Esempio n. 1
		private static object GetMember(EntityMap entityMap, object entityObject, string keyMember) {
			if (entityMap.HasHelper) {
				return ((IObjectHelper) entityObject)[keyMember];
			else {
				try {
					// Improved Support for Embedded Objects from Chris Schletter (
					object memberValue = entityObject;
					string[] memberParts = keyMember.Split('.');
					for (int index = 0; index < memberParts.Length; index++) {
						string typeName = memberValue.GetType().ToString();
						MemberInfo memberField = EntityMap.FindField(typeName, memberParts[index]);
						if (memberField is FieldInfo) {
							memberValue = (memberField as FieldInfo).GetValue(memberValue);
						else {
							memberValue = (memberField as PropertyInfo).GetValue(memberValue, null);
					return memberValue;
				catch (Exception exception) {
					throw new ORMapperException("GetField failed for " + keyMember, exception);
Esempio n. 2
        private string TS = ";"; // Terminate-Statement Delimiter for SQL Batch

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        internal Commands(EntityMap entity, CustomProvider provider)
            this.QS = provider.StartDelimiter;
            this.QE = provider.EndDelimiter;
            this.DD = provider.DateDelimiter;
            this.GD = provider.GuidDelimiter;
            this.TS = provider.LineTerminator;
            this.entity = entity;
            this.provider = provider;

            this.selectFields = this.CreateFields();
   = this.CreateSelect();
            #if DEBUG_MAPPER
            Debug.WriteLine("  " +;
            if (!this.entity.ReadOnly) {
                this.insert = this.CreateInsert();
                this.update = this.CreateUpdate();
                this.delete = this.CreateDelete();
            #if DEBUG_MAPPER
                Debug.WriteLine("  " + this.insert);
                Debug.WriteLine("  " + this.update);
                Debug.WriteLine("  " + this.delete);
Esempio n. 3
		private Instance(Context context, object entityObject) {
			this.context = context;
			string type = entityObject.GetType().ToString();
			this.entity = this.context.Mappings[type];
			this.commands = this.context.Mappings.Commands(type);
			this.instance = new WeakReference(entityObject);
			this.values = new object[this.entity.FieldCount];
Esempio n. 4
 public static Commands GetCommands(EntityMap entity, CustomProvider customProvider)
     if (!customProvider.IsCustom) {
         switch (customProvider.Provider) {
             case Provider.MsSql : return new MSCommands(entity, customProvider);
             case Provider.Sql2005 : return new Sql2005Commands(entity, customProvider);
             case Provider.Access : return new MSCommands(entity, customProvider);
             case Provider.Oracle : return new OracleCommands(entity, customProvider);
             default : return new Commands(entity, customProvider);
     else {
         return new Commands(entity, customProvider);
Esempio n. 5
        public object GetObject(Type objectType)
            object    entityObject = Activator.CreateInstance(objectType, true);
            EntityMap map          = this.Mappings[objectType];

            if (map.KeyType != KeyType.User &&
                map.KeyType != KeyType.Composite)
                if (map.AutoTrack)
                    this.StartTracking(entityObject, InitialState.Inserted);
Esempio n. 6
        private string CreateInsert()
            if (this.entity.InsertSP.Length == 0)
                EntityMap     map           = this.entity;
                StringBuilder fieldList     = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder parameterList = new StringBuilder();
                for (int index = 0; index < map.FieldCount; index++)
                    FieldMap field = map[index];

                    if (field.PersistType == PersistType.Persist)
                        if (map.KeyType == KeyType.Auto)
                            if (map.IsAutoKeyMember(field.Member))
                                // skip the final key segment of an auto key
                        fieldList.Append(this.GetDelimited(this.entity[index].Field) + ", ");
                        parameterList.Append(this.entity[index].Parameter + ", ");
                if (map.TypeField != null && map.TypeField.Length > 0 &&
                    map.TypeValue != null && map.TypeValue.ToString().Length > 0)
                    fieldList.Append(this.GetDelimited(this.entity.TypeField) + ", ");
                    parameterList.Append(this.CleanValue(this.entity.TypeValue) + ", ");
                if (fieldList.Length >= 2)
                    fieldList.Remove(fieldList.Length - 2, 2);
                if (parameterList.Length >= 2)
                    parameterList.Remove(parameterList.Length - 2, 2);
                string identity = (this.entity.KeyType == KeyType.Auto ? this.SelectIdentity() : TS);
                return(String.Format("INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2}){3}",
                                     this.GetDelimited(this.entity.Table), fieldList.ToString(), parameterList.ToString(), identity));
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>Advances the ObjectReader to the next record.</summary>
        /// <returns>True if there are more objects; otherwise, false.</returns>
        public bool Read()
            bool read;

            if (this.firstRead)
                this.firstRead = false;
                read           = this.hasObjects;
                read =;

            if (read)
                if (this.firstLevel)
                Internals.EntityMap entity = this.context.Mappings[this.ObjectType];
                Type instanceType          = this.ObjectType;
                if (entity.SubTypes.Count > 0)
                    string typeValue =[entity.TypeField].ToString();
                    if (entity.SubTypes.ContainsKey(typeValue))
                        instanceType = Internals.EntityMap.GetType((string)entity.SubTypes[typeValue]);
                this.current = Activator.CreateInstance(instanceType, true);
                Internals.Instance instance = new Internals.Instance(this.context, this.current,;
                if (this.hasEvents)
                if (this.context.Mappings[objectType.ToString()].AutoTrack)
                this.current = null;
Esempio n. 8
        private void AddRelation(string member, RelationMap relation)
            if (EntityMap.GetType(relation.Type) == null)
                throw new MappingException("Mapping: Relation type was Invalid - " + relation.Type);

