private void usbPort_OnDataRecieved(object sender, DataRecievedEventArgs args) { byte[] bdata = new byte[usbPort.SpecifiedDevice.InputReportLength]; int pos = 0; W928_data data = new W928_data(); string strData = ""; //Traitement de données reçues foreach (byte byteData in { bdata[pos++] = byteData; strData += byteData.ToString("X2"); } strData = strData.Substring(2, strData.Length - 2); //supprime le 00 de début de buffer if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine(strData); } buffer += strData;//remplie le buffer avec la trame reçue char first = buffer[0]; int bytes = charToInt(first); char[] test2 = strData.ToCharArray(); char[] test = buffer.ToArray <char>(); //Test de traitement des données selon le projet "weewx" //Certainement le traitement nécéssaire pour le bon fonctionnement de notre projet //Malheureusement incompris if ((count + bytes) < 35) { char[] tbl2 = new char[test2.Length - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < test2.Length - 1; i++) { tbl2[i] = test2[i]; } char[] tbl1 = new char[test.Length - 1]; for (int i = count; i < test2.Length - count - 1; i++) { tbl1[i] = test[i]; } Array.Copy(tbl2, tbl1, bytes); strData = new string(test); } count += bytes; }
public double GetHumidityBySensor(int idSensor) { if (DataRecieved) { if (CRC_Is_correct()) { W928_data datas = new W928_data(); datas = decoder(buffer, datas); if (datas.Hchar[idSensor] == 0) { return(datas.H[idSensor]); } else { return(datas.Hchar[idSensor]); } } } return(DATAS_ERROR); }
public double GetRainCount() { if (DataRecieved) { if (CRC_Is_correct()) { W928_data datas = new W928_data(); datas = decoder(buffer, datas); if (datas.RainCountChar == 0) { return(datas.RainCount); } else { return(datas.RainCountChar); } } } return(DATAS_ERROR); }
public double GetWindDirection() { if (DataRecieved) { if (CRC_Is_correct()) { W928_data datas = new W928_data(); datas = decoder(buffer, datas); if (datas.WDirChar == 0) { return(datas.WDir); } else { return(datas.WDirChar); } } } return(DATAS_ERROR); }
public double StormWarning() { if (DataRecieved) { if (CRC_Is_correct()) { W928_data datas = new W928_data(); datas = decoder(buffer, datas); if (datas.StormChar == 0) { return(datas.Storm); } else { return(datas.StormChar); } } } return(DATAS_ERROR); }
private W928_data decoder(string buf, W928_data data) { //decode temperature and humidity from all sensors int i; for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { int offset = i * 3; data.Tchar[i] = 0; if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] TMP {0} BUF[{1}]={2} BUF[%02d]=%02x BUF[%02d]=%02x\n", i, 0 + offset, buf[0 + offset], 1 + offset, buf[1 + offset], 2 + offset, buf[2 + offset]); } if (bcd2int((char)(buf[0 + offset] & 0x0F)) > 9) { if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] TMP buffer 0 & 0x0F > 9\n"); } if (((buf[0 + offset] & 0x0F) == 0x0C) || ((buf[0 + offset] & 0x0F) == 0x0B)) { if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] TMP buffer 0 & 0x0F = 0x0C or 0x0B\n"); } data.Tchar[i] = -2; } else { data.Tchar[i] = -1; if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] TMP other error in buffer 0\n"); } } } if (((buf[1 + offset] & 0x40) != 0x40) && i > 0) { if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] TMP buffer 1 bit 6 set\n"); } data.Tchar[i] = -2; } if (data.Tchar[i] == 0) { data.T[i] = (bcd2int(buf[0 + offset]) / 10.0) + (bcd2int((char)(buf[1 + offset] & 0x0F)) * 10.0); if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] TMP %d before is %0.2f\n", i, data.T[i]); } if ((buf[1 + offset] & 0x20) == 0x20) { data.T[i] += 0.05; } if ((buf[1 + offset] & 0x80) != 0x80) { data.T[i] *= -1; } if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] TMP %d after is %0.2f\n", i, data.T[i]); } } else { data.T[i] = 0; } if (data.Tchar[i] <= 2) { data.Hchar[i] = -2; data.H[i] = 0; } else if (bcd2int((char)(buf[2 + offset] & 0x0F)) > 9) { data.Hchar[i] = -3; data.H[i] = 0; } else { data.H[i] = (short)bcd2int(buf[2 + offset]); data.Hchar[i] = 