Esempio n. 1
        private void LoadModuleState(ConfigNode node)
            if (node.HasValue("progress"))
                float.TryParse(node.GetValue("progress"), out progress);
            if (node.HasValue("lastUpdateTime"))
                double.TryParse(node.GetValue("lastUpdateTime"), out lastUpdateTime);
            if (node.HasValue("KACAlarmID"))
                KACAlarmID = node.GetValue("KACAlarmID");

            foreach (ConfigNode cn in node.nodes)
                if ( == "ProcessedItem")
                    _processedItem = new WorkshopItem();
                if ( == "ProcessedBlueprint")
                    _processedBlueprint = new Blueprint();
                if ( == "Queue")
Esempio n. 2
        private void FinishManufacturing()
            var destinationInventory = AddToContainer(_processedItem);

            if (destinationInventory != null)
                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("3D Printing of " + _processedItem.Part.title + " finished.", 5, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
                _processedItem      = null;
                _processedBlueprint = null;
                progress            = 0;
                Status = "Online";

                if (Animate && _heatAnimation != null && _workAnimation != null)
                Status = "Not enough free space";

Esempio n. 3
 void DrawMouseOverItem(WorkshopItem mouseOverItem, W_KIS_Item mouseOverItemKIS)
     // Tooltip
     adjustedProductivity = WorkshopUtils.GetProductivityBonus(part, ExperienceEffect, SpecialistEfficiencyFactor, ProductivityFactor, WorkshopUtils.ProductivityType.recycler);
     if (mouseOverItem != null)
         var blueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(mouseOverItem.Part);
         foreach (var resource in blueprint)
             resource.Units *= ConversionRate;
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 80, 100, 100), mouseOverItem.Icon.texture);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(310, 80, 150, 100), WorkshopUtils.GetKisStats(mouseOverItem.Part), UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(470, 80, 150, 100), blueprint.Print(WorkshopUtils.ProductivityType.recycler, adjustedProductivity), UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 190, 420, 25), mouseOverItem.Part.title, UI.UIStyles.TitleDescriptionStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 220, 420, 110), mouseOverItem.Part.description, UI.UIStyles.TooltipDescriptionStyle);
     else if (mouseOverItemKIS != null)
         var blueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(mouseOverItemKIS.availablePart);
         foreach (var resource in blueprint)
             resource.Units *= ConversionRate;
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 80, 100, 100), mouseOverItemKIS.Icon.texture);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(310, 80, 150, 100), WorkshopUtils.GetKisStats(mouseOverItemKIS.availablePart), UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(470, 80, 150, 100), blueprint.Print(WorkshopUtils.ProductivityType.recycler, adjustedProductivity), UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 190, 420, 25), mouseOverItemKIS.availablePart.title, UI.UIStyles.TitleDescriptionStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 220, 420, 110), mouseOverItemKIS.availablePart.description, UI.UIStyles.TooltipDescriptionStyle);
Esempio n. 4
 void DrawMouseOverItem(WorkshopItem mouseOverItem, KIS_Item mouseOverItemKIS)
     // Tooltip
     GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 70, 440, 270), "");
     if (mouseOverItem != null)
         var blueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(mouseOverItem.Part);
         foreach (var resource in blueprint)
             resource.Units *= ConversionRate;
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 80, 100, 100), mouseOverItem.Icon.texture);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(310, 80, 150, 100), WorkshopUtils.GetKisStats(mouseOverItem.Part), UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(470, 80, 150, 100), blueprint.Print(adjustedProductivity), UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 190, 420, 25), mouseOverItem.Part.title, UI.UIStyles.TitleDescriptionStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 220, 420, 110), mouseOverItem.Part.description, UI.UIStyles.TooltipDescriptionStyle);
     else if (mouseOverItemKIS != null)
         var blueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(mouseOverItemKIS.availablePart);
         foreach (var resource in blueprint)
             resource.Units *= ConversionRate;
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 80, 100, 100), mouseOverItemKIS.Icon.texture);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(310, 80, 150, 100), WorkshopUtils.GetKisStats(mouseOverItemKIS.availablePart), UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(470, 80, 150, 100), blueprint.Print(adjustedProductivity), UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 190, 420, 25), mouseOverItemKIS.availablePart.title, UI.UIStyles.TitleDescriptionStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 220, 420, 110), mouseOverItemKIS.availablePart.description, UI.UIStyles.TooltipDescriptionStyle);
Esempio n. 5
        private WorkshopItem DrawQueue(WorkshopItem mouseOverItem)
            const int queueRows    = 4;
            const int queueColumns = 7;

            GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 345, 440, 270), "Queue", UI.UIStyles.QueueSkin);
            for (var y = 0; y < queueRows; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < queueColumns; x++)
                    var left      = 205 + x * 60;
                    var top       = 370 + y * 60;
                    var itemIndex = y * queueColumns + x;
                    if (_queue.Count > itemIndex)
                        var item = _queue[itemIndex];
                        if (item.Icon == null)
                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(left, top, 50, 50), item.Icon.texture))
                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && new Rect(left, top, 50, 50).Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            mouseOverItem = item;

            // Tooltip
Esempio n. 6
 public virtual FilterResult Filter(WorkshopItem[] items, int skip)
     return new FilterResult
         Items = items.OrderBy(i => i.Part.title).Skip(skip).Take(30).ToArray(),
         MaxPages = items.Length/30
Esempio n. 7
 private void CleanupRecycler()
     _processedItem      = null;
     _processedBlueprint = null;
     progress            = 0;
     Status = "Online";
Esempio n. 8
 public override FilterResult Filter(WorkshopItem[] items, int skip)
     var filteredItems = items.Where(i => i.Part.partPrefab.GetComponent(Module) != null).ToArray();
     return new FilterResult
         Items = filteredItems.OrderBy(i => i.Part.title).Skip(skip).Take(30).ToArray(),
         MaxPages = filteredItems.Length/30
Esempio n. 9
 public override FilterResult Filter(WorkshopItem[] items, int skip)
     var filteredItems = items.Where(i => i.Part.category == Category).ToArray();
     return new FilterResult
         Items = filteredItems.OrderBy(i => i.Part.title).Skip(skip).Take(30).ToArray(),
         MaxPages = filteredItems.Length/30
Esempio n. 10
        private WorkshopItem DrawAvailableItems(WorkshopItem mouseOverItem)
            // Available Items
            const int itemRows    = 10;
            const int itemColumns = 3;

            for (var y = 0; y < itemRows; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < itemColumns; x++)
                    var left      = 15 + x * 55;
                    var top       = 70 + y * 55;
                    var itemIndex = y * itemColumns + x;
                    if (_filteredItems.Items.Length > itemIndex)
                        var item = _filteredItems.Items[itemIndex];
                        if (item.Icon == null)
                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(left, top, 50, 50), item.Icon.texture))
                            _queue.Add(new WorkshopItem(item.Part));
                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && new Rect(left, top, 50, 50).Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            mouseOverItem = item;

            if (_activePage > 0)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(15, 615, 75, 25), "Prev"))
                    _selectedPage = _activePage - 1;

            if (_activePage < _filteredItems.MaxPages)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 615, 75, 25), "Next"))
                    _selectedPage = _activePage + 1;

            // search box
            _oldSsearchText = _searchFilter.FilterText;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15, 645, 65, 25), "Find: ", UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
            _searchFilter.FilterText = GUI.TextField(new Rect(75, 645, 100, 25), _searchFilter.FilterText);

Esempio n. 11
 private void DrawMouseOverItem(WorkshopItem mouseOverItem)
     GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 70, 440, 270), "");
     if (mouseOverItem != null)
         var blueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(mouseOverItem.Part);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 80, 100, 100), mouseOverItem.Icon.texture);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(310, 80, 150, 100), WorkshopUtils.GetKisStats(mouseOverItem.Part), UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(470, 80, 150, 100), blueprint.Print(adjustedProductivity), UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 190, 420, 25), mouseOverItem.Part.title, UI.UIStyles.TitleDescriptionStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 220, 420, 110), mouseOverItem.Part.description, UI.UIStyles.TooltipDescriptionStyle);
Esempio n. 12
        private void StartManufacturing()
            var nextQueuedPart = _queue.Pop();