            RelationMap[] tempRelations = new RelationMap[this.relations.Length + 1];
            this.relations.CopyTo(tempRelations, 0);
            tempRelations[this.relations.Length] = relation;
            this.relations = tempRelations;
            if (!relation.QueryOnly)
Esempio n. 9
        internal EntityMap(string type, string table, string keyMember, KeyType keyType, string sortOrder,
				bool readOnly, bool changesOnly, bool autoTrack, string typeField, string typeValue)
            if (type == null || type.Length == 0) {
                throw new MappingException("Mapping: Entity type was Missing");
            if (table == null || table.Length == 0) {
                throw new MappingException("Mapping: Entity table was Missing - " + type);
            if (keyType != KeyType.None && (keyMember == null || keyMember.Length == 0)) {
                throw new MappingException("Mapping: Entity keyMember was Missing - " + type);
            this.type = type;
            this.table = table;
            this.keyMembers = keyMember.Replace(", ", ",").Split(',');
            this.keyType = keyType;
            this.sortOrder = (sortOrder == null ? String.Empty : sortOrder);
            this.readOnly = readOnly;
            this.changesOnly = changesOnly;
            this.autoTrack = autoTrack;

            this.baseEntity = null;
            this.typeField = typeField;
            try {
                if (typeValue == null) {
                    this.typeValue = null;
                else {
                    this.typeValue = int.Parse(typeValue);
            catch {
                this.typeValue = typeValue.Trim('\'');

            if (EntityMap.GetType(this.type) == null) {
                throw new MappingException("Mapping: Entity type was Invalid - " + type);
            if (EntityMap.GetType(this.type).GetInterface(typeof(IObjectHelper).ToString()) != null) {
                this.hasHelper = true;
            if (EntityMap.GetType(this.type).GetInterface(typeof(IObjectNotification).ToString()) != null) {
                this.hasEvents = true;
Esempio n. 10
        // <subEntity type="typeName" inherits="baseTypeName" typeValue="typeDiscriminatorValue" />
        private void ParseSubEntity(XmlNode subEntityNode, string defaultNamespace, string defaultSchema, string defaultHint)
            string    type      = this.GetTypeName(subEntityNode, "type", defaultNamespace);
            string    inherits  = this.GetTypeName(subEntityNode, "inherits", defaultNamespace);
            string    typeValue = this.GetValue(subEntityNode, "typeValue");
            EntityMap subEntity = new EntityMap(type, this[inherits], typeValue);

            foreach (XmlNode attributeNode in subEntityNode.SelectNodes("attribute"))
                this.ParseAttribute(subEntity, attributeNode);
            foreach (XmlNode attributeNode in subEntityNode.SelectNodes("lookup"))
                this.ParseLookup(subEntity, attributeNode, defaultSchema);
            foreach (XmlNode attributeNode in subEntityNode.SelectNodes("relation"))
                this.ParseRelation(subEntity, attributeNode, defaultNamespace, defaultSchema);
            Debug.WriteLine("SubEntity = " + type + " : "
                            + subEntity.FieldCount.ToString() + " Fields, "
                            + subEntity.RelationCount.ToString() + " Relations");
            this.entities.Add(type, subEntity);
            this.commands.Add(type, ProviderFactory.GetCommands(subEntity, this.provider));

            Debug.WriteLine("SubEntity Inherits = " + inherits + " : "
                            + subEntity.BaseEntity.FieldCount.ToString() + " Fields, "
                            + subEntity.BaseEntity.RelationCount.ToString() + " Relations");
            this.commands[inherits] = ProviderFactory.GetCommands(subEntity.BaseEntity, this.provider);

            string typeName = type.Substring(type.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
            if (!this.helper.ContainsKey(typeName))
                this.helper.Add(typeName, type);
                this.helper[typeName] = null;
Esempio n. 11
        // Includes Mapping Inheritance by Jim Daugherty and Michael Robin
        public Commands Commands(string type)
            Commands commands = this.commands[type] as Commands;

            if (commands == null)
                // if no commands found then try to find one for ancestor type
                for (Type baseType = EntityMap.GetType(type).BaseType; baseType != null; baseType = baseType.BaseType)
                    commands = this.commands[baseType.ToString()] as Commands;
                    if (commands != null)
                        this.commands[type] = commands;                         // if found, put into commands so we don't have to do this again
Esempio n. 12
        private string GetTypeName(XmlNode node, string name, string defaultNamespace)
            string typeName = this.GetValue(node, name);

            if (typeName.IndexOf(',') > 0)
                string[] typeParts = typeName.Split(new char[] { ',' }, 2);
                typeName = FullTypeName(typeParts[0], defaultNamespace);
                if (typeParts.Length > 1)
                    EntityMap.GetType(typeName, typeParts[1]);
                return(FullTypeName(typeName, defaultNamespace));
Esempio n. 13
 // Includes Mapping Inheritance from Jerry Shea (
 public EntityMap this[string type] {
     get {
         EntityMap entity = this.entities[type] as EntityMap;
         if (entity == null)
             // if no entity map found then try to find one for ancestor type
             for (Type baseType = EntityMap.GetType(type).BaseType; baseType != null; baseType = baseType.BaseType)
                 entity = this.entities[baseType.ToString()] as EntityMap;
                 if (entity != null)
                     this.entities[type] = entity;                             // if found, put into entity map so we don't have to do this again
Esempio n. 14
		private static object GetObjectKey(EntityMap entityMap, object entityObject, bool isPersisted) {
			FieldMap[] keyFields = entityMap.KeyFields;
			// Paul Welter ( -- allow inserts by using all columns as key
			if (keyFields.Length == 0 || entityMap.KeyType == KeyType.None) {
				keyFields = entityMap.Fields;

			object[] keyArray = new object[keyFields.Length];

