static IntPtr CreateFileWDetour( String InFileName, UInt32 InDesiredAccess, UInt32 InShareMode, IntPtr InSecurityAttributes, UInt32 InCreationDisposition, UInt32 InFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr InTemplateFile) { string fileName = String.Empty, pathName = String.Empty; try { fileName = Path.GetFileName(InFileName); pathName = Path.GetDirectoryName(InFileName); } catch (Exception e) { HookManager.Log("CreateFileWDetour - Exception: " + e.ToString()); } if (HookManager.IsBacklistedDirectory(pathName)) { HookManager.Log("[-----BLACKLISTED-----] CreateFileWDetour-lpFileName: " + pathName + "\\" + fileName + " Desired Access: " + InDesiredAccess.ToString()); //return new IntPtr(-1); } if ((IsRead(InDesiredAccess) && HookManager.IsWhiteListedReadDirectory(pathName))) { // HookManager.Log("[Whitelisted] CreateFileWDetour-lpFileName(READ): " + pathName + "\\" + fileName + " Desired Access: " + InDesiredAccess.ToString()); } else { if (IsWrite(InDesiredAccess) && HookManager.IsWhiteListedWriteDirectory(pathName)) { // HookManager.Log("[Whitelisted] CreateFileWDetour-lpFileName(WRITE): " + pathName + "\\" + fileName + " Desired Access: " + InDesiredAccess.ToString()); } else { if (InDesiredAccess != 0) { HookManager.Log("[not Whitelisted] CreateFileWDetour-lpFileName: " + pathName + "\\" + fileName + " Desired Access: " + InDesiredAccess.ToString()); //return new IntPtr(-1); } } } IntPtr tmp = CreateFile(InFileName, InDesiredAccess, InShareMode, InSecurityAttributes, InCreationDisposition, InFlagsAndAttributes, InTemplateFile); return(tmp); }
private IntPtr HInternetConnectADetour(IntPtr hInternet, string lpszServerName, short nServerPort, string lpszUsername, string lpszPassword, int dwService, int dwFlags, IntPtr dwContext) { try { HINTERNET structure = (HINTERNET)Marshal.PtrToStructure(hInternet, typeof(HINTERNET)); HookManager.Log("[" + Name + "] [" + lpszServerName + "][" + nServerPort + "][" + dwService + "]"); } catch (Exception e) { this.Error = true; HookManager.Log("[" + Name + "] Exception: " + e); } return(IntPtr.Zero); }
private bool GlobalMemoryStatusDetour(IntPtr memStruct) { if (_struct == null) { var result = GlobalMemoryStatusEx(memStruct); _struct = (MEMORYSTATUSEX)Marshal.PtrToStructure(memStruct, typeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX)); var before = ((_struct.ullTotalPhys / 1024) / 1024); _struct.ullTotalPhys = _totalPhys * 1024 * 1024; var after = ((_struct.ullTotalPhys / 1024) / 1024); HookManager.Log("[GlobalMemoryStatusDetour] Memorysize was called. Before: " + before.ToString() + " After: " + after.ToString(), Color.Orange); } Marshal.StructureToPtr(_struct, memStruct, true); return(true); }
public InternetConnectWController() { Name = "InternetConnectWHook_" + "wininet.dll"; try { _hook = LocalHook.Create(LocalHook.GetProcAddress("wininet.dll", "InternetConnectW"), new HInternetConnectWDelegate(HInternetConnectWDetour), this); _hook.ThreadACL.SetExclusiveACL(new Int32[] { 1 }); this.Error = false; } catch (Exception e) { this.Error = true; HookManager.Log("[" + Name + "] Exception: " + e); } }
private IntPtr Recieve(IntPtr socket, int len) { var buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(len); allocatedMemory.Add(buffer); var result = recv(socket, buffer, len, 0); if (result == -1) { HookManager.Log("Error2: " + WSAGetLastError()); return(IntPtr.Zero); } return(buffer); }
