Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerates all the children for a specified view group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view">The view group to get the children from</param>
        /// <param name="maxDepth">The depth to stop looking for children.</param>
        /// <returns>A lazy enumerable of views</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <_View> EnumerateAllChildren(this _ViewGroup view, int maxDepth = 20)
            var children = view.GetChildren().OfType <_ViewGroup>();

            foreach (var child in children)
                yield return(child);

                if (maxDepth > 0)
                    if (child is _ViewGroup childGroup)
                        foreach (var subResult in childGroup.EnumerateAllChildren(maxDepth - 1))
                            yield return(subResult);
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Enumerates all the children for a specified view group.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="view">The view group to get the children from</param>
		/// <param name="maxDepth">The depth to stop looking for children.</param>
		/// <returns>A lazy enumerable of views</returns>
		public static IEnumerable<_View> EnumerateAllChildren(this _ViewGroup view, int maxDepth = 20)
			var children = view.GetChildren().OfType<UIElement>();

			foreach (var sub in children)
				yield return sub;

				if (maxDepth > 0)
					var childGroup = sub as _ViewGroup;

					if (childGroup != null)
						foreach (var subResult in childGroup.EnumerateAllChildren(maxDepth - 1))
							yield return subResult;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerates all the children for a specified view group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view">The view group to get the children from</param>
        /// <param name="selector">The selector function</param>
        /// <param name="maxDepth">The depth to stop looking for children.</param>
        /// <returns>A lazy enumerable of views</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <_View> EnumerateAllChildren(this _ViewGroup view, Func <_View, bool> selector, int maxDepth = 20)
            var children = view.GetChildren().OfType <UIElement>();

            foreach (var sub in children)
                if (selector(sub))
                    yield return(sub);
                else if (maxDepth > 0)
                    var childGroup = sub as _ViewGroup;

                    if (childGroup != null)
                        foreach (var subResult in childGroup.EnumerateAllChildren(selector, maxDepth - 1))
                            yield return(subResult);
Esempio n. 4
            private bool PropagageEventRecursive(PointerEventArgs args, Point root, UIElement element, Action <UIElement> raiseEvent)
                bool raised = false;
                var  rect   = element.LayoutSlotWithMarginsAndAlignments;

                rect.X += root.X;
                rect.Y += root.Y;

                var position = args.CurrentPoint.Position;

                if (element.RenderTransform != null)
                    position = element.RenderTransform.Inverse.TransformPoint(position);

                if (position.X >= rect.X &&
                    position.Y >= rect.Y &&
                    position.X <= rect.X + rect.Width &&
                    position.Y <= rect.Y + rect.Height)
                    foreach (var e in element.GetChildren().ToArray())
                        raised |= PropagageEventRecursive(args, rect.Location, e, raiseEvent);

                    var isHitTestVisible =
                        element.GetValue(HitTestVisibilityProperty) is HitTestVisibility hitTestVisibility &&
                        hitTestVisibility == HitTestVisibility.Visible;

                    if (!raised && isHitTestVisible)
                        if (!element._pointerEntered)
                            // Console.WriteLine($"PointerManager.Entered [{element}/{element.GetHashCode():X8}");
                            element._pointerEntered = true;

                            var pointer = new Pointer(args.CurrentPoint.PointerId, PointerDeviceType.Mouse, false, isInRange: true);

                            var pointerArgs = new PointerRoutedEventArgs(args, pointer, element);
                            TraverseAncestors(element, pointerArgs, e => e.OnNativePointerEnter(pointerArgs));

                        raised = true;
                    if (element._pointerEntered)
                        element._pointerEntered = false;
                        // Console.WriteLine($"PointerManager.Exited [{element}/{element.GetHashCode():X8}");

                        var pointer     = new Pointer(args.CurrentPoint.PointerId, PointerDeviceType.Mouse, false, isInRange: true);
                        var pointerArgs = new PointerRoutedEventArgs(args, pointer, element);
                        TraverseAncestors(element, pointerArgs, e => e.OnNativePointerExited(pointerArgs));

Esempio n. 5
            private bool PropagageEventRecursive(PointerEventArgs args, Point root, UIElement element, Matrix3x2 currentTransform, Action <UIElement> raiseEvent)
                bool raised      = false;
                var  elementRect = element.LayoutSlotWithMarginsAndAlignments;

                elementRect.X += root.X;
                elementRect.Y += root.Y;

                var position    = args.CurrentPoint.Position;
                var pointer     = new Pointer(args.CurrentPoint.PointerId, PointerDeviceType.Mouse, false, isInRange: true);
                var pointerArgs = new PointerRoutedEventArgs(args, element);

                if (element.RenderTransform != null)
                    currentTransform *= element.RenderTransform.MatrixCore;
                    elementRect       = currentTransform.Transform(elementRect);

                if (elementRect.Contains(position))
                    foreach (var e in element.GetChildren().Reverse().ToArray())
                        if (PropagageEventRecursive(args, elementRect.Location, e, currentTransform, raiseEvent))

                    var isHitTestVisible =
                        element.GetValue(HitTestVisibilityProperty) is HitTestVisibility hitTestVisibility &&
                        hitTestVisibility == HitTestVisibility.Visible;

                    if (isHitTestVisible)
                        if (!element.IsOver(pointer))

                    bool RecursePointerExited(UIElement e)
                        if (e.IsOver(pointer))
                            foreach (var child in e.GetChildren().Reverse().ToArray())
                                if (RecursePointerExited(child))




Esempio n. 6
		private static void recursiveResize(UIElement uiElement, TransformGroup transformGroup, double ratio)

			foreach (var o in uiElement.GetChildren().Where(c => c is UIElement))
				if (o is Panel)
					var panel = (Panel)o;
					(panel).Margin = new Thickness(
						panel.Margin.Left / ratio,
						panel.Margin.Top / ratio,
						panel.Margin.Right / ratio,
						panel.Margin.Bottom / ratio);

					// recursive call.
					recursiveResize((UIElement)o, transformGroup, ratio);
				else if (o is FrameworkElement)
					var element = (FrameworkElement)o;
					element.Margin = new Thickness(
						element.Margin.Left / ratio,
						element.Margin.Top / ratio,
						element.Margin.Right / ratio,
						element.Margin.Bottom / ratio);
					element.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
					element.RenderTransform = transformGroup;