Esempio n. 1
        public Cubic1D2(float2[] data)
            Data = data;
            Breaks = new[] { data[0].X, data[1].X };

            Coefficients = new float4[1];

            float h = data[1].X - data[0].X;
            float del = (data[1].Y - data[0].Y) / h;
            float[] slopes = { del, del };

            float[] dzzdx = new float[1];
            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                dzzdx[i] = (del - slopes[i]) / h;

            float[] dzdxdx = new float[1];
            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                dzdxdx[i] = (slopes[i + 1] - del) / h;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                Coefficients[i] = new float4((dzdxdx[i] - dzzdx[i]) / h,
                                             2f * dzzdx[i] - dzdxdx[i],
Esempio n. 2
        public Cubic1D(float2[] data)
            // Sort points to go strictly from left to right.
            List<float2> DataList = data.ToList();
            DataList.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.X.CompareTo(p2.X));
            data = DataList.ToArray();

            Data = data;
            Breaks = data.Select(i => i.X).ToArray();
            Coefficients = new float4[data.Length - 1];

            float[] h = MathHelper.Diff(data.Select(i => i.X).ToArray());
            float[] del = MathHelper.Div(MathHelper.Diff(data.Select(i => i.Y).ToArray()), h);
            float[] slopes = GetPCHIPSlopes(data, del);

            float[] dzzdx = new float[del.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < dzzdx.Length; i++)
                dzzdx[i] = (del[i] - slopes[i]) / h[i];

            float[] dzdxdx = new float[del.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < dzdxdx.Length; i++)
                dzdxdx[i] = (slopes[i + 1] - del[i]) / h[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < Coefficients.Length; i++)
                Coefficients[i] = new float4((dzdxdx[i] - dzzdx[i]) / h[i],
                                             2f * dzzdx[i] - dzdxdx[i],
Esempio n. 3
        public static float2 Mean(IEnumerable<float2> data)
            float2 Sum = new float2(0, 0);
            foreach (var p in data)
                Sum += p;

            return Sum / data.Count();
Esempio n. 4
        public Image(float2[][] data, int3 dims, bool isft = false, bool ishalf = false)
            Dims = dims;
            IsFT = isft;
            IsComplex = true;
            IsHalf = ishalf;

            IsHostDirty = true;
Esempio n. 5
        public Image GetSubtomoImages(Image tiltStack, int size, float3[] coords, bool normalize = false, float imageScale = 1.0f)
            float3[] ImagePositions = GetPositionInImages(coords);

            if (imageScale != 1.0f)
                for (int i = 0; i < ImagePositions.Length; i++)
                    ImagePositions[i] *= imageScale;

            Image Result = new Image(new int3(size, size, NTilts));
            float[][] ResultData = Result.GetHost(Intent.Write);
            float3[] Shifts = new float3[NTilts];

            int3 DimsStack = tiltStack.Dims;

            Parallel.For(0, NTilts, t =>
                ImagePositions[t] -= size / 2;
                int2 IntPosition = new int2((int)ImagePositions[t].X, (int)ImagePositions[t].Y);
                float2 Residual = new float2(-(ImagePositions[t].X - IntPosition.X), -(ImagePositions[t].Y - IntPosition.Y));
                Shifts[t] = new float3(Residual);

                float[] OriginalData;
                lock (tiltStack)
                    OriginalData = tiltStack.GetHost(Intent.Read)[t];

                float[] ImageData = ResultData[t];
                for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                    int PosY = (y + IntPosition.Y + DimsStack.Y) % DimsStack.Y;
                    for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                        int PosX = (x + IntPosition.X + DimsStack.X) % DimsStack.X;
                        ImageData[y * size + x] = OriginalData[PosY * DimsStack.X + PosX];

            if (normalize)
                                  (uint)(MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / CTF.PixelSize),


            Image ResultFT = Result.AsFFT();

            return ResultFT;
Esempio n. 6
        private void ImageDisplay_OnPreviewMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (Movie == null)

            double Scale = ScaleFactor * 10;

            // Get motion track at mouse position.
                Point MousePos = e.GetPosition(CanvasTrack);
                float2 NormalizedPosition = new float2((float)(MousePos.X / CanvasTrack.Width),
                                                       (float)(MousePos.Y / CanvasTrack.Height));
                float2[] TrackData = Movie.GetMotionTrack(NormalizedPosition, 1);
                if (TrackData == null)
                Point[] TrackPoints = TrackData.Select(v => new Point((-v.X + TrackData[0].X) * Scale, (-v.Y + TrackData[0].Y) * Scale)).ToArray();

                // Construct path.
                Path TrackPath = new Path()
                    Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DeepSkyBlue),
                    StrokeThickness = 2.5
                PolyLineSegment PlotSegment = new PolyLineSegment(TrackPoints, true);
                PathFigure PlotFigure = new PathFigure
                    Segments = new PathSegmentCollection { PlotSegment },
                    StartPoint = TrackPoints[0]
                TrackPath.Data = new PathGeometry { Figures = new PathFigureCollection { PlotFigure } };

                var TrackShadow = new DropShadowEffect
                    Opacity = 2,
                    Color = Colors.Black,
                    BlurRadius = 6,
                    ShadowDepth = 0,
                    RenderingBias = RenderingBias.Quality
                TrackPath.Effect = TrackShadow;

                TrackPath.PreviewMouseWheel += ImageDisplay_MouseWheel;
                TrackPath.PreviewMouseMove += ImageDisplay_OnPreviewMouseMove;

                Canvas.SetLeft(TrackPath, MousePos.X);
                Canvas.SetTop(TrackPath, MousePos.Y);

                for (int z = 0; z < TrackPoints.Length / 1 + 1; z++)
                    Point DotPosition = TrackPoints[Math.Min(TrackPoints.Length - 1, z * 1)];
                    Ellipse Dot = new Ellipse()
                        Width = 4,
                        Height = 4,
                        Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DeepSkyBlue),
                        StrokeThickness = 0,
                        Effect = TrackShadow
                    Dot.PreviewMouseWheel += ImageDisplay_MouseWheel;
                    Dot.PreviewMouseMove += ImageDisplay_OnPreviewMouseMove;

                    Canvas.SetLeft(Dot, MousePos.X + DotPosition.X - 2.0);
                    Canvas.SetTop(Dot, MousePos.Y + DotPosition.Y - 2.0);

            Movie TempMovie = Movie;

            Parallel.For(0, 10, y =>
                for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
                    float2 NormalizedPosition = new float2((x + 1) * (1f / 12f), (y + 1) * (1f / 12f));

                    float2[] TrackData = TempMovie.GetMotionTrack(NormalizedPosition, 1);
                    if (TrackData == null)
                    Point[] TrackPoints = TrackData.Select(v => new Point((-v.X + TrackData[0].X) * Scale, (-v.Y + TrackData[0].Y) * Scale)).ToArray();

                    // Construct path.
                    CanvasTrack.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
                        Path TrackPath = new Path()
                            Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White),
                            StrokeThickness = 2.0
                        PolyLineSegment PlotSegment = new PolyLineSegment(TrackPoints, true);
                        PathFigure PlotFigure = new PathFigure
                            Segments = new PathSegmentCollection { PlotSegment },
                            StartPoint = TrackPoints[0]
                        TrackPath.Data = new PathGeometry { Figures = new PathFigureCollection { PlotFigure } };

                        TrackPath.PreviewMouseWheel += ImageDisplay_MouseWheel;
                        TrackPath.PreviewMouseMove += ImageDisplay_OnPreviewMouseMove;

                        Canvas.SetLeft(TrackPath, NormalizedPosition.X * CanvasTrack.Width);
                        Canvas.SetTop(TrackPath, NormalizedPosition.Y * CanvasTrack.Height);
Esempio n. 7
        public void GetSubtomo(Image tiltStack, float3 coords, float3 angles, Image ctfCoords, out Image subtomo, out Image subtomoCTF, int planForw = -1, int planBack = -1, int planForwCTF = -1)
            int Size = ctfCoords.Dims.X;
            float3[] ImageAngles = GetAngleInImages(coords);

            Image ImagesFT = GetSubtomoImages(tiltStack, Size, coords, true);
            Image CTFs = GetSubtomoCTFs(coords, ctfCoords, true, false, false);
            //Image CTFWeights = GetSubtomoCTFs(coords, ctfCoords, true, true);

            ImagesFT.Multiply(CTFs);    // Weight and phase-flip image FTs by CTF, which still has its sign here
            CTFs.Abs();                 // CTF has to be positive from here on since image FT phases are now flipped

            // CTF has to be converted to complex numbers with imag = 0, and weighted by itself
            float2[] CTFsComplexData = new float2[CTFs.ElementsComplex];
            float[] CTFsContinuousData = CTFs.GetHostContinuousCopy();
            for (int i = 0; i < CTFsComplexData.Length; i++)
                CTFsComplexData[i] = new float2(CTFsContinuousData[i] * CTFsContinuousData[i], 0);

            Image CTFsComplex = new Image(CTFsComplexData, CTFs.Dims, true);

            Projector ProjSubtomo = new Projector(new int3(Size, Size, Size), 2);
            lock (GPU.Sync)
                ProjSubtomo.BackProject(ImagesFT, CTFs, ImageAngles);
            subtomo = ProjSubtomo.Reconstruct(false, planForw, planBack, planForwCTF);

                              (uint)(MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / CTF.PixelSize),
            //subtomo = new Image(new int3(1, 1, 1));

            Projector ProjCTF = new Projector(new int3(Size, Size, Size), 2);
            lock (GPU.Sync)
                ProjCTF.BackProject(CTFsComplex, CTFs, ImageAngles);
            subtomoCTF = ProjCTF.Reconstruct(true, planForw, planBack, planForwCTF);
            //subtomoCTF = new Image(new int3(1, 1, 1));

Esempio n. 8
 public float3(float2 v)
     X = v.X;
     Y = v.Y;
     Z = 0f;
Esempio n. 9
        private void UpdateLines()

            float2 Center = new float2((float)ActualWidth / 2f, (float)ActualHeight / 2f);
            float StepX = PointsX > 1 ? 1f / (float)(PointsX - 1) : 0f;
            float StepY = PointsY > 1 ? 1f / (float)(PointsY - 1) : 0f;
            float2 Origin = new float2(PointsX > 1 ? 0 : 0.5f, PointsY > 1 ? 0 : 0.5f);

            float2 VecX = new float2((float) ActualWidth / 2f, (float) ActualHeight / 2f);
            float2 VecY = new float2(-(float) ActualWidth / 2f, (float) ActualHeight / 2f);
            float2 Offset = new float2((float)ActualWidth / 2f, 0f);

            for (int x = 0; x < PointsX; x++)
                float2 From = new float2(Origin.X + x * StepX, Origin.Y);
                From = new float2(VecX.X * From.X + VecY.X * From.Y + Offset.X, VecX.Y * From.X + VecY.Y * From.Y + Offset.Y);
                float2 To = new float2(Origin.X + x * StepX, Origin.Y + (PointsY - 1) * StepY);
                To = new float2(VecX.X * To.X + VecY.X * To.Y + Offset.X, VecX.Y * To.X + VecY.Y * To.Y + Offset.Y);

                if (PointsY > 1)
                    Line XLine = new Line();
                    XLine.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);

                    XLine.X1 = From.X;
                    XLine.Y1 = From.Y;
                    XLine.X2 = To.X;
                    XLine.Y2 = To.Y;

                    Ellipse XCircle = new Ellipse();
                    XCircle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                    XCircle.Width = 4;
                    XCircle.Height = 4;

                    Canvas.SetLeft(XCircle, From.X - 2f);
                    Canvas.SetTop(XCircle, From.Y - 2f);

                if (PointsZ > 1 && (x == PointsX - 1 || PointsY <= 1))
                    for (int z = 1; z < Math.Min(4, PointsZ); z++)
                        float GreyValue = z / 5f;
                        Color LineColor = Color.FromScRgb(1f, GreyValue, GreyValue, GreyValue);

