public static bool UpdateQuote(DateTime d, string Exchange) { try { Impersonate.ChangeToAdmin(); string s = d.ToString("yyyyMMMdd", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); string[] ss = DownloadData("" + Exchange + "&d=" + s); if (string.Compare(Exchange, "INDEX", true) == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ss.Length; i++) { ss[i] = "^" + ss[i]; } } if (ss.Length > 0) { MergeOneDay(ss); } return(ss.Length > 0); } catch (Exception e) { Tools.Log("Update Quote:" + e.Message); throw; } }
public static void Write(string Key, string Value) { XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument(); string s = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + @"\web.config"; xd.Load(s); XmlNode xns = xd.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings"); for (int i = 0; i < xns.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { if (xns.ChildNodes[i] is XmlElement) { XmlElement xe = xns.ChildNodes[i] as XmlElement; if (xe.Name.ToLower() == "add") { if (string.Compare(xe.GetAttribute("key").ToString(), Key, true) == 0) { xe.SetAttribute("value", Value); } } } } Impersonate.ChangeToAdmin(); xd.Save(s); }
public static void UpdateForNewSymbol(string Code, CommonDataProvider cdp, bool Save) { Utils.UpdateRealtime(Code, cdp); if (Save) { Impersonate.ChangeToAdmin(); cdp.SaveBinary(GetHisDataFile(Code)); } RefreshSymbolList(); string[] ss = YahooDataManager.GetStockName(Code); if (ss.Length == 3) { try { DB.DoCommand("insert into StockData (QuoteCode,QuoteName,Exchange) values (?,?,?)", new DbParam[] { new DbParam("@Code", DbType.String, Code), new DbParam("@Name", DbType.String, ss[1]), new DbParam("@Exchange", DbType.String, ss[2]), }); } catch { } } cdp.SetStringData("Code", ss[0]); cdp.SetStringData("Name", ss[1]); cdp.SetStringData("Exchange", ss[2]); }
/// <summary> /// Update end of day data automatically /// </summary> public static void AutoUpdate() { Thread.Sleep(10000); Impersonate.ChangeToAdmin(); Tools.Log("Auto Update: Started"); string[] ss = Config.AutoUpdate.Split(','); Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); while (true) { try { LoadHashtable(ht, "Update.txt"); foreach (string s in ss) { int i = s.IndexOf("="); string Exchange = s.Substring(0, i); string r = s.Substring(i + 1); DateTime LastTime = DateTime.MinValue; if (ht[Exchange] != null) { LastTime = (DateTime)ht[Exchange]; } DateTime ServiceTime; DateTime CurrentTime; GetTime(r, out ServiceTime, out CurrentTime); if (CurrentTime.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday && CurrentTime.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday) { if (CurrentTime.TimeOfDay > ServiceTime.TimeOfDay && LastTime.Date < CurrentTime.Date) { try { Tools.Log(r + ";ServiceTime=" + ServiceTime + ";CurrentTime=" + CurrentTime); if (Config.AutoUpdateSource(CurrentTime, Exchange)) { ht[Exchange] = CurrentTime; SaveHashtable(ht, "Update.txt"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Log("AutoUpdate:UpdateQuote:" + ex.Message); } } } } Thread.Sleep(60000); } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Log("AutoUpdate:Loop:" + ex.Message); Thread.Sleep(60000); } } }
static private void DoUpdateQuote() { Impersonate.ChangeToAdmin(); try { UpdateQuote(UpdateQuoteDate, UpdateQuoteExchange); } finally { UpdateQuoteThread = null; } }
public void DownloadHistory() { Impersonate.ChangeToAdmin(); try { DB.DoCommand("update StockData set HasHistory=0"); string Where = ""; if (DownloadMode == 1) { Where = " where LastTime<'" + tbDateBefore.Text + "' or LastTime is null "; } DataTable dt = DB.GetDataTable( "select a.QuoteCode,a.QuoteName,a.HasHistory,b.LastTime from StockData a " + " left join realtime b on a.QuoteCode=b.QuoteCode " + Where + " order by a.QuoteCode"); DbParam[] dps = new DbParam[] { new DbParam("@QuoteCode", DbType.String, null), }; DownloadProgress = "Download started:" + dt.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { try { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; if (StopDownload) { break; } string QuoteCode = dr["QuoteCode"].ToString(); Utils.DownloadYahooHistory(QuoteCode, DownloadMode != 0, false); Tools.Log("Downloaded " + QuoteCode + " from yahoo finance"); dps[0].Value = QuoteCode; DB.DoCommand("update StockData set HasHistory=1 where QuoteCode=?", dps); DownloadProgress = (i + 1) + "/" + dt.Rows.Count; } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Log(ex.Message); } } } finally { DownloadProgress = "Download history finished!"; DownloadHistoryThread = null; } }