            if (nextQueuedPart != null)
                _processedItem      = nextQueuedPart;
                _processedBlueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(nextQueuedPart.Part);
                foreach (var resource in _processedBlueprint)
                    resource.Units *= ConversionRate;
Esempio n. 13
 private void DrawMouseOverItem(WorkshopItem mouseOverItem)
     GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 70, 440, 270), "");
     if (mouseOverItem != null)
         adjustedProductivity = WorkshopUtils.GetProductivityBonus(this.part, ExperienceEffect, SpecialistEfficiencyFactor, ProductivityFactor, WorkshopUtils.ProductivityType.printer);
         var blueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(mouseOverItem.Part);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 80, 100, 100), mouseOverItem.Icon.texture);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(310, 80, 150, 100), WorkshopUtils.GetKisStats(mouseOverItem.Part), UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(470, 80, 150, 100), blueprint.Print(WorkshopUtils.ProductivityType.printer, adjustedProductivity), UI.UIStyles.StatsStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 190, 420, 25), mouseOverItem.Part.title, UI.UIStyles.TitleDescriptionStyle);
         GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 220, 420, 110), mouseOverItem.Part.description, UI.UIStyles.TooltipDescriptionStyle);
Esempio n. 14
        private void StartManufacturing()
            var nextQueuedPart = _queue.Pop();

            if (nextQueuedPart != null)
                _processedItem      = nextQueuedPart;
                _processedBlueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(nextQueuedPart.Part, workshopRecipe);

                if (Animate && _heatAnimation != null && _workAnimation != null)
Esempio n. 15
        private void CleanupRecycler()
            // Need to turn processed  stuff over to the tanks
            foreach (var p in _processedBlueprint)
                this.part.RequestResource(p.Name, -p.Processed);

            _processedItem      = null;
            _processedBlueprint = null;
            progress            = 0;

Esempio n. 16
        private void DrawWindowContents(int windowId)
            WorkshopItem mouseOverItem    = null;
            W_KIS_Item   mouseOverItemKIS = null;

            mouseOverItemKIS = DrawInventoryItems(mouseOverItemKIS);
            mouseOverItem    = DrawQueue(mouseOverItem);
            DrawMouseOverItem(mouseOverItem, mouseOverItemKIS);

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(_windowPos.width - 25, 5, 20, 20), "X"))

Esempio n. 17
        private void DrawWindowContents(int windowId)
            _selectedFilterId = GUI.Toolbar(new Rect(15, 35, 615, 30), _selectedFilterId, _filterTextures);

            WorkshopItem mouseOverItem = null;

            mouseOverItem = DrawAvailableItems(mouseOverItem);
            mouseOverItem = DrawQueue(mouseOverItem);


            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(_windowPos.width - 25, 5, 20, 20), "X"))
Esempio n. 18
 private void LoadModuleState(ConfigNode node)
     foreach (ConfigNode cn in node.nodes)
         if ( == "ProcessedItem")
             _processedItem = new WorkshopItem();
         if ( == "ProcessedBlueprint")
             _processedBlueprint = new Blueprint();
         if ( == "Queue")
Esempio n. 19
        private ModuleKISInventory AddToContainer(WorkshopItem item)
            var inventories = KISWrapper.GetInventories(vessel);

            if (inventories == null || inventories.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("No KIS Inventory found!");

            var freeInventories = inventories
                                  .Where(i => WorkshopUtils.HasFreeSpace(i, item))

            if (freeInventories.Any())
                // first pass with favored inventories
                var favoredInventories = freeInventories
                                         .Where(i => i.part.GetComponent <OseModuleInventoryPreference>() != null)
                                         .Where(i => i.part.GetComponent <OseModuleInventoryPreference>().IsFavored).ToArray();

                foreach (var inventory in favoredInventories)
                    var kisItem = inventory.AddItem(item.Part.partPrefab);
                    if (kisItem == null)
                        throw new Exception("Error adding item " + + " to inventory");
                    foreach (var resourceInfo in kisItem.GetResources())
                        if (WorkshopRecipeDatabase.HasResourceRecipe(resourceInfo.resourceName))
                            kisItem.SetResource(resourceInfo.resourceName, (int)resourceInfo.maxAmount);
                            kisItem.SetResource(resourceInfo.resourceName, 0);

                // second pass with the rest
                foreach (var inventory in freeInventories)
                    var kisItem = inventory.AddItem(item.Part.partPrefab);
                    if (kisItem == null)
                        throw new Exception("Error adding item " + + " to inventory");
                    foreach (var resourceInfo in kisItem.GetResources())
                        if (WorkshopRecipeDatabase.HasResourceRecipe(resourceInfo.resourceName))
                            kisItem.SetResource(resourceInfo.resourceName, (int)resourceInfo.maxAmount);
                            kisItem.SetResource(resourceInfo.resourceName, 0);
        private ModuleKISInventory AddToContainer(WorkshopItem item)
            var inventories = KISWrapper.GetInventories(vessel);

            if (inventories == null || inventories.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("No KIS Inventory found!");