                        if (PointsY > 1)
                            Line XLine = new Line();
                            XLine.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(LineColor);

                            XLine.X1 = From.X;
                            XLine.Y1 = From.Y + 4 * z;
                            XLine.X2 = To.X;
                            XLine.Y2 = To.Y + 4 * z;

                            Ellipse XCircle = new Ellipse();
                            XCircle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(LineColor);
                            XCircle.Width = 4;
                            XCircle.Height = 4;

                            Canvas.SetLeft(XCircle, From.X - 2f);
                            Canvas.SetTop(XCircle, From.Y - 2f + 4 * z);

            for (int y = 0; y < PointsY; y++)
                float2 From = new float2(Origin.X, Origin.Y + y * StepY);
                From = new float2(VecX.X * From.X + VecY.X * From.Y + Offset.X, VecX.Y * From.X + VecY.Y * From.Y + Offset.Y);
                float2 To = new float2(Origin.X + (PointsX - 1) * StepX, Origin.Y + y * StepY);
                To = new float2(VecX.X * To.X + VecY.X * To.Y + Offset.X, VecX.Y * To.X + VecY.Y * To.Y + Offset.Y);

                if (PointsX > 1)
                    Line YLine = new Line();
                    YLine.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);

                    YLine.X1 = From.X;
                    YLine.Y1 = From.Y;
                    YLine.X2 = To.X;
                    YLine.Y2 = To.Y;

                    Ellipse YCircle = new Ellipse();
                    YCircle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                    YCircle.Width = 4;
                    YCircle.Height = 4;

                    Canvas.SetLeft(YCircle, From.X - 2f);
                    Canvas.SetTop(YCircle, From.Y - 2f);

                if (PointsZ > 1 && (y == PointsY - 1 || PointsX <= 1))
                    for (int z = 1; z < Math.Min(4, PointsZ); z++)
                        float GreyValue = z / 5f;
                        Color LineColor = Color.FromScRgb(1f, GreyValue, GreyValue, GreyValue);

                        if (PointsX > 1)
                            Line YLine = new Line();
                            YLine.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(LineColor);

                            YLine.X1 = From.X;
                            YLine.Y1 = From.Y + 4 * z;
                            YLine.X2 = To.X;
                            YLine.Y2 = To.Y + 4 * z;

                            Ellipse YCircle = new Ellipse();
                            YCircle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(LineColor);
                            YCircle.Width = 4;
                            YCircle.Height = 4;

                            Canvas.SetLeft(YCircle, From.X - 2f);
                            Canvas.SetTop(YCircle, From.Y - 2f + 4 * z);
Esempio n. 10
        public Image AlignOneTiltMovie(Image tiltMovie, Image template, float initialAngle, float2 initialShift, float resolution)
            float DownscaleFactor = (float)CTF.PixelSize * 2 / resolution;

            //template.Bandpass(0.02f, DownscaleFactor, false);
            //tiltMovie.Bandpass(0.02f, DownscaleFactor, false);

            //template = template.AsPadded(new int2(template.Dims) - 512);

            int2 DimsTemplate = new int2(template.Dims);
            int2 DimsTemplateCoarse = new int2(DimsTemplate) * DownscaleFactor / 2 * 2;
            int2 DimsFrame = new int2(tiltMovie.Dims);
            int NFrames = tiltMovie.Dims.Z;

            //              tiltMovie.GetDevice(Intent.Write),
            //              (uint)tiltMovie.ElementsSliceReal,
            //              (uint)tiltMovie.Dims.Z);

            Image TemplateCoarse = template.AsScaled(DimsTemplateCoarse);

            float GlobalAngle = initialAngle;
            float ConditioningAngle = 180f / DimsFrame.X;
            CubicGrid GridFrameX = new CubicGrid(new int3(1, 1, 1), initialShift.X, initialShift.X, Dimension.X);
            CubicGrid GridFrameY = new CubicGrid(new int3(1, 1, 1), initialShift.Y, initialShift.Y, Dimension.X);

            Action<double[]> SetFromVector = input =>
                GlobalAngle = (float)input[0] * ConditioningAngle;
                GridFrameX = new CubicGrid(GridFrameX.Dimensions, input.Skip(1).Take((int)GridFrameX.Dimensions.Elements()).Select(v => (float)v).ToArray());
                GridFrameY = new CubicGrid(GridFrameY.Dimensions, input.Skip(1 + (int)GridFrameX.Dimensions.Elements()).Take((int)GridFrameY.Dimensions.Elements()).Select(v => (float)v).ToArray());

            Func<double[], double[]> EvalIndividual = input =>

                Image Transformed;

                float GridStep = 1f / Math.Max(NFrames - 1, 1);
                float2[] FrameShifts = new float2[NFrames];
                for (int i = 0; i < NFrames; i++)
                    FrameShifts[i] = new float2(GridFrameX.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, i * GridStep)),
                                                GridFrameY.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, i * GridStep)));

                float[] FrameAngles = new float[NFrames].Select(v => -GlobalAngle * Helper.ToRad).ToArray();

                Image MovieCopy = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, tiltMovie.Dims);


                Transformed = MovieCopy.AsPadded(DimsTemplate);


                Image Sums = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(NFrames, 1, 1));


                double[] Result = new double[NFrames];
                for (int i = 0; i < NFrames; i++)
                    Result[i] = Sums.GetHost(Intent.Read)[0][i] / Transformed.ElementsSliceReal * 100;

                return Result;

            Func<double[], double> Eval = input =>
                double[] Scores = EvalIndividual(input);
                double Score = Scores.Sum();

                return Score;

            Func<double[], double[]> Grad = input =>
                double Delta = 0.1 / DownscaleFactor;
                double[] Result = new double[input.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                    double[] InputPlus = input.ToArray();
                    InputPlus[i] += Delta;
                    double ScorePlus = EvalIndividual(InputPlus).Sum();

                    double[] InputMinus = input.ToArray();
                    InputMinus[i] -= Delta;
                    double ScoreMinus = EvalIndividual(InputMinus).Sum();

                    Result[i] = (ScorePlus - ScoreMinus) / (Delta * 2);

                return Result;

            List<double> StartList = new List<double>();
            StartList.Add(GlobalAngle / ConditioningAngle);
            StartList.AddRange(GridFrameX.FlatValues.Select(v => (double)v));
            StartList.AddRange(GridFrameY.FlatValues.Select(v => (double)v));
            double[] StartVector = StartList.ToArray();

            BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno Optimizer = new BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno(StartVector.Length, Eval, Grad);


            return null;
Esempio n. 11
        public void Correlate(Image tiltStack, Image reference, int size, float lowpassAngstrom, float highpassAngstrom, int3 volumeDimensions, int healpixOrder, string symmetry = "C1")
            if (!Directory.Exists(CorrelationDir))

            float DownscaleFactor = lowpassAngstrom / (float)(CTF.PixelSize * 2);
            Image DownscaledStack = tiltStack.AsScaledMassive(new int2(tiltStack.Dims) / DownscaleFactor / 2 * 2);

            float HighpassNyquist = (float)(CTF.PixelSize * 2) * DownscaleFactor / highpassAngstrom;
            DownscaledStack.Bandpass(HighpassNyquist, 1, false);

            Image ScaledReference = reference.AsScaled(reference.Dims / DownscaleFactor / 2 * 2);
            Image PaddedReference = ScaledReference.AsPadded(new int3(size, size, size));
            PaddedReference.Bandpass(HighpassNyquist, 1, true);
            Projector ProjectorReference = new Projector(PaddedReference, 2);

            VolumeDimensions = volumeDimensions / DownscaleFactor / 2 * 2;
            int SizeCropped = size / 2;

            int3 Grid = (VolumeDimensions + SizeCropped - 1) / SizeCropped;
            List<float3> GridCoords = new List<float3>();
            for (int z = 0; z < Grid.Z; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Grid.Y; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < Grid.X; x++)
                        GridCoords.Add(new float3(x * SizeCropped + SizeCropped / 2,
                                                  y * SizeCropped + SizeCropped / 2,
                                                  z * SizeCropped + SizeCropped / 2));

            float3[] HealpixAngles = Helper.GetHealpixAngles(healpixOrder, symmetry).Select(a => a * Helper.ToRad).ToArray();

            Image CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(size, (int)(size * DownscaleFactor));

            float[] OutputCorr = new float[VolumeDimensions.Elements()];

            int PlanForw, PlanBack, PlanForwCTF;
            Projector.GetPlans(new int3(size, size, size), 2, out PlanForw, out PlanBack, out PlanForwCTF);

            int BatchSize = 16;
            for (int b = 0; b < GridCoords.Count; b += BatchSize)
                int CurBatch = Math.Min(BatchSize, GridCoords.Count - b);

                Image Subtomos = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(size, size, size * CurBatch), true, true);
                Image SubtomoCTFs = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(size, size, size * CurBatch), true);

                for (int st = 0; st < CurBatch; st++)
                    Image ImagesFT = GetSubtomoImages(DownscaledStack, size, GridCoords[b + st], true);
                    Image CTFs = GetSubtomoCTFs(GridCoords[b + st], CTFCoords);
                    //Image CTFWeights = GetSubtomoCTFs(GridCoords[b + st], CTFCoords, true, true);

                    ImagesFT.Multiply(CTFs);    // Weight and phase-flip image FTs by CTF, which still has its sign here
                    CTFs.Abs();                 // CTF has to be positive from here on since image FT phases are now flipped

                    // CTF has to be converted to complex numbers with imag = 0, and weighted by itself
                    float2[] CTFsComplexData = new float2[CTFs.ElementsComplex];
                    float[] CTFsContinuousData = CTFs.GetHostContinuousCopy();
                    for (int i = 0; i < CTFsComplexData.Length; i++)
                        CTFsComplexData[i] = new float2(CTFsContinuousData[i] * CTFsContinuousData[i], 0);

                    Image CTFsComplex = new Image(CTFsComplexData, CTFs.Dims, true);

                    Projector ProjSubtomo = new Projector(new int3(size, size, size), 2);
                    lock (GPU.Sync)
                        ProjSubtomo.BackProject(ImagesFT, CTFs, GetAngleInImages(GridCoords[b + st]));
                    Image Subtomo = ProjSubtomo.Reconstruct(false, PlanForw, PlanBack, PlanForwCTF);

                    /*Image CroppedSubtomo = Subtomo.AsPadded(new int3(SizeCropped, SizeCropped, SizeCropped));
                    CroppedSubtomo.WriteMRC(ParticlesDir + RootName + "_" + (b + st).ToString("D5") + ".mrc");

                    Projector ProjCTF = new Projector(new int3(size, size, size), 2);
                    lock (GPU.Sync)
                        ProjCTF.BackProject(CTFsComplex, CTFs, GetAngleInImages(GridCoords[b + st]));
                    Image SubtomoCTF = ProjCTF.Reconstruct(true, PlanForw, PlanBack, PlanForwCTF);

                    GPU.FFT(Subtomo.GetDevice(Intent.Read), Subtomos.GetDeviceSlice(size * st, Intent.Write), Subtomo.Dims, 1);
                    GPU.CopyDeviceToDevice(SubtomoCTF.GetDevice(Intent.Read), SubtomoCTFs.GetDeviceSlice(size * st, Intent.Write), SubtomoCTF.ElementsReal);



                Image BestCorrelation = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(size, size, size * CurBatch));
                Image BestRot = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(size, size, size * CurBatch));
                Image BestTilt = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(size, size, size * CurBatch));
                Image BestPsi = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(size, size, size * CurBatch));

