Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates if needed dedicated iisAppObject pools and assigns to specified site iisAppObject pool according to 
		/// selected ASP.NET version.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="site">WEb site to operate on.</param>
		/// <param name="createAppPools">A value which shows whether iisAppObject pools has to be created.</param>
        private void SetWebSiteApplicationPool(WebSite site, bool createAppPools)
			var aphl = new WebAppPoolHelper(ProviderSettings);
			// Site isolation mode
			var sisMode = site.DedicatedApplicationPool ? SiteAppPoolMode.Dedicated : SiteAppPoolMode.Shared;
			// Create dedicated iisAppObject pool name for the site with installed ASP.NET version
			if (createAppPools && site.DedicatedApplicationPool)
				// Find dedicated app pools
				var dedicatedPools = Array.FindAll<WebAppPool>(aphl.SupportedAppPools.ToArray(),
					x => aphl.isolation(x.Mode) == SiteAppPoolMode.Dedicated);
				// Generate dedicated iisAppObject pools names and create them.
				foreach (var item in dedicatedPools)
					// Retrieve .NET Framework version
					var dotNetVersion = aphl.dotNetVersion(item.Mode);
					var enable32BitAppOnWin64 = Enable32BitAppOnWin64;
					// Force "enable32BitAppOnWin64" set to true for .NET v1.1
					if (dotNetVersion == SiteAppPoolMode.dotNetFramework1)
						enable32BitAppOnWin64 = true;
					var poolName = WSHelper.InferAppPoolName(item.Name, site.Name, item.Mode);
					// Ensure we are not going to add an existing app pool
					if (webObjectsSvc.IsApplicationPoolExist(poolName))
					using (var srvman = webObjectsSvc.GetServerManager())
						// Create iisAppObject pool
						var pool = srvman.ApplicationPools.Add(poolName);
						pool.ManagedRuntimeVersion = aphl.aspnet_runtime(item.Mode);
						pool.ManagedPipelineMode = aphl.runtime_pipeline(item.Mode);
						pool.Enable32BitAppOnWin64 = enable32BitAppOnWin64;
						pool.AutoStart = true;
						// Identity
						pool.ProcessModel.IdentityType = ProcessModelIdentityType.SpecificUser;
						pool.ProcessModel.UserName = GetQualifiedAccountName(site.AnonymousUsername);
						pool.ProcessModel.Password = site.AnonymousUserPassword;
						// Commit changes
			// Find
			var siteAppPool = Array.Find<WebAppPool>(aphl.SupportedAppPools.ToArray(),
				x => x.AspNetInstalled.Equals(site.AspNetInstalled) && aphl.isolation(x.Mode) == sisMode);
			// Assign iisAppObject pool according to ASP.NET version installed and isolation mode specified.
			site.ApplicationPool = WSHelper.InferAppPoolName(siteAppPool.Name, site.Name, siteAppPool.Mode);
Esempio n. 2
		private void FillAspNetSettingsFromIISObject(WebVirtualDirectory vdir)
			// Read ASP.NET settings
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(vdir.ApplicationPool))
				using (var srvman = webObjectsSvc.GetServerManager())
					var appool = srvman.ApplicationPools[vdir.ApplicationPool];
					var aphl = new WebAppPoolHelper(ProviderSettings);
					// ASP.NET 2.0 pipeline is supposed by default
					var dotNetVersion = SiteAppPoolMode.dotNetFramework2;
					#region Iterate over managed runtime keys of the helper class to properly evaluate ASP.NET version installed
					foreach (var k in WebAppPool.AspNetVersions)
						if (k.Value.Equals(appool.ManagedRuntimeVersion))
							dotNetVersion = k.Key;
					// Detect pipeline mode being used
					if (appool.ManagedPipelineMode == ManagedPipelineMode.Classic)
						dotNetVersion |= SiteAppPoolMode.Classic;
						dotNetVersion |= SiteAppPoolMode.Integrated;
					var aspNetVersion = String.Empty;
					#region Iterate over supported ASP.NET versions based on result of the previous runtime version assesement
					foreach (var item in WebAppPoolHelper.SupportedAppPoolModes)
						if (item.Value == dotNetVersion)
							// Obtain ASP.NET version installed
							aspNetVersion = item.Key;
					// Assign the result of assesement
					vdir.AspNetInstalled = aspNetVersion;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Log.WriteError(String.Format("Failed to read ASP.NET settings from {0}.", vdir.Name), ex);
				// Re-throw
				throw (ex);
Esempio n. 3
		private void DeleteDedicatedPoolsAllocated(string siteName)
				WebAppPoolHelper aphl = new WebAppPoolHelper(ProviderSettings);
				var dedicatedPools = Array.FindAll<WebAppPool>(aphl.SupportedAppPools.ToArray(),
					x => aphl.isolation(x.Mode) == SiteAppPoolMode.Dedicated);
				// cleanup app pools
				foreach (var item in dedicatedPools)
					using (var srvman = webObjectsSvc.GetServerManager())
						string poolName = WSHelper.InferAppPoolName(item.Name, siteName, item.Mode);
						ApplicationPool pool = srvman.ApplicationPools[poolName];
						if (pool == null)
			catch (Exception ex)
				throw (ex);
Esempio n. 4
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException" />
		/// <exception cref="System.ApplicationException" />
		/// <param name="siteId"></param>
        public override void InstallSecuredFolders(string siteId)
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(siteId))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("siteId");

