public ToggleLimitsButton(Level Target, Surface.SurfaceType Type) { target = Target; type = Type; switch (type) { case Surface.SurfaceType.Absorbant: basicId = "Absorbant Walls: "; break; case Surface.SurfaceType.Refractive: basicId = "Refractive Walls: "; break; case Surface.SurfaceType.Reflective: basicId = "Reflective Walls: "; break; default: basicId = "Whaats?"; break; } addOption(0); addOption(1); addOption(2); addOption(3); addOption(5); addOption(8); currentValue = 1; execute(); }
public FullLevelMenu(LevelManager Parent, Level Target, InputController Input, ContentManager CM, Dictionary<String, Player> Players, int x, int y, int xprime, int yprime) { parent = Parent; font = parent.font; current_index = 0; x_position = x; y_position = y; y_spacing = yprime; x_spacing = xprime; image = CM.Load<Texture2D>("Main Menu"); cursor_image = CM.Load<Texture2D>("laser"); addMenuItem(new Level_Button(parent, Target)); wallType = new ToggleWallsButton(Target); wallType.addOption("Full Reflective", Level.WallType.FullReflect); wallType.addOption("Full Absorb", Level.WallType.FullAbsorb); wallType.addOption("H", Level.WallType.SideReflect); wallType.addOption("I", Level.WallType.UpDownReflect); wallType.addOption("X", Level.WallType.DiagonalReflectingOctagon); wallType.execute(); addMenuItem(wallType); reflectiveAllowance = new ToggleLimitsButton(Target, Surface.SurfaceType.Reflective); addMenuItem(reflectiveAllowance); absorbantAllowance = new ToggleLimitsButton(Target, Surface.SurfaceType.Absorbant); addMenuItem(absorbantAllowance); refractiveAllowance = new ToggleLimitsButton(Target, Surface.SurfaceType.Refractive); addMenuItem(refractiveAllowance); player1Start = new FlashText(font, "Player 1 Press Start", 500f, 100, 660, Color.Red); player2Start = new FlashText(font, "Player 2 Press Start", 500f, 750, 660, Color.Blue); players = Players; }
public SpawnPoint(Vector2 start, float time, Level Parent) { parent = Parent; current_time = 0; position = start; spawn_timer = time; orientation = 0f; }
public PlayerPrism(Level Parent, Vector2 Position, Player player) { parent = Parent; position = Position; bounds = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(position.X - 20, position.Y - 20, -1), new Vector3(position.X + 20, position.Y + 20, 1)); player_color = player.Color; }
public ColorPrism(Level Parent, Vector2 Position, Color KeyColor) { parent = Parent; keyColor = KeyColor; position = Position; bounds = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(position.X - 20, position.Y - 20, -1), new Vector3(position.X + 20, position.Y + 20, 1)); // color = Color.White; }
public Level create(Level lvl, int screenWidth, int screenHeight) { lvl.bkgHeight = 500; lvl.bkgWidth = 900; lvl.x = (screenWidth - lvl.bkgWidth) / 2; lvl.y = 10; lvl.rectangle = new Rectangle(x, y, 900, 500); return lvl; }
public Tower(string Id, Level Parent, Vector2 Position) { id = Id; parent = Parent; position = Position; color = Color.White; max_health = 1000000000; health = max_health; lit_up = false; }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { // TODO: Add your initialization logic here level = new Level(); IsMouseVisible = true; //graphics.IsFullScreen = true; //graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight=GraphicsDevice.Viewport. graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Width; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Height; graphics.ApplyChanges(); base.Initialize(); }
public Surface(Tower a, Tower b, SurfaceType type, Level Parent) { tower_A = a; tower_A.AddSurface(this); tower_B = b; tower_B.AddSurface(this); m_type = type; surfaceLineSegment = new LineSegment(a.getPosition(), b.getPosition()); parent = Parent; construct(); }
public Game1() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); level = new Level(Content); graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = Level.windowWidth; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = Level.windowHeight; Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; this.IsMouseVisible = true; }
public Spawnable(Level Region, Vector2 Position) { //parent = Parent; region = Region; randomizer = new Random(); double temp = randomizer.Next(0, 1); target = region.getPlayer((int)Math.Floor(temp)); position = Position; direction = target.getPosition() - position; direction.Normalize(); health = 10; update_timer = 5000f; }
