public void thread() { Graphics graphics = this.CreateGraphics(); int numnya; int Adress1, Adress2, num2; Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height); Graphics drawnawbrudda = Graphics.FromImage((Image)bitmap); Point bottom = new Point() { X = this.ClientRectangle.Width / 2, Y = this.ClientRectangle.Height / 2 + 200 }; int Adress3, num6, name, aa, a2, n; string str; double num4, num5; float dist; bool Player, Bot, Vehicle, Item, SuplyBox, Plane, weapon; Vector2 center = new Vector2(); while (true) { center.X = this.Width / 2; center.Y = (this.Height / 2) + 20; drawnawbrudda.Clear(Color.Black); num1 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + 0x1ED7794); numnya = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + 34); MyPosition.X = Mem.ReadMemory <float>(num1 + 16); MyPosition.Y = Mem.ReadMemory <float>(num1 + 16 + 4); MyPosition.Z = Mem.ReadMemory <float>(num1 + 16 + 8); if (Z == 0) { X = MyPosition.X; Y = MyPosition.Y; Z = MyPosition.Z; } Adress1 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.Client) + Offsets.m_ppObjects); Adress2 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress1)))); num2 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress1 + 4); this.DrawMenu(drawnawbrudda); while (Adress2 != num2 && Adress2 != num1) { Adress3 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress2 + 12); str = Mem.ReadString(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 4) + 12), 20); Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3); Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 12); Vector3 EnemyPos = Mem.ReadMemory <Vector3>(Adress3 + 16); num4 = (double)Mem.ReadMemory <float>(Adress3 + 56); num5 = (double)Mem.ReadMemory <float>(Adress3 + 60); num6 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 256) + 20) + 152) + 8); name = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 34) + 0) + 0) + 0); Player = str.Contains("Avatar"); Bot = str.Contains("Robot"); Vehicle = str.Contains("Land"); Item = str.Contains("DtsProp"); SuplyBox = str.Contains("DtsPlayerHeritage"); Plane = str.Contains("Plane"); weapon = str.Contains("ClientWeaponEntity"); Adress2 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress2); Vector2 screen; aa = (aimbot) ? 1 : 0; n = (Settings.NoClip) ? 1 : 0; a2 = (Settings.SmartHeight) ? 1 : 0; MethodInvoker inv = delegate { this.label3.Text = "Range: " + range + " m \n" + "AIMBOT:" + aa + "\n" + "FOV:" + fov + "\n NOCLIP: " + n + "\nSmartAim: " + a2 + " \n Height: " + height + "\n NoClip Speed: " + speed; }; this.Invoke(inv); if (Settings.DEBUG) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)center.X - fov, ((int)center.Y) - fov, fov * 2, fov * 2); drawnawbrudda.DrawEllipse(greenPen, rect); } if (Settings.NoClip) { Mem.WriteMemory <float>(num1 + 16, X); Mem.WriteMemory <float>(num1 + 16 + 4, Y); Mem.WriteMemory <float>(num1 + 16 + 8, Z); } if ((Maths.WorldToScreen(EnemyPos, out screen, this.Width, this.Height))) { if ((Player ? 1 : (!Bot ? 0 : ((uint)num6 > 0U ? 1 : 0))) != 0) { if (Settings.ESP == true) { if (Settings.PlayerESP && num6 != 0) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Player", this.font, Brushes.Red, screen.X, screen.Y - 20f); drawnawbrudda.DrawLine(Dpen, bottom, pointxx(screen)); } if (Settings.PlayerHealth) { { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)num6 + "HP ]", this.font, Brushes.Aqua, screen.X - 15f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (Settings.PlayerDistance) { if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 100) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 30f); } else { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.Red, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 30f); } } } dist = Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10); if (dist < range && aimbot && num6 > 0 && (Maths.InsideCircle((int)center.X, (int)center.Y, fov, (int)screen.X, (int)screen.Y))) { Vector2 aim; aim.X = screen.X + w; if (Settings.SmartHeight) { height = 0; if (dist > 100 && dist < 200) { aim.Y = (screen.Y - 20 + height + (-1 * (dist / 15))); } else if (dist < 100) { aim.Y = (screen.Y - 40 + height + (-1 * (dist / 15))); } else { aim.Y = (screen.Y + height + (-1 * (dist / 15))); } } else { aim.Y = screen.Y + height; } Cursor.Position = new Point((int)aim.X, (int)aim.Y);; } } if (Bot && Settings.ESP == true) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("ROBOT", this.font, Brushes.Chartreuse, screen.X, screen.Y - 20f); drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.Chartreuse, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 30f); drawnawbrudda.DrawLine(new Pen((Brush) new SolidBrush(colour.newco)), bottom, pointxx(screen)); } if (Item && Settings.ESP == true) { if (Settings.ItemESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Item", this.font, Brushes.Green, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.ItemDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (weapon && Settings.ESP == true) { if (Settings.ItemESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Weapon", this.font, Brushes.Blue, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.ItemDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (SuplyBox && Settings.ESP == true) { if (Settings.BodyESP) { if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 500) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("SUPPLY BOX", this.font, Brushes.Pink, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } } } if (Vehicle && Settings.ESP == true) { if (Settings.VehicleESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Vehicle", this.font, Brushes.Gold, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.VehicleDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (Plane && Settings.ESP == true) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("PLANE", this.font, Brushes.Chocolate, screen.X, screen.Y - 20f); } } } graphics.DrawImage((Image)bitmap, 0, 0); Thread.Sleep(10); } }
public static float[] ReadMatrix <T>(int Adress, int MatrixSize) where T : struct { byte[] numArray = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)) * MatrixSize]; Mem.ReadProcessMemory((int)Mem.m_pProcessHandle, Adress, numArray, numArray.Length, ref Mem.m_iNumberOfBytesRead); return(Mem.ConvertToFloatArray(numArray)); }
public static void WriteMemory <T>(int Adress, object Value) where T : struct { byte[] byteArray = Mem.StructureToByteArray(Value); Mem.WriteProcessMemory((int)Mem.m_pProcessHandle, Adress, byteArray, byteArray.Length, out Mem.m_iNumberOfBytesWritten); }
public static T ReadMemory <T>(int Adress) where T : struct { byte[] numArray = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T))]; Mem.ReadProcessMemory((int)Mem.m_pProcessHandle, Adress, numArray, numArray.Length, ref Mem.m_iNumberOfBytesRead); return(Mem.ByteArrayToStructure <T>(numArray)); }
public static string ReadString(int address, int _Size) { byte[] numArray = new byte[_Size]; Mem.ReadProcessMemory((int)Mem.m_pProcessHandle, address, numArray, _Size, ref Mem.m_iNumberOfBytesRead); return(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(numArray)); }
public void DrawMenu(Graphics g2) { if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Insert)) { = !; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.F1)) { Settings.PlayerESP = true; Settings.ESP = true; Settings.PlayerHealth = true; Settings.PlayerDistance = true; Settings.ItemESP = true; Settings.ItemDistance = true; Settings.BotESP = true; Settings.PlayerLines = true; Settings.SupplyESP = true; Settings.VehicleESP = true; Settings.VehicleDistance = true; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.F4)) { speed++; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.F5)) { speed--; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.F2)) { Settings.PlayerESP = false; Settings.PlayerHealth = false; Settings.PlayerDistance = false; Settings.ItemESP = false; Settings.ESP = false; Settings.PlayerLines = false; Settings.ItemDistance = false; Settings.SupplyESP = false; Settings.VehicleESP = false; Settings.VehicleDistance = false; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.F3)) { if (!Settings.SmartHeight) { height = 0; } else { height = -30; } Settings.SmartHeight = !Settings.SmartHeight; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.O)) { height += 1; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.P)) { height -= 1; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Up)) { if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.RControlKey)) { X += speed; } else if (Settings.Distance < 950) { Settings.Distance += 25; } } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Left)) { if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.RControlKey)) { Z -= speed; } else if (Settings.FOV > 13) { Settings.FOV -= 1; } } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Right)) { if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.RControlKey)) { Z += speed; } else if (Settings.FOV < 198) { Settings.FOV += 1; } } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Back)) { Y += speed; } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.J)) { Z = 0; Settings.NoClip = !Settings.NoClip; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.RShiftKey)) { Y -= speed; } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Delete)) { if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.LControlKey)) { Environment.Exit(-1); //Force termination of the current process. } nuke = !nuke; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Down)) { if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.RControlKey)) { X -= speed; } else if (Settings.Distance > 30) { Settings.Distance -= 25; } Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.LShiftKey)) { Settings.Aimbot = !Settings.Aimbot; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.K)) { w += 5; } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.F5)) { Settings.passthr = !Settings.passthr; if (Settings.passthr) { Mem.WriteMemory <float>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.Passthrough, -0.89999998f); } else { Mem.WriteMemory <float>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.Passthrough, -0.500f); } Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.U)) { Settings.DEBUG = !Settings.DEBUG; Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Y)) { if (Settings.scope == 1) { Settings.scope = 0; } else { Settings.scope = 1; } Thread.Sleep(100); } if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.L)) { w -= 5; } }