			// WebsitePanel.IIsModules works for apps working in Integrated Pipeline mode
			#region Switch automatically to the app pool with Integrated Pipeline enabled
			var webSite = webObjectsSvc.GetWebSiteFromIIS(siteId);
			if (webSite == null)
				throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Could not find a web site with the following identifier: {0}.", siteId));
			var aphl = new WebAppPoolHelper(ProviderSettings);
			// Fill ASP.NET settings
			var currentPool = aphl.match_webapp_pool(webSite);
			var dotNetVersion = aphl.dotNetVersion(currentPool.Mode);
			var sisMode = aphl.isolation(currentPool.Mode);
			// AT least ASP.NET 2.0 is allowed to provide such capabilities...
			if (dotNetVersion == SiteAppPoolMode.dotNetFramework1)
				dotNetVersion = SiteAppPoolMode.dotNetFramework2;
			// and Integrated pipeline...
			if (aphl.pipeline(currentPool.Mode) != SiteAppPoolMode.Integrated)
				// Lookup for the opposite pool matching the criteria
				var oppositePool = Array.Find<WebAppPool>(aphl.SupportedAppPools.ToArray(),
					x => aphl.dotNetVersion(x.Mode) == dotNetVersion && aphl.isolation(x.Mode) == sisMode
						&& aphl.pipeline(x.Mode) == SiteAppPoolMode.Integrated);
				webSite.AspNetInstalled = oppositePool.AspNetInstalled;
				SetWebSiteApplicationPool(webSite, false);
				using (var srvman = webObjectsSvc.GetServerManager())
					var iisSiteObject = srvman.Sites[siteId];
					iisSiteObject.Applications["/"].ApplicationPoolName = webSite.ApplicationPool;

			#region Disable automatically Integrated Windows Authentication
			PropertyBag winAuthBag = winAuthSvc.GetAuthenticationSettings(siteId);
			if ((bool)winAuthBag[AuthenticationGlobals.Enabled])
				using (var srvman = webObjectsSvc.GetServerManager())
					Configuration config = srvman.GetApplicationHostConfiguration();

