static void addCatConceptWords(ref MemoryManager mem, ref WikiData wikidata, ref HashSet<int> reservedWords) { char[] chararray = new char[0]; int startindex = 0; int length = 0; bool sticky = false; bool stopword = false; int division = 0; bool isInt = false; int decodedInt = -1; // create a new text processor object HTMLWikiProcessor hwproc = new HTMLWikiProcessor(new HashSet<int>(), false); DecodedTextClass dtc = new DecodedTextClass(mem, true); hwproc.LoadDecodedTextClass(ref dtc); int maxid = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in wikidata.worddict) { if (kvp.Value > maxid) { maxid = kvp.Value; } } maxid++; foreach (KeyValuePair<int, WikiData.conceptstats> kvp in wikidata.conceptdata) { if (!kvp.Value.valid) { continue; } wikidata.conceptdict.Add(kvp.Value.title,kvp.Key); dtc.resetDecoder(); hwproc.ProcessHTML(kvp.Value.title); // loop through the resulting words int len = dtc.NumberWords(); int[] output = new int[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (dtc.GetWord(i, ref chararray, ref startindex, ref length, ref sticky, ref division, ref stopword, ref isInt, ref decodedInt)) { if (!stopword && !isInt) { string token = (new string(chararray, startindex, length)); if (!wikidata.worddict.ContainsKey(token)) { wikidata.worddict.TryAdd(token, maxid); if (!wikidata.wordidf.TryAdd(maxid, 1)) { ++wikidata.wordidf[maxid]; } maxid++; } if (!reservedWords.Contains(wikidata.worddict[token])) { reservedWords.Add(wikidata.worddict[token]); } output[i] = wikidata.worddict[token]; } else { if (isInt && decodedInt>0) { output[i]=-1-decodedInt; } else { output[i] = -1; } } } } kvp.Value.titleArray = output; } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in wikidata.categorydict) { dtc.resetDecoder(); hwproc.ProcessHTML(kvp.Key); // loop through the resulting words int len = dtc.NumberWords(); int[] output = new int[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (dtc.GetWord(i, ref chararray, ref startindex, ref length, ref sticky, ref division, ref stopword, ref isInt, ref decodedInt)) { if (!stopword && !isInt) { string token = (new string(chararray, startindex, length)); if (!wikidata.worddict.ContainsKey(token)) { wikidata.worddict.TryAdd(token, maxid); if (!wikidata.wordidf.TryAdd(maxid, 1)) { ++wikidata.wordidf[maxid]; } maxid++; } if (!reservedWords.Contains(wikidata.worddict[token])) { reservedWords.Add(wikidata.worddict[token]); } output[i] = wikidata.worddict[token]; } else { if (isInt && decodedInt > 0) { output[i] = -1 - decodedInt; } else { output[i] = -1; } } } } wikidata.categoryTitleArray.TryAdd(kvp.Key,output); } }
static void createFreqResources(int numthreads, WikiData wikidata, HashSet<int> validwords, HashSet<int> validconcepts, Dictionary<int, int> crosswalk_words, Dictionary<int, int> crosswalk_concepts, HashSet<int> stopwords, int bigram_threshold) { //populate termfrequency class termfrequency freq = new termfrequency(); Dictionary<int,string> int2word = new Dictionary<int,string>(); foreach(KeyValuePair<string,int> kvp in wikidata.worddict) { int2word.Add(kvp.Value,kvp.Key); } foreach(int wordid in validwords) { freq.allterms.TryAdd(crosswalk_words[wordid], new termfrequency.singleterm()); freq.allterms[crosswalk_words[wordid]].word = int2word[wordid]; } //loop over all words and bigrams in all concepts DateTimeOffset currentTime = DateTimeOffset.Now; DateTimeOffset startTime = DateTimeOffset.Now; int conceptcounter = 0; Console.WriteLine("Aggregating words and bigrams across concepts:"); foreach (int id in validconcepts) { int mappedid = crosswalk_concepts[id]; conceptcounter++; int firstbigram = -1; int[] stream=wikidata.conceptdata[id].conceptwords; for (int i = 0; i < stream.Length; i++) { int wordid = stream[i]; if (stopwords.Contains(wordid) || !validwords.Contains(wordid)) { wordid = -1; } else { if (wordid >= 0) { wordid = crosswalk_words[wordid]; } } //not in idf if (wordid == -1) { firstbigram = -1; } else { if (!freq.allterms[wordid].conceptfrequency.ContainsKey(mappedid)) { freq.allterms[wordid].conceptfrequency.Add(mappedid, 1); } else { freq.allterms[wordid].conceptfrequency[mappedid]++; } if (firstbigram != -1) { if (!freq.allterms[firstbigram].bigrams.ContainsKey(wordid)) { freq.allterms[firstbigram].bigrams.Add(wordid, new Dictionary<int, int>()); } if (!freq.allterms[firstbigram].bigrams[wordid].ContainsKey(mappedid)) { freq.allterms[firstbigram].bigrams[wordid].Add(mappedid, 1); } else { freq.allterms[firstbigram].bigrams[wordid][mappedid]++; } firstbigram = wordid; } else { firstbigram = wordid; } } } if ((DateTimeOffset.Now - currentTime).TotalSeconds > 1) { double done = 1.0 * conceptcounter / validconcepts.Count * 100; Console.Write("{0:F2} percent done\r", done); currentTime = DateTimeOffset.Now; } } Console.WriteLine("100 percent done in {0:F2} minutes.",(DateTimeOffset.Now-startTime).TotalMinutes); //saving data Console.WriteLine("Saving frequency data ..."); startTime = DateTimeOffset.Now; freq.saveData(bigram_threshold); Console.WriteLine("Frequency data saved in {0:F2} minutes ...",(DateTimeOffset.Now - startTime).TotalMinutes); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //read parameters from commandline Arguments CommandLine = new Arguments(args); string wikipath; int numthreads; wikistream wikimediastream = new wikistream(); if (CommandLine["help"] != null) { help(); return; } if (CommandLine["wiki"] != null) { Console.WriteLine("Using wikimedia file: " + CommandLine["wiki"]); wikipath = CommandLine["wiki"]; } else { Console.WriteLine("No wikimedia file provided!"); return; } FileStream fileStreamIn; try { fileStreamIn = new