WriteLineWithThreadId() public static method

public static WriteLineWithThreadId ( string msg ) : void
msg string
return void
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the singleton pattern to assure only one instance is constructed
        /// </summary>
            // Step 1 of the address configuration procedure: Create a URI to serve as the base address.
            Uri baseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8000/ServiceModelSamples/Service");

            // Step 2 of the hosting procedure: Create ServiceHost
            selfHost = new ServiceHost(this, baseAddress);

                // Step 3 of the hosting procedure: Add a service endpoint.
                    new WSHttpBinding(),

                // Step 4 of the hosting procedure: Enable metadata exchange.
                ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
                smb.HttpGetEnabled = true;

                // Step 5 of the hosting procedure: Start (and then stop) the service.
                Util.WriteLineWithThreadId("Server: The service is ready.");
            catch (CommunicationException ce)
                Util.WriteLineWithThreadId(String.Format("An exception occurred: {0}", ce.Message));
 public void GetUnmarshalClass(ref Guid riid, System.IntPtr pv, uint dwDestContext, System.IntPtr pvDestContext, uint mshlFlags, ref Guid pCid)
     Util.WriteLineWithThreadId("Server: GetUnmarshalClass");
     // We return the guid of the class which wraps the Wcf Client.
     pCid = Guids.CLSID_Client;
     Util.WriteLineWithThreadId(string.Format("Server: guid of UnmarshalClass is {0}", pCid));
        public CustomQueryInterfaceResult GetInterface([In] ref Guid iid, out IntPtr intf)
            Util.WriteLineWithThreadId(String.Format("Server: QI for {0}", iid));
            intf = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (iid == Guids.IID_IMarshal)
                intf = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(this, typeof(IMarshal), CustomQueryInterfaceMode.Ignore);
                Util.WriteLineWithThreadId(string.Format("Server: QI IMarsahl returned {0}", intf));
 public string GetData(int value)
     Util.WriteLineWithThreadId("Server: Invoking GetData");
     return(string.Format("You entered: {0}", value));
 public void DisconnectObject(uint dwReserved)
     Util.WriteLineWithThreadId("Server: DisconnectObject");
 public void ReleaseMarshalData(IntPtr pStm)
     Util.WriteLineWithThreadId("Server: ReleaseMarshalData");
 public void MarshalInterface(IntPtr pStm, ref Guid riid, System.IntPtr pv, uint dwDestContext, System.IntPtr pvDestContext, uint mshlflags)
     Util.WriteLineWithThreadId("Server: MarshalInterface");
 public void GetMarshalSizeMax(ref Guid riid, System.IntPtr pv, uint dwDestContext, System.IntPtr pvDestContext, uint mshlflags, out uint pSize)
     Util.WriteLineWithThreadId("Server: GetMarshalSizeMax");
     pSize = (uint)IntPtr.Size;
 public void UnmarshalInterface(IntPtr pStm, ref Guid riid, out IntPtr ppv)
     Util.WriteLineWithThreadId("Server: UnmarshalInterface");
     ppv = IntPtr.Zero;