					ConfigurationSection windowsAuthenticationSection = config.GetSection(
					windowsAuthenticationSection["enabled"] = false;
			using (var srvman = webObjectsSvc.GetServerManager())
				Configuration appConfig = srvman.GetApplicationHostConfiguration();
				ConfigurationSection modulesSection = appConfig.GetSection(Constants.ModulesSection, siteId);
				ConfigurationElementCollection modulesCollection = modulesSection.GetCollection();
				ConfigurationElement moduleAdd = modulesCollection.CreateElement("add");
				moduleAdd["name"] = Constants.WEBSITEPANEL_IISMODULES;
				moduleAdd["type"] = SecureFoldersModuleAssembly;
				moduleAdd["preCondition"] = "managedHandler";
Esempio n. 5
		/// <summary>
		/// Installs the provider.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Error messsages if any specified.</returns>
		public override string[] Install()
			List<string> messages = new List<string>();

			string[] cfgMsgs = webObjectsSvc.GrantConfigurationSectionAccess(INSTALL_SECTIONS_ALLOWED);
			if (cfgMsgs.Length > 0)
				return messages.ToArray();

				SecurityUtils.EnsureOrganizationalUnitsExist(ServerSettings, UsersOU, GroupsOU);
			catch (Exception ex)
				messages.Add(String.Format("Could not check/create Organizational Units: {0}", ex.Message));
				return messages.ToArray();

			// Create web group name.
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(WebGroupName))
				messages.Add("Web Group can not be blank");
					// create group
					if (!SecurityUtils.GroupExists(WebGroupName, ServerSettings, GroupsOU))
						SystemGroup group = new SystemGroup();
						group.Name = WebGroupName;
						group.Members = new string[] { };
						group.Description = "WebsitePanel System Group";

						SecurityUtils.CreateGroup(group, ServerSettings, UsersOU, GroupsOU);
				catch (Exception ex)
					messages.Add(String.Format("There was an error while adding '{0}' group: {1}",
						WebGroupName, ex.Message));

			// Setting up shared iisAppObject pools.
				WebAppPoolHelper aphl = new WebAppPoolHelper(ProviderSettings);
				// Find shared pools
				var sharedPools = Array.FindAll<WebAppPool>(aphl.SupportedAppPools.ToArray(), 
					x => aphl.isolation(x.Mode) == SiteAppPoolMode.Shared);
				foreach (var item in sharedPools)
					using (var srvman = webObjectsSvc.GetServerManager())
						// Local variables
						bool enable32BitAppOnWin64 = (aphl.dotNetVersion(item.Mode) == SiteAppPoolMode.dotNetFramework1) ? true : false;
						if (srvman.ApplicationPools[item.Name] == null)
							ApplicationPool pool = srvman.ApplicationPools.Add(item.Name);
							pool.ManagedRuntimeVersion = aphl.aspnet_runtime(item.Mode);
							pool.ManagedPipelineMode = aphl.runtime_pipeline(item.Mode);
							pool.ProcessModel.IdentityType = ProcessModelIdentityType.NetworkService;
							pool.AutoStart = true;
							pool.Enable32BitAppOnWin64 = enable32BitAppOnWin64;
			catch (Exception ex)
				messages.Add(String.Format("There was an error while creating shared iisAppObject pools: {0}", ex.Message));

			// Ensure logging settings are configured correctly on a web server level
					| LogExtFileFlags.BytesRecv | LogExtFileFlags.BytesSent | LogExtFileFlags.Date);
			catch (Exception ex)
				messages.Add(String.Format(@"There was an error while configure web server's default 
					logging settings. Reason: {0}", ex.StackTrace));

			// Ensure logging settings are configured correctly on a web server level
					| LogExtFileFlags.BytesRecv | LogExtFileFlags.BytesSent | LogExtFileFlags.Date);
			catch (Exception ex)
				messages.Add(String.Format(@"There was an error while configure web server's default 
					logging settings. Reason: {0}", ex.StackTrace));