FileStream(wikipath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Cannot access wikimedia file!"); return; } //determine type of stream string[] els = wikipath.Split('.'); switch (els[els.Length - 1]) { case "xml": wikimediastream.xmlstream = fileStreamIn; wikimediastream.type = "xml"; break; case "gz": try { wikimediastream.gzipstream = new GZipStream(fileStreamIn,CompressionMode.Decompress); wikimediastream.type = "gz"; } catch { Console.WriteLine("This gzipped wikimedia archive is invalid."); return; } break; case "bz2": try { wikimediastream.bzip2stream = new BZip2InputStream(fileStreamIn); wikimediastream.type = "bz2"; } catch { Console.WriteLine("This bzip2 wikimedia archive is invalid."); return; } break; default: Console.WriteLine("This wikimedia file seems to be neither an XML file nor a valid gzip or bzip2 archive."); return; } numthreads = 2; if (CommandLine["threads"] != null) { try { Console.WriteLine("Number of worker threads: " + CommandLine["threads"]); numthreads = Convert.ToInt32(CommandLine["threads"]); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Invalid number of worker threads (has to lie between 1 and 128)"); return; } if ((numthreads < 1) || (numthreads > 128)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid number of worker threads (has to lie between 1 and 128)"); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Number of worker threads: 2 (default)"); } int wordthreshold = 3; int bigramthreshold = 3; int minconceptlength = 100; int minconstructs = 5; if (CommandLine["wordthreshold"] != null) { if (!Int32.TryParse(CommandLine["wordthreshold"], out wordthreshold) || wordthreshold <=0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid wordthreshold (has to be positive integer)"); return; } } if (CommandLine["bigramthreshold"] != null) { if (!Int32.TryParse(CommandLine["bigramthreshold"], out bigramthreshold) || bigramthreshold <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid bigramthreshold (has to be positive integer)"); return; } } if (CommandLine["minconceptlength"] != null) { if (!Int32.TryParse(CommandLine["minconceptlength"], out minconceptlength) || minconceptlength <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid minceptlength (has to be positive integer)"); return; } } if (CommandLine["minconstructs"] != null) { if (!Int32.TryParse(CommandLine["minconstructs"], out minconstructs) || minconstructs <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid minconstructs (has to be positive integer)"); return; } } bool debug = false; if (CommandLine["debug"] != null) { debug = true; } //now declare memory class and a number of decoder classes (plus queue for filled decoders) MemoryManager mem = new MemoryManager(4000000, 4000000); // objects associated with two numbering queues int processed_docs = 0; Object processedlock = new Object(); Object debuglock = new Object(); int activethreads = numthreads; //reader thread //this thread reads byte[] into pages queue one page at a time ConcurrentQueue<byte[]> pages = new ConcurrentQueue<byte[]>(); bool reader_done = false; new Thread(delegate() {, ref pages, ref reader_done); }).Start(); //two numbering threads // misc processing thread WikiData wikidata = new WikiData(numthreads); //now start worker threads object lockthread = new object(); int badpages = 0; Object threadlock = new Object(); int threadcounter = 0; for (int t = 0; t < numthreads; t++) { new Thread(delegate() { //this is the worker thread DecodedTextClass element = new DecodedTextClass(mem, true); HTMLWikiProcessor textproc = new HTMLWikiProcessor(new HashSet<int>(), false); textproc.LoadDecodedTextClass(ref element); int threadid; lock (threadlock) { threadid = threadcounter; ++threadcounter; } string lasttitle = ""; string lastbody = ""; string lastid = ""; while (1 == 1) { int status = 0; while (1 == 1) { if (reader_done && status == 0) { status = 1; } //get new page byte[] singlepage; if (pages.TryDequeue(out singlepage)) { string body = ""; string identifier = ""; string title = ""; bool redirect = false; string redirecttitle = ""; //we only process off the queue one page at a time, so we don't have to worry about storing //multiple titles, etc... -- only one of each per string at a time //description of refs given in pageextractor.cs PageExtractor.GetPage(singlepage, ref body, ref identifier, ref title, ref redirect, ref redirecttitle); /* lock (debuglock) { raw.WriteLine(identifier + "," + title); } */ if (body != "" && identifier != "" && title != "") { //element is the decodedtextclass object element.identifier = Convert.ToInt32(identifier); element.title = title; element.redirect = redirect; element.redirecttitle = redirecttitle; try { //releases memory element.resetDecoder(); //textproc is the HTMLWikiProcessor object (has element attached) //element is ref in htmlwikiprocessor, so this modifies it textproc.ProcessHTML(body); } catch (Exception e) { lock (debuglock) { StreamWriter error = new StreamWriter("error.txt", true); error.WriteLine("ERROR PROCESSING PAGE"); error.WriteLine("-------------"); error.WriteLine(e.Message); error.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); error.WriteLine("-------------"); error.Write(body); error.Close(); } continue; } // determine the type of page by the title text if (title.EndsWith("(disambiguation)")) { element.isdisambig = true; element.title = title.Replace("(disambiguation)", " ").Trim(); } else { element.isdisambig = false; } if (title.StartsWith("Category:")) { element.iscategory = true; element.title = title.Replace("Category:", " ").Trim(); } else { element.iscategory = false; } // process the current element //element is the decodedtextclass object wikidata.process(ref element, threadid, minconstructs, minconceptlength); lock (processedlock) { ++processed_docs; } } else { badpages++; lock (debuglock) { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("badpages.txt", true); sw.WriteLine("ERROR ON PAGE"); sw.WriteLine("-------------"); sw.