			for (int index = 0; index < keyFields.Length; index++) {
				string keyMember = keyFields[index].Member;
				object keyValue = GetMember(entityMap, entityObject, keyMember);
				if (entityMap.KeyType == KeyType.None && keyValue == null) keyValue = string.Empty;
				if (EntityKey.IsNull(keyValue, isPersisted)) {
					switch (entityMap.KeyType) {
						case KeyType.Auto: keyValue = EntityKey.GetAutoKey(keyValue, entityMap.Type); break;
						case KeyType.Guid: keyValue = EntityKey.GetGuidKey(keyValue is Guid); break;
						default: throw new ORMapperException("ObjectSpace: Entity Object is missing Key - " + entityMap.Type);
					if (entityMap.HasHelper) {
						((IObjectHelper) entityObject)[keyMember] = keyValue;
					else {
						if (entityMap.Member(keyMember) is FieldInfo) {
							(entityMap.Member(keyMember) as FieldInfo).SetValue(entityObject, keyValue);
						else {
							(entityMap.Member(keyMember) as PropertyInfo).SetValue(entityObject, keyValue, null);

				keyArray[index] = keyValue;

			if (keyArray.Length == 1)
				return keyArray[0];
				return keyArray;
Esempio n. 15
        // Includes Null-Value Assistance from Tim Byng (
        internal void AddField(string member, string field, string nullValue, string alias,
                               string parameter, PersistType persistType, CustomProvider provider)
            FieldMap[] tempFields = new FieldMap[this.fields.Length + 1];
            this.fields.CopyTo(tempFields, 0);
            tempFields[this.fields.Length] = new FieldMap(member, field, nullValue,
                                                          parameter, persistType, EntityMap.GetType(this.Member(member)), provider);
            int keyIndex = -1;

            for (int index = 0; index < this.keyMembers.Length; index++)
                if (this.keyMembers[index].Equals(member))
                    keyIndex = index;
            if (keyIndex > -1)
                FieldMap[] tempKeyFields = new FieldMap[this.keyFields.Length + 1];
                this.keyFields.CopyTo(tempKeyFields, 0);
                tempKeyFields[this.keyFields.Length] = tempFields[this.fields.Length];
                this.keyFields = tempKeyFields;
            if (persistType == PersistType.ReadOnly)
            if (persistType == PersistType.Concurrent)
            this.fields = tempFields;
            this.helper.Add(alias, this.fields.Length - 1);

            if (this.baseEntity != null && !this.baseEntity.subFields.ContainsKey(field))
                this.baseEntity.subFields.Add(field, this.fields[this.fields.Length - 1]);
Esempio n. 16
        // Includes Null-Value Assistance from Tim Byng (
        private void ParseAttribute(EntityMap entity, XmlNode attributeNode)
            string member = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "member");
            string field  = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "field");
            // Null Values use nullValue if provided
            string nullValue = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "nullValue", null);
            string alias     = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "alias", member);
            // Stored Procedures use parameter if Provided
            string parameter = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "parameter");

            PersistType persistType;             // Default persistType is Persist

            switch (this.GetValue(attributeNode, "persistType", "PERSIST").ToUpper())
            case "READONLY": persistType = PersistType.ReadOnly; break;

            case "CONCURRENT": persistType = PersistType.Concurrent; break;

            default: persistType = PersistType.Persist; break;
            entity.AddField(member, field, nullValue, alias, parameter, persistType, this.provider);
Esempio n. 17
        public static Commands GetCommands(EntityMap entity, CustomProvider customProvider)
            if (!customProvider.IsCustom)
                switch (customProvider.Provider)
                case Provider.MsSql: return(new MSCommands(entity, customProvider));

                case Provider.Sql2005: return(new Sql2005Commands(entity, customProvider));

                case Provider.Access: return(new MSCommands(entity, customProvider));

                case Provider.Oracle: return(new OracleCommands(entity, customProvider));

                default: return(new Commands(entity, customProvider));
                return(new Commands(entity, customProvider));
Esempio n. 18
        // Thanks to both Allan Ritchie ([email protected])
        // and Gerrod Thomas ( for advice and code
        public object Resync(object entityObject)
            EntityMap entity = this.mappings[entityObject.GetType()];

            for (int index = 0; index < entity.RelationCount; index++)
                RelationMap   relation = entity.Relation(index);
                object        member   = this[entityObject].GetField(relation.Member);
                ILoadOnDemand lazy     = member as ILoadOnDemand;

                if (lazy != null)
                    if (lazy.IsLoaded)

            EntityKey entityKey = new EntityKey(this, entityObject, true);

            return(this.GetObject(entityObject.GetType(), entityKey.Value, true));
Esempio n. 19
		internal EntityMap(string type, EntityMap baseEntity, string typeValue) {
			if (type == null || type.Length == 0) {
				throw new MappingException("Mapping: SubEntity type was Missing");
			if (baseEntity == null) {
				throw new MappingException("Mapping: SubEntity inherits was undefined Entity - " + type);
			if (baseEntity.TypeField == null || baseEntity.TypeField.Length == 0) {
				throw new MappingException("Mapping: SubEntity entity had undefined typeField - " + type);
			if (typeValue == null || typeValue.Length == 0) {
				throw new MappingException("Mapping: SubEntity typeValue was not defined - " + type);
			this.type = type;
			this.table = baseEntity.table;
			this.keyMembers = baseEntity.keyMembers.Clone() as string[];
			this.keyType = baseEntity.keyType;
			this.sortOrder = baseEntity.sortOrder;
			this.readOnly = baseEntity.readOnly;
			this.changesOnly = baseEntity.changesOnly;
			this.autoTrack = baseEntity.autoTrack;
			this.hint = baseEntity.hint;
			this.baseEntity = baseEntity;
			this.typeField = baseEntity.typeField;
			try {
				if (typeValue == null) {
					this.typeValue = null;
				else {
					this.typeValue = int.Parse(typeValue);
			catch {
				this.typeValue = typeValue.Trim('\'');
			baseEntity.AddSubType(this.typeValue.ToString(), type);

			this.insertSP = baseEntity.insertSP;
			this.updateSP = baseEntity.updateSP;
			this.deleteSP = baseEntity.deleteSP;
			this.readOnlyCount = baseEntity.readOnlyCount;
			this.concurrentCount = baseEntity.concurrentCount;
			this.fields = baseEntity.fields.Clone() as FieldMap[];
			this.keyFields = baseEntity.keyFields.Clone() as FieldMap[];
			this.relations = baseEntity.relations.Clone() as RelationMap[];
			this.members = baseEntity.members.Clone() as Hashtable;
			this.helper = baseEntity.helper.Clone() as Hashtable;

