public List <LLBill> NeighborBill(string id, string userName, double lng, double lat, int curPage, int pageSize) { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); DataTable dt = Function.NeighbourBill(curPage, pageSize, lng, lat); List <LLBill> result = new List <LLBill>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { LLBill n = new LLBill(); = row["ID"].ToString(); //客户 n.client = row["CLIENT"].ToString(); //客户 n.code = row["CODE"].ToString(); //单号 n.depar = row["DEPAR"].ToString(); //部门 n.finshdate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["FINSHDATE"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //要求完成时间 = row["ID"].ToString(); n.inserter = row["INSERTER"].ToString(); //提出人 n.machinecn = row["MACHINECN"].ToString(); //机床编号 n.mtitle = row["MTITLE"].ToString(); //内容 n.type = row["TYPE"].ToString(); //状态 n.distance = row["DISTANCE"].ToString() + "km"; //距离 n.contactor = row["CONTACTOR"].ToString(); //联系人 = row["PHONE"].ToString(); //电话 n.lng = row["ZF29"].ToString(); //经度 = row["ZF30"].ToString(); //纬度 result.Add(n); } return(result); }
public List <LLBill> GetDBBill(string client, string userName, string dept)//获取待办事项 { string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string; string session = Session.SessionID.ToString(); if (!cookies.Equals(session)) { return(null);//身份验证失败 } MLogin.GetExeUname(); List <LLBill> result = new List <LLBill>(); string where = ""; if (dept.Contains("维修")) { where = " and (depar = '" + userName + "' or depar = '维修部' or depar = '智能化' )"; } if (dept.Contains("业务") || dept.Contains("销售") || dept.Contains("文员")) { where = " and (depar = '" + userName + "' or depar = '销售部' or depar = '智能化' )"; } string sql = " select top 15 * from " + " (select * from L_ContactSheet as aa " + " left join " + " (select name, ZF29, ZF30,CONTACTOR,PHONE from clientservice_kfku ) as bb on aa.Client = bb.NAME " + " ) as cc" + " where type=0 and del =0 and Client='" + client + "' " + where + " order by finshdate "; DataTable tb = DBLL.ExecuteDataTable(MyGlobal.DataBase, sql); foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows) { LLBill n = new LLBill(); = row["ID"].ToString(); //客户 n.client = row["CLIENT"].ToString(); //客户 n.code = row["CODE"].ToString(); //单号 n.depar = row["DEPAR"].ToString(); //部门 n.finshdate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["FINSHDATE"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //要求完成时间 = row["ID"].ToString(); n.inserter = row["INSERTER"].ToString(); //提出人 n.machinecn = row["MACHINECN"].ToString(); //机床编号 n.mtitle = row["MTITLE"].ToString(); //内容 n.type = row["TYPE"].ToString(); //状态 //n.distance = row["DISTANCE"].ToString()+"km"; //距离 n.contactor = row["CONTACTOR"].ToString(); //联系人 = row["PHONE"].ToString(); //电话 n.lng = row["ZF29"].ToString(); //经度 = row["ZF30"].ToString(); //纬度 result.Add(n); } return(result); }