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(singlepage)); sw.WriteLine(); sw.Close(); } } lasttitle = title; lastbody = body; lastid = identifier; break; } else { if (status == 1) { status = 2; } Thread.Sleep(10); } if (status == 2) { break; } } if (status == 2) { lock (lockthread) { activethreads--; /* StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("lastpage" + threadid + ".txt"); sw.WriteLine(lasttitle); sw.WriteLine(lastbody); sw.WriteLine(lastid); sw.Close(); */ } break; } } }).Start(); } //main thread is waiting for other threads to finish DateTime startime = DateTime.Now; while (1 == 1) { MemoryManager.memorystats stats = mem.GetMemStats(); double avg = processed_docs / (DateTime.Now - startime).TotalSeconds; Console.Write("P: {0}, P/s: {1:#.##}, PQ:{2}, M(c/i): {3}/{4} %, R/P: {5}/{6}, of {7}, at: {8} \r", processed_docs, avg, pages.Count, Math.Round(100 * stats.usecharmem), Math.Round(100 * stats.usedshortmem), stats.reserveincidents, mem.priorityqueue, stats.overflow, activethreads); //Console.Write("P:{0},P/sec:{1:#.##},b:{2},EQ:{3},Q1:{4},Q2:{5},PQ:{6} \r", // processed_docs, avg, badpages, emptycontent_queue.Count, output1.Count, output2.Count, pages.Count); //Console.Write("P:{0},P/sec:{1:#.##},words:{2},widf:{3},concepts:{4} \r", // processed_docs, avg, tp.worddict.Count, tp.wordidf.Count, tp.conceptwords.Count); if (activethreads == 0) { //raw.Close(); Console.WriteLine("P: {0}, P/s: {1:#.##}, PQ:{2}, M(c/i): {3}/{4} %, R/P: {5}/{6}, of {7}, at: {8}", processed_docs, avg, pages.Count, Math.Round(100 * stats.usecharmem), Math.Round(100 * stats.usedshortmem), stats.reserveincidents, mem.priorityqueue, stats.overflow, activethreads); break; } Thread.Sleep(1000); } // proceed to final step Console.WriteLine("Finishing up ..."); // read in stop words string dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dir+"/"+"stopwords.csv"); string stopwordstr = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); HashSet<int> reservedWords = new HashSet<int>(); HashSet<int> rawstopwords = convertStopWords(stopwordstr, ref mem, ref wikidata, ref reservedWords); //now add concept title and categories to word dictionary addCatConceptWords(ref mem, ref wikidata, ref reservedWords); //now remove empty string foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in wikidata.worddict) { if (kvp.Key.Trim() == "") { int wordid; wikidata.worddict.TryRemove(kvp.Key, out wordid); if (reservedWords.Contains(wordid)) { reservedWords.Remove(wordid); } } } //create output files #region cleanwordsconcepts //delete words below the threshold HashSet<int> validwords = new HashSet<int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in wikidata.worddict) { if (wikidata.wordidf[kvp.Value] >= wordthreshold || reservedWords.Contains(kvp.Value)) { validwords.Add(kvp.Value); } } //get list of valid concepts HashSet<int> validconcepts = new HashSet<int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<int, WikiData.conceptstats> kvp in wikidata.conceptdata) { if (kvp.Value.valid) { validconcepts.Add(kvp.Key); } } //get list of categories HashSet<int> validcats = new HashSet<int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in wikidata.categorydict) { validcats.Add(kvp.Value); } //now create crosswalks int[] dummy = validwords.ToArray<int>(); Dictionary<int, int> crosswalk_words = new Dictionary<int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < dummy.Length; i++) { crosswalk_words.Add(dummy[i], i); } dummy = validconcepts.ToArray<int>(); Dictionary<int, int> crosswalk_concepts = new Dictionary<int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < dummy.Length; i++) { crosswalk_concepts.Add(dummy[i], i); } dummy = validcats.ToArray<int>(); Dictionary<int, int> crosswalk_cats = new Dictionary<int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < dummy.Length; i++) { crosswalk_cats.Add(dummy[i], i); } #endregion cleanwordsconcepts Console.WriteLine("Calculating frequency resources ..."); createFreqResources(numthreads, wikidata, validwords, validconcepts, crosswalk_words, crosswalk_concepts,rawstopwords,bigramthreshold); DateTimeOffset start = DateTimeOffset.Now; #region concept_outputfiles Console.WriteLine("Writing concept output files ..."); //write concepts string filename = "concepts.txt"; File.Delete(filename); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach(int id in validconcepts) { writer.WriteLine(wikidata.conceptdata[id].title+"\t"+crosswalk_concepts[id]+"\t"+wikidata.conceptdata[id].conceptwords.Length); } writer.Close(); //write concept titles filename = "concept_titles.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (int id in validconcepts) { //Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", id, crosswalk_concepts[id]); writer.Write(crosswalk_concepts[id]); //Console.WriteLine(wikidata.conceptdata[id].titleArray.Length); for (int i = 0; i < wikidata.conceptdata[id].titleArray.Length;i++) { if (wikidata.conceptdata[id].titleArray[i] < 0) { writer.Write("\t" + wikidata.conceptdata[id].titleArray[i]); } else { writer.Write("\t" + crosswalk_words[wikidata.conceptdata[id].titleArray[i]]); } } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); //write concept words filename = "concept_word.