                                      new int3(size, size, size),
                                      MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / ((float)CTF.PixelSize * DownscaleFactor),

                for (int st = 0; st < CurBatch; st++)
                    Image ThisCorrelation = new Image(BestCorrelation.GetDeviceSlice(size * st, Intent.Read), new int3(size, size, size));
                    Image CroppedCorrelation = ThisCorrelation.AsPadded(new int3(SizeCropped, SizeCropped, SizeCropped));

                    //CroppedCorrelation.WriteMRC(CorrelationDir + RootName + "_" + (b + st).ToString("D5") + ".mrc");
                    float[] SubCorr = CroppedCorrelation.GetHostContinuousCopy();
                    int3 Origin = new int3(GridCoords[b + st]) - SizeCropped / 2;
                    for (int z = 0; z < SizeCropped; z++)
                        int zVol = Origin.Z + z;
                        if (zVol >= VolumeDimensions.Z)

                        for (int y = 0; y < SizeCropped; y++)
                            int yVol = Origin.Y + y;
                            if (yVol >= VolumeDimensions.Y)

                            for (int x = 0; x < SizeCropped; x++)
                                int xVol = Origin.X + x;
                                if (xVol >= VolumeDimensions.X)

                                OutputCorr[(zVol * VolumeDimensions.Y + yVol) * VolumeDimensions.X + xVol] = SubCorr[(z * SizeCropped + y) * SizeCropped + x];






            Image OutputCorrImage = new Image(OutputCorr, VolumeDimensions);
            OutputCorrImage.WriteMRC(CorrelationDir + RootName + ".mrc");
Esempio n. 12
        public void PerformOptimizationStep(Star tableIn, Image tiltStack, int size, int3 volumeDimensions, Dictionary<int, Projector> references, float resolution, Dictionary<int, Projector> outReconstructions, Dictionary<int, Projector> outCTFReconstructions)
            VolumeDimensions = volumeDimensions;

            #region Get rows from table

            List<int> RowIndices = new List<int>();
            string[] ColumnMicrographName = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnMicrographName");
            for (int i = 0; i < ColumnMicrographName.Length; i++)
                if (ColumnMicrographName[i].Contains(RootName + "."))

            if (RowIndices.Count == 0)

            int NParticles = RowIndices.Count;


            #region Make sure all columns and directories are there

            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnImageName"))
            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnCtfImage"))
            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnParticleSelectZScore"))

            if (!Directory.Exists(ParticlesDir))
            if (!Directory.Exists(ParticleCTFDir))


            #region Get subtomo positions from table

            float3[] ParticleOrigins = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleOrigins2 = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleAngles = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleAngles2 = new float3[NParticles];
            int[] ParticleSubset = new int[NParticles];
                string[] ColumnPosX = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateX");
                string[] ColumnPosY = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateY");
                string[] ColumnPosZ = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateZ");
                string[] ColumnOriginX = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginX");
                string[] ColumnOriginY = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginY");
                string[] ColumnOriginZ = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginZ");
                string[] ColumnAngleRot = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleRot");
                string[] ColumnAngleTilt = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleTilt");
                string[] ColumnAnglePsi = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAnglePsi");
                string[] ColumnSubset = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnRandomSubset");

                string[] ColumnPosX2 = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginXPrior");
                string[] ColumnPosY2 = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginYPrior");
                string[] ColumnPosZ2 = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginZPrior");
                string[] ColumnAngleRot2 = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleRotPrior");
                string[] ColumnAngleTilt2 = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleTiltPrior");
                string[] ColumnAnglePsi2 = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAnglePsiPrior");

                for (int i = 0; i < NParticles; i++)
                    float3 Pos = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnPosX[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                            float.Parse(ColumnPosY[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                            float.Parse(ColumnPosZ[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    float3 Pos2 = Pos;
                    //if (ColumnPosX2 != null && ColumnPosY2 != null && ColumnPosZ2 != null)
                    //    Pos2 = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnPosX2[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    //                      float.Parse(ColumnPosY2[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    //                      float.Parse(ColumnPosZ2[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    float3 Shift = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnOriginX[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnOriginY[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnOriginZ[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    ParticleOrigins[i] = Pos - Shift;
                    ParticleOrigins2[i] = Pos2 - Shift;

                    float3 Angle = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnAngleRot[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnAngleTilt[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnAnglePsi[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    float3 Angle2 = Angle;
                    //if (ColumnAngleRot2 != null && ColumnAngleTilt2 != null && ColumnAnglePsi2 != null)
                    //    Angle2 = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnAngleRot2[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    //                        float.Parse(ColumnAngleTilt2[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    //                        float.Parse(ColumnAnglePsi2[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    ParticleAngles[i] = Angle;
                    ParticleAngles2[i] = Angle2;

                    ParticleSubset[i] = int.Parse(ColumnSubset[RowIndices[i]]);

                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateX", ParticleOrigins[i].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateY", ParticleOrigins[i].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateZ", ParticleOrigins[i].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginX", "0.0");
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginY", "0.0");
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginZ", "0.0");


            #region Deal with subsets

            List<int> SubsetIDs = new List<int>();
            foreach (var i in ParticleSubset)
                if (!SubsetIDs.Contains(i))

            // For each subset, create a list of its particle IDs
            Dictionary<int, List<int>> SubsetParticleIDs = SubsetIDs.ToDictionary(subsetID => subsetID, subsetID => new List<int>());
            for (int i = 0; i < ParticleSubset.Length; i++)
            foreach (var list in SubsetParticleIDs.Values)

            // Note where each subset starts and ends in a unified, sorted (by subset) particle ID list
            Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>> SubsetRanges = new Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>>();
                int Start = 0;
                foreach (var pair in SubsetParticleIDs)
                    SubsetRanges.Add(pair.Key, new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + pair.Value.Count));
                    Start += pair.Value.Count;

            List<int> SubsetContinuousIDs = new List<int>();
            foreach (var pair in SubsetParticleIDs)

            // Reorder particle information to match the order of SubsetContinuousIDs
            ParticleOrigins = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleOrigins[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleOrigins2 = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleOrigins2[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleAngles = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleAngles[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleAngles2 = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleAngles2[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleSubset = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleSubset[i]).ToArray();


            if (GridMovementX.Dimensions.Elements() == 1)
                int MaxSlice = SubsetRanges.Last().Value.Item2 > 100 ? 1 : 1;

                GridMovementX = new CubicGrid(new int3(MaxSlice, MaxSlice, NTilts));
                GridMovementY = new CubicGrid(new int3(MaxSlice, MaxSlice, NTilts));

                //GridLocalX = new CubicGrid(new int3(4, 4, 4));
                //GridLocalY = new CubicGrid(new int3(4, 4, 4));
                //GridLocalZ = new CubicGrid(new int3(4, 4, 4));

                GridAngleX = new CubicGrid(new int3(1, 1, NTilts));
                GridAngleY = new CubicGrid(new int3(1, 1, NTilts));
                GridAngleZ = new CubicGrid(new int3(1, 1, NTilts));
            if (GridLocalX.Dimensions.Elements() == 1)
                GridLocalX = new CubicGrid(new int3(4, 4, 4));
                GridLocalY = new CubicGrid(new int3(4, 4, 4));
                GridLocalZ = new CubicGrid(new int3(4, 4, 4));
            //    GridMovementX = GridMovementX.Resize(new int3(4, 4, NTilts));
            //    GridMovementY = GridMovementY.Resize(new int3(4, 4, NTilts));

            int CoarseSize = (int)Math.Round(size * ((float)CTF.PixelSize * 2 / resolution)) / 2 * 2;
            int3 CoarseDims = new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, 1);

            // Positions the particles were extracted at/shifted to, to calculate effectively needed shifts later
            float2[] ExtractedAt = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];

            // Extract images, mask and resize them, create CTFs
            Image ParticleImages = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NParticles * NTilts), true, true);
            Image ParticleCTFs = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NParticles * NTilts), true);
            Image ParticleWeights = null;
            Image ShiftFactors = null;

            #region Preflight
            float KeepBFac = GlobalBfactor;
            GlobalBfactor = 0;
                Image CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(CoarseSize, size);

                #region Precalculate vectors for shifts in Fourier space
                    float2[] ShiftFactorsData = new float2[(CoarseSize / 2 + 1) * CoarseSize];
                    for (int y = 0; y < CoarseSize; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < CoarseSize / 2 + 1; x++)
                            int xx = x;
                            int yy = y < CoarseSize / 2 + 1 ? y : y - CoarseSize;

                            ShiftFactorsData[y * (CoarseSize / 2 + 1) + x] = new float2((float)-xx / size * 2f * (float)Math.PI,
                                                                                          (float)-yy / size * 2f * (float)Math.PI);

                    ShiftFactors = new Image(ShiftFactorsData, new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, 1), true);

                #region Create mask with soft edge
                Image Mask;
                Image MaskSubt;
                    Image MaskBig = new Image(new int3(size, size, 1));
                    float MaskRadius = MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / (float)CTF.PixelSize;
                    float SoftEdge = 16f;

                    float[] MaskBigData = MaskBig.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                        int yy = y - size / 2;
                        yy *= yy;
                        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                            int xx = x - size / 2;
                            xx *= xx;
                            float R = (float)Math.Sqrt(xx + yy);

                            if (R <= MaskRadius)
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 1;
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = (float)(Math.Cos(Math.Min(1, (R - MaskRadius) / SoftEdge) * Math.PI) * 0.5 + 0.5);

                    Mask = MaskBig.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));

                    MaskBigData = MaskBig.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                        int yy = y - size / 2;
                        yy *= yy;
                        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                            int xx = x - size / 2;
                            xx *= xx;
                            float R = (float)Math.Sqrt(xx + yy);

                            if (R <= 30)
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 1;
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 0;

                    MaskSubt = MaskBig.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));


                #region Create Fourier space mask
                Image FourierMask = new Image(CoarseDims, true);
                    float[] FourierMaskData = FourierMask.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    int MaxR2 = CoarseSize * CoarseSize / 4;
                    for (int y = 0; y < CoarseSize; y++)
                        int yy = y < CoarseSize / 2 + 1 ? y : y - CoarseSize;
                        yy *= yy;

                        for (int x = 0; x < CoarseSize / 2 + 1; x++)
                            int xx = x * x;
                            int R2 = yy + xx;

                            FourierMaskData[y * (CoarseSize / 2 + 1) + x] = R2 < MaxR2 ? 1 : 0;

                #region For each particle, create CTFs and extract & preprocess images for entire tilt series
                for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                    float3 ParticleCoords = ParticleOrigins[p];
                    float3[] Positions = GetPositionInImages(ParticleCoords);
                    float3[] ProjAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(ParticleCoords, ParticleAngles[p]);

                    Image Extracted = new Image(new int3(size, size, NTilts));
                    float[][] ExtractedData = Extracted.GetHost(Intent.Write);
                    float3[] Residuals = new float3[NTilts];

                    Image SubtrahendsCTF = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NTilts), true);

                    // Create CTFs
                        CTFStruct[] CTFParams = new CTFStruct[NTilts];

                        float GridStep = 1f / (NTilts - 1);
                        CTFStruct[] Params = new CTFStruct[NTilts];
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            decimal Defocus = (decimal)Positions[t].Z;
                            decimal DefocusDelta = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusDelta.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));
                            decimal DefocusAngle = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusAngle.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));

                            CTF CurrCTF = CTF.GetCopy();
                            CurrCTF.Defocus = Defocus;
                            CurrCTF.DefocusDelta = DefocusDelta;
                            CurrCTF.DefocusAngle = DefocusAngle;
                            CurrCTF.Scale = (decimal)Math.Cos(Angles[t] * Helper.ToRad);
                            CurrCTF.Bfactor = (decimal)-Dose[t] * 8;

                            Params[t] = CurrCTF.ToStruct();

                        GPU.CreateCTF(ParticleCTFs.GetDeviceSlice(NTilts * p, Intent.Write),
                    //    CTFStruct[] CTFParams = new CTFStruct[NTilts];