public Tower(string Id, Level Parent, Vector2 Position, Laser_Turret Owner) { max_health = 25; health = max_health; id = Id; parent = Parent; position = Position; owner = Owner; bounds = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(position.X-30, position.Y-30, -1), new Vector3(position.X + 30, position.Y + 30, 1)); color = new Color(owner.color.ToVector3() + new Vector3(-.5f, -.5f, -.5f)); lit_up = false; }
public Laser_Turret(Level parent, InputController.InputMode playerMode, LevelManager Manager, int a, int b, int c) { energy = 748; health = 748; m_parent = parent; input = new InputController(playerMode); id = input.getMode(); manager = Manager; reflect_limit=b; absorb_limit=a; refract_limit=c; absorb_amount=0; reflect_amount=0; refract_amount=0; m_rotation = 0; switch (id) { case "Player1": health_bar_pos = 0; energy_bar_pos = 8; position = new Vector2(30, m_parent.height / 2); laserStart = new Vector2(51, m_parent.height / 2); orientation = 0f; id = "Player 1"; color = Color.Red; cursor = new Cursor(this, input, m_parent); break; case "Player2": health_bar_pos = m_parent.width - 5; energy_bar_pos = m_parent.width - 13; position = new Vector2(m_parent.width - 33, m_parent.height / 2); laserStart = new Vector2(m_parent.width - 54, m_parent.height / 2); orientation = (float)Math.PI; id = "Player 2"; color = Color.Blue; cursor = new Cursor(this, input, m_parent); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("Received unexpected input mode"); } bounds = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(position.X - 20, position.Y - 20, -1), new Vector3(position.X + 20, position.Y + 20, 1)); }
//private bool tower_selected; public Cursor(Laser_Turret Parent, InputController Input, Level Region) { input = Input; parent = Parent; player =; region = Region; position = parent.getPosition(); switch (player){ case "Player 1": position.X += 10f; break; case "Player 2": position.X -= 10f; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("Received unexpected output"); } color = parent.color; }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Allows the game to exit if ((Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))) this.Exit(); smith.Update(CurrentLevel.blks); CurrentLevel.Update(); if (CurrentLevel.isNextLevel()) { CurrentLevel.LoadNext(); CurrentLevel = CurrentLevel.NextLevel; } if (CurrentLevel.isLastLevel()) { CurrentLevel.LoadLast(); CurrentLevel = CurrentLevel.LastLevel; } if (smith.prect.Y + (smith.prect.Height) > Window.ClientBounds.Height + smith.Height) { Console.WriteLine("Smith is Dead"); CurrentLevel = L1.getLevel(smith, Window.ClientBounds, white); smith.Die(); } foreach (Block b in CurrentLevel.blks) { if (smith.prect.Intersects(b.Bounds) && b is DeathBlock) { Console.WriteLine("Smith is Dead"); CurrentLevel = L1.getLevel(smith, Window.ClientBounds, white); smith.Die(); } } if (smith.lives <= 0) { CurrentLevel = AfterLife.getLevel(smith, Screen.Bounds, white, sf); smith.action = new Dead(smith.action); } base.Update(gameTime); }
protected override void LoadContent() { spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); // sprites white = Content.Load<Texture2D>("White"); Screen.background = Content.Load<Texture2D>("bgnd"); stexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("smith"); Create.TLadder = Content.Load<Texture2D>("ladder"); Create.TGround = Content.Load<Texture2D>("ground"); Create.TDeath = Content.Load<Texture2D>("death"); // fonts sf = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font"); EndFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font2"); smith = new Smith(stexture, startpos); AfterLife.getLevel(smith, Screen.Bounds, white, EndFont); Create.t = white; CurrentLevel = L1.getLevel(smith, Window.ClientBounds, white); CurrentLevel.LoadNext(); }
public Tower(Level Parent, Vector2 Position) { parent = Parent; position = Position; lit_up = false; }
public void addOption(String Id, Level.WallType newOption) { toggleOptions.Add(newOption); }
public Level_Button(LevelManager Parent, Level Target) { parent = Parent; target = Target; id =; }
