public void Unpack(FieldList source) { if (source == null) { return; } UnpackDefinitionID(source); // unpacking common attributes BackgroundImageCrop = (CropStrategy)(source[DefAgentFieldID.BackgroundCropStrategy].AsNumber() ?? 0); SizeToBackgroundImage = source[DefAgentFieldID.BlockSizeToBackground].AsBoolean() ?? false; // unpacking visuals FieldList stateData = source[DefAgentFieldID.DataPerComponentState] as FieldList; if (stateData != null) { // set paint styles Foreground = new PaintStyle(stateData, DefAgentFieldID.ForegroundPaintStyle); Background = new PaintStyle(stateData, DefAgentFieldID.BackgroundPaintStyle); // font reference Font = stateData[DefAgentFieldID.FontReference].AsShort() ?? 0; } // rendering hints for the block UnpackBlockHints(source); // done IsUnpacked = true; }
public override void Restore(Stream str) { base.Restore(str); if (str.ReadByte() == 0) { // background if (str.ReadBool()) { PaintStyle bg = new PaintStyle(); bg.Restore(str); Background = bg; } else { Background = null; } // other settings IsZoomEnabled = str.ReadBool(); IsScrollEnabled = str.ReadBool(); IsAnimationEnabled = str.ReadBool(); ShowUserLocation = str.ReadBool(); Mode = (WaveMapMode)str.ReadShort(); } }
public void Restore(Stream str) { if (str.ReadByte() == 0) { if (str.ReadByte() == 1) { Font = str.ReadShort(); } else { Font = null; } if (str.ReadByte() == 1) { PaintStyle fg = new PaintStyle(); fg.Restore(str); Foreground = fg; } else { Foreground = null; } if (str.ReadByte() == 1) { PaintStyle fg = new PaintStyle(); fg.Restore(str); Background = fg; } else { Background = null; } if (str.ReadByte() == 1) { SlotIndex = str.ReadShort(); } else { SlotIndex = null; } } }
public void Unpack(FieldList source) { if (source == null) { return; } UnpackDefinitionID(source); // unpack paint styles Foreground = new PaintStyle(source, DefAgentFieldID.ForegroundPaintStyle); Background = new PaintStyle(source, DefAgentFieldID.BackgroundPaintStyle); // font Font = source[DefAgentFieldID.FontReference].AsShort() ?? 0; BlockSelectionMode = (GridSelectionMode)(source[DefAgentFieldID.SelectionMode].AsByte() ?? (byte)GridSelectionMode.Cell); DefaultSlotDefaultPaletteEntryIndex = source[DefAgentFieldID.DefaultSlotDefaultPaletteEntry].AsShort() ?? -1; MinimumColumnWidthPercent = source[DefAgentFieldID.MinimumColumnWidth].AsByte() ?? 20; MaximumColumnWidthPercent = source[DefAgentFieldID.MaximumColumnWidth].AsByte() ?? 50; Spacing = source[DefAgentFieldID.Spacing].AsShort() ?? 0; AreColumnsHeadersFocusable = source[DefAgentFieldID.ColumnsHeadersFocusable].AsBoolean() ?? false; AreRowHeadersFocusable = source[DefAgentFieldID.RowHeadersFocusable].AsBoolean() ?? false; KeepColumnHeadersVisible = source[DefAgentFieldID.KeepColumnsHeadersVisible].AsBoolean() ?? false; KeepRowHeadersVisible = source[DefAgentFieldID.KeepRowHeadersVisible].AsBoolean() ?? false; // scroll indication HorizontalScrollIndicationType = (ScrollIndication)(source[DefAgentFieldID.HorizontalScrollIndicationType].AsByte() ?? (byte)ScrollIndication.Bar); VerticalScrollIndicationType = (ScrollIndication)(source[DefAgentFieldID.VerticalScrollIndicationType].AsByte() ?? (byte)ScrollIndication.Bar); UnpackMarginsAndPadding(source); ForceContentsToGridWidth = source[DefAgentFieldID.ForceContentToWidth].AsBoolean() ?? false; UnpackBlockHints(source); // done IsUnpacked = true; }
public void Unpack(FieldList source) { if (source == null) { return; } UnpackDefinitionID(source); // unpacking common attributes Background = new PaintStyle(source, DefAgentFieldID.BackgroundPaintStyle); UnpackMarginsAndPadding(source); // rendering hints for the block UnpackBlockHints(source); // done IsUnpacked = true; }