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (int id in validconcepts) { writer.Write(crosswalk_concepts[id]); for (int i = 0; i < wikidata.conceptdata[id].conceptwords.Length; i++) { int k=wikidata.conceptdata[id].conceptwords[i]; if (k>=0) { if (validwords.Contains(k)) { k = crosswalk_words[k]; } else { k = -1; } } writer.Write("\t" + k); } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); #endregion concept_outputfiles Console.WriteLine("Concept files saved in {0:F2} minutes ...",(DateTimeOffset.Now - start).TotalMinutes); start = DateTimeOffset.Now; #region categories_outputfiles Console.WriteLine("Writing category output files ..."); //write categories filename = "categories.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); Dictionary<int, string> catlist = new Dictionary<int, string>(); //Console.WriteLine(wikidata.categorydict.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in wikidata.categorydict) { catlist.Add(kvp.Value, kvp.Key); } foreach (int id in validcats) { writer.WriteLine(catlist[id]+"\t"+crosswalk_cats[id]); } writer.Close(); //write category words filename = "categories_titles.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (int id in validcats) { writer.Write(crosswalk_cats[id]); for (int i = 0; i < wikidata.categoryTitleArray[catlist[id]].Length; i++) { writer.Write("\t" + wikidata.categoryTitleArray[catlist[id]][i]); } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); //write category parent matrix filename = "categories_parentmatrix.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, HashSet<string>> kvp in wikidata.parentcategorydict) { if (wikidata.categorydict.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { writer.Write(crosswalk_cats[wikidata.categorydict[kvp.Key]]); } foreach (string cat in kvp.Value) { if (wikidata.categorydict.ContainsKey(cat)) { writer.Write("\t"+crosswalk_cats[wikidata.categorydict[cat]]); } } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); //write concept_categories filename = "concept_categories.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (int id in validconcepts) { writer.Write(crosswalk_concepts[id]); foreach (string cat in wikidata.conceptdata[id].categories) { if (wikidata.categorydict.ContainsKey(cat)) { writer.Write("\t" + crosswalk_cats[wikidata.categorydict[cat]]); } } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); #endregion categories_outputfiles Console.WriteLine("Category files saved in {0:F2} minutes ...", (DateTimeOffset.Now - start).TotalMinutes); start = DateTimeOffset.Now; #region links_outputfiles Console.WriteLine("Writing links output files ..."); //write disambiguation matrix filename = "disambiguation.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, HashSet<string>> kvp in wikidata.disambigredirect) { writer.Write(kvp.Key); foreach (string child in kvp.Value) { //Console.WriteLine(child); if (wikidata.conceptdict.ContainsKey(child)) { int id2 = wikidata.conceptdict[child]; if (validconcepts.Contains(id2)) { writer.Write("\t" + crosswalk_concepts[id2]); } } } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); //write redirects filename = "redirects.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (KeyValuePair<string,string> kvp in wikidata.conceptredirects) { if (kvp.Value == null) { continue; } writer.Write(kvp.Key); if (wikidata.conceptdict.ContainsKey(kvp.Value)) { int id2 = wikidata.conceptdict[kvp.Value]; if (validconcepts.Contains(id2)) { writer.Write("\t" + crosswalk_concepts[id2]); } } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); //write concept_outlinks filename = "concept_outlinks.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (int id in validconcepts) { writer.Write(crosswalk_concepts[id]); foreach (string link in wikidata.conceptdata[id].outlinks) { if (wikidata.conceptdict.ContainsKey(link)) { int id2 = wikidata.conceptdict[link]; if (validconcepts.Contains(id2)) { writer.Write("\t"+crosswalk_concepts[id2]); } } } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); #endregion links_outputfiles Console.WriteLine("Links files saved in {0:F2} minutes ...", (DateTimeOffset.Now - start).TotalMinutes); }
static HashSet<int> convertStopWords(string rawstopwords, ref MemoryManager mem, ref WikiData wikidata, ref HashSet<int> reservedWords) { char[] chararray = new char[0]; int startindex = 0; int length = 0; bool sticky = false; bool stopword = false; int division = 0; bool isInt = false; int decodedInt = -1; // create a new text processor object HTMLWikiProcessor hwproc = new HTMLWikiProcessor(new HashSet<int>(), false); DecodedTextClass dtc = new DecodedTextClass(mem, true); hwproc.LoadDecodedTextClass(ref dtc); hwproc.ProcessHTML(rawstopwords); // perform cleanup on the data HashSet<int> rawids = new HashSet<int>(); // loop through the resulting words int len = dtc.NumberWords(); int maxid=0; foreach(KeyValuePair<string,int> kvp in wikidata.worddict) { if (kvp.Value>maxid) { maxid=kvp.Value; } } maxid++; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (dtc.GetWord(i, ref chararray, ref startindex, ref length, ref sticky, ref division, ref stopword, ref isInt, ref decodedInt)) { if (!isInt) { string token = (new string(chararray, startindex, length)); if (!wikidata.worddict.ContainsKey(token)) { if (!wikidata.wordidf.TryAdd(maxid, 1)) { ++wikidata.wordidf[maxid]; } wikidata.worddict.TryAdd(token, maxid); if (!wikidata.wordidf.TryAdd(maxid, 1)) { ++wikidata.wordidf[maxid]; } maxid++; } if (!reservedWords.Contains(wikidata.worddict[token])) { reservedWords.Add(wikidata.worddict[token]); } if (!rawids.Contains(wikidata.worddict[token])) { rawids.Add(wikidata.worddict[token]); } } } } return rawids; }