			return messages.ToArray();
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets virtual iisDirObject description that belongs to site with supplied id and has specified name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="siteId">Site's id that owns virtual iisDirObject.</param>
        /// <param name="directoryName">Directory's name to get description for.</param>
        /// <returns>virtual iisDirObject description that belongs to site with supplied id and has specified name.</returns>
        public override WebVirtualDirectory GetVirtualDirectory(string siteId, string directoryName)
			WebAppPoolHelper aphl = new WebAppPoolHelper(ProviderSettings);
            WebVirtualDirectory webVirtualDirectory = webObjectsSvc.GetVirtualDirectory(siteId, directoryName);
            webVirtualDirectory.DedicatedApplicationPool = !aphl.is_shared_pool(webVirtualDirectory.ApplicationPool);
            return webVirtualDirectory;
Esempio n. 7
		/// <summary>
		/// Updates virtual iisDirObject settings.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="siteId">Site's id that owns supplied iisDirObject.</param>
		/// <param name="iisDirObject">Web iisDirObject that needs to be updated.</param>
        public override void UpdateVirtualDirectory(string siteId, WebVirtualDirectory directory)
			if (this.webObjectsSvc.SiteExists(siteId))
				WebAppPoolHelper aphl = new WebAppPoolHelper(ProviderSettings);
                bool dedicatedPool = !aphl.is_shared_pool(directory.ApplicationPool);
				SiteAppPoolMode sisMode = dedicatedPool ? SiteAppPoolMode.Dedicated : SiteAppPoolMode.Shared;
				directory.ParentSiteName = siteId;
                string origPath = webObjectsSvc.GetPhysicalPath(directory);
				// remove unnecessary permissions
				// if original folder has been changed
				if (String.Compare(origPath, directory.ContentPath, true) != 0)
					RemoveWebFolderPermissions(origPath, GetNonQualifiedAccountName(directory.AnonymousUsername));
				// set folder permissions
				SetWebFolderPermissions(directory.ContentPath, GetNonQualifiedAccountName(directory.AnonymousUsername),
						directory.EnableWritePermissions, dedicatedPool);
				var pool = Array.Find<WebAppPool>(aphl.SupportedAppPools.ToArray(),
					x => x.AspNetInstalled.Equals(directory.AspNetInstalled) && aphl.isolation(x.Mode) == sisMode);
				// Assign to virtual iisDirObject iisAppObject pool 
				directory.ApplicationPool = WSHelper.InferAppPoolName(pool.Name, siteId, pool.Mode);
Esempio n. 8
        public override WebSite GetSite(string siteId)
			WebAppPoolHelper aphl = new WebAppPoolHelper(ProviderSettings);
			WebSite site = webObjectsSvc.GetWebSiteFromIIS(siteId);
            site.Bindings = webObjectsSvc.GetSiteBindings(siteId);

            // check frontpage
            site.FrontPageAvailable = IsFrontPageSystemInstalled();
            site.FrontPageInstalled = IsFrontPageInstalled(siteId);

            //check ColdFusion
            if (IsColdFusionSystemInstalled())
                if (IsColdFusion7Installed())
                    site.ColdFusionVersion = "7";
                    site.ColdFusionAvailable = true;
                    if (IsColdFusion8Installed())
                        site.ColdFusionVersion = "8";
                        site.ColdFusionAvailable = true;

                if (IsColdFusion9Installed())
                    site.ColdFusionVersion = "9";
                    site.ColdFusionAvailable = true;
                site.ColdFusionAvailable = false;

            site.CreateCFVirtualDirectories = ColdFusionDirectoriesAdded(siteId);
            //site.ColdFusionInstalled = IsColdFusionEnabledOnSite(GetSiteId(site.Name));