                    //    float GridStep = 1f / (NTilts - 1);
                    //    CTFStruct[] Params = new CTFStruct[NTilts];
                    //    for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                    //    {
                    //        decimal Defocus = (decimal)Positions[t].Z;
                    //        decimal DefocusDelta = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusDelta.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));
                    //        decimal DefocusAngle = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusAngle.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));

                    //        CTF CurrCTF = CTF.GetCopy();
                    //        CurrCTF.Defocus = Defocus;
                    //        CurrCTF.DefocusDelta = DefocusDelta;
                    //        CurrCTF.DefocusAngle = DefocusAngle;
                    //        CurrCTF.Scale = 1;
                    //        CurrCTF.Bfactor = 0;

                    //        Params[t] = CurrCTF.ToStruct();
                    //    }

                    //    GPU.CreateCTF(SubtrahendsCTF.GetDevice(Intent.Write),
                    //                  CTFCoords.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                    //                  (uint)CoarseDims.ElementsFFT(),
                    //                  Params,
                    //                  false,
                    //                  (uint)NTilts);

                    // Extract images
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            ExtractedAt[p * NTilts + t] = new float2(Positions[t].X, Positions[t].Y);

                            Positions[t] -= size / 2;
                            int2 IntPosition = new int2((int)Positions[t].X, (int)Positions[t].Y);
                            float2 Residual = new float2(-(Positions[t].X - IntPosition.X), -(Positions[t].Y - IntPosition.Y));
                            Residuals[t] = new float3(Residual / size * CoarseSize);

                            float[] OriginalData;
                            lock (tiltStack)
                                OriginalData = tiltStack.GetHost(Intent.Read)[t];

                            float[] ImageData = ExtractedData[t];
                            for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                                int PosY = (y + IntPosition.Y + tiltStack.Dims.Y) % tiltStack.Dims.Y;
                                for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                                    int PosX = (x + IntPosition.X + tiltStack.Dims.X) % tiltStack.Dims.X;
                                    ImageData[y * size + x] = OriginalData[PosY * tiltStack.Dims.X + PosX];

                                          new int3(size, size, 1),
                                          (uint)(MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / CTF.PixelSize),

                        Image Scaled = Extracted.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));


                        //              Scaled.GetDevice(Intent.Write),
                        //              MaskSubt.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                        //              (uint)Scaled.ElementsSliceReal,
                        //              (uint)NTilts);

                        //    //Image SubtrahendsFT = subtrahendReference.Project(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize), ProjAngles, CoarseSize / 2);
                        //    //SubtrahendsFT.Multiply(SubtrahendsCTF);

                        //    //Image Subtrahends = SubtrahendsFT.AsIFFT();
                        //    //SubtrahendsFT.Dispose();

                        //    ////GPU.NormalizeMasked(Subtrahends.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                        //    ////                    Subtrahends.GetDevice(Intent.Write),
                        //    ////                    MaskSubt.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                        //    ////                    (uint)Subtrahends.ElementsSliceReal,
                        //    ////                    (uint)NTilts);

                        //    //Scaled.Subtract(Subtrahends);
                        //    //Subtrahends.Dispose();

                        //    Image FocusMaskFT = maskReference.Project(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize), ProjAngles, CoarseSize / 2);
                        //    Image FocusMask = FocusMaskFT.AsIFFT();
                        //    FocusMaskFT.Dispose();

                        //    Scaled.Multiply(FocusMask);
                        //    FocusMask.Dispose();


                                ParticleImages.GetDeviceSlice(p * NTilts, Intent.Write),




                Image ParticleCTFsAbs = new Image(ParticleCTFs.GetDevice(Intent.Read), ParticleCTFs.Dims, true);
                ParticleWeights = ParticleCTFsAbs.AsSum2D();
                    float[] ParticleWeightsData = ParticleWeights.GetHost(Intent.ReadWrite)[0];
                    float Max = MathHelper.Max(ParticleWeightsData);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ParticleWeightsData.Length; i++)
                        ParticleWeightsData[i] /= Max;


                //Image CheckImages = ParticleImages.AsIFFT();

            GlobalBfactor = KeepBFac;

            bool DoPerParticleMotion = true;
            bool DoImageAlignment = true;

            #region BFGS evaluation and gradient

            double[] StartParams;

            Func<double[], Tuple<float2[], float3[]>> GetImageShiftsAndAngles;
            Func<double[], float2[]> GetImageShifts;
            Func<float3[], Image> GetProjections;
            Func<double[], double[]> EvalIndividual;
            Func<double[], double> Eval;
            Func<double[], double[]> Gradient;
                List<double> StartParamsList = new List<double>();
                StartParamsList.AddRange(CreateVectorFromParameters(ParticleOrigins, ParticleOrigins2, ParticleAngles, ParticleAngles2, size));
                StartParams = StartParamsList.ToArray();

                // Remember where the values for each grid are stored in the optimized vector
                List<Tuple<int, int>> VectorGridRanges = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();
                List<int> GridElements = new List<int>();
                List<int> GridSliceElements = new List<int>();
                    int Start = 0;
                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridMovementX.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridMovementX.Dimensions.Elements();
                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridMovementY.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridMovementY.Dimensions.Elements();

                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridAngleX.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridAngleX.Dimensions.Elements();
                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridAngleY.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridAngleY.Dimensions.Elements();
                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridAngleZ.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridAngleZ.Dimensions.Elements();

                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridLocalX.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridLocalX.Dimensions.Elements();
                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridLocalY.Dimensions.Elements()));
                    Start += (int)GridLocalY.Dimensions.Elements();
                    VectorGridRanges.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + (int)GridLocalZ.Dimensions.Elements()));






                int NVectorGridParams = VectorGridRanges.Last().Item2;
                int NVectorParticleParams = NParticles * 12;

                GetImageShiftsAndAngles = input =>
                    // Retrieve particle positions & angles, and grids from input vector
                    float3[] NewPositions, NewPositions2, NewAngles, NewAngles2;
                    GetParametersFromVector(input, NParticles, size, out NewPositions, out NewPositions2, out NewAngles, out NewAngles2);
                    SetGridsFromVector(input, Dimensions.X);

                    // Using current positions, angles and grids, get parameters for image shifts and reference projection angles
                    float2[] ImageShifts = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                    float3[] ImageAngles = new float3[NParticles * NTilts];
                    float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NParticles * NTilts];
                    float3[] PerTiltAngles = new float3[NParticles * NTilts];
                    int[] SortedDosePrecalc = IndicesSortedDose;
                    for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                        if (DoPerParticleMotion)
                            float3 CoordsDiff = NewPositions2[p] - NewPositions[p];
                            float3 AnglesDiff = NewAngles2[p] - NewAngles[p];
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                float DoseID = SortedDosePrecalc[t] / (float)(NTilts - 1);
                                PerTiltPositions[p * NTilts + t] = NewPositions[p] + CoordsDiff * DoseID;
                                PerTiltAngles[p * NTilts + t] = NewAngles[p] + AnglesDiff * DoseID;
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                PerTiltPositions[p * NTilts + t] = NewPositions[p];
                                PerTiltAngles[p * NTilts + t] = NewAngles[p];

                    float3[] CurrPositions = GetPositionInImages(PerTiltPositions);
                    float3[] CurrAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(PerTiltPositions, PerTiltAngles);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ImageShifts.Length; i++)
                        ImageShifts[i] = new float2(ExtractedAt[i].X - CurrPositions[i].X,
                                                    ExtractedAt[i].Y - CurrPositions[i].Y); // -diff because those are extraction positions, i. e. opposite direction of shifts
                        ImageAngles[i] = CurrAngles[i];

                    return new Tuple<float2[], float3[]>(ImageShifts, ImageAngles);

                GetImageShifts = input =>
                    // Retrieve particle positions & angles, and grids from input vector
                    float3[] NewPositions, NewPositions2, NewAngles, NewAngles2;
                    GetParametersFromVector(input, NParticles, size, out NewPositions, out NewPositions2, out NewAngles, out NewAngles2);
                    SetGridsFromVector(input, Dimensions.X);

                    // Using current positions, angles and grids, get parameters for image shifts and reference projection angles
                    float2[] ImageShifts = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                    float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NParticles * NTilts];
                    int[] SortedDosePrecalc = IndicesSortedDose;
                    for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                        if (DoPerParticleMotion)
                            float3 CoordsDiff = NewPositions2[p] - NewPositions[p];
                            float3 AnglesDiff = NewAngles2[p] - NewAngles[p];
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                float DoseID = SortedDosePrecalc[t] / (float)(NTilts - 1);
                                PerTiltPositions[p * NTilts + t] = NewPositions[p] + CoordsDiff * DoseID;
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                PerTiltPositions[p * NTilts + t] = NewPositions[p];

                    float3[] CurrPositions = GetPositionInImages(PerTiltPositions);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ImageShifts.Length; i++)
                        ImageShifts[i] = new float2(ExtractedAt[i].X - CurrPositions[i].X,
                                                    ExtractedAt[i].Y - CurrPositions[i].Y); // -diff because those are extraction positions, i. e. opposite direction of shifts

                    return ImageShifts;

                GetProjections = imageAngles =>
                    Image Projections = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NParticles * NTilts), true, true);
                    foreach (var subset in SubsetRanges)
                        Projector Reference = references[subset.Key];
                        int SubsetStart = subset.Value.Item1 * NTilts;
                        int SubsetEnd = subset.Value.Item2 * NTilts;
                        float3[] SubsetAngles = imageAngles.Skip(SubsetStart).Take(SubsetEnd - SubsetStart).ToArray();

                                           Projections.GetDeviceSlice(SubsetStart, Intent.Write),
                                           new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),
                                           (uint)(SubsetEnd - SubsetStart));

                    /*Image CheckProjections = Projections.AsIFFT();

                    return Projections;

                EvalIndividual = input =>
                    Tuple<float2[], float3[]> ShiftsAndAngles = GetImageShiftsAndAngles(input);

                    Image Projections = GetProjections(ShiftsAndAngles.Item2);

                    float[] Results = new float[NParticles * NTilts];

                                          new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),
                                          (uint)(NParticles * NTilts));


                    return Results.Select(i => (double)i).ToArray();

                int OptimizationIterations = 0;
                bool GetOut = false;

                double Delta = 0.1;
                float Delta2 = 2 * (float)Delta;

                int[] WarpGridIDs = { 5, 6, 7 };
                Dictionary<int, float2[][]> WiggleWeightsWarp = new Dictionary<int, float2[][]>();
                foreach (var gridID in WarpGridIDs)
                    int NElements = GridElements[gridID];
                    WiggleWeightsWarp.Add(gridID, new float2[NElements][]);

                    for (int ge = 0; ge < NElements; ge++)
                        double[] InputMinus = new double[StartParams.Length], InputPlus = new double[StartParams.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < StartParams.Length; i++)
                            InputMinus[i] = StartParams[i];
                            InputPlus[i] = StartParams[i];

                        InputMinus[VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + ge] -= Delta;
                        InputPlus[VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + ge] += Delta;

                        float2[] ImageShiftsPlus = GetImageShifts(InputPlus);
                        float2[] ImageShiftsMinus = GetImageShifts(InputMinus);

                        float2[] Weights = new float2[ImageShiftsPlus.Length];

                        for (int i = 0; i < ImageShiftsPlus.Length; i++)
                            Weights[i] = (ImageShiftsPlus[i] - ImageShiftsMinus[i]) / Delta2;

                        WiggleWeightsWarp[gridID][ge] = Weights;

                Eval = input =>
                    double Result = EvalIndividual(input).Sum();
                    lock (tableIn)
                        Debug.WriteLine(GPU.GetDevice() + ", " + RootName + ": " + Result);

                    return Result;

