private bool updateSkierScoreVideoUrl(SkierVideoEntry inSkierVideoEntry, String inVideoUrl)
            String curMethodName = "updateSkierScoreVideoUrl";
            int rowsProc = 0;

            try {
                if (inSkierVideoEntry.SkierScorePK > 0 && inSkierVideoEntry.Pass > 0 ) {
                    String curVideoUrl = inVideoUrl.Replace( "630", "410" );
                    curVideoUrl = curVideoUrl.Replace( "420", "273" );
                    //curVideoUrl = curVideoUrl.Replace( "354", "273" );

                    StringBuilder curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder( "Select count(*) From TrickVideo " );
                    curSqlStmt.Append( "Where SanctionId = '" + mySanctionNum + "' " );
                    curSqlStmt.Append( "AND MemberId = '" + inSkierVideoEntry.MemberId + "' " );
                    curSqlStmt.Append( "AND AgeGroup = '" + inSkierVideoEntry.AgeGroup + "' " );
                    curSqlStmt.Append( "AND Round = '" + inSkierVideoEntry.Round + "' " );
                    int curReadCount = (Int32)DataAccess.ExecuteScalarCommand( curSqlStmt.ToString() );
                    if (curReadCount == 0) {
                        //If entry does not currently exist then add it
                        curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder( "" );
                        curSqlStmt.Append( "Insert into TrickVideo (" );
                        curSqlStmt.Append( "SanctionId, MemberId, AgeGroup, Round, Pass1VideoUrl, Pass2VideoUrl, LastUpdateDate" );
                        curSqlStmt.Append( ") Values (" );
                        curSqlStmt.Append( "'" + mySanctionNum + "' " );
                        curSqlStmt.Append( ", '" + inSkierVideoEntry.MemberId + "' " );
                        curSqlStmt.Append( ",'" + inSkierVideoEntry.AgeGroup + "' " );
                        curSqlStmt.Append( ", " + inSkierVideoEntry.Round + ", '', '', GetDate() ) " );
                        rowsProc = DataAccess.ExecuteCommand( curSqlStmt.ToString() );

                    curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder( "" );
                    curSqlStmt.Append( "Update TrickVideo set " );
                    if (inSkierVideoEntry.Pass == 1) {
                        curSqlStmt.Append( "Pass1VideoUrl = '" + escapeString( curVideoUrl ) + "' " );
                    } else {
                        curSqlStmt.Append( "Pass2VideoUrl = '" + escapeString( curVideoUrl ) + "' " );
                    curSqlStmt.Append( ", LastUpdateDate = GetDate() " );
                    curSqlStmt.Append( "Where SanctionId = '" + mySanctionNum + "' " );
                    curSqlStmt.Append( "AND MemberId = '" + inSkierVideoEntry.MemberId + "' " );
                    curSqlStmt.Append( "AND AgeGroup = '" + inSkierVideoEntry.AgeGroup + "' " );
                    curSqlStmt.Append( "AND Round = '" + inSkierVideoEntry.Round + "' " );
                    rowsProc = DataAccess.ExecuteCommand( curSqlStmt.ToString() );
                    if (rowsProc > 0) {
                        ExportLiveWeb.exportCurrentSkierTrickVideo( mySanctionNum, inSkierVideoEntry.MemberId, inSkierVideoEntry.AgeGroup, Convert.ToByte( inSkierVideoEntry.Round ) );
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        return false;

                } else {
                    return false;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MessageBox.Show( curMethodName + ":Error encountered\n\nError: " + ex.Message );
                String curMsg = curMethodName + ":Exception=" + ex.Message;
                Log.WriteFile( curMsg );

            return true;
        private void VideoFileSelectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String curMethodName = "VideoFileSelectButton_Click";
            try {
                myFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
                myFileDialog.Multiselect = true;
                myFileDialog.InitialDirectory = VideoFolderLocTextbox.Text;
                myFileDialog.Filter = "Video files|*.avi;*.mkv;*.3g2;*.3gp;*.asf;*.asx;*.flv;*.mov;*.mp4;*.mpg;*.rm;*.swf;*.vob;*.wma;*.wmv;*.m2ts|All files (*.*)|*.*";
                myFileDialog.FilterIndex = 9;
                if (myFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
                    mySelectedFileList = new List<string>( myFileDialog.FileNames );
                    if (mySelectedFileList.Count > 0) {
                        mySkierSelectDialog = new SkierVideoMatchDialogForm();
                        mySkierSelectDialog.TourRounds = myTrickRounds;
                        mySkierVideoList = new List<SkierVideoEntry>();
                        DataGridViewRow curViewRow;
                        int curViewIdx = 0;

                        loadedVideoDataGridView.Visible = false;
                        ReviewVideoMatchDataGridView.Visible = false;
                        selectedFileDataGridView.Visible = true;

