public void LocatingThings()
            using (var browser =
                new IE(""))
                //// Get a reference to a HTML input element, type=text, id=Name
                //TextField applicantName = browser.TextField(Find.ById("Name"));

                //// Get a reference to a HTML link element with id=HelpLink
                //Link helpHyperlink = browser.Link(Find.ById("HelpLink"));

                //// Get a reference to a HTML input element, type=submit, id=ApplyNow
                //Button applyButton = browser.Button(Find.ById("ApplyNow"));

                //// Get a reference to a HTML paragraph element, id=Name
                //Para nameParagraph = browser.Para(Find.ById("Name"));

            TextField applicantName = browser.TextField(Find.ById("Name"));

            Link helpHyperlink = browser.Link(Find.ById("HelpLink"));

            Button applyButton = browser.Button(Find.ById("ApplyNow"));

            Para nameParagraph = browser.Para(Find.ById("Name"));
        public void ShouldShowCorrectApplicantDetailsOnSuccessPage()
            using (var browser =
                new IE("http://localhost:62727/Pages/ApplyForCreditCard.aspx"))
                // Leave the browser open after the test completes
                // to see what's happened for demo purposes
                browser.AutoClose = false;



                var name = browser.Para(Find.ById("Name")).Text;

                Assert.That(name, Is.EqualTo("Jason"));