                Func<double[], double[], double, double[]> GradientParticles = (inputMinus, inputPlus, delta) =>
                    double[] EvalMinus = EvalIndividual(inputMinus);
                    double[] EvalPlus = EvalIndividual(inputPlus);

                    double[] Diff = new double[EvalMinus.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < Diff.Length; i++)
                        Diff[i] = (EvalPlus[i] - EvalMinus[i]) / (2 * delta);

                    return Diff;

                Gradient = input =>
                    double[] Result = new double[input.Length];

                    if (OptimizationIterations > 60)
                        return Result;

                    float2[] ImageShiftGradients = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                    #region Compute gradient for individual image shifts
                        Tuple<float2[], float3[]> ShiftsAndAngles = GetImageShiftsAndAngles(input);
                        Image Projections = GetProjections(ShiftsAndAngles.Item2);

                        float2[] ShiftsXPlus = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                        float2[] ShiftsXMinus = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                        float2[] ShiftsYPlus = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                        float2[] ShiftsYMinus = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];

                        float2 DeltaX = new float2((float)Delta, 0);
                        float2 DeltaY = new float2(0, (float)Delta);

                        for (int i = 0; i < ShiftsXPlus.Length; i++)
                            ShiftsXPlus[i] = ShiftsAndAngles.Item1[i] + DeltaX;
                            ShiftsXMinus[i] = ShiftsAndAngles.Item1[i] - DeltaX;

                            ShiftsYPlus[i] = ShiftsAndAngles.Item1[i] + DeltaY;
                            ShiftsYMinus[i] = ShiftsAndAngles.Item1[i] - DeltaY;

                        float[] ScoresXPlus = new float[NParticles * NTilts];
                        float[] ScoresXMinus = new float[NParticles * NTilts];
                        float[] ScoresYPlus = new float[NParticles * NTilts];
                        float[] ScoresYMinus = new float[NParticles * NTilts];

                                              new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),
                                              (uint)(NParticles * NTilts));
                                              new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),
                                              (uint)(NParticles * NTilts));
                                              new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),
                                              (uint)(NParticles * NTilts));
                                              new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize),
                                              (uint)(NParticles * NTilts));


                        for (int i = 0; i < ImageShiftGradients.Length; i++)
                            ImageShiftGradients[i] = new float2((ScoresXPlus[i] - ScoresXMinus[i]) / Delta2,
                                                           (ScoresYPlus[i] - ScoresYMinus[i]) / Delta2);

                    // First, do particle parameters, i. e. 3D position within tomogram, rotation, across 2 points in time
                    // Altering each particle's parameters results in a change in its NTilts images, but nothing else
                        int[] TranslationIDs = DoPerParticleMotion ? new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } : new[] { 0, 1, 2 };
                        int[] RotationIDs = DoPerParticleMotion ? new [] {6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11} : new [] { 6, 7, 8};
                        foreach (var paramID in RotationIDs)
                            double[] InputMinus = new double[input.Length], InputPlus = new double[input.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                                InputMinus[i] = input[i];
                                InputPlus[i] = input[i];
                            for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                                InputMinus[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] -= Delta;
                                InputPlus[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] += Delta;

                            double[] ResultParticles = GradientParticles(InputMinus, InputPlus, Delta);
                            for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                                double ParticleSum = 0;
                                for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                    ParticleSum += ResultParticles[p * NTilts + t];

                                Result[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] = ParticleSum;

                        // Translation-related gradients can all be computed efficiently from previously retrieved per-image gradients
                        foreach (var paramID in TranslationIDs)
                            double[] InputMinus = new double[input.Length], InputPlus = new double[input.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                                InputMinus[i] = input[i];
                                InputPlus[i] = input[i];
                            for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                                InputMinus[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] -= Delta;
                                InputPlus[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] += Delta;

                            float2[] ImageShiftsPlus = GetImageShifts(InputPlus);
                            float2[] ImageShiftsMinus = GetImageShifts(InputMinus);

                            for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                                double ParticleSum = 0;
                                for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                    int i = p * NTilts + t;
                                    float2 ShiftDelta = (ImageShiftsPlus[i] - ImageShiftsMinus[i]) / Delta2;
                                    float ShiftGradient = ShiftDelta.X * ImageShiftGradients[i].X + ShiftDelta.Y * ImageShiftGradients[i].Y;

                                    ParticleSum += ShiftGradient;

                                Result[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] = ParticleSum;

                        // If there is no per-particle motion, just copy the gradients for these parameters from parameterIDs 0-5
                        if (!DoPerParticleMotion)
                            int[] RedundantIDs = { 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11 };
                            foreach (var paramID in RedundantIDs)
                                for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                                    Result[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID] = Result[NVectorGridParams + p * 12 + paramID - 3];

                    // Now deal with grids. Each grid slice (i. e. temporal point) will correspond to one tilt only, thus the gradient
                    // for each slice is the (weighted, in case of spatial resolution) sum of NParticles images in the corresponding tilt.
                    if (DoImageAlignment)
                        int[] RotationGridIDs = { 2, 3, 4 };
                        foreach (var gridID in RotationGridIDs)
                            int SliceElements = GridSliceElements[gridID];

                            for (int se = 0; se < SliceElements; se++)
                                double[] InputMinus = new double[input.Length], InputPlus = new double[input.Length];
                                for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                                    InputMinus[i] = input[i];
                                    InputPlus[i] = input[i];
                                for (int gp = VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + se; gp < VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item2; gp += SliceElements)
                                    InputMinus[gp] -= Delta;
                                    InputPlus[gp] += Delta;

                                double[] ResultParticles = GradientParticles(InputMinus, InputPlus, Delta);
                                for (int i = 0; i < ResultParticles.Length; i++)
                                    int GridTime = i % NTilts;
                                    Result[VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + GridTime * SliceElements + se] += ResultParticles[i];

                        // Translation-related gradients can all be computed efficiently from previously retrieved per-image gradients
                        int[] TranslationGridIDs = { 0, 1 };
                        foreach (var gridID in TranslationGridIDs)
                            int SliceElements = GridSliceElements[gridID];

                            for (int se = 0; se < SliceElements; se++)
                                double[] InputMinus = new double[input.Length], InputPlus = new double[input.Length];
                                for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                                    InputMinus[i] = input[i];
                                    InputPlus[i] = input[i];
                                for (int gp = VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + se; gp < VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item2; gp += SliceElements)
                                    InputMinus[gp] -= Delta;
                                    InputPlus[gp] += Delta;

                                float2[] ImageShiftsPlus = GetImageShifts(InputPlus);
                                float2[] ImageShiftsMinus = GetImageShifts(InputMinus);

                                for (int i = 0; i < ImageShiftsPlus.Length; i++)
                                    float2 ShiftDelta = (ImageShiftsPlus[i] - ImageShiftsMinus[i]) / Delta2;
                                    float ShiftGradient = ShiftDelta.X * ImageShiftGradients[i].X + ShiftDelta.Y * ImageShiftGradients[i].Y;

                                    int GridSlice = i % NTilts;
                                    Result[VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + GridSlice * SliceElements + se] += ShiftGradient;
                        // Warp grids don't have any shortcuts for getting multiple gradients at once, so they use pre-calculated wiggle weights
                        foreach (var gridID in WarpGridIDs)
                            int NElements = GridElements[gridID];

                            for (int ge = 0; ge < NElements; ge++)
                                float2[] Weights = WiggleWeightsWarp[gridID][ge];

                                for (int i = 0; i < Weights.Length; i++)
                                    float2 ShiftDelta = Weights[i];
                                    float ShiftGradient = ShiftDelta.X * ImageShiftGradients[i].X + ShiftDelta.Y * ImageShiftGradients[i].Y;

                                    Result[VectorGridRanges[gridID].Item1 + ge] += ShiftGradient;

                    return Result;


            BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno Optimizer = new BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno(StartParams.Length, Eval, Gradient);
            Optimizer.Epsilon = 3e-7;


            float3[] OptimizedOrigins, OptimizedOrigins2, OptimizedAngles, OptimizedAngles2;
            GetParametersFromVector(StartParams, NParticles, size, out OptimizedOrigins, out OptimizedOrigins2, out OptimizedAngles, out OptimizedAngles2);
            SetGridsFromVector(StartParams, Dimensions.X);

            #region Calculate correlation scores, update table with new positions and angles
                double[] ImageScores = EvalIndividual(StartParams);
                float[] ParticleScores = new float[NParticles];
                for (int i = 0; i < ImageScores.Length; i++)
                    ParticleScores[i / NTilts] += (float)ImageScores[i];

                //if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnOriginXPrior"))
                //    tableIn.AddColumn("rlnOriginXPrior");
                //if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnOriginYPrior"))
                //    tableIn.AddColumn("rlnOriginYPrior");
                //if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnOriginZPrior"))
                //    tableIn.AddColumn("rlnOriginZPrior");

                //if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnAngleRotPrior"))
                //    tableIn.AddColumn("rlnAngleRotPrior");
                //if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnAngleTiltPrior"))
                //    tableIn.AddColumn("rlnAngleTiltPrior");
                //if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnAnglePsiPrior"))
                //    tableIn.AddColumn("rlnAnglePsiPrior");

                lock (tableIn)
                    for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                        int Row = RowIndices[SubsetContinuousIDs[p]];

                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnCoordinateX", OptimizedOrigins[p].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnCoordinateY", OptimizedOrigins[p].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnCoordinateZ", OptimizedOrigins[p].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                        //tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnOriginXPrior", OptimizedOrigins2[p].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        //tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnOriginYPrior", OptimizedOrigins2[p].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        //tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnOriginZPrior", OptimizedOrigins2[p].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnAngleRot", OptimizedAngles[p].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnAngleTilt", OptimizedAngles[p].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnAnglePsi", OptimizedAngles[p].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                        //tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnAngleRotPrior", OptimizedAngles2[p].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        //tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnAngleTiltPrior", OptimizedAngles2[p].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                        //tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnAnglePsiPrior", OptimizedAngles2[p].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                        tableIn.SetRowValue(Row, "rlnParticleSelectZScore", ParticleScores[p].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));


            #region Extract particles at full resolution and back-project them into the reconstruction volumes

                Image CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(size, size);
                int[] SortedDosePrecalc = IndicesSortedDose;

                foreach (var subsetRange in SubsetRanges)
                    lock (outReconstructions[subsetRange.Key])
                        for (int p = subsetRange.Value.Item1; p < subsetRange.Value.Item2; p++)
                            float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NTilts];
                            float3[] PerTiltAngles = new float3[NTilts];
                            float3 CoordsDiff = OptimizedOrigins2[p] - OptimizedOrigins[p];
                            float3 AnglesDiff = OptimizedAngles2[p] - OptimizedAngles[p];
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                float DoseID = SortedDosePrecalc[t] / (float)(NTilts - 1);
                                PerTiltPositions[t] = OptimizedOrigins[p] + CoordsDiff * DoseID;
                                PerTiltAngles[t] = OptimizedAngles[p] + AnglesDiff * DoseID;

                            Image FullParticleImages = GetSubtomoImages(tiltStack, size, PerTiltPositions, true);
                            Image FullParticleCTFs = GetSubtomoCTFs(PerTiltPositions, CTFCoords);


                            float3[] FullParticleAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(PerTiltPositions, PerTiltAngles);

                            outReconstructions[subsetRange.Key].BackProject(FullParticleImages, FullParticleCTFs, FullParticleAngles);


                        for (int p = subsetRange.Value.Item1; p < subsetRange.Value.Item2; p++)
                            float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NTilts];
                            float3[] PerTiltAngles = new float3[NTilts];
                            float3 CoordsDiff = OptimizedOrigins2[p] - OptimizedOrigins[p];
                            float3 AnglesDiff = OptimizedAngles2[p] - OptimizedAngles[p];
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                float DoseID = SortedDosePrecalc[t] / (float)(NTilts - 1);
                                PerTiltPositions[t] = OptimizedOrigins[p] + CoordsDiff * DoseID;
                                PerTiltAngles[t] = OptimizedAngles[p] + AnglesDiff * DoseID;