            // check sharepoint
            site.SharePointInstalled = false;
            site.DedicatedApplicationPool = !aphl.is_shared_pool(site.ApplicationPool);
            site.SecuredFoldersInstalled = IsSecuredFoldersInstalled(siteId);
            site.SiteState = GetSiteState(siteId);
			return site;
Esempio n. 9
		public void EnforceDelegationRulesRestrictions(string siteName, string accountName)
			var moduleService = new DelegationRulesModuleService();
			// Adjust web publishing permissions to the user accordingly to deny some rules for shared app pools
			var webSite = webObjectsSvc.GetWebSiteFromIIS(siteName);
			var fqUsername = GetFullQualifiedAccountName(accountName);
			// Instantiate application pool helper to retrieve the app pool mode web site is running in
			WebAppPoolHelper aphl = new WebAppPoolHelper(ProviderSettings);
			// Shared app pool is a subject restrictions to change ASP.NET version and recycle the pool
			if (aphl.is_shared_pool(webSite.ApplicationPool) == true)
				moduleService.RestrictRuleToUser("recycleApp", "{userScope}", fqUsername);
				moduleService.RestrictRuleToUser("appPoolPipeline,appPoolNetFx", "{userScope}", fqUsername);
			// Dedicated app pool is not a subject for any restrictions
				moduleService.AllowRuleToUser("recycleApp", "{userScope}", fqUsername);
				moduleService.AllowRuleToUser("appPoolPipeline,appPoolNetFx", "{userScope}", fqUsername);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables Helicon Ape module & handler on the web site or server globally.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="siteId">
        /// Web site id or empty string ("") for server-wide enabling
        /// </param>
        public override void EnableHeliconApe(string siteId)
            if (null == siteId)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("siteId");

            if ("" != siteId)
                // prepare enabling Ape for web site

                WebSite webSite = null;
                using (ServerManager srvman = webObjectsSvc.GetServerManager())
                    // Helicon.Ape.ApeModule works for apps working in Integrated Pipeline mode
                    // Switch automatically to the app pool with Integrated Pipeline enabled
                    webSite = webObjectsSvc.GetWebSiteFromIIS(srvman, siteId);
                    if (webSite == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException(
                            String.Format("Could not find a web site with the following identifier: {0}.", siteId));

                    // Fill ASP.NET settings
                    FillAspNetSettingsFromIISObject(srvman, webSite);

                var aphl = new WebAppPoolHelper(ProviderSettings);
                var currentPool = aphl.match_webapp_pool(webSite);
                var dotNetVersion = aphl.dotNetVersion(currentPool.Mode);
                var sisMode = aphl.isolation(currentPool.Mode);
                // AT least ASP.NET 2.0 is allowed to provide such capabilities...
                if (dotNetVersion == SiteAppPoolMode.dotNetFramework1)
                    dotNetVersion = SiteAppPoolMode.dotNetFramework2;
                // and Integrated pipeline...
                if (aphl.pipeline(currentPool.Mode) != SiteAppPoolMode.Integrated)
                    // Lookup for the opposite pool matching the criteria
                    var oppositePool = Array.Find<WebAppPool>(aphl.SupportedAppPools.ToArray(),
                                                              x =>
                                                              aphl.dotNetVersion(x.Mode) == dotNetVersion &&
                                                              aphl.isolation(x.Mode) == sisMode
                                                              && aphl.pipeline(x.Mode) == SiteAppPoolMode.Integrated);
                    webSite.AspNetInstalled = oppositePool.AspNetInstalled;
                    SetWebSiteApplicationPool(webSite, false);
                    using (var srvman = webObjectsSvc.GetServerManager())
                        var iisSiteObject = srvman.Sites[siteId];
                        iisSiteObject.Applications["/"].ApplicationPoolName = webSite.ApplicationPool;

                #region Disable automatically Integrated Windows Authentication

                using (var srvman = webObjectsSvc.GetServerManager())
                    PropertyBag winAuthBag = winAuthSvc.GetAuthenticationSettings(srvman, siteId);
                    if ((bool) winAuthBag[AuthenticationGlobals.Enabled])
                        Configuration config = srvman.GetApplicationHostConfiguration();

                        ConfigurationSection windowsAuthenticationSection = config.GetSection(
                        windowsAuthenticationSection["enabled"] = false;


                #region Disable automatically Secured Folders

                if (IsSecuredFoldersInstalled(siteId))


            using (var srvman = webObjectsSvc.GetServerManager())
                if (!IsHeliconApeEnabled(srvman, siteId))

                    Configuration appConfig = srvman.GetApplicationHostConfiguration();