			if (EntityMap.GetType(this.type) == null) {
				throw new MappingException("Mapping: Entity type was Invalid - " + type);
			if (EntityMap.GetType(this.type).GetInterface(typeof(IObjectHelper).ToString()) != null) {
				this.hasHelper = true;
			if (EntityMap.GetType(this.type).GetInterface(typeof(IObjectNotification).ToString()) != null) {
				this.hasEvents = true;
Esempio n. 20
 // Includes Support for Enumerated Member Types from Jerry Shea (
 internal static object SetField(EntityMap entityMap, object entityObject, string member, object value, CustomProvider provider)
     Type type = EntityMap.GetType(entityMap.Member(member));
     object typedValue = QueryHelper.ChangeType(value, type);
     if (entityMap.HasHelper) {
         try {
             ((IObjectHelper)entityObject)[member] = typedValue;
         catch (Exception exception) {
             if (typedValue == null) {
                 throw new ORMapperException("ObjectSpace: SetField failed for NULL " + member + " : " + entityMap.Type, exception);
             else {
                 throw new MappingException("Mapping: IObjectHelper is missing " + member + " : " + entityMap.Type, exception);
     else {
         try {
             // Improved Support for Embedded Objects from Chris Schletter (
             object memberValue = entityObject;
             string[] memberParts = member.Split('.');
             for (int index = 0; index < memberParts.Length; index++) {
                 string typeName = memberValue.GetType().ToString();
                 MemberInfo memberField = EntityMap.FindField(typeName, memberParts[index]);
                 if (index == memberParts.Length - 1) {
                     if (memberField is FieldInfo) {
                         (memberField as FieldInfo).SetValue(memberValue, typedValue);
                     else {
                         (memberField as PropertyInfo).SetValue(memberValue, typedValue, null);
                 else {
                     if (memberField is FieldInfo) {
                         memberValue = (memberField as FieldInfo).GetValue(memberValue);
                     else {
                         memberValue = (memberField as PropertyInfo).GetValue(memberValue, null);
         catch (Exception exception) {
             if (typedValue == null) {
                 throw new ORMapperException("ObjectSpace: SetField failed for NULL " + member + " : " + entityMap.Type, exception);
             else {
                 throw new ORMapperException("ObjectSpace: SetField failed for " + member + " : " + entityMap.Type, exception);
     return typedValue;
Esempio n. 21
        internal void AddLookup(string member, string field, string nullValue, string alias,
                                string parameter, string table, string source, string dest, CustomProvider provider)
            FieldMap[] tempFields = new FieldMap[this.fields.Length + 1];
            this.fields.CopyTo(tempFields, 0);
            tempFields[this.fields.Length] = new LookupMap(member, field, nullValue,
                                                           parameter, table, source, dest, EntityMap.GetType(this.Member(member)), provider);
            this.fields = tempFields;
            this.helper.Add(alias, this.fields.Length - 1);

            if (this.baseEntity != null && !this.baseEntity.subFields.ContainsKey(field))
                this.baseEntity.subFields.Add(field, this.fields[this.fields.Length - 1]);
Esempio n. 22
 internal Sql2005Commands(EntityMap entity, CustomProvider provider) : base(entity, provider)
Esempio n. 23
		internal OracleCommands(EntityMap entity, CustomProvider provider) : base(entity, provider)	{}
Esempio n. 24
        private void ParseEntity(XmlNode entityNode, string defaultNamespace, string defaultSchema, string defaultHint)
            string  type      = this.GetTypeName(entityNode, "type", defaultNamespace);
            string  table     = this.GetTableName(entityNode, "table", defaultSchema);
            string  keyMember = this.GetValue(entityNode, "keyMember");
            KeyType keyType;             // Default keyType is Auto

            switch (this.GetValue(entityNode, "keyType", "AUTO").ToUpper())
            case "GUID": keyType = KeyType.Guid; break;

            case "USER": keyType = KeyType.User; break;

            case "COMPOSITE": keyType = KeyType.Composite; break;

            case "NONE": keyType = KeyType.None; break;

            default: keyType = KeyType.Auto; break;
            string sortOrder = this.GetValue(entityNode, "sortOrder");

            // Paul Welter ( -- Removed special case for None keyType
            bool readOnly = true;             // Default readOnly is False

            switch (this.GetValue(entityNode, "readOnly", "FALSE").ToUpper())
            case "TRUE": readOnly = true; break;

            default: readOnly = false; break;

            bool changesOnly;             // Default changesOnly is False

            switch (this.GetValue(entityNode, "changesOnly", "FALSE").ToUpper())
            case "TRUE": changesOnly = true; break;

            default: changesOnly = false; break;

            bool autoTrack;             // Default autoTrack is True

            switch (this.GetValue(entityNode, "autoTrack", "TRUE").ToUpper())
            case "FALSE": autoTrack = false; break;

            default: autoTrack = true; break;

            string hint      = this.GetValue(entityNode, "hint", defaultHint);
            string typeField = this.GetValue(entityNode, "typeField", null);
            string typeValue = this.GetValue(entityNode, "typeValue", null);