                            float3[] FullParticleAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(PerTiltPositions, PerTiltAngles);

                            Image FullParticleCTFs = GetSubtomoCTFs(PerTiltPositions, CTFCoords, false);
                            Image FullParticleCTFWeights = GetSubtomoCTFs(PerTiltPositions, CTFCoords, true);

                            // CTF has to be converted to complex numbers with imag = 0
                            float2[] CTFsComplexData = new float2[FullParticleCTFs.ElementsComplex];
                            float[] CTFWeightsData = new float[FullParticleCTFs.ElementsComplex];
                            float[] CTFsContinuousData = FullParticleCTFs.GetHostContinuousCopy();
                            float[] CTFWeightsContinuousData = FullParticleCTFWeights.GetHostContinuousCopy();
                            for (int i = 0; i < CTFsComplexData.Length; i++)
                                CTFsComplexData[i] = new float2(Math.Abs(CTFsContinuousData[i] * CTFWeightsContinuousData[i]), 0);
                                CTFWeightsData[i] = Math.Abs(CTFWeightsContinuousData[i]);

                            Image CTFsComplex = new Image(CTFsComplexData, FullParticleCTFs.Dims, true);
                            Image CTFWeights = new Image(CTFWeightsData, FullParticleCTFs.Dims, true);

                            outCTFReconstructions[subsetRange.Key].BackProject(CTFsComplex, CTFWeights, FullParticleAngles);




Esempio n. 13
        public void AddToReconstructionOneAngle(Image tiltStack,
                                                int subset,
                                                int size,
                                                float3[] particleOrigins,
                                                float3[] particleOrigins2,
                                                float3[] particleAngles,
                                                float3[] particleAngles2,
                                                int[] particleSubset,
                                                int angleID,
                                                Projector mapProjector,
                                                Projector weightProjector)
            List<int> ParticleIDs = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < particleSubset.Length; i++)
                if (particleSubset[i] == subset)
            int NParticles = ParticleIDs.Count;

            particleOrigins = ParticleIDs.Select(i => particleOrigins[i]).ToArray();
            particleOrigins2 = ParticleIDs.Select(i => particleOrigins2[i]).ToArray();
            particleAngles = ParticleIDs.Select(i => particleAngles[i]).ToArray();
            particleAngles2 = ParticleIDs.Select(i => particleAngles2[i]).ToArray();

            Image CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(size, size);

            float DoseID = IndicesSortedDose[angleID] / (float)(NTilts - 1);

            for (int b = 0; b < NParticles; b += 1024)
                int NBatch = Math.Min(1024, NParticles - b);

                float3[] ParticleOriginsInterp = new float3[NBatch];
                float3[] ParticleAnglesInterp = new float3[NBatch];
                for (int n = 0; n < NBatch; n++)
                    float3 OriginDiff = particleOrigins2[b + n] - particleOrigins[b + n];
                    float3 AngleDiff = particleAngles2[b + n] - particleAngles[b + n];
                    ParticleOriginsInterp[n] = particleOrigins[b + n] + OriginDiff * DoseID;
                    ParticleAnglesInterp[n] = particleAngles[b + n] + AngleDiff * DoseID;

                Image ParticleImages = GetImagesOneAngle(tiltStack, size, ParticleOriginsInterp, angleID, true);
                Image ParticleCTFs = GetCTFsOneAngle(tiltStack, CTFCoords, ParticleOriginsInterp, angleID, false);




                // Now reconstruct the weights which will be needed during optimization later
                ParticleCTFs = GetCTFsOneAngle(tiltStack, CTFCoords, ParticleOriginsInterp, angleID, false);

                // CTF has to be converted to complex numbers with imag = 0
                float2[] CTFsComplexData = new float2[ParticleCTFs.ElementsComplex];
                float[] CTFWeightsData = new float[ParticleCTFs.ElementsComplex];
                float[] CTFsContinuousData = ParticleCTFs.GetHostContinuousCopy();
                for (int i = 0; i < CTFsComplexData.Length; i++)
                    CTFsComplexData[i] = new float2(Math.Abs(CTFsContinuousData[i] * CTFsContinuousData[i]), 0);
                    CTFWeightsData[i] = Math.Abs(CTFsContinuousData[i]);

                Image CTFsComplex = new Image(CTFsComplexData, ParticleCTFs.Dims, true);
                Image CTFWeights = new Image(CTFWeightsData, ParticleCTFs.Dims, true);



Esempio n. 14
        public static void FitCTF(float2[] data, Func<float[], float[]> approximation, float[] zeros, float[] peaks, out Cubic1D background, out Cubic1D scale)
            float MinX = MathHelper.Min(data.Select(p => p.X)), MaxX = MathHelper.Max(data.Select(p => p.X)), ScaleX = 1f / (MaxX - MinX);
            float MinY = MathHelper.Min(data.Select(p => p.Y)), MaxY = MathHelper.Max(data.Select(p => p.Y)), ScaleY = 1f / (MaxY - MinY);
            if (float.IsNaN(ScaleY))
                ScaleY = 1f;

            peaks = peaks.Where(v => v >= MinX && v <= MaxX).Where((v, i) => i % 1 == 0).ToArray();
            zeros = zeros.Where(v => v >= MinX && v <= MaxX).Where((v, i) => i % 1 == 0).ToArray();

            float2[] ScaledData = data.Select(p => new float2((p.X - MinX) * ScaleX, (p.Y - MinY) * ScaleY)).ToArray();
            float StdY = MathHelper.StdDev(data.Select(p => p.Y).ToArray());

            double[] Start = new double[zeros.Length + peaks.Length];
            double[] NodeX = new double[zeros.Length + peaks.Length];
            Cubic1D DataSpline = new Cubic1D(data);
            for (int i = 0; i < zeros.Length; i++)
                NodeX[i] = (zeros[i] - MinX) * ScaleX;
                Start[i] = DataSpline.Interp(zeros[i]) - MinY;
                Cubic1D PreliminaryBackground = new Cubic1D(Helper.Zip(NodeX.Take(zeros.Length).Select(v => (float)v).ToArray(),
                                                                       Start.Take(zeros.Length).Select(v => (float)v).ToArray()));
                float[] PreliminaryInterpolated = PreliminaryBackground.Interp(data.Select(v => (v.X - MinX) * ScaleX).ToArray());
                float2[] BackgroundSubtracted = data.Select((v, i) => new float2(v.X, v.Y - MinY - PreliminaryInterpolated[i])).ToArray();
                Cubic1D BackgroundSpline = new Cubic1D(BackgroundSubtracted);

                for (int i = 0; i < peaks.Length; i++)
                    NodeX[i + zeros.Length] = (peaks[i] - MinX) * ScaleX;
                    float PeakValue = BackgroundSpline.Interp(peaks[i]);
                    Start[i + zeros.Length] = Math.Max(0.0001f, PeakValue);

            float[] DataX = ScaledData.Select(p => p.X).ToArray();
            float[] OriginalDataX = data.Select(p => p.X).ToArray();
            float[] SimulatedCTF = approximation(OriginalDataX);

            float2[] NodesBackground = new float2[zeros.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < NodesBackground.Length; i++)
                NodesBackground[i] = new float2((float)NodeX[i], 0f);
            float2[] NodesScale = new float2[peaks.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < NodesScale.Length; i++)
                NodesScale[i] = new float2((float)NodeX[i + zeros.Length], 0f);

            Func<double[], double> Eval = input =>
                float2[] NodesBackgroundCopy = new float2[NodesBackground.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < zeros.Length; i++)
                    NodesBackgroundCopy[i] = new float2(NodesBackground[i].X, (float)input[i]);

                float2[] NodesScaleCopy = new float2[NodesScale.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < peaks.Length; i++)
                    NodesScaleCopy[i] = new float2(NodesScale[i].X, (float)input[i + zeros.Length]);

                float[] InterpolatedBackground = new Cubic1D(NodesBackgroundCopy).Interp(DataX);
                float[] InterpolatedScale = new Cubic1D(NodesScaleCopy).Interp(DataX);

                double Sum = 0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < ScaledData.Length; i++)
                    double Diff = ScaledData[i].Y - (InterpolatedBackground[i] + SimulatedCTF[i] * (double)InterpolatedScale[i]) * ScaleY;
                    Sum += Diff * Diff;
                    if (InterpolatedScale[i] < 0.0005f)
                        Sum += (0.0005 - InterpolatedScale[i]) * 10;

                //return Math.Sqrt(Sum / data.Length) * 10;
                return 0;

            Func<double[], double[]> Gradient = input =>
                double[] Result = new double[input.Length];

                //Parallel.For(0, input.Length, i =>
                for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                    double[] UpperInput = new double[input.Length];
                    input.CopyTo(UpperInput, 0);
                    UpperInput[i] += 0.0001;
                    double UpperValue = Eval(UpperInput);

                    double[] LowerInput = new double[input.Length];
                    input.CopyTo(LowerInput, 0);
                    LowerInput[i] -= 0.0001;
                    double LowerValue = Eval(LowerInput);

                    Result[i] = (UpperValue - LowerValue) / 0.0002;

                return Result;

            BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno Optimizer = new BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno(Start.Length, Eval, Gradient);

                for (int i = 0; i < zeros.Length; i++)
                    NodesBackground[i] = new float2((float) NodeX[i] / ScaleX + MinX, (float) Optimizer.Solution[i] + MinY);
                for (int i = 0; i < peaks.Length; i++)
                    NodesScale[i] = new float2((float)NodeX[i + zeros.Length] / ScaleX + MinX, Math.Max(0.001f, (float)Optimizer.Solution[i + zeros.Length]));

                background = new Cubic1D(NodesBackground);
                scale = new Cubic1D(NodesScale);
Esempio n. 15
        public Tuple<Image, Image> MakeReconstructionOneTomogram(Image tiltStack, int subset, int size, float3[] particleOrigins, float3[] particleOrigins2, float3[] particleAngles, float3[] particleAngles2, int[] particleSubset)
            Projector MapProjector = new Projector(new int3(size, size, size), 2);
            Projector WeightProjector = new Projector(new int3(size, size, size), 2);

            List<int> ParticleIDs = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < particleSubset.Length; i++)
                if (particleSubset[i] == subset)
            int NParticles = ParticleIDs.Count;

            particleOrigins = ParticleIDs.Select(i => particleOrigins[i]).ToArray();
            particleOrigins2 = ParticleIDs.Select(i => particleOrigins2[i]).ToArray();
            particleAngles = ParticleIDs.Select(i => particleAngles[i]).ToArray();
            particleAngles2 = ParticleIDs.Select(i => particleAngles2[i]).ToArray();

            Image CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(size, size);

            for (int angleID = 0; angleID < NTilts; angleID++)
                float DoseID = IndicesSortedDose[angleID] / (float)(NTilts - 1);

                for (int b = 0; b < NParticles; b += 1024)
                    int NBatch = Math.Min(1024, NParticles - b);

                    float3[] ParticleOriginsInterp = new float3[NBatch];
                    float3[] ParticleAnglesInterp = new float3[NBatch];
                    for (int n = 0; n < NBatch; n++)
                        float3 OriginDiff = particleOrigins2[b + n] - particleOrigins[b + n];
                        float3 AngleDiff = particleAngles2[b + n] - particleAngles[b + n];
                        ParticleOriginsInterp[n] = particleOrigins[b + n] + OriginDiff * DoseID;
                        ParticleAnglesInterp[n] = particleAngles[b + n] + AngleDiff * DoseID;

                    Image ParticleImages = GetImagesOneAngle(tiltStack, size, ParticleOriginsInterp, angleID, true);
                    Image ParticleCTFs = GetCTFsOneAngle(tiltStack, CTFCoords, ParticleOriginsInterp, angleID, true);