public void Unpack(FieldList source) { if (source == null) { return; } Foreground = new PaintStyle(source, DefAgentFieldID.ForegroundPaintStyle); Background = new PaintStyle(source, DefAgentFieldID.BackgroundPaintStyle); Font = source[DefAgentFieldID.FontReference].AsShort() ?? 0; Crop = (CropStrategy)(source[DefAgentFieldID.CropStrategy].AsNumber() ?? 0); MarginLeft = source[DefAgentFieldID.LeftMargin2].AsShort() ?? 0; MarginTop = source[DefAgentFieldID.TopMargin2].AsShort() ?? 0; MarginRight = source[DefAgentFieldID.RightMargin].AsShort() ?? 0; MarginBottom = source[DefAgentFieldID.BottomMargin].AsShort() ?? 0; // done IsUnpacked = true; }
public void Restore(Stream str) { if (str.ReadByte() == 0) { IsUnpacked = str.ReadBool(); Font = str.ReadShort(); if (str.ReadByte() == 1) { PaintStyle fg = new PaintStyle(); fg.Restore(str); Foreground = fg; } else { Foreground = null; } if (str.ReadByte() == 1) { PaintStyle bg = new PaintStyle(); bg.Restore(str); Background = bg; } else { Background = null; } Crop = (CropStrategy)str.ReadShort(); MarginLeft = str.ReadInteger(); MarginTop = str.ReadInteger(); MarginRight = str.ReadInteger(); MarginBottom = str.ReadInteger(); } }
public override void Restore(Stream str) { base.Restore(str); if (str.ReadByte() == 0) { // background if (str.ReadBool()) { PaintStyle bg = new PaintStyle(); bg.Restore(str); Background = bg; } else { Background = null; } // first focus FirstFocus = str.ReadShort(); // margins MarginLeft = str.ReadInteger(); MarginTop = str.ReadInteger(); MarginRight = str.ReadInteger(); MarginBottom = str.ReadInteger(); // paddings PaddingLeft = str.ReadInteger(); PaddingTop = str.ReadInteger(); PaddingRight = str.ReadInteger(); PaddingBottom = str.ReadInteger(); // other things IsHorizontal = str.ReadBool(); EnforceRadioBehaviour = str.ReadBool(); } }
public override void Restore(Stream str) { base.Restore(str); if (str.ReadByte() == 0) { Font = str.ReadShort(); if (str.ReadByte() == 1) { PaintStyle fg = new PaintStyle(); fg.Restore(str); Foreground = fg; } else { Foreground = null; } BlockSelectionMode = (GridSelectionMode)str.ReadByte(); DefaultSlotDefaultPaletteEntryIndex = str.ReadShort(); MinimumColumnWidthPercent = str.ReadInteger(); MaximumColumnWidthPercent = str.ReadInteger(); AreColumnsHeadersFocusable = str.ReadBool(); AreRowHeadersFocusable = str.ReadBool(); KeepColumnHeadersVisible = str.ReadBool(); KeepRowHeadersVisible = str.ReadBool(); ForceContentsToGridWidth = str.ReadBool(); Spacing = str.ReadShort(); HorizontalScrollIndicationType = (ScrollIndication)str.ReadShort(); VerticalScrollIndicationType = (ScrollIndication)str.ReadShort(); } }
public void Unpack(FieldList source) { if (source == null) { return; } UnpackDefinitionID(source); Background = new PaintStyle(source, DefAgentFieldID.BackgroundPaintStyle); FirstFocus = source[DefAgentFieldID.FirstFocus].AsByte() ?? (short)-1; if (FirstFocus == -1) { FirstFocus = 0; } BackgroundImageCrop = (CropStrategy)(source[DefAgentFieldID.BackgroundCropStrategy].AsNumber() ?? 0); UIFlowDirection fd = (UIFlowDirection)(source[DefAgentFieldID.FlowDirection].AsByte() ?? (byte)UIFlowDirection.Down); IsHorizontal = (fd == UIFlowDirection.Right); List <Int16Field> rs = source.GetItems <Int16Field>(DefAgentFieldID.RelativeSize); foreach (Int16Field field in rs) { SizeRatios.Add(field.Data); } UnpackMarginsAndPadding(source); UnpackBlockHints(source); // done IsUnpacked = true; }
