                        prefab = comboBoxList[selectedItemIndex].text;

                GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 60, 140, 90), "Object Spawn");
                GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height - Screen.height + 10, 200, 30),
                          string.Format("<b><color=#298A08>" + prefab + "</color></b> "));

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 0, 120, 20), "Fly (" + flySpeed + ")"))
                    _fly = !_fly;
                    if (_fly)
                        this.localPlayerClient = PlayerClient.GetLocalPlayer();
                        this.controllable      = this.localPlayerClient.controllable;
                        this.localCharacter    = this.controllable.character;
                        this.localController   = this.localCharacter.controller as HumanController;

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 80, 120, 20), "Spawn"))
                        TempGameObject = new GameObject();
                        SpawnedObject  = TempGameObject.AddComponent <LoadingHandler.LoadObjectFromBundle>();
                        SpawnedObject.Create(prefab, WorldEditor.Instance.PrefabBundleDictionary[prefab],
                                             new Vector3(playerloc.x + 10f, playerloc.y, playerloc.z + 10f),
                                             new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f),
                                             new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f));
                        Screen.lockCursor = true;
                        Rust.Notice.Inventory("", "Failed to create prefab!");
                        // ignore

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 100, 120, 20), "Destroy"))
                    if (SpawnedObject != null && SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate != null)
                        SpawnedObject = null;
                        TempGameObject = null;

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 120, 120, 20), "Player loc"))
                    var b = File.Exists(RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.GameDirectory +
                    string text = "";

                    if (!b)
                        File.Create(RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.GameDirectory +
                        text = File.ReadAllText(RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.GameDirectory +
                    text += "X: " + playerloc.x + ", Y: " + playerloc.y + ", Z: " + playerloc.z + "\r\n";
                        RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.GameDirectory + "\\RB_Data\\WorldEditor\\PlayerLocation.txt", text);

                GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 170, 140, 120), "File Manager");
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 190, 120, 20), "SAVE CURRENT"))
                    if (SpawnedObject != null && SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate != null)
                        string line = "" + WorldEditor.Instance.PrefabBundleDictionary[SpawnedObject.Name] + ":" +
                                      SpawnedObject.Name + ":" +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.y.ToString() + "," +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.z.ToString() + ":" +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.y.ToString() + "," +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.z.ToString() + "," +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.w.ToString() + ":" +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.localScale.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.localScale.y.ToString() + "," +

                        var file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(WorldEditor.Instance.SavedObjectsPath, true);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 210, 120, 20), "SAVEALL"))
                    foreach (var x in WorldEditor.Instance.AllSpawnedObjects)
                        string line = "" + x.Name + ":" +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.y.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.z.ToString() + ":" +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.y.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.z.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.w.ToString() + ":" +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.localScale.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.localScale.y.ToString() + "," +

                        var file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(WorldEditor.Instance.SavedObjectsPath, true);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 230, 120, 20), "CLEAR & SAVEALL"))
                    File.WriteAllText(WorldEditor.Instance.SavedObjectsPath, string.Empty);
                    foreach (var x in WorldEditor.Instance.AllSpawnedObjects)
                        string line = "" + WorldEditor.Instance.PrefabBundleDictionary[x.Name] + ":" + x.Name + ":" +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.y.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position.z.ToString() + ":" +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.y.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.z.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation.w.ToString() + ":" +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.localScale.x.ToString() + "," +
                                      x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.localScale.y.ToString() + "," +

                        var file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(WorldEditor.Instance.SavedObjectsPath, true);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 250, 120, 20), "CLEAR & DESTROY"))
                    File.WriteAllText(WorldEditor.Instance.SavedObjectsPath, string.Empty);
                    foreach (var x in WorldEditor.Instance.AllSpawnedObjects)


                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 270, 120, 20), "LOAD FILE"))
                    var last = SpawnedObject;
                    foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(WorldEditor.Instance.SavedObjectsPath))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))

                        string[] pares = line.Split(':');

                        var nombre = pares[0];
                        var loc    = pares[1];
                        var qua    = pares[2];
                        var siz    = pares[3];

                        // Position
                        string[] locsplit = loc.ToString().Split(',');
                        float    posx     = float.Parse(locsplit[0]);
                        float    posy     = float.Parse(locsplit[1]);
                        float    posz     = float.Parse(locsplit[2]);

                        // Quaternion
                        string[] quasplit = qua.ToString().Split(',');
                        float    quax     = float.Parse(quasplit[0]);
                        float    quay     = float.Parse(quasplit[1]);
                        float    quaz     = float.Parse(quasplit[2]);
                        float    quaw     = float.Parse(quasplit[3]);