static void createFreqResources(int numthreads, WikiData wikidata, HashSet <int> validwords, HashSet <int> validconcepts, Dictionary <int, int> crosswalk_words, Dictionary <int, int> crosswalk_concepts, HashSet <int> stopwords, int bigram_threshold) { //populate termfrequency class termfrequency freq = new termfrequency(); Dictionary <int, string> int2word = new Dictionary <int, string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in wikidata.worddict) { int2word.Add(kvp.Value, kvp.Key); } foreach (int wordid in validwords) { freq.allterms.TryAdd(crosswalk_words[wordid], new termfrequency.singleterm()); freq.allterms[crosswalk_words[wordid]].word = int2word[wordid]; } //loop over all words and bigrams in all concepts DateTimeOffset currentTime = DateTimeOffset.Now; DateTimeOffset startTime = DateTimeOffset.Now; int conceptcounter = 0; Console.WriteLine("Aggregating words and bigrams across concepts:"); foreach (int id in validconcepts) { int mappedid = crosswalk_concepts[id]; conceptcounter++; int firstbigram = -1; int[] stream = wikidata.conceptdata[id].conceptwords; for (int i = 0; i < stream.Length; i++) { int wordid = stream[i]; if (stopwords.Contains(wordid) || !validwords.Contains(wordid)) { wordid = -1; } else { if (wordid >= 0) { wordid = crosswalk_words[wordid]; } } //not in idf if (wordid == -1) { firstbigram = -1; } else { if (!freq.allterms[wordid].conceptfrequency.ContainsKey(mappedid)) { freq.allterms[wordid].conceptfrequency.Add(mappedid, 1); } else { freq.allterms[wordid].conceptfrequency[mappedid]++; } if (firstbigram != -1) { if (!freq.allterms[firstbigram].bigrams.ContainsKey(wordid)) { freq.allterms[firstbigram].bigrams.Add(wordid, new Dictionary <int, int>()); } if (!freq.allterms[firstbigram].bigrams[wordid].ContainsKey(mappedid)) { freq.allterms[firstbigram].bigrams[wordid].Add(mappedid, 1); } else { freq.allterms[firstbigram].bigrams[wordid][mappedid]++; } firstbigram = wordid; } else { firstbigram = wordid; } } } if ((DateTimeOffset.Now - currentTime).TotalSeconds > 1) { double done = 1.0 * conceptcounter / validconcepts.Count * 100; Console.Write("{0:F2} percent done\r", done); currentTime = DateTimeOffset.Now; } } Console.WriteLine("100 percent done in {0:F2} minutes.", (DateTimeOffset.Now - startTime).TotalMinutes); //saving data Console.WriteLine("Saving frequency data ..."); startTime = DateTimeOffset.Now; freq.saveData(bigram_threshold); Console.WriteLine("Frequency data saved in {0:F2} minutes ...", (DateTimeOffset.Now - startTime).TotalMinutes); }
static void addCatConceptWords(ref MemoryManager mem, ref WikiData wikidata, ref HashSet <int> reservedWords) { char[] chararray = new char[0]; int startindex = 0; int length = 0; bool sticky = false; bool stopword = false; int division = 0; bool isInt = false; int decodedInt = -1; // create a new text processor object HTMLWikiProcessor hwproc = new HTMLWikiProcessor(new HashSet <int>(), false); DecodedTextClass dtc = new DecodedTextClass(mem, true); hwproc.LoadDecodedTextClass(ref dtc); int maxid = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in wikidata.worddict) { if (kvp.Value > maxid) { maxid = kvp.Value; } } maxid++; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, WikiData.conceptstats> kvp in wikidata.conceptdata) { if (!kvp.Value.valid) { continue; } wikidata.conceptdict.Add(kvp.Value.title, kvp.Key); dtc.resetDecoder(); hwproc.ProcessHTML(kvp.Value.title); // loop through the resulting words int len = dtc.NumberWords(); int[] output = new int[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (dtc.GetWord(i, ref chararray, ref startindex, ref length, ref sticky, ref division, ref stopword, ref isInt, ref decodedInt)) { if (!stopword && !isInt) { string token = (new string(chararray, startindex, length)); if (!wikidata.worddict.ContainsKey(token)) { wikidata.worddict.TryAdd(token, maxid); if (!wikidata.wordidf.TryAdd(maxid, 1)) { ++wikidata.wordidf[maxid]; } maxid++; } if (!reservedWords.Contains(wikidata.worddict[token])) { reservedWords.Add(wikidata.worddict[token]); } output[i] = wikidata.worddict[token]; } else { if (isInt && decodedInt > 0) { output[i] = -1 - decodedInt; } else { output[i] = -1; } } } } kvp.Value.titleArray = output; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in wikidata.categorydict) { dtc.resetDecoder(); hwproc.ProcessHTML(kvp.Key); // loop through the resulting words int len = dtc.NumberWords(); int[] output = new int[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (dtc.GetWord(i, ref chararray, ref startindex, ref length, ref sticky, ref division, ref stopword, ref isInt, ref decodedInt)) { if (!stopword && !isInt) { string token = (new string(chararray, startindex, length)); if (!wikidata.worddict.ContainsKey(token)) { wikidata.worddict.TryAdd(token, maxid); if (!wikidata.wordidf.TryAdd(maxid, 1)) { ++wikidata.wordidf[maxid]; } maxid++; } if (!reservedWords.Contains(wikidata.worddict[token])) { reservedWords.Add(wikidata.worddict[token]); } output[i] = wikidata.worddict[token]; } else { if (isInt && decodedInt > 0) { output[i] = -1 - decodedInt; } else { output[i] = -1; } } } } wikidata.categoryTitleArray.TryAdd(kvp.Key, output); } }