public void Unpack(FieldList source) { if (source == null) { return; } UnpackDefinitionID(source); Background = new PaintStyle(source, DefAgentFieldID.BackgroundPaintStyle); UIFlowDirection fd = (UIFlowDirection)(source[DefAgentFieldID.FlowDirection].AsByte() ?? (byte)UIFlowDirection.Down); IsHorizontal = (fd == UIFlowDirection.Right); BackgroundImageCrop = (CropStrategy)(source[DefAgentFieldID.BackgroundCropStrategy].AsNumber() ?? 0); SizeToBackgroundImage = source[DefAgentFieldID.BlockSizeToBackground].AsBoolean() ?? false; ScrollableBackground = source[DefAgentFieldID.BackgroundScrollable].AsBoolean() ?? false; NumberOfFullyVisibleChildrenInHorizontalMode = source[DefAgentFieldID.VisibleChildren].AsShort() ?? 4; AllowAutoScroll = source.GetItemCount(DefAgentFieldID.AllowAutoscroll) > 0; EnforceRadioBehaviour = source.GetItemCount(DefAgentFieldID.EnforceRadio) > 0; ScrollIndicationType = (ScrollIndication)(source[DefAgentFieldID.ScrollIndicationType].AsByte() ?? (byte)ScrollIndication.Bar); Spacing = source[DefAgentFieldID.Spacing].AsShort() ?? 0; UnpackMarginsAndPadding(source); BlockFocusBehaviour = (FocusBehaviour)(source[DefAgentFieldID.FocusBehaviour].AsByte() ?? (byte)FocusBehaviour.Normal); BlockFocusPosition = (FocusPosition)(source[DefAgentFieldID.FocusPosition].AsByte() ?? (byte)FocusPosition.Free); MaximumNumberOfChildren = source[DefAgentFieldID.MaximumChildren].AsShort() ?? DefaultMaximumNumberOfChildren; InsertFromTheTop = !(source[DefAgentFieldID.FromBottom].AsBoolean() ?? false); BlockTickerSpeed = (TickerSpeed)(source[DefAgentFieldID.TickerSpeed].AsByte() ?? (byte)TickerSpeed.Medium); switch (BlockTickerSpeed) { case TickerSpeed.Slow: TicksPerUnit = 1; PixelsPerUnit = 1; break; case TickerSpeed.Medium: default: TicksPerUnit = 0; PixelsPerUnit = 1; break; case TickerSpeed.Fast: TicksPerUnit = 0; PixelsPerUnit = 2; break; } TickerDirection = (TickerFlowDirection)(source[DefAgentFieldID.TickerDirection].AsByte() ?? (byte)TickerFlowDirection.Forwards); TickerItemPause tickerPauseSetting = (TickerItemPause)(source[DefAgentFieldID.PauseBetweenItem].AsByte() ?? (byte)TickerItemPause.None); switch (tickerPauseSetting) { case TickerItemPause.Long: TickerPauseTimeOnItem = 300; break; case TickerItemPause.Medium: TickerPauseTimeOnItem = 150; break; case TickerItemPause.Short: TickerPauseTimeOnItem = 50; break; case TickerItemPause.None: default: TickerPauseTimeOnItem = 0; break; } Paginate = source[DefAgentFieldID.UsePagination].AsBoolean() ?? false; // get list of striping palette references FieldList stripes = source[DefAgentFieldID.StripeStyles] as FieldList; if (stripes != null) { List <Int16Field> stripesData = source.GetItems <Int16Field>(DefAgentFieldID.PaletteEntryIndex); foreach (Int16Field field in stripesData) { Stripes.Add(field.Data); } } IsFloating = source[DefAgentFieldID.FloatBehaviour].AsBoolean() ?? false; UnpackBlockHints(source); // done IsUnpacked = true; }
public void Restore(Stream str) { if (str.ReadByte() == 0) { if (str.ReadByte() == 1) { ComponentFont = str.ReadShort(); } else { ComponentFont = null; } if (str.ReadByte() == 1) { PaintStyle fg = new PaintStyle(); fg.Restore(str); ComponentForeground = fg; } else { ComponentForeground = null; } if (str.ReadByte() == 1) { PaintStyle bg = new PaintStyle(); bg.Restore(str); ComponentBackground = bg; } else { ComponentBackground = null; } MarginLeft = str.ReadInteger(); MarginTop = str.ReadInteger(); MarginRight = str.ReadInteger(); MarginBottom = str.ReadInteger(); PaddingLeft = str.ReadInteger(); PaddingTop = str.ReadInteger(); PaddingRight = str.ReadInteger(); PaddingBottom = str.ReadInteger(); int slotInfoCount = str.ReadInteger(); if (slotInfoCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < slotInfoCount; i++) { SlotData slot = new SlotData(); slot.Restore(str); SlotInfo.Add(slot); } } LayoutTemplate = CacheHelper.UnpackFromStream(str) as LayoutTemplateBase; } }