                        // Size
                        string[] sizsplit = siz.ToString().Split(',');
                        float    sizx     = float.Parse(sizsplit[0]);
                        float    sizy     = float.Parse(sizsplit[1]);
                        float    sizz     = float.Parse(sizsplit[2]);

                        TempGameObject = new GameObject();
                        SpawnedObject  = TempGameObject.AddComponent <LoadingHandler.LoadObjectFromBundle>();
                        SpawnedObject.Create(nombre, WorldEditor.Instance.PrefabBundleDictionary[nombre],
                                             new Vector3(posx, posy, posz), new Quaternion(quax, quay, quaz, quaw),
                                             new Vector3(sizx, sizy, sizz));

                    SpawnedObject = last;

                GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 310, 140, 120), "Object Control");

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 330, 120, 20), "To Me"))
                    if (SpawnedObject != null && SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate != null)
                        SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position = playerloc;

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 350, 120, 20), "Reset Rot"))
                    if (SpawnedObject != null && SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate != null)
                        SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 370, 120, 20), "Collider"))
                    if (SpawnedObject != null && SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate != null)
                        Collider collider = SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.collider;
                        if (collider != null)
                            SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.collider.enabled =

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 390, 120, 20), "Select Object"))
                    if (RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LocalPlayer != null)
                        if (WorldEditor.Instance.AllSpawnedObjects.Count == 0)
                            Rust.Notice.Inventory("", "We got no spawned objects buddy!");

                        //RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test12");
                        var     player     = RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LocalPlayer;
                        Vector3 pos        = player.controllable.character.transform.position;
                        Vector3 eyesOrigin = player.controllable.character.eyesOrigin;
                        Vector3 direction  = player.controllable.character.eyesRay.direction;

                        RaycastHit[] hitArray = Physics.RaycastAll(eyesOrigin, direction, 60f);

                        LoadingHandler.LoadObjectFromBundle obj = null;
                        float dist = float.MaxValue;

                        RaycastHit closesthit = new RaycastHit();
                        closesthit.distance = -1;
                        float hitdist = float.MaxValue;
                        //RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test1233333");
                        foreach (var hit in hitArray)
                            if (hit.distance < hitdist)
                                closesthit = hit;
                                hitdist    = hit.distance;

                        if (closesthit.distance >= 0f)
                            foreach (var x in WorldEditor.Instance.AllSpawnedObjects)
                                    //RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "dist2");
                                    float dist2 = Vector3.Distance(closesthit.transform.position,

                                    //RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "playerdist");
                                    float playerdist = Vector3.Distance(pos, x.ObjectInstantiate.transform.position);

                                    //RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "boom");
                                    if (dist2 < dist && playerdist <= 60f)
                                        //RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "boom2");
                                        dist = dist2;
                                        obj  = x;
                                    // probably hit a rust object, avoid it.

                        if (obj != null)
                            SpawnedObject = obj;
                            Rust.Notice.Inventory("", "Found the closest object to you hopefully.");
                            Rust.Notice.Inventory("", "Couldn't find anything.");

                    /*RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test1");
                     * if (RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LocalPlayer != null)
                     * {
                     *  RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test12");
                     *  var player = RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LocalPlayer;
                     *  Vector3 eyesOrigin = player.controllable.character.eyesOrigin;
                     *  Vector3 direction = player.controllable.character.eyesRay.direction;
                     *  RaycastHit[] hitArray = Physics.RaycastAll(eyesOrigin, direction, 60f);
                     *  foreach (RaycastHit hit in hitArray)
                     *  {
                     *      RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test32 " + hit.collider.GetComponent<LoadingHandler.CustomObjectIdentifier>());
                     *      RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test32 " + hit.collider.gameObject);
                     *      RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test3 " + hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<LoadingHandler.CustomObjectIdentifier>());
                     *      if (hit.collider != null && hit.collider.gameObject != null && hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<LoadingHandler.CustomObjectIdentifier>() != null)
                     *      {
                     *          RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("test", "test4 " +;
                     *          var data = hit.collider.gameObject
                     *              .GetComponent<LoadingHandler.CustomObjectIdentifier>();
                     *          SpawnedObject = data.BundleClass;
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     * }*/