                        //Get all avaialble trick skiers if filtered search found zero skiers
                        StringBuilder curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder("");
                        curSqlStmt.Append("SELECT Distinct T.MemberId, T.SkierName, T.AgeGroup, T.AgeGroup as Div ");
                        curSqlStmt.Append("FROM TourReg T ");
                        curSqlStmt.Append("     INNER JOIN EventReg R ON T.SanctionId = R.SanctionId AND T.MemberId = R.MemberId AND T.AgeGroup = R.AgeGroup ");
                        curSqlStmt.Append("INNER JOIN TrickScore S ON T.SanctionId = S.SanctionId AND T.MemberId = S.MemberId AND T.AgeGroup = S.AgeGroup ");
                        curSqlStmt.Append("WHERE T.SanctionId = '" + mySanctionNum + "' AND R.Event = 'Trick' ");
                        curSqlStmt.Append("Order by T.SkierName, T.AgeGroup ");
                        myFullSkierDataTable = getData(curSqlStmt.ToString());
                        mySkierSelectDialog.FullSkierDataTable = myFullSkierDataTable;

                        foreach ( String curVideoFileName in mySelectedFileList) {
                            SkierVideoEntry curSkierVideoEntry = new SkierVideoEntry( curVideoFileName, "", "", "", 0, 0, 0 );
                            if (searchForMatchingSkier( curSkierVideoEntry )) {
                                mySkierVideoList.Add( curSkierVideoEntry );
                                curViewIdx = selectedFileDataGridView.Rows.Add();
                                curViewRow = selectedFileDataGridView.Rows[curViewIdx];
                                curViewRow.Cells["SelectedFileName"].Value = Path.GetFileName(curVideoFileName);
                                curViewRow.Cells["SelectedSkierName"].Value = curSkierVideoEntry.SkierName;
                                curViewRow.Cells["SelectedMemberId"].Value = curSkierVideoEntry.MemberId;
                                curViewRow.Cells["SelectedAgeGroup"].Value = curSkierVideoEntry.AgeGroup;
                                curViewRow.Cells["SelectedRound"].Value = curSkierVideoEntry.Round;
                                curViewRow.Cells["SelectedPass"].Value = curSkierVideoEntry.Pass;
                                curViewRow.Cells["SelectedLoadStatus"].Value = "";
                        try {
                            if (selectedFileDataGridView.Rows.Count > 0) {
                                selectedFileDataGridView.CurrentCell = selectedFileDataGridView.Rows[0].Cells["SelectedFileName"];
                                int curRowPos = 1;
                                RowStatusLabel.Text = "Row " + curRowPos.ToString() + " of " + selectedFileDataGridView.Rows.Count.ToString();
                            } else {
                                RowStatusLabel.Text = "";
                        } catch {
                            RowStatusLabel.Text = "";
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MessageBox.Show( curMethodName + ":Error encountered\n\nError: " + ex.Message );
                String curMsg = curMethodName + ":Exception=" + ex.Message;
                Log.WriteFile( curMsg );
        private bool searchForMatchingSkier(SkierVideoEntry inSkierVideoEntry)
            String curMethodName = "searchForMatchingSkier";
            String curNumValue = "";
            Int16 curPass = 0, curRound = 0;
            if (myTrickRounds == 1) curRound = myTrickRounds;

            int curDelimIdx = Path.GetFileName( inSkierVideoEntry.VideoFileName ).LastIndexOf( '.' );
            DataRow[] curFindSkiers = null;
            String curFileName = Path.GetFileName( inSkierVideoEntry.VideoFileName).Substring( 0, curDelimIdx );

            String curFileNameMod = Regex.Replace( curFileName, @"(\p{Lu})", " $1" ).TrimStart();
            String[] curFileNameNodes = curFileNameMod.Split( myCharDelimLimit, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );
            if (curFileNameNodes.Length > 1) {
                 * Search list of all skiers to determine if the parsed file name can be matched to a skier
                curFindSkiers = myFullSkierDataTable.Select(String.Format("SkierName like '%{0}%' AND SkierName like '%{0}%'", curFileNameNodes[0], curFileNameNodes[1]));