            EntityMap entity = new EntityMap(
                type, table, keyMember, keyType, sortOrder, readOnly, changesOnly, autoTrack, hint, typeField, typeValue);
            // Stored Procedures are Optional but Supported
            string insertSP = this.GetValue(entityNode, "insertSP");
            string updateSP = this.GetValue(entityNode, "updateSP");
            string deleteSP = this.GetValue(entityNode, "deleteSP");

            entity.AddSProcs(insertSP, updateSP, deleteSP);
            foreach (XmlNode attributeNode in entityNode.SelectNodes("attribute"))
                this.ParseAttribute(entity, attributeNode);
            foreach (XmlNode attributeNode in entityNode.SelectNodes("lookup"))
                this.ParseLookup(entity, attributeNode, defaultSchema);
            foreach (XmlNode attributeNode in entityNode.SelectNodes("relation"))
                this.ParseRelation(entity, attributeNode, defaultNamespace, defaultSchema);
            Debug.WriteLine("Entity = " + type + " : "
                            + entity.FieldCount.ToString() + " Fields, "
                            + entity.RelationCount.ToString() + " Relations");
            if (keyType != KeyType.None)
                // Jeff Lanning ([email protected]): Added length check to prevent "Index Out Of Bounds" exception later during execution (which is very hard to debug).
                if (entity.KeyFields.Length != keyMember.Split(',').Length)
                    throw new MappingException("Number of key fields specified for entity '" + type + "' does not matched the number found.");
                try {
                    string keyField;
                    foreach (FieldMap f in entity.KeyFields)
                        keyField = f.Field;
                catch (Exception exception) {
                    throw new MappingException("Mapping: Entity keyMember missing from Attribute members - " + type, exception);
            this.entities.Add(type, entity);
            this.commands.Add(type, ProviderFactory.GetCommands(entity, this.provider));
            string typeName = type.Substring(type.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
            if (!this.helper.ContainsKey(typeName))
                this.helper.Add(typeName, type);
                this.helper[typeName] = null;
Esempio n. 25
        private OrderByItem ParseItem(OPathLexer lexer, EntityMap entity, OrderByJoinCollection joins, OrderByJoin parentJoin)
            Yytoken token = lexer.CurrentToken;
            if( token.Type != TokenType.IDENT )
                throw new OPathException("'" + token.Text + "' encountered where a property or relationship was expected in sort expression '" + _expression + "'.");

            string propertyName = token.Text;

            token = lexer.Lex();
            if( token == null )
                FieldMap field;
                    field = entity.GetFieldMap(propertyName);
                    throw new OPathException(string.Format("The specified property '{0}' in the sort '{1}' is not defined in the entity map for type '{2}'.", propertyName, _expression, entity.Type));

                return new OrderByItem(propertyName, field, true, parentJoin);
            if( token.Type != TokenType.PERIOD )
                if( token.Type != TokenType.ASCEND && token.Type != TokenType.DESCEND && token.Type != TokenType.COMMA )
                    throw new OPathException("'" + token.Text + "' is not valid in sort expression '" + _expression + "'.");

                FieldMap field;
                    field = entity.GetFieldMap(propertyName);
                    throw new OPathException(string.Format("The specified property '{0}' in the sort '{1}' is not defined in the entity map for type '{2}'.", propertyName, _expression, entity.Type));

                bool ascending = (token.Type != TokenType.DESCEND);

                if( token.Type != TokenType.COMMA )

                return new OrderByItem(propertyName, field, ascending, parentJoin);
            else // dot operator (.)
                token = lexer.Lex();
                if( token == null )
                    throw new OPathException("End of expression encountered where a property or relationship was expected in sort expression '" + _expression + "'.");
                if( token.Type != TokenType.IDENT )
                    throw new OPathException("'" + token.Text + "' encountered where a property or relationship was expected in sort expression '" + _expression + "'.");

                RelationMap relation = entity.Relation(propertyName);
                if( relation == null )
                    throw new OPathException(string.Format("The specified relationship '{0}' in the sort expression '{1}' is not defined in the entity map for type '{2}'.", propertyName, _expression, entity.Type));
                if( relation.Relationship != Relationship.Parent )
                    throw new Exception("Relationship '" + relation.Alias + "' is not a ManyToOne relation.  Only ManyToOne relations are allowed in sort expressions.");

                EntityMap relEntity = _maps[relation.Type];

                OrderByJoin join = joins[propertyName];
                if( join == null )
                    join = new OrderByJoin(relation);

                // recursive call
                return ParseItem(lexer, relEntity, join.NestedJoins, join);
Esempio n. 26
        private void ParseRelation(EntityMap entity, XmlNode attributeNode, string defaultNamespace, string defaultSchema)
            Relationship relationship;

            switch (this.GetValue(attributeNode, "relationship").ToUpper())
            case "ONETOMANY": relationship = Relationship.Child; break;

            case "MANYTOONE": relationship = Relationship.Parent; break;

            case "MANYTOMANY": relationship = Relationship.Many; break;

            default: throw new MappingException("Mapping: Relation relationship is Invalid");

            string member = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "member");
            string field  = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "field");
            string type   = this.GetTypeName(attributeNode, "type", defaultNamespace);
            // Jeff Lanning ([email protected]): Added optional "alias" attribute for use in OPath queries (and to help code generators build entity classes)
            string alias = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "alias", member);

            // optional queryOnly is used to enable OPath on relationships without actually loading any relationships -- no member allowed, alias is required
            bool queryOnly;             // Default queryOnly is False

            switch (this.GetValue(attributeNode, "queryOnly", "FALSE").ToUpper())
            case "TRUE": queryOnly = true; break;

            default: queryOnly = false; break;
            if (!queryOnly)
                if (member == null || member.Length == 0)
                    throw new MappingException("Mapping: Relation attribute 'member' must be specified when 'queryOnly' is set to false - " + entity.Type + " : " + member);
                if (member != null && member.Length > 0)
                    throw new MappingException("Mapping: Relation attribute 'member' is not allowed when 'queryOnly' is set to true - " + entity.Type + " : " + member);
                if (alias == null || alias.Length == 0)
                    throw new MappingException("Mapping: Relation attribute 'alias' must be specified when queryOnly is set to true - " + entity.Type + " : " + type);
                member = alias;                 // Required internally for hashtables, but would be inconsistent if allowed externally

            bool lazyLoad;             // Default lazyLoad is True

            switch (this.GetValue(attributeNode, "lazyLoad", "TRUE").ToUpper())
            case "FALSE": lazyLoad = false; break;

            default: lazyLoad = true; break;