            var freeInventories = inventories
                .Where(i => WorkshopUtils.HasFreeSpace(i, item))

            if (freeInventories.Any())
                // first pass with favored inventories
                var favoredInventories = freeInventories
                    .Where(i => i.part.GetComponent<OseModuleInventoryPreference>() != null)
                    .Where(i => i.part.GetComponent<OseModuleInventoryPreference>().IsFavored).ToArray();

                foreach (var inventory in favoredInventories)
                    var kisItem = inventory.AddItem(item.Part.partPrefab);
                    if (kisItem == null)
                        throw new Exception("Error adding item " + + " to inventory");
                    foreach (var resourceInfo in kisItem.GetResources())
                        if (WorkshopRecipeDatabase.HasResourceRecipe(resourceInfo.resourceName))
                            kisItem.SetResource(resourceInfo.resourceName, (int)resourceInfo.maxAmount);
                            kisItem.SetResource(resourceInfo.resourceName, 0);
                    return inventory;

                // second pass with the rest
                foreach (var inventory in freeInventories)
                    var kisItem = inventory.AddItem(item.Part.partPrefab);
                    if (kisItem == null)
                        throw new Exception("Error adding item " + + " to inventory");
                    foreach (var resourceInfo in kisItem.GetResources())
                        if (WorkshopRecipeDatabase.HasResourceRecipe(resourceInfo.resourceName))
                            kisItem.SetResource(resourceInfo.resourceName, (int)resourceInfo.maxAmount);
                            kisItem.SetResource(resourceInfo.resourceName, 0);
                    return inventory;
            return null;
        private void DrawWindowContents(int windowId)
            WorkshopItem mouseOverItem = null;

            // styles
            var statsStyle = new GUIStyle(;
            statsStyle.fontSize = 11;
            statsStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
            statsStyle.padding.left = = 5;

            var tooltipDescriptionStyle = new GUIStyle(;
            tooltipDescriptionStyle.fontSize = 11;
            tooltipDescriptionStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
   = 5;

            var queueSkin = new GUIStyle(;
            queueSkin.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
   = 5;

            // Filters
            _selectedFilterId = GUI.Toolbar(new Rect(15, 35, 615, 30), _selectedFilterId, _filterTextures);

            // Available Items
            const int itemRows = 10;
            const int itemColumns = 3;
            for (var y = 0; y < itemRows; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < itemColumns; x++)
                    var left = 15 + x * 55;
                    var top = 70 + y * 55;
                    var itemIndex = y * itemColumns + x;
                    if (_filteredItems.Items.Length > itemIndex)
                        var item = _filteredItems.Items[itemIndex];
                        if (item.Icon == null)
                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(left, top, 50, 50), item.Icon.texture))
                            _queue.Add(new WorkshopItem(item.Part));
                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && new Rect(left, top, 50, 50).Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            mouseOverItem = item;

            if (_activePage > 0)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(15, 645, 75, 25), "Prev"))
                    _selectedPage = _activePage - 1;

            if (_activePage < _filteredItems.MaxPages)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 645, 75, 25), "Next"))
                    _selectedPage = _activePage + 1;

            // Queued Items
            const int queueRows = 4;
            const int queueColumns = 7;
            GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 345, 440, 270), "Queue", queueSkin);
            for (var y = 0; y < queueRows; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < queueColumns; x++)
                    var left = 205 + x * 60;
                    var top = 370 + y * 60;
                    var itemIndex = y * queueColumns + x;
                    if (_queue.Count > itemIndex)
                        var item = _queue[itemIndex];
                        if (item.Icon == null)
                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(left, top, 50, 50), item.Icon.texture))
                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && new Rect(left, top, 50, 50).Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            mouseOverItem = item;

            // Tooltip
            GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 70, 440, 270), "");
            if (mouseOverItem != null)
                var blueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(mouseOverItem.Part);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 80, 100, 100), mouseOverItem.Icon.texture);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(310, 80, 150, 100), WorkshopUtils.GetKisStats(mouseOverItem.Part), statsStyle);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(470, 80, 150, 100), blueprint.Print(adjustedProductivity), statsStyle);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 190, 420, 140), WorkshopUtils.GetDescription(mouseOverItem.Part), tooltipDescriptionStyle);

            // Currently build item
            if (_processedItem != null)
                if (_processedItem.Icon == null)
                GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 620, 50, 50), _processedItem.Icon.texture);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 620, 50, 50), "");