                 * Parse file name in an attempt to identify the round and pass the video file represents
                int curIdx = 0;
                foreach (String curEntry in curFileNameNodes) {
                    if (curIdx > 1) {
                        if (curEntry.Substring( 0, 1 ).ToLower().Equals( "p" )) {
                            try {
                                curNumValue = Regex.Match( curEntry, @"\d+" ).Value;
                                if (curNumValue.Length > 0) {
                                    curPass = Int16.Parse( curNumValue );
                                } else {
                                    if (curIdx <= curFileNameNodes.Length) {
                                        curNumValue = Regex.Match( curFileNameNodes[curIdx], @"\d+" ).Value;
                                        if (curNumValue.Length > 0) {
                                            curPass = Int16.Parse( curNumValue );
                                            if (curPass > 2) {
                                                curPass = 0;
                                        } else {
                                            curPass = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        curPass = 0;
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                curPass = 0;
                                MessageBox.Show( curMethodName + ":Error encountered\n\nError: " + ex.Message );
                        } else {
                            try {
                                curNumValue = Regex.Match( curEntry, @"\d+" ).Value;
                                if (curNumValue.Length > 0) {
                                    curPass = Int16.Parse( curNumValue );
                                } else {
                                    if (curIdx <= curFileNameNodes.Length) {
                                        curNumValue = Regex.Match( curFileNameNodes[curIdx], @"\d+" ).Value;
                                        if (curNumValue.Length > 0) {
                                            curPass = Int16.Parse( curNumValue );
                                            if (curPass > 2) {
                                                curPass = 0;
                                        } else {
                                            curPass = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        curPass = 0;
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                curPass = 0;
                                MessageBox.Show( curMethodName + ":Error encountered\n\nError: " + ex.Message );
                        if (curEntry.Substring( 0, 1 ).ToLower().Equals( "r" )) {
                            try {
                                curNumValue = Regex.Match( curEntry, @"\d+" ).Value;
                                if (curNumValue.Length > 0) {
                                    curRound = Int16.Parse( curNumValue );
                                } else {
                                    if (curIdx <= curFileNameNodes.Length) {
                                        curNumValue = Regex.Match( curFileNameNodes[curIdx], @"\d+" ).Value;
                                        if (curNumValue.Length > 0) {
                                            curRound = Int16.Parse( curNumValue );
                                        } else {
                                            curRound = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        curRound = 0;
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                curRound = 0;
                                MessageBox.Show( curMethodName + ":Error encountered\n\nError: " + ex.Message );

            if ( curFindSkiers != null && curFindSkiers.Length == 1 && curRound > 0 && curPass > 0 ) {
                //Use record found by filtered search
                inSkierVideoEntry.MemberId = (String) curFindSkiers[0]["MemberId"];
                inSkierVideoEntry.SkierName = (String) curFindSkiers[0]["SkierName"];
                inSkierVideoEntry.AgeGroup = (String) curFindSkiers[0]["AgeGroup"];
                inSkierVideoEntry.Round = curRound;
                inSkierVideoEntry.Pass = curPass;
            } else {
                if ( curFindSkiers == null ) {
                    mySkierSelectDialog.SkierMatchList = null;
                } else if ( curFindSkiers.Length > 1 ) {
                    mySkierSelectDialog.SkierMatchList = curFindSkiers;
                } else {
                    mySkierSelectDialog.SkierMatchList = null;

                if ( curRound > 0 ) mySkierSelectDialog.SkierRound = curRound;
                if ( curPass > 0 ) mySkierSelectDialog.SkierPass = curPass;
                mySkierSelectDialog.FileName = Path.GetFileName(inSkierVideoEntry.VideoFileName);
                DialogResult curDialogResult = mySkierSelectDialog.ShowDialog();
                if ( curDialogResult == DialogResult.OK ) {
                    inSkierVideoEntry.MemberId = mySkierSelectDialog.SkierMemberId;
                    inSkierVideoEntry.SkierName = mySkierSelectDialog.SkierNameSelected;
                    inSkierVideoEntry.AgeGroup = mySkierSelectDialog.SkierAgeGroup;
                    inSkierVideoEntry.Round = mySkierSelectDialog.SkierRound;
                    inSkierVideoEntry.Pass = mySkierSelectDialog.SkierPass;

            if (inSkierVideoEntry.MemberId.Length > 0 ) {
                StringBuilder curSqlStmt = new StringBuilder( "" );
                curSqlStmt.Append( "SELECT PK FROM TrickScore " );
                curSqlStmt.Append( "WHERE SanctionId = '" + mySanctionNum + "' " );
                curSqlStmt.Append( " AND MemberId = '" + inSkierVideoEntry.MemberId + "' " );
                curSqlStmt.Append( " AND AgeGroup = '" + inSkierVideoEntry.AgeGroup + "' " );
                curSqlStmt.Append( " AND Round = " + inSkierVideoEntry.Round + " " );
                DataTable curDataTable = getData( curSqlStmt.ToString() );
                if (curDataTable.Rows.Count == 1) {
                    inSkierVideoEntry.SkierScorePK = (Int64)curDataTable.Rows[0]["PK"];
                    return true;
                } else {
                    MessageBox.Show( "A matching skier, round and pass could not be identified for this video \n\n" + Path.GetFileName( inSkierVideoEntry.VideoFileName ) );
                    return false;
            } else {
                //MessageBox.Show( "Skier, round and pass have not been selected for this video " + Path.GetFileName(inSkierVideoEntry.VideoFileName) );
                return false;