            // CascadeDelete help from Ken Muse (
            bool cascadeDelete;             // Default cascaseDelete is False

            switch (this.GetValue(attributeNode, "cascadeDelete", "FALSE").ToUpper())
            case "TRUE": cascadeDelete = true; break;

            default: cascadeDelete = false; break;

            string filter    = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "filter");
            string sortOrder = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "sortOrder");
            string selectSP  = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "selectSP");

            if (relationship == Relationship.Child)
                entity.AddChild(member, field, type, alias, queryOnly, lazyLoad, cascadeDelete, filter, sortOrder, selectSP, this.provider);
            else if (relationship == Relationship.Parent)
                entity.AddParent(member, field, type, alias, queryOnly, lazyLoad, cascadeDelete, filter, sortOrder, selectSP, this.provider);
                string table    = this.GetTableName(attributeNode, "table", defaultSchema);
                string source   = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "sourceField");
                string dest     = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "destField");
                string insertSP = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "insertSP");
                string deleteSP = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "deleteSP");
                entity.AddMany(member, field, type, alias, table, source, dest, queryOnly, lazyLoad, cascadeDelete, filter, sortOrder, selectSP, insertSP, deleteSP, this.provider);
Esempio n. 27
        private void ParseEntity(XmlNode entityNode, string defaultNamespace)
            string type = this.GetNamespacedValue(entityNode, "type", defaultNamespace);
            string table = this.GetValue(entityNode, "table");
            string keyMember = this.GetValue(entityNode, "keyMember");
            KeyType keyType; // Default keyType is Auto
            switch (this.GetValue(entityNode, "keyType", "AUTO").ToUpper()) {
                case "GUID": keyType = KeyType.Guid; break;
                case "USER": keyType = KeyType.User; break;
                case "COMPOSITE": keyType = KeyType.Composite; break;
                case "NONE": keyType = KeyType.None; break;
                default: keyType = KeyType.Auto; break;
            string sortOrder = this.GetValue(entityNode, "sortOrder");

            // Paul Welter ( -- Removed special case for None keyType
            bool readOnly = true; // Default readOnly is False
            switch (this.GetValue(entityNode, "readOnly", "FALSE").ToUpper()) {
                case "TRUE": readOnly = true; break;
                default: readOnly = false; break;

            bool changesOnly; // Default changesOnly is False
            switch (this.GetValue(entityNode, "changesOnly", "FALSE").ToUpper()) {
                case "TRUE": changesOnly = true; break;
                default: changesOnly = false; break;

            bool autoTrack; // Default autoTrack is True
            switch (this.GetValue(entityNode, "autoTrack", "TRUE").ToUpper()) {
                case "FALSE": autoTrack = false; break;
                default: autoTrack = true; break;

            string typeField = this.GetValue(entityNode, "typeField", null);
            string typeValue = this.GetValue(entityNode, "typeValue", null);

            EntityMap entity = new EntityMap(
                type, table, keyMember, keyType, sortOrder, readOnly, changesOnly, autoTrack, typeField, typeValue);
            // Stored Procedures are Optional but Supported
            string insertSP = this.GetValue(entityNode, "insertSP");
            string updateSP = this.GetValue(entityNode, "updateSP");
            string deleteSP = this.GetValue(entityNode, "deleteSP");
            entity.AddSProcs(insertSP, updateSP, deleteSP);
            foreach (XmlNode attributeNode in entityNode.SelectNodes("attribute")) {
                this.ParseAttribute(entity, attributeNode);
            foreach (XmlNode attributeNode in entityNode.SelectNodes("lookup")) {
                this.ParseLookup(entity, attributeNode);
            foreach (XmlNode attributeNode in entityNode.SelectNodes("relation")) {
                this.ParseRelation(entity, attributeNode, defaultNamespace);
            #if DEBUG_MAPPER
            Debug.WriteLine("Entity = " + type + " : "
                + entity.FieldCount.ToString() + " Fields, "
                + entity.RelationCount.ToString() + " Relations");
            if (keyType != KeyType.None) {
                // Jeff Lanning ([email protected]): Added length check to prevent "Index Out Of Bounds" exception later during execution (which is very hard to debug).
                if (entity.KeyFields.Length != keyMember.Split(',').Length) {
                    throw new MappingException("Number of key fields specified for entity '" + type + "' does not matched the number found.");
                try {
                    string keyField;
                    foreach (FieldMap f in entity.KeyFields)
                        keyField = f.Field;
                catch (Exception exception) {
                    throw new MappingException("Mapping: Entity keyMember missing from Attribute members - " + type, exception);
            this.entities.Add(type, entity);
            this.commands.Add(type, ProviderFactory.GetCommands(entity, this.provider));
            string typeName = type.Substring(type.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
            if (!this.helper.ContainsKey(typeName)) {
                this.helper.Add(typeName, type);
            else {
                this.helper[typeName] = null;
Esempio n. 28
 internal Sql2005Commands(EntityMap entity, CustomProvider provider)
     : base(entity, provider)
Esempio n. 29
 internal object GetField(EntityMap entityMap, string member)
     return Instance.GetField(this.entity, this.EntityObject, member);
Esempio n. 30
 internal object SetField(EntityMap entityMap, string member, object value)
     return Instance.SetField(this.entity, this.EntityObject, member, value, this.context.Provider);
Esempio n. 31
        private void ParseRelation(EntityMap entity, XmlNode attributeNode, string defaultNamespace)
            Relationship relationship;
            switch (this.GetValue(attributeNode, "relationship").ToUpper()) {
                case "ONETOMANY": relationship = Relationship.Child; break;
                case "MANYTOONE": relationship = Relationship.Parent; break;
                case "MANYTOMANY": relationship = Relationship.Many; break;
                default: throw new MappingException("Mapping: Relation relationship is Invalid");

            string member = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "member");
            string field = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "field");
            string type = this.GetNamespacedValue(attributeNode, "type", defaultNamespace);
            // Jeff Lanning ([email protected]): Added optional "alias" attribute for use in OPath queries (and to help code generators build entity classes)
            string alias = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "alias", member);