            // Progressbar
            GUI.Box(new Rect(250, 620, 280, 50), "");
            if (progress >= 1)
                var color = GUI.color;
                GUI.color = new Color(0, 1, 0, 1);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(250, 620, 280 * progress / 100, 50), "");
                GUI.color = color;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(250, 620, 280, 50), " " + progress.ToString("0.0") + " / 100");

            //Pause/resume production
            string buttonLabel = "||";
            if (manufacturingPaused || _processedItem == null)
                buttonLabel = ">";
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(530, 620, 50, 50), buttonLabel) && _processedItem != null)
                manufacturingPaused = !manufacturingPaused;

            //Cancel production
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(580, 620, 50, 50), "X"))
                if (_confirmDelete)
                    _processedItem = null;
                    _processedBlueprint = null;
                    progress = 0;
                    Status = "Online";

                    if (Animate && _heatAnimation != null && _workAnimation != null)
                    _confirmDelete = false;

                    _confirmDelete = true;
                    ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Click the cancel button again to confirm cancelling current production", 5.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(_windowPos.width - 25, 5, 20, 20), "X"))

Esempio n. 22
        private void AddNewItemToQueue()
            if (_addedItem == null)

            _addedItem = null;
            _addedItemInventory = null;
            _addedItemKey = -1;
Esempio n. 23
        private void DrawWindowContents(int windowId)
            WorkshopItem mouseOverItem = null;

            // styles
            var statsStyle = new GUIStyle(;

            statsStyle.fontSize     = 11;
            statsStyle.alignment    = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
            statsStyle.padding.left = = 5;

            var tooltipDescriptionStyle = new GUIStyle(;

            tooltipDescriptionStyle.fontSize    = 11;
            tooltipDescriptionStyle.alignment   = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
   = 5;

            var queueSkin = new GUIStyle(;

            queueSkin.alignment   = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
   = 5;

            // Filters
            _selectedFilterId = GUI.Toolbar(new Rect(15, 35, 615, 30), _selectedFilterId, _filterTextures);

            // Available Items
            const int itemRows    = 10;
            const int itemColumns = 3;

            for (var y = 0; y < itemRows; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < itemColumns; x++)
                    var left      = 15 + x * 55;
                    var top       = 70 + y * 55;
                    var itemIndex = y * itemColumns + x;
                    if (_filteredItems.Items.Length > itemIndex)
                        var item = _filteredItems.Items[itemIndex];
                        if (item.Icon == null)
                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(left, top, 50, 50), item.Icon.texture))
                            _queue.Add(new WorkshopItem(item.Part));
                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && new Rect(left, top, 50, 50).Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            mouseOverItem = item;

            if (_activePage > 0)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(15, 645, 75, 25), "Prev"))
                    _selectedPage = _activePage - 1;

            if (_activePage < _filteredItems.MaxPages)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 645, 75, 25), "Next"))
                    _selectedPage = _activePage + 1;

            // Queued Items
            const int queueRows    = 4;
            const int queueColumns = 7;

            GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 345, 440, 270), "Queue", queueSkin);
            for (var y = 0; y < queueRows; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < queueColumns; x++)
                    var left      = 205 + x * 60;
                    var top       = 370 + y * 60;
                    var itemIndex = y * queueColumns + x;
                    if (_queue.Count > itemIndex)
                        var item = _queue[itemIndex];
                        if (item.Icon == null)
                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(left, top, 50, 50), item.Icon.texture))
                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && new Rect(left, top, 50, 50).Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            mouseOverItem = item;

            // Tooltip
            GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 70, 440, 270), "");
            if (mouseOverItem != null)
                var blueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(mouseOverItem.Part);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 80, 100, 100), mouseOverItem.Icon.texture);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(310, 80, 150, 100), WorkshopUtils.GetKisStats(mouseOverItem.Part), statsStyle);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(470, 80, 150, 100), blueprint.Print(adjustedProductivity), statsStyle);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 190, 420, 140), WorkshopUtils.GetDescription(mouseOverItem.Part), tooltipDescriptionStyle);

            // Currently build item
            if (_processedItem != null)
                if (_processedItem.Icon == null)
                GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 620, 50, 50), _processedItem.Icon.texture);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 620, 50, 50), "");

            // Progressbar
            GUI.Box(new Rect(250, 620, 280, 50), "");
            if (progress >= 1)
                var color = GUI.color;
                GUI.color = new Color(0, 1, 0, 1);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(250, 620, 280 * progress / 100, 50), "");
                GUI.color = color;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(250, 620, 280, 50), " " + progress.ToString("0.0") + " / 100");

