}   // AllASCIICharacters
        #endregion	// Instance Properties

        #region Private Instance Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Since the class is a singleton, I separated the initializer from the
        /// constructor, as has been my custom.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitialzeInstance ( )
            const int ASCII_CHARACTER_COUNT = 256;
            const string ASCII_TABLE_SOURCE = @"ASCII_Character_Display_Table.TSV";

            //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
            //  The expected row count is one greater than the number of ASCII
            //  characters because the first row in the table contains column
            //  labels.
            //  As a sanity check, the label row is compared against a constant,
            //  LABEL_ROW.
            //  ----------------------------------------------------------------


            //const int COL_CODE = 0;
            const int COL_CHARTYPE = 1;
            const int COL_SUBTYPE = 2;
            const int COL_CHAR = 3;
            const int COL_DESCRIPTION = 4;
            const int COL_HTML_NAME = 5;
            const int COL_DISPLAY = 6;
            const int COL_COMMENT = 7;
            const int COL_EXPECTED_COUNT = 8;

            const string LABEL_ROW = "Code\tCharType\tSubtype\tCHAR\tDESCRIPTION\tHTML Name\tDisplay\tComment";

            string [ ] astrASCIITable = Readers.LoadTextFileFromCallingAssembly ( ASCII_TABLE_SOURCE );

            if ( astrASCIITable.Length == EXPECTED_ROW_COUNT )
                _asciiTable = new ASCIICharacterDisplayInfo [ ASCII_CHARACTER_COUNT ];

                for ( int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ;
                          intJ < EXPECTED_ROW_COUNT ;
                          intJ++ )
                    if ( intJ == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT )
                        if ( astrASCIITable [ ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ] != LABEL_ROW )
                        {   // Verify that the label row is as expected.
                            throw new Exception (
                                string.Format (
                                    Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_BAD_LABEL_ROW ,                     // Format Control String: Internal Table Error: The label row is invalid.{2}Expected label row = {0}{2}Actaul label row = {1}
                                    LABEL_ROW ,                                                     // Format Item 0: Expected label row = {0}
                                    astrASCIITable [ ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ] ,              // Format Item 1: Actaul label row   = {1}
                                    Environment.NewLine ) );                                        // Format Item 2: Line break between message parts
                        }   // if ( astrASCIITable [ ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ] != LABEL_ROW )
                    }   // TRUE (This is the label row.) block, if ( intJ == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT )
                        string [ ] astrFields = astrASCIITable [ intJ ].Split ( SpecialCharacters.TAB_CHAR );

                        if ( astrFields.Length == COL_EXPECTED_COUNT )
                            int intCharacterCode = ArrayInfo.IndexFromOrdinal ( intJ );
                            _asciiTable [ intCharacterCode ] = new ASCIICharacterDisplayInfo (
                                ( uint ) intCharacterCode ,                     // uint puintCode
                                ( char ) intCharacterCode ,                     // char pchrCharacter
                                ( ASCIICharacterDisplayInfo.CharacterType ) Enum.Parse (                  // CharacterType penmCharacterType
                                    typeof ( ASCIICharacterDisplayInfo.CharacterType ) ,                  // Type enumType
                                    astrFields [ COL_CHARTYPE ] ,               // string value
                                    true ) ,                                    // bool ignoreCase
                                ( ASCIICharacterDisplayInfo.CharacterSubtype ) Enum.Parse (               // CharacterType penmCharacterType
                                    typeof ( ASCIICharacterDisplayInfo.CharacterSubtype ) ,               // Type enumType
                                    astrFields [ COL_SUBTYPE ] ,                // string value
                                    true ) ,                                    // bool ignoreCase
                                astrFields [ COL_CHAR ] ,                       // string pstrCHAR
                                astrFields [ COL_DESCRIPTION ] ,                // string pstrDescription
                                astrFields [ COL_HTML_NAME ] ,                  // string pstrHTMLName
                                astrFields [ COL_DISPLAY ] ,                    // string pstrAlternateText
                                astrFields [ COL_COMMENT ] );                   // string pstrComment
                        }   // TRUE (anticipated outcome) block, if ( astrFields.Length == COL_EXPECTED_COUNT )
                            throw new Exception (
                                string.Format (
                                    Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_BAD_DETAIL_ROW ,// Format Control String: Internal Table Error: Detaill row {0} is invalid.{3}Expected field count = {1}{3}Actaul field count = {2}
                                    intJ ,                                      // Format Item 0: Detaill row {0} is invalid.
                                    COL_EXPECTED_COUNT ,                        // Format Item 1: Expected field count = {1}
                                    astrFields.Length ,                         // Format Item 2: Actaul field count   = {2}
                                    Environment.NewLine ) );                    // Format Item 3: Line Break
                        }   // FALSE (unanticipated outcome) block, if ( astrFields.Length == COL_EXPECTED_COUNT )
                    }   // FALSE (This is a detail row.) block, if ( intJ == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT )
                }   // for ( int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intJ < EXPECTED_ROW_COUNT ; intJ++ )
            }   // TRUE (anticipated outcome) block, if ( astrASCIITable.Length == EXPECTED_ROW_COUNT )
                throw new Exception (
                    string.Format (
                        Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_UNEXPECTED_ROW_COUNT ,      // Format Control String: Internal Table Error: The ASCII Table should contain {0} rows. Instead, it contains {1} rows.
                        EXPECTED_ROW_COUNT ,                                    // Format Item 0: The ASCII Table should contain {0} rows.
                        astrASCIITable.Length ) );                              // Format Item 1: Instead, it contains {1} rows.
            }   // FALSE (unanticipated outcome) block, if ( astrASCIITable.Length == EXPECTED_ROW_COUNT )
        }   // InitialzeInstance
Esempio n. 2
        }   // void ListObjectProperties

        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerate the properties of an object, showing for each its type and
        /// value, as a formatted listing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pstrNameOfObject">
        /// Name of object as it appears in the calling routine
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pObjThisOne">
        /// Reference to the object from which to enumerate properties
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pintLeftPadding">
        /// Optional left padding for the report
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pstrObjectLabelSuffix">
        /// Optional supplementary label information for the object
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="penmBindingFlags">
        /// Binding flags mask, which determines which properties are enumerated
        /// </param>
        public static void ListObjectPropertyTypesAndValues (
            string pstrNameOfObject,
            object pObjThisOne,
            int pintLeftPadding = ListInfo.EMPTY_STRING_LENGTH,
            string pstrObjectLabelSuffix = null,
            BindingFlags penmBindingFlags = DEFAULT_BINDING_FLAGS )
            string strIndentation =
                pintLeftPadding > ListInfo.EMPTY_STRING_LENGTH
                ? StringTricks.StrFill (
                    SpecialCharacters.SPACE_CHAR ,
                    pintLeftPadding ) :

            PropertyInfo [ ] apropertyInfos = pObjThisOne.GetType ( ).GetProperties ( penmBindingFlags );
            int intMaxDigits = apropertyInfos.Length.ToString ( ).Length;       // Compute the width of the largest possible ordinal.
            Console.WriteLine (
               Properties.Resources.MSG_PROPERTY_LIST_HEADER ,                  // Format Control String
                strIndentation ,                                                // Format Item 0: {0}Object
                pstrNameOfObject ,                                              // Format Item 1: Object {1}
                pstrObjectLabelSuffix == null                                   // Format Item 2: {2} exposes the
                    ? SpecialStrings.EMPTY_STRING                               // when pstrObjectLabelSuffix == null
                    : $" ({pstrObjectLabelSuffix})" ,                           // when pstrObjectLabelSuffix != null
                apropertyInfos.Length ,                                         // Format Item 3: exposes the following {2}
                Environment.NewLine );                                          // Format Item 4: public properties:{4}

            for ( int intPropertyIndex = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ;
                      intPropertyIndex < apropertyInfos.Length ;
                      intPropertyIndex++ )
                    Console.WriteLine (
                        Properties.Resources.MSG_PROP_TYPE_AND_VALUE_DETAIL ,   // Format Control String
                        strIndentation ,                                        // Format Item 0: {0}Property
                        NumericFormats.FormatIntegerLeftPadded (                // Format Item 1: Property {1}:
                            ArrayInfo.OrdinalFromIndex (                        // Get the ordinal equivalent to array subscript.
                                intPropertyIndex ) ,                            // Array subscript for which to get the corresponding ordinal.
                            intMaxDigits ) ,                                    // Right align to this width.
                        apropertyInfos [ intPropertyIndex ].Name ,              // Format Item 2: : {2}
                        apropertyInfos[intPropertyIndex].PropertyType.FullName ,// Format Item 3: ({3}) =
                        StringTricks.TruncateValueToOneLine (                   // Format Item 4: = {4}
                            apropertyInfos [ intPropertyIndex ].GetValue (      // Get value from the apropertyInfos in array slot intPropertyIndex.
                            pObjThisOne ,                                       // Object from which to get property value.
                            null ) ) );                                         // The null CultureInfo causes the method to infer the culture of the calling thread.
                catch ( TargetInvocationException ex )
                    Console.WriteLine (
                        Properties.Resources.ERRMSG_PROPERTY_LIST ,             // Format Control String
                        strIndentation ,                                        // Format Item 0: {0}Property
                        ArrayInfo.OrdinalFromIndex ( intPropertyIndex ) ,       // Format Item 1: Property {1}:
                        apropertyInfos [ intPropertyIndex ].Name ,              // Format Item 2: : {2} =
                        ex.Message );                                           // Format Item 3: = {3}
            }   // for ( int intPropertyIndex = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intPropertyIndex < apropertyInfos.Length ; intPropertyIndex++ )

            Console.WriteLine (
                Properties.Resources.MSG_PROPERTY_LIST_FOOTER ,                 // Format Control String
                strIndentation ,                                                // Format Item 0
                Environment.NewLine );                                          // Format Item 1
        }   // void ListObjectPropertyTypesAndValues