// Height jobs for the next frame
        public static void UpdateHeights()
            if (_processing)

            _processing = true;

            // Buoyant Object Job
            var waterHeight = new GerstnerWavesJobs.HeightJob()
                WaveData     = _waveData,
                Position     = _positions,
                OffsetLength = new int2(0, _positions.Length),
                Time         = Time.time,
                OutPosition  = _wavePos,
                OutNormal    = _waveNormal

            _waterHeightHandle = waterHeight.Schedule(_positionCount, 32);


            _firstFrame = false;
        // Height jobs for the next frame
        public static void UpdateHeights()
            if (!processing)
                processing = true;

                // Buoyant Object Job
                var waterHeight = new GerstnerWavesJobs.HeightJob()
                    waveData     = waveData,
                    position     = positions,
                    offsetLength = new int2(0, positions.Length),
                    time         = Time.time,
                    outPosition  = wavePos,
                    outNormal    = tempNullNormal,
                    normal       = 0
                // dependant on job4
                waterHeightHandle = waterHeight.Schedule(positionCount, 32);

                // Simple Buoyant Object Job
                var waterSimpleHeight = new GerstnerWavesJobs.HeightJob()
                    waveData     = waveData,
                    position     = simplePositions,
                    offsetLength = new int2(0, simplePositions.Length),
                    time         = Time.time,
                    outPosition  = waveSimplePos,
                    outNormal    = waveSimpleNormal,
                    normal       = 1
                // dependant on job4
                waterSimpleHeightHandle = waterSimpleHeight.Schedule(simplePositionCount, 32);


                firstFrame = false;