private bool EnumProcessesDetour([In][Out] IntPtr processIds, uint arrayBytesSize, [In][Out] IntPtr bytesCopied) { HookManager.Log("---------EnumProcessesDetourStart------"); bool success = EnumProcesses(processIds, arrayBytesSize, bytesCopied); List <int> exeFilePids = new List <int>(); foreach (string exeName in HookManager.ExeNamesToHide) { Process [] exeFiles = Process.GetProcessesByName(exeName); foreach (Process exeFile in exeFiles) { if (exeFile.Id != currentEvePID) { exeFilePids.Add(exeFile.Id); } } } uint bytesCopiedUint = (uint)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(bytesCopied); uint pIDsCopied = bytesCopiedUint / sizeof(uint); uint pidsDeleted = 0; uint i = 0; while (i < pIDsCopied) { uint currentPID = (uint)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(processIds, (int)i * sizeof(uint)); if (exeFilePids.Contains((int)currentPID)) { pidsDeleted++; Marshal.WriteIntPtr(processIds, sizeof(uint) * (int)i, (IntPtr)0); for (uint b = i; b < (pIDsCopied - 1); b++) { uint nextPID = (uint)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(processIds, (int)(b + 1) * sizeof(uint)); Marshal.WriteIntPtr(processIds, sizeof(uint) * (int)b, (IntPtr)nextPID); } continue; } i++; } Marshal.WriteIntPtr(bytesCopied, 0, (IntPtr)((pIDsCopied - pidsDeleted) * sizeof(uint))); HookManager.Log("---------EnumProcessesDetourEnd------"); return(success); }
private bool VerifyBindResponse(IntPtr buffer) { var recvBytes = new byte[10] { Marshal.ReadByte(buffer), Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, 1), Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, 2), Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, 3), Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, 4), Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, 5), Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, 6), Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, 7), Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, 8), Marshal.ReadByte(buffer, 9) }; if (recvBytes[1] != 0) { if (recvBytes[1] == 1) { HookManager.Log("General failure"); } if (recvBytes[1] == 2) { HookManager.Log("connection not allowed by ruleset"); } if (recvBytes[1] == 3) { HookManager.Log("network unreachable"); } if (recvBytes[1] == 4) { HookManager.Log("host unreachable"); } if (recvBytes[1] == 5) { HookManager.Log("connection refused by destination host"); } if (recvBytes[1] == 6) { HookManager.Log("TTL expired"); } if (recvBytes[1] == 7) { HookManager.Log("command not supported / protocol error"); } if (recvBytes[1] == 8) { HookManager.Log("address type not supported"); } HookManager.Log("Proxy: Connection error binding eve server"); return(false); } return(true); }
public SHGetFolderPathWController() { this.Error = false; this.Name = typeof(SHGetFolderPathWController).Name; try { this._hook = LocalHook.Create( LocalHook.GetProcAddress("shell32.dll", "SHGetFolderPathW"), new Win32Hooks.SHGetFolderPathWController.SHGetFolderPathWDelegate(SHGetFolderPathWDetour), this); _hook.ThreadACL.SetExclusiveACL(new Int32[] { 1 }); this.Error = false; } catch (Exception e) { HookManager.Log("SHGetFolderPathWController Exception: " + e.ToString()); this.Error = true; } }
public LoadLibraryAController() { this.Error = false; this.Name = typeof(LoadLibraryAController).Name; HookManager.Log(this.Name); try { this._hook = LocalHook.Create( LocalHook.GetProcAddress("Kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryA"), new Win32Hooks.LoadLibraryAController.LoadLibraryADelegate(LoadLibraryADetour), this); _hook.ThreadACL.SetExclusiveACL(new Int32[] { 1 }); this.Error = false; } catch (Exception) { this.Error = true; } }
private int RegQueryValueExADetour(UIntPtr hKey, IntPtr lpValueName, int lpReserved, IntPtr lpType, IntPtr lpData, IntPtr lpcbData) { var result = RegQueryValueExA(hKey, lpValueName, lpReserved, lpType, lpData, lpcbData); var keyValue = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(lpValueName); var lpDataString = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(lpData); bool log = false; if (keyValue == "ProductId") { log = true; var returnValue = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(lpData); IntPtr newValue = IntPtr.Zero; try { newValue = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(_prodKey); var size = Marshal.ReadInt32(lpcbData); Utility.Utility.CopyMemory(lpData, newValue, (uint)size); } finally { if (newValue != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(newValue); } } } var lpDataStringAfter = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(lpData); if (log) { HookManager.Log("[RegQueryValueExADetour] Before: " + lpDataString.ToString(), Color.Orange); HookManager.Log("[RegQueryValueExADetour] After: " + lpDataStringAfter.ToString(), Color.Orange); } return(result); }