static HashSet <int> convertStopWords(string rawstopwords, ref MemoryManager mem, ref WikiData wikidata, ref HashSet <int> reservedWords) { char[] chararray = new char[0]; int startindex = 0; int length = 0; bool sticky = false; bool stopword = false; int division = 0; bool isInt = false; int decodedInt = -1; // create a new text processor object HTMLWikiProcessor hwproc = new HTMLWikiProcessor(new HashSet <int>(), false); DecodedTextClass dtc = new DecodedTextClass(mem, true); hwproc.LoadDecodedTextClass(ref dtc); hwproc.ProcessHTML(rawstopwords); // perform cleanup on the data HashSet <int> rawids = new HashSet <int>(); // loop through the resulting words int len = dtc.NumberWords(); int maxid = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in wikidata.worddict) { if (kvp.Value > maxid) { maxid = kvp.Value; } } maxid++; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (dtc.GetWord(i, ref chararray, ref startindex, ref length, ref sticky, ref division, ref stopword, ref isInt, ref decodedInt)) { if (!isInt) { string token = (new string(chararray, startindex, length)); if (!wikidata.worddict.ContainsKey(token)) { if (!wikidata.wordidf.TryAdd(maxid, 1)) { ++wikidata.wordidf[maxid]; } wikidata.worddict.TryAdd(token, maxid); if (!wikidata.wordidf.TryAdd(maxid, 1)) { ++wikidata.wordidf[maxid]; } maxid++; } if (!reservedWords.Contains(wikidata.worddict[token])) { reservedWords.Add(wikidata.worddict[token]); } if (!rawids.Contains(wikidata.worddict[token])) { rawids.Add(wikidata.worddict[token]); } } } } return(rawids); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //read parameters from commandline Arguments CommandLine = new Arguments(args); string wikipath; int numthreads; wikistream wikimediastream = new wikistream(); if (CommandLine["help"] != null) { help(); return; } if (CommandLine["wiki"] != null) { Console.WriteLine("Using wikimedia file: " + CommandLine["wiki"]); wikipath = CommandLine["wiki"]; } else { Console.WriteLine("No wikimedia file provided!"); return; } FileStream fileStreamIn; try { fileStreamIn = new FileStream(wikipath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Cannot access wikimedia file!"); return; } //determine type of stream string[] els = wikipath.Split('.'); switch (els[els.Length - 1]) { case "xml": wikimediastream.xmlstream = fileStreamIn; wikimediastream.type = "xml"; break; case "gz": try { wikimediastream.gzipstream = new GZipStream(fileStreamIn, CompressionMode.Decompress); wikimediastream.type = "gz"; } catch { Console.WriteLine("This gzipped wikimedia archive is invalid."); return; } break; case "bz2": try { wikimediastream.bzip2stream = new BZip2InputStream(fileStreamIn); wikimediastream.type = "bz2"; } catch { Console.WriteLine("This bzip2 wikimedia archive is invalid."); return; } break; default: Console.WriteLine("This wikimedia file seems to be neither an XML file nor a valid gzip or bzip2 archive."); return; } numthreads = 2; if (CommandLine["threads"] != null) { try { Console.WriteLine("Number of worker threads: " + CommandLine["threads"]); numthreads = Convert.ToInt32(CommandLine["threads"]); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Invalid number of worker threads (has to lie between 1 and 128)"); return; } if ((numthreads < 1) || (numthreads > 128)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid number of worker threads (has to lie between 1 and 128)"); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Number of worker threads: 2 (default)"); } int wordthreshold = 3; int bigramthreshold = 3; int minconceptlength = 100; int minconstructs = 5; if (CommandLine["wordthreshold"] != null) { if (!Int32.TryParse(CommandLine["wordthreshold"], out wordthreshold) || wordthreshold <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid wordthreshold (has to be positive integer)"); return; } } if (CommandLine["bigramthreshold"] != null) { if (!Int32.TryParse(CommandLine["bigramthreshold"], out bigramthreshold) || bigramthreshold <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid bigramthreshold (has to be positive integer)"); return; } } if (CommandLine["minconceptlength"] != null) { if (!Int32.TryParse(CommandLine["minconceptlength"], out minconceptlength) || minconceptlength <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid minceptlength (has to be positive integer)"); return; } } if (CommandLine["minconstructs"] != null) { if (!Int32.TryParse(CommandLine["minconstructs"], out minconstructs) || minconstructs <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid minconstructs (has to be positive integer)"); return; } } bool debug = false; if (CommandLine["debug"] != null) { debug = true; } //now declare memory class and a number of decoder classes (plus queue for filled decoders) MemoryManager mem = new MemoryManager(4000000, 4000000); // objects associated with two numbering queues int processed_docs = 0; Object processedlock = new Object(); Object debuglock = new Object(); int activethreads = numthreads; //reader thread //this thread reads byte[] into pages queue one page at a time ConcurrentQueue <byte[]> pages = new ConcurrentQueue <byte[]>(); bool reader_done = false; new Thread(delegate() {, ref pages, ref reader_done); }).Start(); //two numbering threads // misc processing thread WikiData wikidata = new WikiData(numthreads); //now start worker threads object lockthread = new object(); int badpages = 0; Object threadlock = new Object(); int threadcounter = 0; for (int t = 0; t < numthreads; t++) { new Thread(delegate() { //this is the worker thread DecodedTextClass element = new DecodedTextClass(mem, true); HTMLWikiProcessor textproc = new HTMLWikiProcessor(new HashSet <int>(), false); textproc.LoadDecodedTextClass(ref element); int threadid; lock (threadlock) { threadid = threadcounter; ++threadcounter; } string lasttitle = ""; string lastbody = ""; string lastid = ""; while (1 == 1) { int status = 0; while (1 == 1) { if (reader_done && status == 0) { status = 1; } //get new page byte[] singlepage; if (pages.TryDequeue(out singlepage)) { string body = ""; string identifier = ""; string title = ""; bool redirect = false; string