                    // add Helicon.Ape module
                    ConfigurationSection modulesSection = appConfig.GetSection(Constants.ModulesSection, siteId);
                    ConfigurationElementCollection modulesCollection = modulesSection.GetCollection();

                    // <add name="Helicon.Ape" />
                    ConfigurationElement heliconApeModuleEntry = modulesCollection.CreateElement("add");
                    heliconApeModuleEntry["name"] = Constants.HeliconApeModule;
                    heliconApeModuleEntry["type"] = GetHeliconApeModuleType(siteId);

                    // this way make <clear/> and copy all modules list from ancestor
                    //modulesCollection.AddAt(0, heliconApeModuleEntry);
                    // this way just insert single ape module entry

                    // add Helicon.Ape handler
                    ConfigurationSection handlersSection = appConfig.GetSection(Constants.HandlersSection, siteId);
                    ConfigurationElementCollection handlersCollection = handlersSection.GetCollection();

                    // <add name="Helicon.Ape" />
                    ConfigurationElement heliconApeHandlerEntry = handlersCollection.CreateElement("add");
                    heliconApeHandlerEntry["name"] = Constants.HeliconApeHandler;
                    heliconApeHandlerEntry["type"] = GetHeliconApeHandlerType(siteId);
                    heliconApeHandlerEntry["path"] = Constants.HeliconApeHandlerPath;
                    heliconApeHandlerEntry["verb"] = "*";
                    heliconApeHandlerEntry["resourceType"] = "Unspecified";

                    handlersCollection.AddAt(0, heliconApeHandlerEntry);

Esempio n. 11
        private void RemoveDelegationRulesRestrictions(string siteName, string accountName)
            WebSite webSite = null;
            using (ServerManager srvman = webObjectsSvc.GetServerManager())
                webSite = webObjectsSvc.GetWebSiteFromIIS(srvman, siteName);
            var moduleService = new DelegationRulesModuleService();
            // Adjust web publishing permissions to the user accordingly to deny some rules for shared app pools

            var fqUsername = GetFullQualifiedAccountName(accountName);
            // Instantiate application pool helper to retrieve the app pool mode web site is running in
            WebAppPoolHelper aphl = new WebAppPoolHelper(ProviderSettings);
            // Shared app pool is a subject restrictions to change ASP.NET version and recycle the pool,
            // so we need to remove these restrictions
            if (aphl.is_shared_pool(webSite.ApplicationPool) == true)
                moduleService.RemoveUserFromRule("recycleApp", "{userScope}", fqUsername);
                moduleService.RemoveUserFromRule("appPoolPipeline,appPoolNetFx", "{userScope}", fqUsername);
Esempio n. 12
        private bool IsHeliconApeEnabled(ServerManager srvman, string siteId)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(siteId))
                // Check the web site app pool in integrated pipeline mode
                WebSite webSite = null;
                webSite = webObjectsSvc.GetWebSiteFromIIS(srvman, siteId);
                if (webSite == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                        String.Format("Could not find a web site with the following identifier: {0}.", siteId));

                // Fill ASP.NET settings
                FillAspNetSettingsFromIISObject(srvman, webSite);

                var aphl = new WebAppPoolHelper(ProviderSettings);
                var currentPool = aphl.match_webapp_pool(webSite);

                if (aphl.pipeline(currentPool.Mode) != SiteAppPoolMode.Integrated)
                    // Ape is not working in not Integrated pipeline mode
                    return false;

            var appConfig = srvman.GetApplicationHostConfiguration();
            var modulesSection = appConfig.GetSection(Constants.ModulesSection, siteId);
            var modulesCollection = modulesSection.GetCollection();

            foreach (var moduleEntry in modulesCollection)
                if (
                    String.Equals(moduleEntry["name"].ToString(), Constants.HeliconApeModule, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                    String.Equals(moduleEntry["name"].ToString(), Constants.HeliconApeModulePrevName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                    return true;
            return false;