Read() public static method

public static Read ( IntPtr L, int n ) : LuaValue
L System.IntPtr
n int
return LuaValue
Esempio n. 1
 public static IEnumerable <LuaValue> GetReverseStack(IntPtr L)
     for (var i = Lua.lua_gettop(L); i <= 0; i--)
         yield return(LuaValue.Read(L, i));
Esempio n. 2
 public static IEnumerable <LuaValue> GetStack(IntPtr L)
     for (var i = 1; i <= Lua.lua_gettop(L); i++)
         yield return(LuaValue.Read(L, i));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// expects function on top
        /// runs function on top of stack, returns values returned from function, shows traceback in case of errors
        /// </summary>
        public static LuaValue[] TraceCall(IntPtr L, int resultCount, params LuaValue[] arguments)
            TraceCallPushReturn(L, new ConstantResults(resultCount), arguments);
            var ret = Enumerable.Range(0, resultCount).Select(n => LuaValue.Read(L, -n - 1)).ToArray();

            LuaValue.Pop(L, resultCount);
Esempio n. 4
        public static string Read(IntPtr L, int n)
            var s = LuaValue.Read(L, n) as LuaString;

            if (s == null)
                throw new Exception("string expected but not found");
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a lua state and registers functions commonly used in lua defs
        /// </summary>
        static IntPtr GetLuaStpringState(Dictionary <string, IArchiveFileData> fileMap)
            var L = Lua.luaL_newstate();


            // it seems CA makes lowerkeys global, so lets do the same

            // push the system table
            CLua.DoStringPushReturn(L, fileMap["gamedata/system.lua"].Text, new ConstantResults(1));
            // get the lowerkeys field from the system table and push it
            Lua.lua_pushstring(L, "lowerkeys");
            Lua.lua_gettable(L, -2);
            // set the lowerkeys function as global
            Lua.lua_setglobal(L, "lowerkeys");

            Lua.lua_CFunction VFS_Include = l =>
                var path = CLua.ExpectArgs(l, 1)[0].ToString();
                IArchiveFileData file;
                if (!fileMap.TryGetValue(path, out file))
                    throw new Exception("path not found: " + path);
                CLua.DoStringPushReturn(l, file.Text, new ConstantResults(1));
            Lua.lua_CFunction VFS_LoadFile = l =>
                var path = CLua.ExpectArgs(l, 1)[0].ToString();
                IArchiveFileData file;
                if (!fileMap.TryGetValue(path, out file))
                    throw new Exception("path not found: " + path);
                return(CLua.ReturnValues(l, new LuaString(file.Text)));
            Lua.lua_CFunction VFS_FileExists = l =>
                var path = CLua.ExpectArgs(l, 1)[0].ToString();
                return(CLua.ReturnValues(l, new LuaBoolean(fileMap.ContainsKey(path))));

            Lua.lua_CFunction VFS_DirList = l =>
                var args = CLua.ExpectArgs(l, 2);
                var path = args[0].ToString().ToLower();
                var mask = args[1].ToString().ToLower().Substring(1);

                var i     = 0;
                var files = from s in fileMap.Keys
                            where s.StartsWith(path) && s.EndsWith(mask)
                            let arrayIndex = new LuaNumber(i++)
                                             select new KeyValuePair <LuaValue, LuaValue>(arrayIndex, new LuaString(s));
                return(CLua.ReturnValues(l, new LuaTable(files)));
            Lua.lua_CFunction Spring_TimeCheck = l =>
                var desc = LuaValue.Read(l, 1).ToString();
                Lua.lua_pushvalue(l, 2);
                var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                CLua.TraceCallPushReturn(l, new ConstantResults(0));
                Trace.TraceInformation(desc + " " + sw.Elapsed);
                // call function on top, push return values on stack

            Lua.lua_CFunction Spring_Echo = l => CLua.Print(s => Trace.WriteLine(s), l);

            // morphs defs crash if they can't figure out what kind of commander we're using (why do we need morph defs anyway, here?)
            Lua.lua_CFunction Spring_GetModOptions = l =>
                var data = new KeyValuePair <LuaValue, LuaValue>(new LuaString("commtype"),
                                                                 new LuaString("default"));
                return(CLua.ReturnValues(l, new LuaTable(new[] { data })));

            var springFunctions = new List <KeyValuePair <LuaValue, LuaValue> >
                new KeyValuePair <LuaValue, LuaValue>(new LuaString("TimeCheck"), new LuaFunction(Spring_TimeCheck)),
                new KeyValuePair <LuaValue, LuaValue>(new LuaString("Echo"), new LuaFunction(Spring_Echo)),
                new KeyValuePair <LuaValue, LuaValue>(new LuaString("GetModOptions"), new LuaFunction(Spring_GetModOptions)),

            CLua.SetGlobal(L, "Spring", new LuaTable(springFunctions));

            var vfsFunctions = new List <KeyValuePair <LuaValue, LuaValue> >
                new KeyValuePair <LuaValue, LuaValue>(new LuaString("Include"), new LuaFunction(VFS_Include)),
                new KeyValuePair <LuaValue, LuaValue>(new LuaString("LoadFile"), new LuaFunction(VFS_LoadFile)),
                new KeyValuePair <LuaValue, LuaValue>(new LuaString("FileExists"), new LuaFunction(VFS_FileExists)),
                new KeyValuePair <LuaValue, LuaValue>(new LuaString("DirList"), new LuaFunction(VFS_DirList)),

            CLua.SetGlobal(L, "VFS", new LuaTable(vfsFunctions));