public override IDataProvider GetData(string Code, int Count) { Code = Code.Trim(); Hashtable htList = GetSymbolListHashtable(); string s = (string)htList[Code]; CommonDataProvider cdpn = new CommonDataProvider(this); byte[] bs = new byte[] {}; string[] ss = null; if (s != null) { ss = s.Split(','); if (ss[3] != "") { string r = (string)htList[ss[3]]; if (r != null) { ss = r.Split(','); } } if (Count > 0) { // Load data from file bs = LoadHisDataFromFile(Code, Count * DataPacket.PacketByteSize); if (DownloadRealTimeQuote) { try { DataPacket dp = DataPacket.DownloadFromYahoo(Code); if (dp != null && !dp.IsZeroValue) { bs = CommonDataProvider.MergeOneQuote(bs, dp); } } catch { } } cdpn.LoadByteBinary(bs); // Update data from yahoo if (AutoYahooToDB) { string FileName = GetHisDataFile(Code); DateTime d = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1); try { d = File.GetLastWriteTime(FileName); // GetLastAccessTime(FileName); } catch { } DateTime d1 = DateTime.Now.Date; DateTime d2 = d.Date; TimeSpan ts = d1 - d2; if (ts.TotalDays > 0) { YahooDataManager ydm = new YahooDataManager(); CommonDataProvider cdpDelta = (CommonDataProvider)ydm[Code, ts.Days + 5]; cdpDelta.Adjusted = false; if (cdpDelta.Count > 0) { double[] dd1 = cdpDelta["DATE"]; double[] dd2 = cdpn["DATE"]; if (cdpn.Count == 0 || (int)dd2[dd2.Length - 1] < (int)dd1[dd1.Length - 1]) { cdpn.Merge(cdpDelta); Impersonate.ChangeToAdmin(); Utils.UpdateRealtime(Code, cdpn); } } cdpn.SaveBinary(FileName); } } } } else { try { // Download data from yahoo if (AutoYahooToDB) { YahooDataManager ydm = new YahooDataManager(); cdpn = (CommonDataProvider)ydm[Code]; if (cdpn.Count > 0) { UpdateForNewSymbol(Code, cdpn, true); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid Quote : " + Code); } } else { cdpn.LoadByteBinary(bs); } } catch (Exception e) { Tools.Log(e.Message); cdpn.LoadByteBinary(bs); } } //cdpn = TrimToEndTime(cdpn); cdpn.SetStringData("Code", Code); if (ss != null && ss.Length > 2) { cdpn.SetStringData("Code", ss[0]); cdpn.SetStringData("Name", ss[1]); cdpn.SetStringData("Exchange", ss[2]); } return(cdpn); }
/// <summary> /// Running back ground services at curtain time. /// The service and curtain time are defined in web.config /// </summary> static public void AutoService() { Thread.Sleep(1000); Impersonate.ChangeToAdmin(); Tools.Log("Auto Service: Started"); Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); while (true) { try { LoadHashtable(ht, "Service.txt"); for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { string ServiceName = "Service" + i; string s = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ServiceName]; if (s != null) { string[] ss = s.Split(','); if (ss.Length >= 2) { int[] WeekDay = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; if (ss.Length == 3) { string[] sss = ss[2].Split(';'); WeekDay = new int[sss.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < ss.Length; j++) { WeekDay[j] = int.Parse(sss[j]); } } DateTime LastTime = DateTime.MinValue; if (ht[ServiceName] != null) { LastTime = (DateTime)ht[ServiceName]; } DateTime ServiceTime; DateTime CurrentTime; GetTime(ss[1], out ServiceTime, out CurrentTime); if (Array.IndexOf(WeekDay, (int)CurrentTime.DayOfWeek) >= 0) { if (CurrentTime.TimeOfDay > ServiceTime.TimeOfDay && LastTime.Date < CurrentTime.Date) { try { Execute(ss[0], CurrentTime); ht[ServiceName] = CurrentTime; SaveHashtable(ht, "Service.txt"); } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Log(ServiceName + ":" + ex.Message); } } } } } Thread.Sleep(1000); } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Log("AutoService:Loop:" + ex.Message); Thread.Sleep(10000); } } }