override public void Commit(AbstractQuest quest, StoryTeller storyTeller)
			//Story story = new Story();
			//story.Add(storyTeller.NarratorVoice, _avatar.ClassDescription + " moves");
			//storyTeller.StoryComplete += OnStoryComplete;

			// Look up the avatars tile
			MapTile avatarTile = quest.GetAvatarMapTile(_avatar);
			Point avatarCurrentLocation = quest.GetAvatarLocation(_avatar);

			// Update the avatars vector
			Point moveToPoint = _stepsToLocation[0];

			HasMoreTurns = (_stepsToLocation.Count > 0) ? true : false; // If there are more steps, then we can be used in subsequent turns!
			AcceptsAvatarFocus = HasMoreTurns;

			_avatar.movementVector.X = moveToPoint.X - avatarCurrentLocation.X;
			_avatar.movementVector.Y = moveToPoint.Y - avatarCurrentLocation.Y;

			// Move the tile
			quest.Map.MoveMapTile(avatarTile, moveToPoint);
			quest.Map.SetFactionWalkedOn(_avatar.Faction, moveToPoint);
