[Test][Ignore] // TODO - another one of these cases where need to work out how to use the extension
		public void Post_ShouldRedirectToViewBookPage_WithUpdatedBooksId()
			var model = new UpdateBookInputModel
			            		Id = "chewingGum"

			var result = endpoint.Post(model);

			Func<ViewBookLinkModel, bool> destination = x => x.Id == model.Id;

		public void Post_GivenUpdateModel_ShouldCreateDtoAndPassToBookUpdater()
			var model = new UpdateBookInputModel
			            		Authors     = new List<string> {"Jimmy", "Johnny", "Murray Walker"}.ToStringWrappers().ToList<StringWrapper>(),
			            		Genre       = "genres/9",
			            		BookStatus  = BookStatus.Reviewed,
			            		Title       = "Updated title",
								Id          = "books/444",
								Rating      =  3,
			            		Description_BigText = "Updated description",


		public FubuContinuation Post(UpdateBookInputModel model)
			var dto = new UpdateBookDto
			          		Authors = model.Authors.ToStrings(),
			          		Status  = model.BookStatus,
			          		Image   = model.Image == null || model.Image.ContentLength == 0 ? null : FileUploader.GetBytes(model.Image),
							Genre   = model.Genre,
							Id      = model.Id,
							Title   = model.Title,
							Rating  = model.Rating,
			          		Description = model.Description_BigText,

			return FubuContinuation.RedirectTo(new ViewBookLinkModel {Id = model.Id});
		private void UpdaterShouldHaveBeenCalledWithDtoMatching(UpdateBookInputModel model)
			updater.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Update(Arg<UpdateBookDto>.Is.Anything));

			var dto = (UpdateBookDto) (updater.GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn(x => x.Update(Arg<UpdateBookDto>.Is.Anything))[0][0]);

			HasMatchingAuthors(model, dto);
			Assert.AreEqual(dto.Description, model.Description_BigText);
			Assert.AreEqual(dto.Genre, model.Genre);
			Assert.AreEqual(dto.Id, model.Id);
			Assert.AreEqual(dto.Status, model.BookStatus);
			Assert.AreEqual(dto.Title, model.Title);
			Assert.AreEqual(dto.Rating, model.Rating);
		private static void HasMatchingAuthors(UpdateBookInputModel model, UpdateBookDto dto)
			// TODO -  move this logic into a list comparer - it has been implemented in the creater
			Assert.AreEqual(model.Authors.Count(), dto.Authors.Count());
			var y = dto.Authors.ToList();
			Assert.That(y.All(a => model.Authors.Any(x => a == x)), Is.True);