// the public constructors are used to create an object with settings from the UI
        public UserPrefs(FaRPrefs mFaRPrefs, EditPrefs mEditprefs, ListPrefs mList, SkipPrefs mSkipOptions,
            GeneralPrefs mGeneral, DabPrefs mDisambiguation, ModulePrefs mModule, ExternalProgramPrefs mExternalProgram, LoggingPrefs mLogging, SpecialFilterPrefs mSpecial, ToolsPrefs mTool,
            Dictionary<string, Plugin.IAWBPlugin> plugins)
            LanguageCode = Variables.LangCode;
            Project = Variables.Project;
            CustomProject = Variables.CustomProject;
            Protocol = Variables.Protocol;
            PHP5 = Variables.PHP5;

            FindAndReplace = mFaRPrefs;
            Editprefs = mEditprefs;
            List = mList;
            SkipOptions = mSkipOptions;
            General = mGeneral;
            Disambiguation = mDisambiguation;
            Module = mModule;
            ExternalProgram = mExternalProgram;
            Logging = mLogging;
            Special = mSpecial;

            Tool = mTool;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Plugin.IAWBPlugin> a in plugins)
                Plugin.Add(new PluginPrefs(a.Key, a.Value.SaveSettings()));
        // the public constructors are used to create an object with settings from the UI
        public UserPrefs(FaRPrefs mFaRPrefs, EditPrefs mEditprefs, ListPrefs mList, SkipPrefs mSkipOptions,
                         GeneralPrefs mGeneral, DabPrefs mDisambiguation, ModulePrefs mModule, ExternalProgramPrefs mExternalProgram, SpecialFilterPrefs mSpecial, ToolsPrefs mTool,
                         Dictionary <string, Plugin.IAWBPlugin> plugins)
            LanguageCode  = Variables.LangCode;
            Project       = Variables.Project;
            CustomProject = Variables.CustomProject;
            Protocol      = Variables.Protocol;

            FindAndReplace  = mFaRPrefs;
            Editprefs       = mEditprefs;
            List            = mList;
            SkipOptions     = mSkipOptions;
            General         = mGeneral;
            Disambiguation  = mDisambiguation;
            Module          = mModule;
            ExternalProgram = mExternalProgram;
            Special         = mSpecial;

            Tool = mTool;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Plugin.IAWBPlugin> a in plugins)
                Plugin.Add(new PluginPrefs(a.Key, a.Value.SaveSettings()));
 // the internal constructors are used during deserialisation or when a blank object is required
 public UserPrefs()
     FindAndReplace = new FaRPrefs();
     Editprefs = new EditPrefs();
     List = new ListPrefs();
     SkipOptions = new SkipPrefs();
     General = new GeneralPrefs();
     Disambiguation = new DabPrefs();
     Module = new ModulePrefs();
     Logging = new LoggingPrefs();
Esempio n. 4
 // the internal constructors are used during deserialisation or when a blank object is required
 public UserPrefs()
     FindAndReplace = new FaRPrefs();
     Editprefs      = new EditPrefs();
     List           = new ListPrefs();
     SkipOptions    = new SkipPrefs();
     General        = new GeneralPrefs();
     Disambiguation = new DabPrefs();
     Module         = new ModulePrefs();
     Logging        = new LoggingPrefs();
 // the internal constructors are used during deserialisation or when a blank object is required
 public UserPrefs()
     FindAndReplace  = new FaRPrefs();
     Editprefs       = new EditPrefs();
     List            = new ListPrefs();
     SkipOptions     = new SkipPrefs();
     General         = new GeneralPrefs();
     Disambiguation  = new DabPrefs();
     Module          = new ModulePrefs();
     Special         = new SpecialFilterPrefs();
     Tool            = new ToolsPrefs();
     ExternalProgram = new ExternalProgramPrefs();
 // the internal constructors are used during deserialisation or when a blank object is required
 public UserPrefs()
     FindAndReplace = new FaRPrefs();
     Editprefs = new EditPrefs();
     List = new ListPrefs();
     SkipOptions = new SkipPrefs();
     General = new GeneralPrefs();
     Disambiguation = new DabPrefs();
     Module = new ModulePrefs();
     Special = new SpecialFilterPrefs();
     Tool = new ToolsPrefs();
     ExternalProgram = new ExternalProgramPrefs();