            //Pause/resume production
            Texture2D buttonTexture = _pauseTexture;

            if (manufacturingPaused || _processedItem == null)
                buttonTexture = _playTexture;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(530, 620, 50, 50), buttonTexture) && _processedItem != null)
                manufacturingPaused = !manufacturingPaused;

            //Cancel production
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(580, 620, 50, 50), _binTexture))
                if (_confirmDelete)
                    _processedItem      = null;
                    _processedBlueprint = null;
                    progress            = 0;
                    manufacturingPaused = false;
                    Status = "Online";

                    if (Animate && _heatAnimation != null && _workAnimation != null)
                    _confirmDelete = false;

                    _confirmDelete = true;
                    ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Click the cancel button again to confirm cancelling current production", 5.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(_windowPos.width - 25, 5, 20, 20), "X"))

Esempio n. 24
 private void StartManufacturing()
     var nextQueuedPart = _queue.Pop();
     if (nextQueuedPart != null)
         _processedItem = nextQueuedPart;
Esempio n. 25
 private void RemoveCanceledItemFromQueue()
     if (_canceledItem != null)
         _canceledItem = null;
 private void CleanupRecycler()
     _processedItem = null;
     _processedBlueprint = null;
     progress = 0;
     Status = "Online";
 private void LoadModuleState(ConfigNode node)
     foreach (ConfigNode cn in node.nodes)
         if ( == "ProcessedItem")
             _processedItem = new WorkshopItem();
         if ( == "ProcessedBlueprint")
             _processedBlueprint = new Blueprint();
         if ( == "Queue")
Esempio n. 28
 private void DrawAvailableItems()
     _scrollPosItems = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollPosItems, WorkshopStyles.Databox(), GUILayout.Width(400f), GUILayout.Height(250f));
     foreach (var inventory in part.vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing<ModuleKISInventory>())
         foreach (var item in inventory.items)
             if (item.Value.icon == null)
             WorkshopGui.ItemDescription(item.Value.availablePart, this.OutputResource, this.ConversionRate);
             if (GUILayout.Button("Queue", WorkshopStyles.Button(), GUILayout.Width(60f), GUILayout.Height(40f)))
                 _addedItem = new WorkshopItem(item.Value.availablePart);
                 _addedItemKey = item.Key;
                 _addedItemInventory = inventory;
        private void StartManufacturing()
            var nextQueuedPart = _queue.Pop();
            if (nextQueuedPart != null)
                _processedItem = nextQueuedPart;
                _processedBlueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(nextQueuedPart.Part);

                if (Animate && _heatAnimation != null && _workAnimation != null)
Esempio n. 30
        private void DrawPrintProgress()
            // Currently build item
            if (_processedItem != null)
                if (_processedItem.Icon == null)
                GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 620, 50, 50), _processedItem.Icon.texture);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 620, 50, 50), "");

            // Progressbar
            GUI.Box(new Rect(250, 620, 280, 50), "");
            if (progress >= 1)
                var color = GUI.color;
                GUI.color = new Color(0, 1, 0, 1);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(250, 620, 280 * progress / 100, 50), "");
                GUI.color = color;

            string progressText = "";

            if (_processedBlueprint != null)
                progressText = string.Format("Progress: {0:n1}%, T- ", progress) + KSPUtil.PrintTime(_processedBlueprint.GetBuildTime(WorkshopUtils.ProductivityType.printer, adjustedProductivity), 5, false);
            GUI.Label(new Rect(250, 620, 280, 50), " " + progressText);

            //Pause/resume production
            Texture2D buttonTexture = _pauseTexture;

            if (manufacturingPaused || _processedItem == null)
                buttonTexture = _playTexture;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(530, 620, 50, 50), buttonTexture) && _processedItem != null)
                manufacturingPaused = !manufacturingPaused;

            //Cancel production
            if (_processedItem == null)
                GUI.enabled = false;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(580, 620, 50, 50), _binTexture))
                if (_confirmDelete)
                    _processedItem      = null;
                    _processedBlueprint = null;

                    progress            = 0;
                    manufacturingPaused = false;
                    Status = "Online";

                    if (Animate && _heatAnimation != null && _workAnimation != null)
                    _confirmDelete = false;

