public static void UpgradeToNewData()
            if (!File.Exists(FileLocation))
                Debug.LogError("You must have previously Wrote Data to upgrade. Please run " +
                               "Window/WellFired/.Direct/Write Existing Data in your old project before trying to upgrade " +

            var canProceed = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(
                "Please Confirm",
                "This process might take a long time and will upgrade all of " +
                "the assets in your project, please make sure you have a backup " +
                "before continuing",
                "Ok, I have a backup",
                "Cancel, I didn't make a backup");

            if (!canProceed)
                Debug.LogWarning("User aborted the process, they don't have a backup.");

            var toData   = TypeRunner.GetTypeData();
            var json     = File.ReadAllText(FileLocation);
            var fromData = JsonUtility.FromJson <TypeData>(json);

            TypeRunner.Upgrade(fromData, toData);
        public static void DumpCurrentData()
            var data = TypeRunner.GetTypeData();
            var json = JsonUtility.ToJson(data);

            var canProceed    = true;
            var alreadyExists = File.Exists(FileLocation);

            if (alreadyExists)
                canProceed = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(
                    "Please Confirm",
                    "Seems like you already exported some data, if you continue this data will be overwritten",
                    "Ok, overwrite it!",
                    "Cancel, leave it as is.");

            if (!canProceed)
                Debug.LogWarning("User aborted the process, they don't have a backup.");

            if (alreadyExists)

            File.WriteAllText(FileLocation, json);