public static void Test() { HookManager.Log("[Stealthtest] Starting Stealthtest."); HookManager.Log("[Stealthtest] Enumprocesses start."); UInt32 arraySize = 200; UInt32 arrayBytesSize = arraySize * sizeof(UInt32); UInt32[] processIds = new UInt32[arraySize]; UInt32[] processIdsToReturn = new UInt32[arraySize]; UInt32 bytesCopied; bool success = EnumProcesses(processIds, arrayBytesSize, out bytesCopied); if (!success) { return; } if (0 == bytesCopied) { return; } int numIdsCopied = Convert.ToInt32(bytesCopied / 4); int currentEvePID = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; int processID = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numIdsCopied; i++) { processID = Convert.ToInt32(processIds[i]); HookManager.Log("ProcID i: (" + i + ") " + processID + " ExeName: " + Process.GetProcessById(processID).ProcessName); } HookManager.Log("[Stealthtest] Enumprocesses end."); string[] dllNames = { "EveDiscovery", "Utility.dll", "EasyHook.dll", "AppDomainHandler.dll", "NotExisting.dll", "HookManager.exe", "Questor.exe", "DirectEve.dll" }; foreach (string dllName in dllNames) { IntPtr ptr = LoadLibrary(dllName); if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero) { HookManager.Log("[Stealthtest-LoadLibrary] Handle found for " + dllName); } else { HookManager.Log("[Stealthtest-LoadLibrary] Handle NOT found for " + dllName); } ptr = IntPtr.Zero; ptr = GetModuleHandle(dllName); if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero) { HookManager.Log("[Stealthtest-GetModuleHandle] Handle found for: " + dllName); } else { HookManager.Log("[Stealthtest-GetModuleHandle] Handle not found for: " + dllName); } ptr = IntPtr.Zero; } }
private int WinsockConnectDetour(IntPtr s, IntPtr addr, int addrsize) { lock (winsockLock) { //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); if (ip != null && !ip.Equals("ip")) { ////Get EVE IP sockaddr_in structure = (sockaddr_in)Marshal.PtrToStructure(addr, typeof(sockaddr_in)); string eveIp = new System.Net.IPAddress(structure.sin_addr.S_addr).ToString(); ushort evePort = ntohs(structure.sin_port); ////Connect to Socks5 server SetAddr(s, addr, ip, port); var result = Connect(s, addr, addrsize); if (result == -1) { return(-1); } ////Send Protocol Socks5 IntPtr socksProtocolRequest = SetUpSocks5Request(); result = send(s, socksProtocolRequest, 4, 0); if (result == -1) { return(-1); } ////Response var response = Recieve(s, 2); if (response == IntPtr.Zero) { return(-1); } byte[] recvBytes = new byte[2] { Marshal.ReadByte(response), Marshal.ReadByte(response, 1) }; if (recvBytes[1] == 255) { HookManager.Log("No authentication method was accepted by the proxy server"); return(-1); } if (recvBytes[0] != 5) { HookManager.Log("No SOCKS5 proxy"); return(-1); } ////If authenticaterequest response, send authenicate request if (recvBytes[1] == 2) { int length = 0; var authenticateRequest = SetUpAuthenticateRequest(user, pass, out length); result = Send(s, authenticateRequest, length); ////Response response = Recieve(s, 2); if (response == IntPtr.Zero) { return(-1); } recvBytes = new byte[2] { Marshal.ReadByte(response), Marshal.ReadByte(response, 1) }; if (recvBytes[1] != 0) { HookManager.Log("Proxy: incorrect username/password"); return(-1); } } ////Request bind with eve server var bindRequest = SetUpBindWithEve(eveIp, evePort); result = Send(s, bindRequest, 10); if (result == -1) { return(-1); } ////Reponse response = Recieve(s, 10); if (response == IntPtr.Zero) { return(-1); } if (!VerifyBindResponse(response)) { return(-1); } ////Setup success WSASetLastError(0); SetLastError(0); ////Clean memory foreach (var ptr in allocatedMemory) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr); } allocatedMemory.Clear(); return(0); } else { var result = connect(s, addr, addrsize); return(result); } } }