public void addLevel(Level add) { levels.Add(add); LevelMenu.addMenuItem(new Level_Button(this,add)); }
public void HandleCollision(Laser l, Level parent) { /* Is this a laser we're generating? Don't bother! */ if (m_collisions.ContainsValue(l)) { return; } Vector2? pIntersectNullable = l.FindIntersectionPoint(surfaceLineSegment); if (pIntersectNullable == null) { return; } Vector2 pIntersect = (Vector2)pIntersectNullable; Laser generating = null; // Have we already started a laser for this collision? if (!m_collisions.ContainsKey(l)) { if (m_type == SurfaceType.Reflective || m_type == SurfaceType.Refractive) { generating = new Laser(pIntersect, calculateBounceDirection(l), l.Color); parent.AddLaser(generating); } m_collisions.Add(l, generating); } else { generating = m_collisions[l]; } float chompdAmount = l.Chomp(surfaceLineSegment); if (m_type == SurfaceType.Reflective || m_type == SurfaceType.Refractive) { generating.AdjustLength(chompdAmount); } m_handledCollision.Add(l); }
public void deleteLasers(Level parent) { List<Laser> deleted = new List<Laser>(); foreach (Laser l in m_collisions.Keys) { if (!m_handledCollision.Contains(l)) { // Finish chomping. deleted.Add(l); } } foreach (Laser l in deleted) { if (m_type == SurfaceType.Reflective) { m_collisions[l].AdjustLength(l.Length); } parent.RemoveLaser(l); m_collisions.Remove(l); } m_handledCollision.Clear(); }
protected override void LoadContent() { //Old mouse state oldMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); //Initial selected skill **move or replace** skillSelected = "right"; setSkill = 1; //Row and column of tiles tileRows = 5; tileColumns = 9; tileRowSet = false; // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); //Fonts Font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font"); skillHotkeysFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("skillHotkeysFont"); //Starting game status gameStatus = "playing"; //Level 1 level1 = level1.create(level1, screenWidth, screenHeight); //Setup UI menu = menu.setupMenu(level1.rectangle.X, level1.rectangle.Y, level1.bkgWidth, level1.bkgHeight); menu.image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("ui"); topBar = topBar.setupTopBar(level1.rectangle.X, level1.rectangle.Y, level1.bkgWidth, level1.bkgHeight); topBar.image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("topBar"); moneySign = moneySign.setupMoneySign(topBar.rectangle.X, topBar.rectangle.Y, level1.bkgWidth); moneySign.image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("dollarSign"); cash.setLocation(moneySign.rectangle.X, moneySign.rectangle.Y); mouse.image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("arrowPointer"); //Setup Tiles tiles.setupTiles(250, 10, 100, 100, screenWidth, screenHeight); tileArray = tiles.get(); tiles.image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("skillOverlay"); //Setup Skills setupSkills.setupSkills(menu.rectangle.X, menu.rectangle.Y, menu.rectangle.Height, menu.rectangle.Width); skills = setupSkills.getSkillsList(); setupSkills.placeSkills(skills); chosenSkills = setupSkills.getChosenSkillsList(); setupSkills.setupSkillHotkeys(skills); skillHotkeys = setupSkills.getSkillHotkeys(); //Setup Hotkeys **change when adding user input for settings** setupHotkey.setupHotkeys(); hotkeys = setupHotkey.getHotkeys(); //Setup Skill Images for (int i = 0; i < chosenSkills.Count; i++) { chosenSkills[i].image = Content.Load<Texture2D>("skillButtons"); } }
public OpenLevelItem() { target = null; parent = null; }
public void addPuzzleLevel(Level add) { levels.Add(add); PuzzleMenu.addMenuItem(new Level_Button(this, add)); }
public void closeLevel() { currentLevel = null; }
int stateChange = 0; //0 is for idle , 1 is for attack for hero #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Hero(ContentManager content, Level level) { this.content = content; this.level = level; }
public ToggleWallsButton(Level Target) { target = Target; basicId = "Wall Settings: "; }
public void setLevel(Level target) { target.addPlayers(players); target.clearAll(); currentLevel = target; currentLevel.loadImages(CM); }
public Monster(ContentManager content, Level level) { this.content = content; this.level = level; setHp(1); }