                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 410, 120, 20), "Toggle Animation"))
                    if (SpawnedObject.ObjectInstantiate.animation.isPlaying)

                const string a = "LIST (LControl + LAlt)" + "\n \n" +
                                 "POSx + (NUMPAD 1)" + "\n" +
                                 "POSx - (NUMPAD 2)" + "\n" +
                                 "POSz + (NUMPAD 4)" + "\n" +
                                 "POSz - (NUMPAD 5)" + "\n" +
                                 "POSy + (NUMPAD 7)" + "\n" +
                                 "POSy - (NUMPAD 8)" + "\n \n" +
                                 "ROTx + (UP)" + "\n" +
                                 "ROTx - (DOWN)" + "\n" +
                                 "ROTy + (LEFT)" + "\n" +
                                 "ROTy - (RIGTH)" + "\n \n" +
                                 "ROTz + (NUMPAD 3)" + "\n" +
                                 "ROTz - (NUMPAD Intro)" + "\n \n" +
                                 "SIZE + (NUMPAD *)" + "\n" +
                                 "SIZE - (NUMPAD -)";
                GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 430, 600, 600), a);
            catch (Exception ex)
                RustBuster2016.API.Hooks.LogData("Error", "Something is wrong with the gui: " + ex);
Esempio n. 3
//        private void HooksOnOnRustBusterClientMove(HumanController hc, Character ch, int num)
//        {
//            if (!_openedLinks)
//            {
//                foreach (var missingBundle in _missingBundles)
//                {
//                    Process.Start(_missingBundleDict[missingBundle]);
//                }

//                _openedLinks = true;
//            }

//            SendMessageToServer("worldedit_kick");
//        }

        private void OnRustBusterClientConsole(string msg)
            if (msg.Contains("worldedit_spawn"))
                var splitted = msg.Split('|');
                splitted[1] = Base64Decode(splitted[1]);

                string[] pares = splitted[1].Split(':');

                var nombre = pares[1];
                var loc    = pares[2];
                var qua    = pares[3];
                var siz    = pares[4];

                // Position
                string[] locsplit = loc.ToString().Split(',');
                float    posx     = float.Parse(locsplit[0]);
                float    posy     = float.Parse(locsplit[1]);
                float    posz     = float.Parse(locsplit[2]);

                // Quaternion
                string[] quasplit = qua.ToString().Split(',');
                float    quax     = float.Parse(quasplit[0]);
                float    quay     = float.Parse(quasplit[1]);
                float    quaz     = float.Parse(quasplit[2]);
                float    quaw     = float.Parse(quasplit[3]);

                // Size
                string[] sizsplit = siz.ToString().Split(',');
                float    sizx     = float.Parse(sizsplit[0]);
                float    sizy     = float.Parse(sizsplit[1]);
                float    sizz     = float.Parse(sizsplit[2]);

                GameObject TempGameObject = new GameObject();
                LoadingHandler.LoadObjectFromBundle SpawnedObject =
                    TempGameObject.AddComponent <LoadingHandler.LoadObjectFromBundle>();
                SpawnedObject.Create(nombre, pares[0], new Vector3(posx, posy, posz),
                                     new Quaternion(quax, quay, quaz, quaw),
                                     new Vector3(sizx, sizy, sizz));
            else if (msg.Contains("worldedit_timedspawn"))
                if (_dasc != null)
                    if (_dasc.StillAlive)

                var splitted = msg.Split('|');
                splitted[2] = Base64Decode(splitted[2]);

                string[] pares = splitted[2].Split(':');

                var nombre = pares[1];
                var loc    = pares[2];
                var qua    = pares[3];
                var siz    = pares[4];

                // Position
                string[] locsplit = loc.ToString().Split(',');
                float    posx     = float.Parse(locsplit[0]);
                float    posy     = float.Parse(locsplit[1]);
                float    posz     = float.Parse(locsplit[2]);

                // Quaternion
                string[] quasplit = qua.ToString().Split(',');
                float    quax     = float.Parse(quasplit[0]);
                float    quay     = float.Parse(quasplit[1]);
                float    quaz     = float.Parse(quasplit[2]);
                float    quaw     = float.Parse(quasplit[3]);

                // Size
                string[] sizsplit = siz.ToString().Split(',');
                float    sizx     = float.Parse(sizsplit[0]);
                float    sizy     = float.Parse(sizsplit[1]);
                float    sizz     = float.Parse(sizsplit[2]);

                GameObject TempGameObject = new GameObject();
                LoadingHandler.LoadObjectFromBundle SpawnedObject =
                    TempGameObject.AddComponent <LoadingHandler.LoadObjectFromBundle>();
                SpawnedObject.Create(nombre, pares[0], new Vector3(posx, posy, posz),
                                     new Quaternion(quax, quay, quaz, quaw),
                                     new Vector3(sizx, sizy, sizz));
//                Debug.Log("Spawned.");

                _dasc = new DestroyAfterSecondsClass(SpawnedObject, int.Parse(splitted[1]));
                _dasc.StillAlive = true;
Esempio n. 4
 public TimedSpawn(LoadingHandler.LoadObjectFromBundle objectToSpawn, float seconds, bool destroy)
     ObjectToSpawn = objectToSpawn;
     Seconds       = seconds;
     Destroy_      = destroy;