                    // Now reconstruct the weights which will be needed during optimization later
                    ParticleCTFs = GetCTFsOneAngle(tiltStack, CTFCoords, ParticleOriginsInterp, angleID, true);

                    // CTF has to be converted to complex numbers with imag = 0
                    float2[] CTFsComplexData = new float2[ParticleCTFs.ElementsComplex];
                    float[] CTFWeightsData = new float[ParticleCTFs.ElementsComplex];
                    float[] CTFsContinuousData = ParticleCTFs.GetHostContinuousCopy();
                    for (int i = 0; i < CTFsComplexData.Length; i++)
                        CTFsComplexData[i] = new float2(Math.Abs(CTFsContinuousData[i] * CTFsContinuousData[i]), 0);
                        CTFWeightsData[i] = Math.Abs(CTFsContinuousData[i]);

                    Image CTFsComplex = new Image(CTFsComplexData, ParticleCTFs.Dims, true);
                    Image CTFWeights = new Image(CTFWeightsData, ParticleCTFs.Dims, true);




            Image Reconstruction = MapProjector.Reconstruct(false);

            foreach (var slice in WeightProjector.Weights.GetHost(Intent.ReadWrite))
                for (int i = 0; i < slice.Length; i++)
                    slice[i] = Math.Min(slice[i], 1);

            Image ReconstructionWeights = WeightProjector.Reconstruct(true);

            return new Tuple<Image, Image>(Reconstruction, ReconstructionWeights);
Esempio n. 16
 public int2(float2 v)
     X = (int)v.X;
     Y = (int)v.Y;
Esempio n. 17
 public static void UnNaN(float2[] data)
     for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
         if (float.IsNaN(data[i].X))
             data[i].X = 0;
         if (float.IsNaN(data[i].Y))
             data[i].Y = 0;
Esempio n. 18
        public Cubic1D3(float2[] data)
            Data = data;
            Breaks = new[] { data[0].X, data[1].X, data[2].X };

            Coefficients = new float4[2];

            float[] h = { data[1].X - data[0].X, data[2].X - data[1].X };
            float[] del = { (data[1].Y - data[0].Y) / h[0], (data[2].Y - data[1].Y) / h[1] };
            float[] slopes = GetPCHIPSlopes(data, del);

            float[] dzzdx = new float[2];
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                dzzdx[i] = (del[i] - slopes[i]) / h[i];

            float[] dzdxdx = new float[2];
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                dzdxdx[i] = (slopes[i + 1] - del[i]) / h[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                Coefficients[i] = new float4((dzdxdx[i] - dzzdx[i]) / h[i],
                                             2f * dzzdx[i] - dzdxdx[i],
Esempio n. 19
        public static Cubic1DShort GetInterpolator(float2[] data)
            if (data.Length == 4)
                return new Cubic1D4(data);
            if (data.Length == 3)
                return new Cubic1D3(data);

            return new Cubic1D2(data);
Esempio n. 20
        private static float[] GetPCHIPSlopes(float2[] data, float[] del)
            float[] d = new float[4];
            float[] h = { data[1].X - data[0].X, data[2].X - data[1].X, data[3].X - data[2].X };
            for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                if (del[k] * del[k + 1] <= 0f)

                float hs = h[k] + h[k + 1];
                float w1 = (h[k] + hs) / (3f * hs);
                float w2 = (hs + h[k + 1]) / (3f * hs);
                float dmax = Math.Max(Math.Abs(del[k]), Math.Abs(del[k + 1]));
                float dmin = Math.Min(Math.Abs(del[k]), Math.Abs(del[k + 1]));
                d[k + 1] = dmin / (w1 * (del[k] / dmax) + w2 * (del[k + 1] / dmax));

            d[0] = ((2f * h[0] + h[1]) * del[0] - h[0] * del[1]) / (h[0] + h[1]);
            if (Math.Sign(d[0]) != Math.Sign(del[0]))
                d[0] = 0;
            else if (Math.Sign(del[0]) != Math.Sign(del[1]) && Math.Abs(d[0]) > Math.Abs(3f * del[0]))
                d[0] = 3f * del[0];

            int n = 4 - 1;
            d[n] = ((2 * h[n - 1] + h[n - 2]) * del[n - 1] - h[n - 1] * del[n - 2]) / (h[n - 1] + h[n - 2]);
            if (Math.Sign(d[n]) != Math.Sign(del[n - 1]))
                d[n] = 0;
            else if (Math.Sign(del[n - 1]) != Math.Sign(del[n - 2]) && Math.Abs(d[n]) > Math.Abs(3f * del[n - 1]))
                d[n] = 3f * del[n - 1];

            return d;
Esempio n. 21
        public void PerformGlobalParticleAlignment(Star tableIn,
                                                   Image tiltStack,
                                                   int size,
                                                   int3 volumeDimensions,
                                                   Dictionary<int, Projector> references,
                                                   float resolution,
                                                   int healpixOrder,
                                                   string symmetry,
                                                   float offsetRange,
                                                   float offsetStep,
                                                   Dictionary<int, Projector> outReconstructions,
                                                   Dictionary<int, Projector> outCTFReconstructions)
            VolumeDimensions = volumeDimensions;

            #region Get rows from table

            List<int> RowIndices = new List<int>();
            string[] ColumnMicrographName = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnMicrographName");
            for (int i = 0; i < ColumnMicrographName.Length; i++)
                if (ColumnMicrographName[i].Contains(RootName + "."))

            if (RowIndices.Count == 0)

            int NParticles = RowIndices.Count;


            #region Make sure all columns and directories are there

            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnImageName"))
            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnCtfImage"))
            if (!tableIn.HasColumn("rlnParticleSelectZScore"))

            if (!Directory.Exists(ParticlesDir))
            if (!Directory.Exists(ParticleCTFDir))


            #region Get subtomo positions from table

            float3[] ParticleOrigins = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleOrigins2 = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleAngles = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] ParticleAngles2 = new float3[NParticles];
            int[] ParticleSubset = new int[NParticles];
                string[] ColumnPosX = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateX");
                string[] ColumnPosY = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateY");
                string[] ColumnPosZ = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnCoordinateZ");
                string[] ColumnOriginX = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginX");
                string[] ColumnOriginY = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginY");
                string[] ColumnOriginZ = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnOriginZ");
                string[] ColumnAngleRot = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleRot");
                string[] ColumnAngleTilt = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAngleTilt");
                string[] ColumnAnglePsi = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnAnglePsi");
                string[] ColumnSubset = tableIn.GetColumn("rlnRandomSubset");

                for (int i = 0; i < NParticles; i++)
                    float3 Pos = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnPosX[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                            float.Parse(ColumnPosY[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                            float.Parse(ColumnPosZ[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    float3 Pos2 = Pos;

                    float3 Shift = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnOriginX[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnOriginY[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnOriginZ[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    ParticleOrigins[i] = Pos - Shift;
                    ParticleOrigins2[i] = Pos2 - Shift;

                    float3 Angle = new float3(float.Parse(ColumnAngleRot[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnAngleTilt[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                              float.Parse(ColumnAnglePsi[RowIndices[i]], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    float3 Angle2 = Angle;

                    ParticleAngles[i] = Angle;
                    ParticleAngles2[i] = Angle2;

                    ParticleSubset[i] = int.Parse(ColumnSubset[RowIndices[i]]);

                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateX", ParticleOrigins[i].X.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateY", ParticleOrigins[i].Y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnCoordinateZ", ParticleOrigins[i].Z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginX", "0.0");
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginY", "0.0");
                    tableIn.SetRowValue(RowIndices[i], "rlnOriginZ", "0.0");


            #region Deal with subsets

            List<int> SubsetIDs = new List<int>();
            foreach (var i in ParticleSubset)
                if (!SubsetIDs.Contains(i))

            // For each subset, create a list of its particle IDs
            Dictionary<int, List<int>> SubsetParticleIDs = SubsetIDs.ToDictionary(subsetID => subsetID, subsetID => new List<int>());
            for (int i = 0; i < ParticleSubset.Length; i++)
            foreach (var list in SubsetParticleIDs.Values)

            // Note where each subset starts and ends in a unified, sorted (by subset) particle ID list
            Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>> SubsetRanges = new Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, int>>();
                int Start = 0;
                foreach (var pair in SubsetParticleIDs)
                    SubsetRanges.Add(pair.Key, new Tuple<int, int>(Start, Start + pair.Value.Count));
                    Start += pair.Value.Count;

            List<int> SubsetContinuousIDs = new List<int>();
            foreach (var pair in SubsetParticleIDs)

            // Reorder particle information to match the order of SubsetContinuousIDs
            ParticleOrigins = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleOrigins[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleOrigins2 = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleOrigins2[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleAngles = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleAngles[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleAngles2 = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleAngles2[i]).ToArray();
            ParticleSubset = SubsetContinuousIDs.Select(i => ParticleSubset[i]).ToArray();


            int CoarseSize = (int)Math.Round(size * ((float)CTF.PixelSize * 2 / resolution)) / 2 * 2;
            int3 CoarseDims = new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, 1);

            // Positions the particles were extracted at/shifted to, to calculate effectively needed shifts later
            float2[] ExtractedAt = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];

            // Extract images, mask and resize them, create CTFs
            Image ParticleImages = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NParticles * NTilts), true, true);
            Image ParticleCTFs = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NParticles * NTilts), true);
            Image ParticleWeights = null;
            Image ShiftFactors = null;

            #region Preflight

            float KeepBFac = GlobalBfactor;
            GlobalBfactor = 0;
                Image CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(CoarseSize, size);

                #region Precalculate vectors for shifts in Fourier space

                    float2[] ShiftFactorsData = new float2[(CoarseSize / 2 + 1) * CoarseSize];
                    for (int y = 0; y < CoarseSize; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < CoarseSize / 2 + 1; x++)
                            int xx = x;
                            int yy = y < CoarseSize / 2 + 1 ? y : y - CoarseSize;

                            ShiftFactorsData[y * (CoarseSize / 2 + 1) + x] = new float2((float)-xx / size * 2f * (float)Math.PI,
                                                                                        (float)-yy / size * 2f * (float)Math.PI);

                    ShiftFactors = new Image(ShiftFactorsData, new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, 1), true);


                #region Create mask with soft edge

                Image Mask;
                Image MaskSubt;
                    Image MaskBig = new Image(new int3(size, size, 1));
                    float MaskRadius = MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / (float)CTF.PixelSize;
                    float SoftEdge = 16f;

                    float[] MaskBigData = MaskBig.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                        int yy = y - size / 2;
                        yy *= yy;
                        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                            int xx = x - size / 2;
                            xx *= xx;
                            float R = (float)Math.Sqrt(xx + yy);

                            if (R <= MaskRadius)
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 1;
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = (float)(Math.Cos(Math.Min(1, (R - MaskRadius) / SoftEdge) * Math.PI) * 0.5 + 0.5);

                    Mask = MaskBig.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));

                    MaskBigData = MaskBig.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                        int yy = y - size / 2;
                        yy *= yy;
                        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                            int xx = x - size / 2;
                            xx *= xx;
                            float R = (float)Math.Sqrt(xx + yy);

                            if (R <= 30)
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 1;
                                MaskBigData[y * size + x] = 0;

                    MaskSubt = MaskBig.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));



                #region Create Fourier space mask

                Image FourierMask = new Image(CoarseDims, true);
                    float[] FourierMaskData = FourierMask.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];
                    int MaxR2 = CoarseSize * CoarseSize / 4;
                    for (int y = 0; y < CoarseSize; y++)
                        int yy = y < CoarseSize / 2 + 1 ? y : y - CoarseSize;
                        yy *= yy;