                    _confirmDelete = true;
                    ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Click the cancel button again to confirm cancelling current production", 5.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
            GUI.enabled = true;
        private void FinishManufacturing()
            var destinationInventory = AddToContainer(_processedItem);
            if (destinationInventory != null)
                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("3D Printing of " + _processedItem.Part.title + " finished.", 5, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
                _processedItem = null;
                _processedBlueprint = null;
                progress = 0;
                Status = "Online";

                if (Animate && _heatAnimation != null && _workAnimation != null)
                Status = "Not enough free space";
Esempio n. 32
 public static bool HasFreeSpace(ModuleKISInventory inventory, WorkshopItem item)
     return inventory.GetContentVolume() + KIS_Shared.GetPartVolume(item.Part) <= inventory.maxVolume;
 private void StartManufacturing()
     var nextQueuedPart = _queue.Pop();
     if (nextQueuedPart != null)
         _processedItem = nextQueuedPart;
         _processedBlueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(nextQueuedPart.Part);
         foreach (var resource in _processedBlueprint)
             resource.Units *= ConversionRate;
Esempio n. 34
 private void DrawQueuedItems()
     _scrollPosQueue = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollPosQueue, WorkshopStyles.Databox(), GUILayout.Width(400f), GUILayout.Height(250f));
     foreach (var item in this._queue)
         if (item.Icon == null)
         WorkshopGui.ItemDescription(item.Part, this.OutputResource, this.ConversionRate);
         if (GUILayout.Button("Remove", WorkshopStyles.Button(), GUILayout.Width(60f), GUILayout.Height(40f)))
             _canceledItem = item;
Esempio n. 35
        private void DrawWindowContents(int windowId)
            WorkshopItem mouseOverItem    = null;
            KIS_Item     mouseOverItemKIS = null;

            // styles
            var statsStyle = new GUIStyle(;

            statsStyle.fontSize     = 11;
            statsStyle.alignment    = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
            statsStyle.padding.left = = 5;

            var tooltipDescriptionStyle = new GUIStyle(;

            tooltipDescriptionStyle.fontSize    = 11;
            tooltipDescriptionStyle.alignment   = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
   = 5;

            var queueSkin = new GUIStyle(;

            queueSkin.alignment   = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
   = 5;

            var lowerRightStyle = new GUIStyle(;

            lowerRightStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.LowerRight;
            lowerRightStyle.fontSize         = 10;
            lowerRightStyle.padding          = new RectOffset(4, 4, 4, 4);
            lowerRightStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;

            // AvailableItems
            const int ItemRows       = 10;
            const int ItemColumns    = 3;
            var       availableItems = KISWrapper.GetInventories(vessel).SelectMany(i => i.items).ToArray();
            var       maxPage        = availableItems.Length / 30;

            for (var y = 0; y < ItemRows; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < ItemColumns; x++)
                    var left      = 15 + x * 55;
                    var top       = 70 + y * 55;
                    var itemIndex = y * ItemColumns + x;
                    if (availableItems.Length > itemIndex)
                        var item = availableItems[itemIndex];
                        if (item.Value.Icon == null)
                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(left, top, 50, 50), item.Value.Icon.texture))
                            _queue.Add(new WorkshopItem(item.Value.availablePart));
                        if (item.Value.stackable)
                            GUI.Label(new Rect(left, top, 50, 50), item.Value.quantity.ToString("x#"), lowerRightStyle);
                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && new Rect(left, top, 50, 50).Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            mouseOverItemKIS = item.Value;

            if (_activePage > 0)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(15, 645, 75, 25), "Prev"))
                    _selectedPage = _activePage - 1;

            if (_activePage < maxPage)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 645, 75, 25), "Next"))
                    _selectedPage = _activePage + 1;

            // Queued Items
            const int QueueRows    = 4;
            const int QueueColumns = 7;

            GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 345, 440, 270), "Queue", queueSkin);
            for (var y = 0; y < QueueRows; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < QueueColumns; x++)
                    var left      = 205 + x * 60;
                    var top       = 370 + y * 60;
                    var itemIndex = y * QueueColumns + x;
                    if (_queue.Count > itemIndex)
                        var item = _queue[itemIndex];
                        if (item.Icon == null)
                        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(left, top, 50, 50), item.Icon.texture))
                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && new Rect(left, top, 50, 50).Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                            mouseOverItem = item;