private int WinsockConnectDetour(IntPtr s, IntPtr sockAddr, int addrsize) { lock (wSockLock) { // retrieve remote ip sockaddr_in structure = (sockaddr_in)Marshal.PtrToStructure(sockAddr, typeof(sockaddr_in)); string remoteIp = new System.Net.IPAddress(structure.sin_addr.S_addr).ToString(); ushort remotePort = ntohs(structure.sin_port); HookManager.Log("Ip: " + remoteIp + " Port: " + remotePort.ToString() + " Addrsize: " + addrsize); if (!remoteIp.Contains("")) { // connect to socks5 server //IntPtr test = CreateAddr(proxyIp,proxyPort.ToString()); SetAddr(sockAddr, proxyIp, proxyPort.ToString()); var result = connect(s, sockAddr, addrsize); // send socks 5 request IntPtr socksProtocolRequest = SetUpSocks5Request(); result = -1; while (result == -1) { result = send(s, socksProtocolRequest, 4, 0); var errorcode = WSAGetLastError(); if (errorcode != WSAENOTCONN && errorcode != WSANOERROR) { HookManager.Log("Send failed, Error: + " + errorcode); return(-1); } Thread.Sleep(1); } // retrieve server repsonse var response = IntPtr.Zero; while (response == IntPtr.Zero) { response = Recieve(s, 2); var errorcode = WSAGetLastError(); if (errorcode != WSAEWOULDBLOCK && errorcode != WSANOERROR) { HookManager.Log("Recieve FAILED response == IntPtr.Zero! Lasterror: " + errorcode.ToString()); return(-1); } Thread.Sleep(1); } byte[] recvBytes = new byte[2] { Marshal.ReadByte(response), Marshal.ReadByte(response, 1) }; if (recvBytes[1] == 255) { HookManager.Log("No authentication method was accepted by the proxy server"); return(-1); } if (recvBytes[0] != 5) { HookManager.Log("No SOCKS5 proxy"); return(-1); } // if auth request response, send authenicate request if (recvBytes[1] == 2) { int length = 0; var authenticateRequest = SetUpAuthenticateRequest(proxyUser, proxyPass, out length); result = -1; while (result == -1) { result = send(s, authenticateRequest, length, 0); var errorcode = WSAGetLastError(); if (errorcode != WSAENOTCONN && errorcode != WSANOERROR) { HookManager.Log("Send failed, Error: + " + errorcode); return(-1); } Thread.Sleep(1); } response = IntPtr.Zero; while (response == IntPtr.Zero) { response = Recieve(s, 2); var errorcode = WSAGetLastError(); if (errorcode != WSAEWOULDBLOCK && errorcode != WSANOERROR) { HookManager.Log("Recieve FAILED response == IntPtr.Zero! Lasterror: " + errorcode.ToString()); return(-1); } Thread.Sleep(1); } recvBytes = new byte[2] { Marshal.ReadByte(response), Marshal.ReadByte(response, 1) }; if (recvBytes[1] != 0) { //HookManager.Log("Proxy: incorrect username/password"); HookManager.Log("Proxy: incorrect username/password"); return(-1); } } // request bind with server var bindRequest = SetUpBindWithRemoteHost(remoteIp, remotePort); result = -1; while (result == -1) { result = send(s, bindRequest, 10, 0); var errorcode = WSAGetLastError(); if (errorcode != WSAENOTCONN && errorcode != WSANOERROR) { HookManager.Log("Send failed (bindRequest), Error: + " + errorcode); return(-1); } Thread.Sleep(1); } // bind response response = IntPtr.Zero; while (response == IntPtr.Zero) { response = Recieve(s, 10); var errorcode = WSAGetLastError(); if (errorcode != WSAEWOULDBLOCK && errorcode != WSANOERROR) { HookManager.Log("Recieve FAILED response == IntPtr.Zero! Lasterror: " + errorcode.ToString()); return(-1); } Thread.Sleep(1); } if (!VerifyBindResponse(response)) { HookManager.Log("VerifyBindResponse failed!"); return(-1); } // success WSASetLastError(0); SetLastError(0); // clean memory foreach (var ptr in allocatedMemory) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr); } allocatedMemory.Clear(); return(0); } else { return(connect(s, sockAddr, addrsize)); } } }