redirecttitle = ""; //we only process off the queue one page at a time, so we don't have to worry about storing //multiple titles, etc... -- only one of each per string at a time //description of refs given in pageextractor.cs PageExtractor.GetPage(singlepage, ref body, ref identifier, ref title, ref redirect, ref redirecttitle); /* * lock (debuglock) * { * raw.WriteLine(identifier + "," + title); * } */ if (body != "" && identifier != "" && title != "") { //element is the decodedtextclass object element.identifier = Convert.ToInt32(identifier); element.title = title; element.redirect = redirect; element.redirecttitle = redirecttitle; try { //releases memory element.resetDecoder(); //textproc is the HTMLWikiProcessor object (has element attached) //element is ref in htmlwikiprocessor, so this modifies it textproc.ProcessHTML(body); } catch (Exception e) { lock (debuglock) { StreamWriter error = new StreamWriter("error.txt", true); error.WriteLine("ERROR PROCESSING PAGE"); error.WriteLine("-------------"); error.WriteLine(e.Message); error.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); error.WriteLine("-------------"); error.Write(body); error.Close(); } continue; } // determine the type of page by the title text if (title.EndsWith("(disambiguation)")) { element.isdisambig = true; element.title = title.Replace("(disambiguation)", " ").Trim(); } else { element.isdisambig = false; } if (title.StartsWith("Category:")) { element.iscategory = true; element.title = title.Replace("Category:", " ").Trim(); } else { element.iscategory = false; } // process the current element //element is the decodedtextclass object wikidata.process(ref element, threadid, minconstructs, minconceptlength); lock (processedlock) { ++processed_docs; } } else { badpages++; lock (debuglock) { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("badpages.txt", true); sw.WriteLine("ERROR ON PAGE"); sw.WriteLine("-------------"); sw.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(singlepage)); sw.WriteLine(); sw.Close(); } } lasttitle = title; lastbody = body; lastid = identifier; break; } else { if (status == 1) { status = 2; } Thread.Sleep(10); } if (status == 2) { break; } } if (status == 2) { lock (lockthread) { activethreads--; /* * StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("lastpage" + threadid + ".txt"); * sw.WriteLine(lasttitle); * sw.WriteLine(lastbody); * sw.WriteLine(lastid); * sw.Close(); */ } break; } } }).Start(); } //main thread is waiting for other threads to finish DateTime startime = DateTime.Now; while (1 == 1) { MemoryManager.memorystats stats = mem.GetMemStats(); double avg = processed_docs / (DateTime.Now - startime).TotalSeconds; Console.Write("P: {0}, P/s: {1:#.##}, PQ:{2}, M(c/i): {3}/{4} %, R/P: {5}/{6}, of {7}, at: {8} \r", processed_docs, avg, pages.Count, Math.Round(100 * stats.usecharmem), Math.Round(100 * stats.usedshortmem), stats.reserveincidents, mem.priorityqueue, stats.overflow, activethreads); //Console.Write("P:{0},P/sec:{1:#.##},b:{2},EQ:{3},Q1:{4},Q2:{5},PQ:{6} \r", // processed_docs, avg, badpages, emptycontent_queue.Count, output1.Count, output2.Count, pages.Count); //Console.Write("P:{0},P/sec:{1:#.##},words:{2},widf:{3},concepts:{4} \r", // processed_docs, avg, tp.worddict.Count, tp.wordidf.Count, tp.conceptwords.Count); if (activethreads == 0) { //raw.Close(); Console.WriteLine("P: {0}, P/s: {1:#.##}, PQ:{2}, M(c/i): {3}/{4} %, R/P: {5}/{6}, of {7}, at: {8}", processed_docs, avg, pages.Count, Math.Round(100 * stats.usecharmem), Math.Round(100 * stats.usedshortmem), stats.reserveincidents, mem.priorityqueue, stats.overflow, activethreads); break; } Thread.Sleep(1000); } // proceed to final step Console.WriteLine("Finishing up ..."); // read in stop words string dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dir + "/" + "stopwords.csv"); string stopwordstr = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); HashSet <int> reservedWords = new HashSet <int>(); HashSet <int> rawstopwords = convertStopWords(stopwordstr, ref mem, ref wikidata, ref reservedWords); //now add concept title and categories to word dictionary addCatConceptWords(ref mem, ref wikidata, ref reservedWords); //now remove empty string foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in wikidata.worddict) { if (kvp.Key.Trim() == "") { int wordid; wikidata.worddict.TryRemove(kvp.Key, out wordid); if (reservedWords.Contains(wordid)) { reservedWords.Remove(wordid); } } } //create output files #region cleanwordsconcepts //delete words below the threshold HashSet <int> validwords = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in wikidata.worddict) { if (wikidata.wordidf[kvp.Value] >= wordthreshold || reservedWords.Contains(kvp.Value)) { validwords.Add(kvp.Value); } } //get list of valid concepts HashSet <int> validconcepts = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, WikiData.conceptstats> kvp in wikidata.conceptdata) { if (kvp.Value.valid) { validconcepts.Add(kvp.Key); } } //get list of categories HashSet <int> validcats = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in wikidata.categorydict) { validcats.Add(kvp.Value); } //now create crosswalks int[] dummy = validwords.ToArray <int>(); Dictionary <int, int> crosswalk_words = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < dummy.Length; i++) { crosswalk_words.Add(dummy[i], i); } dummy = validconcepts.ToArray <int>(); Dictionary <int, int> crosswalk_concepts = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < dummy.Length; i++) { crosswalk_concepts.Add(dummy[i], i); } dummy = validcats.ToArray <int>(); Dictionary <int, int> crosswalk_cats = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < dummy.Length; i++) { crosswalk_cats.Add(dummy[i], i); } #endregion cleanwordsconcepts Console.WriteLine("Calculating frequency resources ..."); createFreqResources(numthreads, wikidata, validwords, validconcepts, crosswalk_words, crosswalk_concepts, rawstopwords, bigramthreshold); DateTimeOffset start = DateTimeOffset.Now; #region concept_outputfiles Console.WriteLine("Writing concept output files ..."); //write concepts string filename = "concepts.txt"; File.Delete(filename); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (int id in validconcepts) { writer.WriteLine(wikidata.conceptdata[id].title + "\t" + crosswalk_concepts[id] + "\t" + wikidata.conceptdata[id].conceptwords.Length); } writer.Close(); //write concept titles filename = "concept_titles.