public void thread() { AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; currentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(MyHandler); try { Graphics graphics = this.CreateGraphics(); int numnya; int Adress1, Adress2, num2; Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height); Graphics drawnawbrudda = Graphics.FromImage((Image)bitmap); Point bottom = new Point() { X = this.ClientRectangle.Width / 2, Y = this.ClientRectangle.Height / 2 + 200 }; int Adress3, num6, name, aa, a2, n; string str; double num4, num5; float dist; bool Player, Bot, Vehicle, Item, SuplyBox, Plane, weapon; Vector2 center = new Vector2(); while (true) { center.X = this.Width / 2; center.Y = (this.Height / 2) + 20; drawnawbrudda.Clear(Color.Black); num1 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.LocalPlayer); numnya = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + 34); MyPosition.X = Mem.ReadMemory <float>(num1 + 16); MyPosition.Y = Mem.ReadMemory <float>(num1 + 16 + 4); MyPosition.Z = Mem.ReadMemory <float>(num1 + 16 + 8); if (Z == 0) { X = MyPosition.X; Y = MyPosition.Y; Z = MyPosition.Z; } Adress1 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.Client) + Offsets.m_ppObjects); Adress2 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress1)))); num2 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress1 + 4); this.DrawMenu(drawnawbrudda); while (Adress2 != num2 && Adress2 != num1) { Adress3 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress2 + 12); str = Mem.ReadString(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 4) + 12), 20); Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3); Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 12); Vector3 EnemyPos = Mem.ReadMemory <Vector3>(Adress3 + 16); num4 = (double)Mem.ReadMemory <float>(Adress3 + 56); num5 = (double)Mem.ReadMemory <float>(Adress3 + 60); num6 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 256) + 20) + 152) + 8); name = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 34) + 0) + 0) + 0); Player = str.Contains("Avatar"); Bot = str.Contains("Robot"); Vehicle = str.Contains("Land"); Item = str.Contains("DtsProp"); SuplyBox = str.Contains("DtsPlayerHeritage"); Plane = str.Contains("Plane"); weapon = str.Contains("ClientWeaponEntity"); Adress2 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress2); Vector2 screen; aa = (Settings.Aimbot) ? 1 : 0; n = (Settings.NoClip) ? 1 : 0; int nk = (nuke) ? 1 : 0; a2 = (Settings.SmartHeight) ? 1 : 0; string typee; if (Settings.scope == 1) { typee = "8x and 4x"; } else { typee = "Normal (2x , red dot, no scope)"; } MethodInvoker inv3 = delegate { this.label3.Text = "Nuke: " + nk + " \nRange: " + Settings.Distance + " m \n" + "AIMBOT:" + aa + "\n" + "TYPE:" + typee + "\n NOCLIP: " + n + "\nSmartAim: " + a2 + " \n Height: " + height + "\n NoClip Speed: " + speed; }; this.Invoke(inv3); if (Settings.DEBUG) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)center.X - Settings.FOV, ((int)center.Y) - Settings.FOV, Settings.FOV * 2, Settings.FOV * 2); drawnawbrudda.DrawEllipse(greenPen, rect); } if (Settings.NoClip) { Mem.WriteMemory <float>(num1 + 16, X); Mem.WriteMemory <float>(num1 + 16 + 4, Y); Mem.WriteMemory <float>(num1 + 16 + 8, Z); } if ((Maths.WorldToScreen(EnemyPos, out screen, this.Width, this.Height))) { if (Settings.NoGrass) { //NOGRASS int tes1 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.Grass) + 0) + 304) + 16) + 528); float tes2 = Mem.ReadMemory <float>(tes1 + 44); Mem.WriteMemory <float>(tes1 + 44, 1000000); //NOGRASS END } else { int tes1 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.Grass) + 0) + 304) + 16) + 528); float tes2 = Mem.ReadMemory <float>(tes1 + 44); Mem.WriteMemory <float>(tes1 + 44, 0); } if ((Player ? 1 : (!Bot ? 0 : ((uint)num6 > 0U ? 1 : 0))) != 0) { if (nuke) { Mem.WriteMemory <Vector3>(Adress3 + 16, MyPosition); } if (Settings.PlayerESP && num6 != 0) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Player", this.font, Brushes.Red, screen.X, screen.Y - 20f); if (Settings.PlayerLines) { drawnawbrudda.DrawLine(Dpen, bottom, pointxx(screen)); } } if (Settings.BOX) { //2D Box - IndigoCDN float entityHeight = 21.5f; Vector2 pRoot; Maths.WorldToScreen(EnemyPos, out pRoot, this.Width, this.Height); Vector3 eHead = new Vector3() { X = EnemyPos.X, Y = EnemyPos.Y + entityHeight, Z = EnemyPos.Z }; Vector2 pHead; Maths.WorldToScreen(eHead, out pHead, this.Width, this.Height); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); float dist2 = Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10); rect.Width = (int)(700 / dist2); if (rect.Width > 100) { rect.Width = 100; } rect.Height = (int)(pRoot.Y - pHead.Y); rect.X = (int)pRoot.X - rect.Width / 2; rect.Y = (int)pRoot.Y - (rect.Height); if (dist2 > 25) { rect.Y = ((int)pRoot.Y - (rect.Height)) + 15; } drawnawbrudda.