public static void CheckResourceFile(out string message)
            string          commaSeparatedListWithKeyWords, errorMessage;
            List <Resource> listWithAllResources;
            List <ResourcePresentationInSearch> listWithResourcePresentationInSearch;
            int id;

            message = null;

                listWithAllResources = ResourceUtility.ReturnListWithResources(ResourcesType.All, out errorMessage);

                if (errorMessage != null)
                    message = errorMessage;

                listWithResourcePresentationInSearch = ReturnListWithAllResourcePresentationInSearch();

                if (listWithResourcePresentationInSearch.Count != listWithAllResources.Count)
                    message = string.Format("Number of resource in Resources.txt, {0} resources, is not the same as the actual number of resources, {1} resources!", listWithResourcePresentationInSearch.Count.ToString(), listWithAllResources.Count.ToString());

                id = 1;

                while ((id <= listWithResourcePresentationInSearch.Count) && (message == null))
                    if (listWithResourcePresentationInSearch[id - 1].Id != id)
                        message = string.Format("ResourcePresentationInSearch number {0} in file Resources.txt does not have id = {1} as expected", id.ToString(), id.ToString());
                    else if (listWithResourcePresentationInSearch[id - 1].ResourcesType != listWithAllResources[id - 1].ResourcesType)
                        message = string.Format("ResourcePresentationInSearch number {0} in file Resources.txt does not have resource type = {1} as expected", id.ToString(), listWithAllResources[id - 1].ResourcesType.ToString());
                    else if (listWithResourcePresentationInSearch[id - 1].Created.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") != listWithAllResources[id - 1].Created)
                        message = string.Format("ResourcePresentationInSearch number {0} in file Resources.txt does not have created date = {1} as expected", id.ToString(), listWithAllResources[id - 1].Created);
                    else if (listWithResourcePresentationInSearch[id - 1].Title != listWithAllResources[id - 1].Title)
                        message = string.Format("ResourcePresentationInSearch number {0} in file Resources.txt does not have title = {1} as expected", id.ToString(), listWithAllResources[id - 1].Title);

                    if (message == null)
                        commaSeparatedListWithKeyWords = KeyWordUtility.ReturnCommaSeparatedListWithKeyWords(listWithAllResources[id - 1].KeyWords);

                        if (commaSeparatedListWithKeyWords != listWithResourcePresentationInSearch[id - 1].KeyWords)
                            message = string.Format("ResourcePresentationInSearch number {0} in file Resources.txt does not have key words = {1} as expected", id.ToString(), commaSeparatedListWithKeyWords);


                if (message == null)
                    message = string.Format("All {0} ResourcePresentationInSearch in file Resources.txt are correct!", listWithResourcePresentationInSearch.Count.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                message = string.Format("ERROR!! An Exception occured in method CheckResourceFile! e.Message:\r\n{0}", e.Message);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void CreateTask(string shortNameTitle, out string message)
            message = null;

                string      shortName, title, fileNameFullPath, fileContents, str, dateStr = "", keyWords, taskFolderNameShort, taskFolderNameLong;
                bool        todaysDateInFileDayDatetxt = false;
                DateTime    tmpDate, dateToday;
                string[]    v, kWords;
                int         day = 0, index, i, taskId, nextTaskId, folderIndex;
                List <Work> list;
                Resource    r1, r2;

                index     = shortNameTitle.IndexOf(' ');
                shortName = shortNameTitle.Substring(0, index);
                title     = shortNameTitle.Substring(index).Trim();

                list = ReturnListWithWorks(out message);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))

                index = -1;
                i     = 0;

                while (i < list.Count && index == -1)
                    if (shortName == list[i].ShortName)
                        index = i;

                if (index == -1)
                    message = string.Format("Can not find shortName \"{0}\" in the config file \"{1}\"!", shortName, _fileNameFullPathToConfigFile);

                kWords = new string[2] {
                    "Task", list[index].FullName
                keyWords = KeyWordUtility.ReplaceWithKeyWordId(kWords, out message);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))

                fileNameFullPath = string.Format("{0}\\DayDate.txt", list[index].Folder);

                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileNameFullPath))
                    message = string.Format("The following file does not exist as expected: {0}", fileNameFullPath);

                fileContents = Utility.ReturnFileContents(fileNameFullPath);
                v            = fileContents.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                if (v.Length >= 1)
                    str = v[0];
                    v   = str.Split(' ');

                    if (v.Length == 2)
                        tmpDate   = DateTime.Now;
                        dateToday = new DateTime(tmpDate.Year, tmpDate.Month, tmpDate.Day);
                        dateStr   = dateToday.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                        if (dateStr == v[1])
                            todaysDateInFileDayDatetxt = true;

                        day = int.Parse(v[0]);

                if (!todaysDateInFileDayDatetxt)
                    message = string.Format("Today's date is not registered in file {0}!", fileNameFullPath);

                fileNameFullPath = string.Format("{0}\\NextTaskId.txt", list[index].Folder);

                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileNameFullPath))
                    message = string.Format("The following file does not exist as expected: {0}", fileNameFullPath);

                fileContents = Utility.ReturnFileContents(fileNameFullPath);

                taskId     = int.Parse(fileContents);
                nextTaskId = 1 + taskId;

                folderIndex = taskId / 100;

                if ((taskId % 100) != 0)

                taskFolderNameShort = string.Format("Task{0}_Day{1}_Date{2}{3}{4}_{5}", taskId.ToString(), day.ToString(), dateStr.Substring(2, 2), dateStr.Substring(5, 2), dateStr.Substring(8, 2), title);
                taskFolderNameLong  = string.Format("{0}\\Tasks\\Task{1}\\{2}", list[index].Folder, folderIndex, taskFolderNameShort);

                Utility.CreateNewFile(fileNameFullPath, nextTaskId.ToString());
                Utility.CreateNewFile(string.Format("{0}\\Task{1}.txt", taskFolderNameLong, taskId.ToString()), string.Format("Task{0}:", taskId.ToString()));

                r1 = new Resource(0, ResourcesType.Self, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), taskFolderNameShort, keyWords, null, 0, 0, null, null, taskFolderNameLong, null);
                r2 = ResourceUtility.AddResource(r1, out message);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))

                message = string.Format("Task number {0} and resource {1} were successfully created for {2}", taskId, r2.Id, list[index].FullName);
            catch (Exception e)
                message = string.Format("ERROR!! An Exception occured in method CreateTask! e.Message:\r\n{0}", e.Message);