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (int id in validconcepts) { //Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", id, crosswalk_concepts[id]); writer.Write(crosswalk_concepts[id]); //Console.WriteLine(wikidata.conceptdata[id].titleArray.Length); for (int i = 0; i < wikidata.conceptdata[id].titleArray.Length; i++) { if (wikidata.conceptdata[id].titleArray[i] < 0) { writer.Write("\t" + wikidata.conceptdata[id].titleArray[i]); } else { writer.Write("\t" + crosswalk_words[wikidata.conceptdata[id].titleArray[i]]); } } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); //write concept words filename = "concept_word.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (int id in validconcepts) { writer.Write(crosswalk_concepts[id]); for (int i = 0; i < wikidata.conceptdata[id].conceptwords.Length; i++) { int k = wikidata.conceptdata[id].conceptwords[i]; if (k >= 0) { if (validwords.Contains(k)) { k = crosswalk_words[k]; } else { k = -1; } } writer.Write("\t" + k); } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); #endregion concept_outputfiles Console.WriteLine("Concept files saved in {0:F2} minutes ...", (DateTimeOffset.Now - start).TotalMinutes); start = DateTimeOffset.Now; #region categories_outputfiles Console.WriteLine("Writing category output files ..."); //write categories filename = "categories.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); Dictionary <int, string> catlist = new Dictionary <int, string>(); //Console.WriteLine(wikidata.categorydict.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in wikidata.categorydict) { catlist.Add(kvp.Value, kvp.Key); } foreach (int id in validcats) { writer.WriteLine(catlist[id] + "\t" + crosswalk_cats[id]); } writer.Close(); //write category words filename = "categories_titles.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (int id in validcats) { writer.Write(crosswalk_cats[id]); for (int i = 0; i < wikidata.categoryTitleArray[catlist[id]].Length; i++) { writer.Write("\t" + wikidata.categoryTitleArray[catlist[id]][i]); } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); //write category parent matrix filename = "categories_parentmatrix.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, HashSet <string> > kvp in wikidata.parentcategorydict) { if (wikidata.categorydict.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { writer.Write(crosswalk_cats[wikidata.categorydict[kvp.Key]]); } foreach (string cat in kvp.Value) { if (wikidata.categorydict.ContainsKey(cat)) { writer.Write("\t" + crosswalk_cats[wikidata.categorydict[cat]]); } } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); //write concept_categories filename = "concept_categories.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (int id in validconcepts) { writer.Write(crosswalk_concepts[id]); foreach (string cat in wikidata.conceptdata[id].categories) { if (wikidata.categorydict.ContainsKey(cat)) { writer.Write("\t" + crosswalk_cats[wikidata.categorydict[cat]]); } } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); #endregion categories_outputfiles Console.WriteLine("Category files saved in {0:F2} minutes ...", (DateTimeOffset.Now - start).TotalMinutes); start = DateTimeOffset.Now; #region links_outputfiles Console.WriteLine("Writing links output files ..."); //write disambiguation matrix filename = "disambiguation.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, HashSet <string> > kvp in wikidata.disambigredirect) { writer.Write(kvp.Key); foreach (string child in kvp.Value) { //Console.WriteLine(child); if (wikidata.conceptdict.ContainsKey(child)) { int id2 = wikidata.conceptdict[child]; if (validconcepts.Contains(id2)) { writer.Write("\t" + crosswalk_concepts[id2]); } } } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); //write redirects filename = "redirects.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in wikidata.conceptredirects) { if (kvp.Value == null) { continue; } writer.Write(kvp.Key); if (wikidata.conceptdict.ContainsKey(kvp.Value)) { int id2 = wikidata.conceptdict[kvp.Value]; if (validconcepts.Contains(id2)) { writer.Write("\t" + crosswalk_concepts[id2]); } } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); //write concept_outlinks filename = "concept_outlinks.txt"; File.Delete(filename); writer = new StreamWriter(filename); foreach (int id in validconcepts) { writer.Write(crosswalk_concepts[id]); foreach (string link in wikidata.conceptdata[id].outlinks) { if (wikidata.conceptdict.ContainsKey(link)) { int id2 = wikidata.conceptdict[link]; if (validconcepts.Contains(id2)) { writer.Write("\t" + crosswalk_concepts[id2]); } } } writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Close(); #endregion links_outputfiles Console.WriteLine("Links files saved in {0:F2} minutes ...", (DateTimeOffset.Now - start).TotalMinutes); }