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Purple), rect); //2D Box } if (Settings.PlayerHealth) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)num6 + "HP ]", this.font, Brushes.Aqua, screen.X - 15f, screen.Y + 15f); } if (Settings.PlayerDistance) { if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 100) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 30f); } else { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.Red, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 30f); } } dist = Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10); if (dist < Settings.Distance && Settings.Aimbot && num6 > 0 && (Maths.InsideCircle((int)center.X, (int)center.Y, Settings.FOV, (int)screen.X, (int)screen.Y))) { Vector2 aim; if (Settings.SmartHeight) { Aimbot(MyPosition, EnemyPos); } MethodInvoker insv3 = delegate { if (Settings.holdkey) { if (Main.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.CapsLock)) { aim.X = screen.X + w; aim.Y = screen.Y + height; Cursor.Position = this.PointToClient(new Point((int)aim.X, (int)aim.Y)); } } else { aim.X = screen.X + w; aim.Y = screen.Y + height; Cursor.Position = this.PointToClient(new Point((int)aim.X, (int)aim.Y)); } }; this.Invoke(insv3); } } if (Bot) { if (nuke) { Mem.WriteMemory <Vector3>(Adress3 + 16, MyPosition); } if (Settings.BotESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("ROBOT", this.font, Brushes.Chartreuse, screen.X, screen.Y - 20f); } if (Settings.BotHealth) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.Chartreuse, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 30f); } drawnawbrudda.DrawLine(new Pen((Brush) new SolidBrush(colour.newco)), bottom, pointxx(screen)); } if (Item) { int cliententitytable = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 0x100); int cliententitytableptr = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(cliententitytable + 0x14); int propID = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(cliententitytableptr + 0x2C) + 0x8); string itemName; Helper.Items.TryGetValue(propID, out itemName); if (Settings.ItemESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString(itemName, this.font, Brushes.Green, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.ItemDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (weapon) { if (Settings.ItemESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Weapon", this.font, Brushes.Blue, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.ItemDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (SuplyBox) { if (Settings.SupplyESP) { if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 500) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("SUPPLY BOX", this.font, Brushes.Pink, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } } } if (Vehicle) { //vehicle name esp - alperhan bool car, bicycle, express, motor, glider; car = str.Contains("LandCar"); bicycle = str.Contains("LandBike"); express = str.Contains("LandExpress"); motor = str.Contains("LandMotor"); glider = str.Contains("LandGlider"); if (car) { if (Settings.VehicleESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Car", this.font, Brushes.Gold, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.VehicleDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Metre]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (bicycle) { if (Settings.VehicleESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Bicycle", this.font, Brushes.Gold, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.VehicleDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Metre]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (express) { if (Settings.VehicleESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Express", this.font, Brushes.Gold, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.VehicleDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Metre]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (motor) { if (Settings.VehicleESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Motor", this.font, Brushes.Gold, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.VehicleDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Metre]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (glider) { if (Settings.VehicleESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("glider", this.font, Brushes.Gold, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.VehicleDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Metre]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } } if (Plane && Settings.PlaneESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("PLANE", this.font, Brushes.Chocolate, screen.X, screen.Y - 20f); } } } graphics.DrawImage((Image)bitmap, 0, 0); Thread.Sleep(Settings.wait); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Crash Reason2: " + e.Message); Process.Start(Application.ExecutablePath); //some time to start the new instance. Thread.Sleep(2000); Environment.Exit(-1); //Force termination of the current process. } }