0; } } //decode value from UV sensor if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] UVX BUF[18]=%02x BUF[19]=%02x\n", buf[18], buf[19]); } if ((buf[18] == 0xAA) && (buf[19] == 0x0A)) { data.UvChar = -3; data.Uv = 0; } else if ((bcd2int(buf[18]) > 99) || (bcd2int(buf[19]) > 99)) { data.UvChar = -1; data.Uv = 0; } else { data.Uv = bcd2int((char)(buf[18] & 0x0F)) / 10.0 + bcd2int((char)(buf[18] & 0xF0)) + bcd2int((char)(buf[19] & 0x0F)) * 10.0; data.UvChar = 0; } //decode Pressure if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] PRS BUF[20]=%02x BUF[21]=%02x\n", buf[20], buf[21]); } if ((buf[21] & 0xF0) == 0xF0) { data.Press = 0; data.PressChar = -1; } else { data.Press = (int)(buf[21] * 0x100 + buf[20]) * 0.0625; data.PressChar = 0; } //decode weather status and Storm warning if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] STT BUF[22]=%02x\n", buf[22]); } if ((buf[22] & 0x0F) == 0x0F) { data.StormChar = -1; data.ForecastChar = -1; data.Storm = '0'; data.Forecast = '0'; } else { data.StormChar = 0; data.ForecastChar = 0; if ((buf[22] & 0x08) == 0x08) { data.Storm = '1'; } else { data.Storm = '0'; } data.Forecast = (char)(int)(buf[22] & 0x07); } //decode windchill if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] WCL BUF[23]=%02x BUF[24]=%02x\n", buf[23], buf[24]); } if ((bcd2int((char)(buf[23] & 0xF0)) > 90) || (bcd2int((char)(buf[23] & 0x0F)) > 9)) { if ((buf[23] == 0xAA) && (buf[24] == 0x8A)) { data.WChillChar = -1; } else if ((buf[23] == 0xBB) && (buf[24] == 0x8B)) { data.WChillChar = -2; } else if ((buf[23] == 0xEE) && (buf[24] == 0x8E)) { data.WChillChar = -3; } else { data.WChillChar = -4; } } else { data.WChillChar = 0; } if (((buf[24] & 0x40) != 0x40)) { data.WChillChar = -2; } if (data.WChillChar == 0) { data.WChill = (bcd2int(buf[23]) / 10.0) + (bcd2int((char)(buf[24] & 0x0F)) * 10.0); if ((buf[24] & 0x20) == 0x20) { data.WChill += 0.05; } if ((buf[24] & 0x80) != 0x80) { data.WChill *= -1; } data.WChillChar = 0; } else { data.WChill = 0; } //decode windgust if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] WGS BUF[25]=%02x BUF[26]=%02x\n", buf[25], buf[26]); } if ((bcd2int((char)(buf[25] & 0xF0)) > 90) || (bcd2int((char)(buf[25] & 0x0F)) > 9)) { data.WGustChar = -1; if ((buf[25] == 0xBB) && (buf[26] == 0x8B)) { data.WGustChar = -2; } else if ((buf[25] == 0xEE) && (buf[26] == 0x8E)) { data.WGustChar = -3; } else { data.WGustChar = -4; } } else { data.WGustChar = 0; } if (data.WGustChar == 0) { int offset = 0; if ((buf[26] & 0x10) == 0x10) { offset = 100; } data.WGust = ((bcd2int(buf[25]) / 10.0) + (bcd2int((char)(buf[26] & 0x0F)) * 10.0) + offset) / 2.23694; } else { data.WGust = 0; } //decode windspeed if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] WSP BUF[27]=%02x BUF[28]=%02x\n", buf[27], buf[28]); } if ((bcd2int((char)(buf[27] & 0xF0)) > 90) || (bcd2int((char)(buf[27] & 0x0F)) > 9)) { data.WSpeedChar = -1; if ((buf[27] == 0xBB) && (buf[28] == 0x8B)) { data.WSpeedChar = -2; } else if ((buf[27] == 0xEE) && (buf[28] == 0x8E)) { data.WSpeedChar = -3; } else { data.WSpeedChar = -4; } } else { data.WSpeedChar = 0; } if (data.WSpeedChar == 0) { int offset = 0; if ((buf[28] & 0x10) == 0x10) { offset = 100; } data.WSpeed = ((bcd2int(buf[27]) / 10.0) + (bcd2int((char)(buf[28] & 0x0F)) * 10.0) + offset) / 2.23694; } else { data.WSpeed = 0; } //decode wind direction if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] WDR BUF[29]=%02x\n", buf[29] & 0x0F); } if ((data.WGustChar <= -3) || (data.WSpeedChar <= -3)) { data.WDirChar = -3; data.WDir = '0'; } else { data.WDir = (char)(int)(buf[29] & 0x0F); data.WDirChar = 0; } //decode rain counter //don't know to find out it sensor link missing, but is no problem, because the counter is inside //the sation, not in the sensor. if (debug > 0) { Console.WriteLine("[DEBUG] RNC BUF[29]=%02x BUF[30]=%02x BUF[31]=%02x\n", buf[29] & 0xF0, buf[30], buf[31]); } data.RainCountChar = 0; data.RainCount = (char)(int)(buf[31] * 0x100 + buf[30]); return(data); }