Esempio n. 1
        public string doSomething(O_NLP.RootObject _o_NLP)
            // Bind to the NLP response class
            o_NLP = _o_NLP;
            conf  = (o_NLP.outcomes[0].confidence * 100);
            state = o_NLP.outcomes[0].entities.on_off[0].value;

            if (state.Equals("on"))
                Console.WriteLine("lampada accesa");
                Console.WriteLine("lampada spenta!");

            string sentence = "";

            sentence += "Hello! I'm " + conf.ToString() + "% sure you set up lights.";

Esempio n. 2
        private string ElaborateResponse(string nlp_text)
            Console.WriteLine("\n" + nlp_text);
            // If the audio file doesn't contain anything, or doesn't understand it, a code 400 will be returned
            if (nlp_text.Contains("The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request"))
                throw new Exception("The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request");
                //return "Sorry, didn't get that. Could you please repeat yourself?";

            oNLP = Post_NLP_Processing.ParseData(nlp_text);

            // This codeblock dynamically casts the intent to the corresponding class
            // Check README.txt in Vitals.Brain
            Assembly objAssembly;

            objAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            Type classType = objAssembly.GetType("WitaiUnity." + oNLP.outcomes[0].intent);

            object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(classType);

            MethodInfo mi = classType.GetMethod("doSomething");

            object[] parameters = new object[1];
            parameters[0] = oNLP;

            mi = classType.GetMethod("doSomething");
            string sentence = "";

            sentence = (string)mi.Invoke(obj, parameters);

            // Show what was deducted from the sentence
            //nlp_text += "\n\n"+sentence;
