Esempio n. 1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        WebSite.BLL.Bll_VW_Information BInformation = new WebSite.BLL.Bll_VW_Information();
        strWhere += " and WebSiteID=" + PageCommon.LanguageID + " and State='1'";
        if (TypeId != "")
            strWhere += "  and  IDPath like '%" + TypeId + "%'";
        if (WebSite.Common.DNTRequest.GetQueryStringStringDecode("keys").Trim() != "")
            string Titel = WebSite.Common.DNTRequest.GetQueryStringStringDecode("keys").Trim();
            strWhere += " and title like '%" + WebSite.Common.StringHelper.CleanDangerSQL(Titel) + "%' ";

        ModelInfo = BInformation.GetModelList(ShowTop, strWhere + " ORDER BY " + Order);
Esempio n. 2
    private void BindProductBrand()

        WebSite.BLL.Bll_VW_Information BInfo = new WebSite.BLL.Bll_VW_Information();
        string strWhere = " WebSiteID=" + PageCommon.LanguageID + " and  IDPath like '%10919%'";

        List <WebSite.Model.Mod_VW_Information> InformationList = BInfo.GetModelList(int.MaxValue, strWhere + " ORDER BY OrderBy desc,AddDate desc");

        foreach (var item in InformationList)
            ListItem li = new ListItem(item.Title, item.ID.ToString());

        lbTagsBrand.Attributes.Add("title ", "--绑定商品--");