public void thread() { Graphics graphics = this.CreateGraphics(); int numnya; int Adress1, Adress2, num2; Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height); Graphics drawnawbrudda = Graphics.FromImage((Image)bitmap); Point bottom = new Point() { X = this.ClientRectangle.Width / 2, Y = this.ClientRectangle.Height / 2 + 200 }; int Adress3, num6, name, aa, a2, n; string str; double num4, num5; float dist; bool Player, Bot, Vehicle, Item, SuplyBox, Plane, weapon; Vector2 center = new Vector2(); while (true) { try { MethodInvoker inv = delegate { SetWindowPos(this.Handle, new IntPtr(-1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0001 | 0x0002); this.TopMost = true; this.TopLevel = true; }; this.Invoke(inv); center.X = this.Width / 2; center.Y = (this.Height / 2) + 20; drawnawbrudda.Clear(Color.Black); num1 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.LocalPlayer); numnya = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + 34); MyPosition.X = Mem.ReadMemory <float>(num1 + 16); MyPosition.Y = Mem.ReadMemory <float>(num1 + 16 + 4); MyPosition.Z = Mem.ReadMemory <float>(num1 + 16 + 8); if (Z == 0) { X = MyPosition.X; Y = MyPosition.Y; Z = MyPosition.Z; } Adress1 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.Client) + Offsets.m_ppObjects); Adress2 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress1)))); num2 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress1 + 4); this.DrawMenu(drawnawbrudda); while (Adress2 != num2 && Adress2 != num1) { MethodInvoker invx = delegate { SetWindowPos(this.Handle, new IntPtr(-1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0001 | 0x0002); this.TopMost = true; this.TopLevel = true; }; this.Invoke(invx); Adress3 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress2 + 12); str = Mem.ReadString(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 4) + 12), 20); Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3); Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 12); Vector3 EnemyPos = Mem.ReadMemory <Vector3>(Adress3 + 16); num4 = (double)Mem.ReadMemory <float>(Adress3 + 56); num5 = (double)Mem.ReadMemory <float>(Adress3 + 60); num6 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 256) + 20) + 152) + 8); name = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress3 + 34) + 0) + 0) + 0); Player = str.Contains("Avatar"); Bot = str.Contains("Robot"); Vehicle = str.Contains("Land"); Item = str.Contains("DtsProp"); SuplyBox = str.Contains("DtsPlayerHeritage"); Plane = str.Contains("Plane"); weapon = str.Contains("ClientWeaponEntity"); Adress2 = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Adress2); Vector2 screen; aa = (aimbot) ? 1 : 0; n = (Settings.NoClip) ? 1 : 0; int nk = (nuke) ? 1 : 0; a2 = (Settings.SmartHeight) ? 1 : 0; string typee; if (Scopes48) { typee = "8x and 4x"; } else { typee = "Normal (2x , red dot, no scope)"; } MethodInvoker inv3 = delegate { this.label3.Text = "Nuke: " + nk + " \nRange: " + range + " m \n" + "AIMBOT:" + aa + "\n" + "TYPE:" + typee + "\n NOCLIP: " + n + "\nSmartAim: " + a2 + " \n Height: " + height + "\n NoClip Speed: " + speed; }; this.Invoke(inv3); if (Settings.DEBUG) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)center.X - fov, ((int)center.Y) - fov, fov * 2, fov * 2); drawnawbrudda.DrawEllipse(greenPen, rect); } if (Settings.NoClip) { Mem.WriteMemory <float>(num1 + 16, X); Mem.WriteMemory <float>(num1 + 16 + 4, Y); Mem.WriteMemory <float>(num1 + 16 + 8, Z); } if ((Maths.WorldToScreen(EnemyPos, out screen, this.Width, this.Height))) { if ((Player ? 1 : (!Bot ? 0 : ((uint)num6 > 0U ? 1 : 0))) != 0) { if (nuke) { Mem.WriteMemory <Vector3>(Adress3 + 16, MyPosition); } if (Settings.ESP == true) { if (Settings.PlayerESP && num6 != 0) { try { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Player", this.font, Brushes.Red, screen.X, screen.Y - 20f); drawnawbrudda.DrawLine(Dpen, bottom, pointxx(screen)); } catch (Exception) { } } if (Settings.PlayerHealth) { { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)num6 + "HP ]", this.font, Brushes.Aqua, screen.X - 15f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (Settings.PlayerDistance) { if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 100) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 30f); } else { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.Red, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 30f); } } } dist = Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10); if (dist < range && aimbot && num6 > 0 && (Maths.InsideCircle((int)center.X, (int)center.Y, fov, (int)screen.X, (int)screen.Y))) { Vector2 aim; aim.X = screen.X + w; if (Settings.SmartHeight) { if (Scopes48) { if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 400) { height = -15; fov = 50; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 350) { height = -15; fov = 50; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 300) { height = -15; fov = 50; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 250) { height = -18; fov = 55; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 200) { height = -25; fov = 60; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 150) { height = -35; fov = 65; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 100) { height = -38; fov = 70; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 50) { height = -40; fov = 75; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 45) { height = -42; fov = 85; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 40) { height = -45; fov = 90; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 35) { height = -47; fov = 100; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 30) { height = -60; fov = 110; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 25) { height = -75; fov = 120; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 20) { height = -100; fov = 150; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 15) { height = -120; fov = 200; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 10) { height = -150; fov = 350; } } else { if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 400) { height = -11; fov = 50; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 350) { height = +5; fov = 50; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 300) { height = 0; fov = 50; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 250) { height = 0; fov = 55; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 220) { height = -6; fov = 60; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 200) { height = -7; fov = 60; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 160) { height = -10; fov = 60; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 150) { height = -11; fov = 65; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 100) { height = -12; fov = 70; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 75) { height = -14; fov = 70; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 50) { height = -25; fov = 75; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 45) { height = -35; fov = 85; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 40) { height = -38; fov = 90; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 35) { height = -42; fov = 100; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 30) { height = -45; fov = 110; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 25) { height = -50; fov = 120; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 20) { height = -100; fov = 150; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 15) { height = -120; fov = 200; } else if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 10) { height = -150; fov = 350; } } } aim.Y = screen.Y + height; Cursor.Position = new Point((int)aim.X, (int)aim.Y);; } } if (Bot && Settings.ESP == true) { if (nuke) { Mem.WriteMemory <Vector3>(Adress3 + 16, MyPosition); } drawnawbrudda.DrawString("ROBOT", this.font, Brushes.Chartreuse, screen.X, screen.Y - 20f); drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.Chartreuse, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 30f); drawnawbrudda.DrawLine(new Pen((Brush) new SolidBrush(colour.newco)), bottom, pointxx(screen)); } if (Item && Settings.ESP == true) { if (Settings.ItemESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Item", this.font, Brushes.Green, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.ItemDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (weapon && Settings.ESP == true) { if (Settings.ItemESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Weapon", this.font, Brushes.Blue, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.ItemDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (SuplyBox && Settings.ESP == true) { if (Settings.BodyESP) { if (Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) > 500) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("SUPPLY BOX", this.font, Brushes.Pink, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } } } if (Vehicle && Settings.ESP == true) { if (Settings.VehicleESP) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("Vehicle", this.font, Brushes.Gold, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y); } if (Settings.VehicleDistance) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("[ " + (object)Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, EnemyPos, 10) + " Meter]", this.font, Brushes.White, screen.X - 10f, screen.Y + 15f); } } if (Plane && Settings.ESP == true) { drawnawbrudda.DrawString("PLANE", this.font, Brushes.Chocolate, screen.X, screen.Y - 20f); } } } graphics.DrawImage((Image)bitmap, 0, 0); Thread.Sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Crash Reason: " + e.Message); Process.Start(Application.ExecutablePath); //some time to start the new instance. Thread.Sleep(2000); Environment.Exit(-1);//Force termination of the current process. } } }