            // optional queryOnly is used to enable OPath on relationships without actually loading any relationships -- no member allowed, alias is required
            bool queryOnly; // Default queryOnly is False
            switch (this.GetValue(attributeNode, "queryOnly", "FALSE").ToUpper()) {
                case "TRUE": queryOnly = true; break;
                default: queryOnly = false; break;
            if (!queryOnly) {
                if (member == null || member.Length == 0) {
                    throw new MappingException("Mapping: Relation attribute 'member' must be specified when 'queryOnly' is set to false - " + entity.Type + " : " + member);
            else {
                if (member != null && member.Length > 0) {
                    throw new MappingException("Mapping: Relation attribute 'member' is not allowed when 'queryOnly' is set to true - " + entity.Type + " : " + member);
                if (alias == null || alias.Length == 0) {
                    throw new MappingException("Mapping: Relation attribute 'alias' must be specified when queryOnly is set to true - " + entity.Type + " : " + type);
                member = alias; // Required internally for hashtables, but would be inconsistent if allowed externally

            bool lazyLoad; // Default lazyLoad is True
            switch (this.GetValue(attributeNode, "lazyLoad", "TRUE").ToUpper()) {
                case "FALSE": lazyLoad = false; break;
                default: lazyLoad = true; break;

            // CascadeDelete help from Ken Muse (
            bool cascadeDelete; // Default cascaseDelete is False
            switch (this.GetValue(attributeNode, "cascadeDelete", "FALSE").ToUpper()) {
                case "TRUE": cascadeDelete = true; break;
                default: cascadeDelete = false; break;

            string filter = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "filter");
            string selectSP = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "selectSP");

            if (relationship == Relationship.Child) {
                entity.AddChild(member, field, type, alias, queryOnly, lazyLoad, cascadeDelete, filter, selectSP, this.provider);
            else if (relationship == Relationship.Parent) {
                entity.AddParent(member, field, type, alias, queryOnly, lazyLoad, cascadeDelete, filter, selectSP, this.provider);
            else {
                string table = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "table");
                string source = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "sourceField");
                string dest = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "destField");
                string insertSP = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "insertSP");
                string deleteSP = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "deleteSP");
                entity.AddMany(member, field, type, alias, table, source, dest, queryOnly, lazyLoad, cascadeDelete, filter, selectSP, insertSP, deleteSP, this.provider);
Esempio n. 32
        internal EntityMap(string type, EntityMap baseEntity, string typeValue)
            if (type == null || type.Length == 0)
                throw new MappingException("Mapping: SubEntity type was Missing");
            if (baseEntity == null)
                throw new MappingException("Mapping: SubEntity inherits was undefined Entity - " + type);
            if (baseEntity.TypeField == null || baseEntity.TypeField.Length == 0)
                throw new MappingException("Mapping: SubEntity entity had undefined typeField - " + type);
            if (typeValue == null || typeValue.Length == 0)
                throw new MappingException("Mapping: SubEntity typeValue was not defined - " + type);

            this.type        = type;
            this.table       = baseEntity.table;
            this.keyMembers  = baseEntity.keyMembers.Clone() as string[];
            this.keyType     = baseEntity.keyType;
            this.sortOrder   = baseEntity.sortOrder;
            this.readOnly    = baseEntity.readOnly;
            this.changesOnly = baseEntity.changesOnly;
            this.autoTrack   = baseEntity.autoTrack;
            this.hint        = baseEntity.hint;

            this.baseEntity = baseEntity;
            this.typeField  = baseEntity.typeField;
            try {
                if (typeValue == null)
                    this.typeValue = null;
                    this.typeValue = int.Parse(typeValue);
            catch {
                this.typeValue = typeValue.Trim('\'');
            baseEntity.AddSubType(this.typeValue.ToString(), type);

            this.insertSP        = baseEntity.insertSP;
            this.updateSP        = baseEntity.updateSP;
            this.deleteSP        = baseEntity.deleteSP;
            this.readOnlyCount   = baseEntity.readOnlyCount;
            this.concurrentCount = baseEntity.concurrentCount;

            this.fields    = baseEntity.fields.Clone() as FieldMap[];
            this.keyFields = baseEntity.keyFields.Clone() as FieldMap[];
            this.relations = baseEntity.relations.Clone() as RelationMap[];
            this.members   = baseEntity.members.Clone() as Hashtable;
            this.helper    = baseEntity.helper.Clone() as Hashtable;

            if (EntityMap.GetType(this.type) == null)
                throw new MappingException("Mapping: Entity type was Invalid - " + type);
            if (EntityMap.GetType(this.type).GetInterface(typeof(IObjectHelper).ToString()) != null)
                this.hasHelper = true;
            if (EntityMap.GetType(this.type).GetInterface(typeof(IObjectNotification).ToString()) != null)
                this.hasEvents = true;
Esempio n. 33
		private Join[] GetJoinsFromOrderBy(EntityMap sourceEntity, string sourceAlias, OrderBy node)
			// traverse the join tree, building a flat array of Join objects
			ArrayList joinList = new ArrayList();
			AddOrderByJoinsToList(joinList, sourceEntity, sourceAlias, node.OrderByJoins, 1);
			return (Join[])joinList.ToArray(typeof(Join));
Esempio n. 34
        // Includes Null-Value Assistance from Tim Byng (
        private void ParseAttribute(EntityMap entity, XmlNode attributeNode)
            string member = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "member");
            string field = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "field");
            // Null Values use nullValue if provided
            string nullValue = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "nullValue", null);
            string alias = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "alias", member);
            // Stored Procedures use parameter if Provided
            string parameter = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "parameter");

            PersistType persistType; // Default persistType is Persist
            switch (this.GetValue(attributeNode, "persistType", "PERSIST").ToUpper()) {
                case "READONLY": persistType = PersistType.ReadOnly; break;
                case "CONCURRENT": persistType = PersistType.Concurrent; break;
                default: persistType = PersistType.Persist; break;
            entity.AddField(member, field, nullValue, alias, parameter, persistType, this.provider);
Esempio n. 35
		private void AddOrderByJoinsToList(ArrayList joinList, EntityMap sourceEntity, string sourceAlias, OrderByJoinCollection joins, int indentDepth)
			foreach( OrderByJoin join in joins )
				RelationMap relation = join.RelationMap;
				if( relation.Relationship != Relationship.Parent )
					throw new Exception("Relationship '" + relation.Alias + "' is not a ManyToOne relation.  Only ManyToOne relations are allowed in sort expressions.");

