Esempio n. 1
        public Boolean Decreypt(string encrypt, int ID)
            //Get Public File
            GetKey  objKey     = new GetKey();
            DataRow drKey      = objKey.drSearchStudentKey(ID);
            string  PublicKey1 = drKey[0].ToString();

            // obtain an OpenPGP signed message
            String signedString = encrypt;

            // Extract the message and check the validity of the signature
            String plainText;

            // create an instance of the library
            PGPLib pgp = new PGPLib();
            SignatureCheckResult signatureCheck;

                signatureCheck = pgp.VerifyString(signedString,
                                                  new FileInfo(PublicKey1), out plainText);

            string strData1 = plainText;

            // Print the results
            Console.WriteLine("Extracted plain text message is " + plainText);
            if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified)
                // Console.WriteLine("Signature OK");
            else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken)
                //Console.WriteLine("Signature of the message is either broken or forged");
            else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching)
                //   Console.WriteLine("The provided public key doesn't match the signature");
            else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound)
                //  Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed");
Esempio n. 2
        public void Decreypt(string encrypt)
            //Get Public File
            GetKey  objKey     = new GetKey();
            int     ID         = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ID"].ToString());
            DataRow drKey      = objKey.drSearchStudentKey(ID);
            string  PublicKey1 = drKey[0].ToString();

            // obtain an OpenPGP signed message
            String signedString = encrypt;

            // Extract the message and check the validity of the signature
            String plainText;

            // create an instance of the library
            PGPLib pgp = new PGPLib();

            //SignatureCheckResult signatureCheck = pgp.VerifyString(signedString,
            //                                        new FileInfo(@"C:\Users\Dua'a-Orcas\Desktop\finalProject\WebApplication1 - Copy (2)\WebApplication1\Sig\public_key_exported.asc"),
            //                                        out plainText);

            SignatureCheckResult signatureCheck = pgp.VerifyString(signedString,
                                                                   new FileInfo(PublicKey1), out plainText);

            string strData1 = plainText;

            // Print the results
            Console.WriteLine("Extracted plain text message is " + plainText);
            if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified)
                Console.WriteLine("Signature OK");
                Result = true;
            else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken)
                Console.WriteLine("Signature of the message is either broken or forged");
            else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching)
                Console.WriteLine("The provided public key doesn't match the signature");
            else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound)
                Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed");