/// <summary>
        /// Given some text we want to draw (which may not already be set into a PreparedPagedText object),
        /// draw it to the screen at the given logical position.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DrawPreparedText(BaseGameModel model, Position logicalPosition, String fullText, Graphics g, Font font,
                                            Boolean drawBorder, Pen penBorder, Int32 edgeBuffer, ref PreparedPagedText prepText)
            Position displayPos = model.Camera.MapLogicalToDisplay(logicalPosition, true);

            if (drawBorder)
                Drawing2D.DrawRectBorder(g, penBorder, displayPos);
            if (prepText == null)
                prepText = DrawText.PrepareTextForDisplayInBox(fullText, g,
                                                               font, (Int32)displayPos.Width, (Int32)displayPos.Height, (Int32)(edgeBuffer * model.Camera.CurrentScale));

            List <String> preparedOutputText = prepText.GetCurrentPageText();
            Int32         currentLineY       = 0;

            for (Int32 currentLine = 0; currentLine < preparedOutputText.Count; currentLine++)
                String   textToDraw     = preparedOutputText[currentLine];
                Position displayTextPos = model.Camera.TopLeftAlignTextWithinRect(logicalPosition, textToDraw, font, g, ignoreCameraPosition: true);
                g.DrawString(textToDraw, font, Brushes.White, (Single)displayTextPos.UpperLeftX, (Single)displayTextPos.UpperLeftY + currentLineY);
                currentLineY += prepText.LineHeight;
        /// <summary>
        /// Given some offset rectangle, and some logical position, draw a solid color rectangle and text over it.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DrawTextOnRectangle(BaseGameModel model, Position logPosOffsetRect, Position logPosRect,
                                               SolidBrush sbBaseRect, SolidBrush sbText, Graphics g, Font f, String text)
            logPosRect = logPosRect.AddPositionUpperLeft(logPosOffsetRect);
            Position disPosRect = model.Camera.MapLogicalToDisplay(logPosRect, true);

            Drawing2D.DrawRect(g, sbBaseRect, disPosRect);
            Position disPosText = model.Camera.BottomLeftAlignTextWithinRect(logPosRect, text, f, g, true);

            g.DrawString(text, f, sbText, (Single)disPosText.UpperLeftX, (Single)disPosText.UpperLeftY);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a rectangle with a border.  Basically draws a larger rectangle with the border color, and then draws a small
        /// rectangle inside with the fill color.
        /// Returns the display position for the inner rectangle.
        /// If the fill color is semi-transparent, realize that due to the implementation of this method, the border color will appear through
        /// the fill color.
        /// </summary>
        public static void FillRectWithBorder(BaseGameModel model, Graphics g, Position rectDisplay, Brush borderColor, Brush fillColor,
                                              Double borderSizeLogical, Boolean ignoreCameraPos, out Position rectInnerDisplay)
            Position p = rectDisplay;

            Drawing2D.DrawRect(g, borderColor, p);

            rectInnerDisplay = new Position(p);
            Double scale = model.Camera.GetScale(ignoreCameraPos);

            rectInnerDisplay.TransformByPixels(-borderSizeLogical * scale);
            Drawing2D.DrawRect(g, fillColor, rectInnerDisplay);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a solid/filled rectangle.  Maps this rectangle to the display window based on the camera.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DrawRect(BaseGameModel model, Graphics g, Brush b, Position rect)
            Position rectAdjusted = model.Camera.MapLogicalToDisplay(rect, true);

            Drawing2D.DrawRect(g, b, rectAdjusted);