            // Tooltip
            GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 70, 440, 270), "");
            if (mouseOverItem != null)
                var blueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(mouseOverItem.Part);
                foreach (var resource in blueprint)
                    resource.Units *= ConversionRate;
                GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 80, 100, 100), mouseOverItem.Icon.texture);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(310, 80, 150, 100), WorkshopUtils.GetKisStats(mouseOverItem.Part), statsStyle);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(470, 80, 150, 100), blueprint.Print(adjustedProductivity), statsStyle);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 190, 420, 140), WorkshopUtils.GetDescription(mouseOverItem.Part), tooltipDescriptionStyle);
            else if (mouseOverItemKIS != null)
                var blueprint = WorkshopRecipeDatabase.ProcessPart(mouseOverItemKIS.availablePart);
                foreach (var resource in blueprint)
                    resource.Units *= ConversionRate;
                GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 80, 100, 100), mouseOverItemKIS.Icon.texture);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(310, 80, 150, 100), WorkshopUtils.GetKisStats(mouseOverItemKIS.availablePart), statsStyle);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(470, 80, 150, 100), blueprint.Print(adjustedProductivity), statsStyle);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(200, 190, 420, 140), WorkshopUtils.GetDescription(mouseOverItemKIS.availablePart), tooltipDescriptionStyle);

            // Currently build item
            if (_processedItem != null)
                if (_processedItem.Icon == null)
                GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 620, 50, 50), _processedItem.Icon.texture);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 620, 50, 50), "");

            // Progressbar
            GUI.Box(new Rect(250, 620, 260, 50), "");
            if (progress >= 1)
                var color = GUI.color;
                GUI.color = new Color(0, 1, 0, 1);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(250, 620, 260 * progress / 100, 50), "");
                GUI.color = color;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(250, 620, 260, 50), " " + progress.ToString("0.0") + " / 100");

            // Toolbar
            if (recyclingPaused)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(520, 620, 50, 50), _playTexture))
                    recyclingPaused = false;
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(520, 620, 50, 50), _pauseTexture))
                    recyclingPaused = true;

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(580, 620, 50, 50), _binTexture))

            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(_windowPos.width - 25, 5, 20, 20), "X"))

Esempio n. 36
 private void FinishManufacturing()
     _processedItem = null;
     _massProcessed = 0;
     _progress = 0;
     Status = "Online";
Esempio n. 37
 private void LoadModuleState(ConfigNode node)
     foreach (ConfigNode cn in node.nodes)
         if ( == "BUILTPART" && cn.HasValue("Name") && cn.HasValue("MassProcessed"))
             var availablePart = PartLoader.getPartInfoByName(cn.GetValue("Name"));
             if (availablePart != null)
                 this._processedItem = new WorkshopItem(availablePart);
                 _massProcessed = double.Parse(cn.GetValue("MassProcessed"));
         if ( == "QUEUEDPART" && cn.HasValue("Name"))
             var availablePart = PartLoader.getPartInfoByName(cn.GetValue("Name"));
             var item = new WorkshopItem(availablePart);
Esempio n. 38
 public static bool HasFreeSpace(ModuleKISInventory inventory, WorkshopItem item)
     return(inventory.GetContentVolume() + KIS_Shared.GetPartVolume(item.Part) <= inventory.maxVolume);
Esempio n. 39
        private void DrawPrintProgress()
            // Currently build item
            if (_processedItem != null)
                if (_processedItem.Icon == null)
                GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 620, 50, 50), _processedItem.Icon.texture);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(190, 620, 50, 50), "");

            // Progressbar
            GUI.Box(new Rect(250, 620, 280, 50), "");
            if (progress >= 1)
                var color = GUI.color;
                GUI.color = new Color(0, 1, 0, 1);
                GUI.Box(new Rect(250, 620, 280 * progress / 100, 50), "");
                GUI.color = color;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(250, 620, 280, 50), " " + progress.ToString("0.0") + " / 100");

            //Pause/resume production
            Texture2D buttonTexture = _pauseTexture;

            if (manufacturingPaused || _processedItem == null)
                buttonTexture = _playTexture;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(530, 620, 50, 50), buttonTexture) && _processedItem != null)
                manufacturingPaused = !manufacturingPaused;

            //Cancel production
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(580, 620, 50, 50), _binTexture))
                if (_confirmDelete)
                    _processedItem      = null;
                    _processedBlueprint = null;
                    progress            = 0;
                    manufacturingPaused = false;
                    Status = "Online";

                    if (Animate && _heatAnimation != null && _workAnimation != null)
                    _confirmDelete = false;

                    _confirmDelete = true;
                    ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Click the cancel button again to confirm cancelling current production", 5.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);