				EntityMap joinEntity = _maps[relation.Type];
				join.Alias = GetNextAlias();
				string relationConstraint = ReplaceTableNameWithAlias(relation.Filter, sourceEntity.Table, sourceAlias);
				relationConstraint = ReplaceTableNameWithAlias(relationConstraint, joinEntity.Table, join.Alias);

				StringWriter joinCondition = new StringWriter();
				bool whereStarted = false;
				WriteJoinCondition(joinCondition, sourceAlias, relation.Fields, join.Alias, GetFieldNames(joinEntity.KeyFields), relationConstraint, false, ref whereStarted);

				joinList.Add( new Join(joinEntity.Table, join.Alias, joinCondition.ToString(), indentDepth));

				// traverse inner joins using a recursive call
				if( join.NestedJoins.Count > 0 )
					AddOrderByJoinsToList(joinList, joinEntity, join.Alias, join.NestedJoins, indentDepth + 1);
Esempio n. 36
        private void ParseLookup(EntityMap entity, XmlNode attributeNode)
            string member = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "member");
            string field = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "field");
            string nullValue = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "nullValue", null);
            string alias = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "alias", member);
            string table = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "table");
            string source = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "foreignKey");
            string dest = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "lookupKey");
            string parameter = this.GetValue(attributeNode, "parameter");

            entity.AddLookup(member, field, nullValue, alias, parameter, table, source, dest, this.provider);
Esempio n. 37
 internal OracleCommands(EntityMap entity, CustomProvider provider) : base(entity, provider)
Esempio n. 38
        // <subEntity type="typeName" inherits="baseTypeName" typeValue="typeDiscriminatorValue" />
        private void ParseSubEntity(XmlNode subEntityNode, string defaultNamespace)
            string type = this.GetNamespacedValue(subEntityNode, "type", defaultNamespace);
            string inherits = this.GetNamespacedValue(subEntityNode, "inherits", defaultNamespace);
            string typeValue = this.GetValue(subEntityNode, "typeValue");
            EntityMap subEntity = new EntityMap(type, this[inherits], typeValue);

            foreach (XmlNode attributeNode in subEntityNode.SelectNodes("attribute")) {
                this.ParseAttribute(subEntity, attributeNode);
            foreach (XmlNode attributeNode in subEntityNode.SelectNodes("lookup")) {
                this.ParseLookup(subEntity, attributeNode);
            foreach (XmlNode attributeNode in subEntityNode.SelectNodes("relation")) {
                this.ParseRelation(subEntity, attributeNode, defaultNamespace);
            #if DEBUG_MAPPER
            Debug.WriteLine("SubEntity = " + type + " : "
                + subEntity.FieldCount.ToString() + " Fields, "
                + subEntity.RelationCount.ToString() + " Relations");
            this.entities.Add(type, subEntity);
            this.commands.Add(type, ProviderFactory.GetCommands(subEntity, this.provider));

            #if DEBUG_MAPPER
            Debug.WriteLine("SubEntity Inherits = " + inherits + " : "
                + subEntity.BaseEntity.FieldCount.ToString() + " Fields, "
                + subEntity.BaseEntity.RelationCount.ToString() + " Relations");
            this.commands[inherits] = ProviderFactory.GetCommands(subEntity.BaseEntity, this.provider);

            string typeName = type.Substring(type.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
            if (!this.helper.ContainsKey(typeName)) {
                this.helper.Add(typeName, type);
            else {
                this.helper[typeName] = null;
Esempio n. 39
		private void WriteSelectClause(TextWriter w, EntityMap entity, string entityAlias, out Join[] lookupJoins)
			w.Write("SELECT ");

			int columnCount = 0;
			ArrayList joins = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList joinMaps = new ArrayList();

			// add all core entity fields and lookup columns
			for( int i = 0; i < entity.Fields.Length; i++ )
				if( columnCount > 0 ) w.Write(", ");

				FieldMap field = entity.Fields[i];
				if( !field.IsLookup )
					WriteSqlColumn(w, entityAlias, field.Field);
				else // lookup column
					LookupMap lookup = (LookupMap)field;

					// see if we already have a join setup for the table associated to this lookup field
					string tableAlias = null;
					for( int j = 0; j < joinMaps.Count; j++ )
						if( CanLookupMapsUseSameJoin((LookupMap)joinMaps[j], lookup) )
							tableAlias = (joins[j] as Join).TableAlias;

					// create a new join if an existing one was not found above
					if( tableAlias == null )
						tableAlias = GetNextAlias();
						StringWriter joinCondition = new StringWriter();
						bool whereStarted = false;
						WriteJoinCondition(joinCondition, entityAlias, lookup.Source, tableAlias, lookup.Dest, null, false, ref whereStarted);

						joins.Add( new Join(lookup.Table, tableAlias, joinCondition.ToString(), 1) );

					WriteSqlColumn(w, tableAlias, lookup.Field, lookup.FieldAlias);

					// add lookup to the map - in case we need the alias later during query generation
					_lookupFieldToAliasMap.Add(lookup.FieldAlias, tableAlias);
				columnCount += 1;

			// add any sub fields
			if( entity.SubFields.Keys.Count > 0 )
				foreach( string subField in entity.SubFields.Keys )
					if( columnCount > 0 ) w.Write(", ");
					WriteSqlColumn(w, entityAlias, subField);
					columnCount += 1;

			// add type field if specified
			if( entity.TypeField != null && entity.TypeField.Length > 0 )
				if( columnCount > 0 ) w.Write(", ");
				WriteSqlColumn(w, entityAlias, entity.TypeField);
				columnCount += 1;

			// return our array of joins
			lookupJoins = (Join[])joins.ToArray(typeof(Join));