                        for (int x = 0; x < CoarseSize / 2 + 1; x++)
                            int xx = x * x;
                            int R2 = yy + xx;

                            FourierMaskData[y * (CoarseSize / 2 + 1) + x] = R2 < MaxR2 ? 1 : 0;


                #region For each particle, create CTFs and extract & preprocess images for entire tilt series

                for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                    float3 ParticleCoords = ParticleOrigins[p];
                    float3[] Positions = GetPositionInImages(ParticleCoords);
                    float3[] ProjAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(ParticleCoords, ParticleAngles[p]);

                    Image Extracted = new Image(new int3(size, size, NTilts));
                    float[][] ExtractedData = Extracted.GetHost(Intent.Write);
                    float3[] Residuals = new float3[NTilts];

                    Image SubtrahendsCTF = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, NTilts), true);

                    // Create CTFs
                        CTFStruct[] CTFParams = new CTFStruct[NTilts];

                        float GridStep = 1f / (NTilts - 1);
                        CTFStruct[] Params = new CTFStruct[NTilts];
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            decimal Defocus = (decimal)Positions[t].Z;
                            decimal DefocusDelta = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusDelta.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));
                            decimal DefocusAngle = (decimal)GridCTFDefocusAngle.GetInterpolated(new float3(0.5f, 0.5f, t * GridStep));

                            CTF CurrCTF = CTF.GetCopy();
                            CurrCTF.Defocus = Defocus;
                            CurrCTF.DefocusDelta = DefocusDelta;
                            CurrCTF.DefocusAngle = DefocusAngle;
                            CurrCTF.Scale = (decimal)Math.Cos(Angles[t] * Helper.ToRad);
                            CurrCTF.Bfactor = (decimal)-Dose[t] * 8;

                            Params[t] = CurrCTF.ToStruct();

                        GPU.CreateCTF(ParticleCTFs.GetDeviceSlice(NTilts * p, Intent.Write),

                    // Extract images
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            ExtractedAt[p * NTilts + t] = new float2(Positions[t].X, Positions[t].Y);

                            Positions[t] -= size / 2;
                            int2 IntPosition = new int2((int)Positions[t].X, (int)Positions[t].Y);
                            float2 Residual = new float2(-(Positions[t].X - IntPosition.X), -(Positions[t].Y - IntPosition.Y));
                            Residuals[t] = new float3(Residual / size * CoarseSize);

                            float[] OriginalData;
                            lock (tiltStack)
                                OriginalData = tiltStack.GetHost(Intent.Read)[t];

                            float[] ImageData = ExtractedData[t];
                            for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                                int PosY = (y + IntPosition.Y + tiltStack.Dims.Y) % tiltStack.Dims.Y;
                                for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                                    int PosX = (x + IntPosition.X + tiltStack.Dims.X) % tiltStack.Dims.X;
                                    ImageData[y * size + x] = OriginalData[PosY * tiltStack.Dims.X + PosX];

                                          new int3(size, size, 1),
                                          (uint)(MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / CTF.PixelSize),

                        Image Scaled = Extracted.AsScaled(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize));


                        //              Scaled.GetDevice(Intent.Write),
                        //              MaskSubt.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                        //              (uint)Scaled.ElementsSliceReal,
                        //              (uint)NTilts);

                        //    //Image SubtrahendsFT = subtrahendReference.Project(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize), ProjAngles, CoarseSize / 2);
                        //    //SubtrahendsFT.Multiply(SubtrahendsCTF);

                        //    //Image Subtrahends = SubtrahendsFT.AsIFFT();
                        //    //SubtrahendsFT.Dispose();

                        //    ////GPU.NormalizeMasked(Subtrahends.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                        //    ////                    Subtrahends.GetDevice(Intent.Write),
                        //    ////                    MaskSubt.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                        //    ////                    (uint)Subtrahends.ElementsSliceReal,
                        //    ////                    (uint)NTilts);

                        //    //Scaled.Subtract(Subtrahends);
                        //    //Subtrahends.Dispose();

                        //    Image FocusMaskFT = maskReference.Project(new int2(CoarseSize, CoarseSize), ProjAngles, CoarseSize / 2);
                        //    Image FocusMask = FocusMaskFT.AsIFFT();
                        //    FocusMaskFT.Dispose();

                        //    Scaled.Multiply(FocusMask);
                        //    FocusMask.Dispose();


                                ParticleImages.GetDeviceSlice(p * NTilts, Intent.Write),





                Image ParticleCTFsAbs = new Image(ParticleCTFs.GetDevice(Intent.Read), ParticleCTFs.Dims, true);
                ParticleWeights = ParticleCTFsAbs.AsSum2D();
                    float[] ParticleWeightsData = ParticleWeights.GetHost(Intent.ReadWrite)[0];
                    float Max = MathHelper.Max(ParticleWeightsData);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ParticleWeightsData.Length; i++)
                        ParticleWeightsData[i] /= Max;


                //Image CheckImages = ParticleImages.AsIFFT();

            GlobalBfactor = KeepBFac;


            #region Global alignment

            Func<float3[], float2[]> GetImageShifts = input =>
                    // Using current positions, angles and grids, get parameters for image shifts
                    float2[] ImageShifts = new float2[NParticles * NTilts];
                    float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NParticles * NTilts];
                    for (int p = 0; p < NParticles; p++)
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            PerTiltPositions[p * NTilts + t] = input[p];

                    float3[] CurrPositions = GetPositionInImages(PerTiltPositions);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ImageShifts.Length; i++)
                        ImageShifts[i] = new float2(ExtractedAt[i].X - CurrPositions[i].X,
                                                    ExtractedAt[i].Y - CurrPositions[i].Y); // -diff because those are extraction positions, i. e. opposite direction of shifts

                    return ImageShifts;

            Func<float3[], float3[]> GetImageAngles = input =>
                    int NAngles = input.Length;
                    float3 VolumeCenter = new float3(VolumeDimensions.X / 2, VolumeDimensions.Y / 2, VolumeDimensions.Z / 2);
                    float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NAngles * NTilts];
                    float3[] PerTiltAngles = new float3[NAngles * NTilts];
                    for (int a = 0; a < NAngles; a++)
                        for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                            PerTiltPositions[a * NTilts + t] = VolumeCenter;
                            PerTiltAngles[a * NTilts + t] = input[a];

                    float3[] ImageAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(PerTiltPositions, PerTiltAngles);

                    return ImageAngles;

            float3[] RelativeOffsets;
                List<float3> RelativeOffsetList = new List<float3>();
                int NSteps = (int)Math.Ceiling(offsetRange / offsetStep);
                for (int z = -NSteps; z <= NSteps; z++)
                    for (int y = -NSteps; y <= NSteps; y++)
                        for (int x = -NSteps; x <= NSteps; x++)
                            float R = (float)Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) * offsetStep;
                            if (R > offsetRange + 1e-6f)

                            RelativeOffsetList.Add(new float3(x * offsetStep, y * offsetStep, z * offsetStep));

                RelativeOffsets = RelativeOffsetList.ToArray();

            float3[] HealpixAngles = Helper.GetHealpixAngles(healpixOrder, symmetry).Select(a => a * Helper.ToRad).ToArray();
            float3[] ProjectionAngles = GetImageAngles(HealpixAngles);

            float3[] OptimizedOrigins = new float3[NParticles];
            float3[] OptimizedAngles = new float3[NParticles];
            float[] BestScores = new float[NParticles].Select(v => -float.MaxValue).ToArray();

            int BatchAngles = 128;
            Image Projections = new Image(new int3(CoarseSize, CoarseSize, BatchAngles * NTilts), true, true);

            foreach (var subset in SubsetRanges)
                int NSubset = subset.Value.Item2 - subset.Value.Item1;

                float[] ImageOffsets = new float[NSubset * NTilts * RelativeOffsets.Length * 2];
                for (int o = 0; o < RelativeOffsets.Length; o++)
                    float3[] OffsetOrigins = new float3[NSubset];
                    for (int p = 0; p < NSubset; p++)
                        OffsetOrigins[p] = ParticleOrigins[subset.Value.Item1 + p] + RelativeOffsets[o];

                    float[] TheseOffsets = Helper.ToInterleaved(GetImageShifts(OffsetOrigins));
                    Array.Copy(TheseOffsets, 0, ImageOffsets, TheseOffsets.Length * o, TheseOffsets.Length);

                int[] ShiftIDs = new int[NSubset];
                int[] AngleIDs = new int[NSubset];
                float[] SubsetScores = new float[NSubset];

                GPU.TomoGlobalAlign(ParticleImages.GetDeviceSlice(subset.Value.Item1 * NTilts, Intent.Read),
                                    ParticleCTFs.GetDeviceSlice(subset.Value.Item1 * NTilts, Intent.Read),
                                    ParticleWeights.GetDeviceSlice(subset.Value.Item1 * NTilts, Intent.Read),
                                    new int2(CoarseDims),

                for (int i = 0; i < NSubset; i++)
                    OptimizedOrigins[subset.Value.Item1 + i] = ParticleOrigins[subset.Value.Item1 + i] + RelativeOffsets[ShiftIDs[i]];
                    OptimizedAngles[subset.Value.Item1 + i] = HealpixAngles[AngleIDs[i]];
                    BestScores[subset.Value.Item1 + i] = SubsetScores[i];




            #region Extract particles at full resolution and back-project them into the reconstruction volumes


                Image CTFCoords = GetCTFCoords(size, size);
                int[] SortedDosePrecalc = IndicesSortedDose;

                foreach (var subsetRange in SubsetRanges)
                    lock (outReconstructions[subsetRange.Key])
                        for (int p = subsetRange.Value.Item1; p < subsetRange.Value.Item2; p++)
                            float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NTilts];
                            float3[] PerTiltAngles = new float3[NTilts];
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                PerTiltPositions[t] = OptimizedOrigins[p];
                                PerTiltAngles[t] = OptimizedAngles[p];

                            Image FullParticleImages = GetSubtomoImages(tiltStack, size, PerTiltPositions, true);
                            Image FullParticleCTFs = GetSubtomoCTFs(PerTiltPositions, CTFCoords);


                            float3[] FullParticleAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(PerTiltPositions, PerTiltAngles);

                            outReconstructions[subsetRange.Key].BackProject(FullParticleImages, FullParticleCTFs, FullParticleAngles);


                        for (int p = subsetRange.Value.Item1; p < subsetRange.Value.Item2; p++)
                            float3[] PerTiltPositions = new float3[NTilts];
                            float3[] PerTiltAngles = new float3[NTilts];
                            for (int t = 0; t < NTilts; t++)
                                PerTiltPositions[t] = OptimizedOrigins[p];
                                PerTiltAngles[t] = OptimizedAngles[p];

                            float3[] FullParticleAngles = GetParticleAngleInImages(PerTiltPositions, PerTiltAngles);

                            Image FullParticleCTFs = GetSubtomoCTFs(PerTiltPositions, CTFCoords, false);
                            Image FullParticleCTFWeights = GetSubtomoCTFs(PerTiltPositions, CTFCoords, true);

                            // CTF has to be converted to complex numbers with imag = 0
                            float2[] CTFsComplexData = new float2[FullParticleCTFs.ElementsComplex];
                            float[] CTFWeightsData = new float[FullParticleCTFs.ElementsComplex];
                            float[] CTFsContinuousData = FullParticleCTFs.GetHostContinuousCopy();
                            float[] CTFWeightsContinuousData = FullParticleCTFWeights.GetHostContinuousCopy();
                            for (int i = 0; i < CTFsComplexData.Length; i++)
                                CTFsComplexData[i] = new float2(Math.Abs(CTFsContinuousData[i] * CTFWeightsContinuousData[i]), 0);
                                CTFWeightsData[i] = Math.Abs(CTFWeightsContinuousData[i]);

                            Image CTFsComplex = new Image(CTFsComplexData, FullParticleCTFs.Dims, true);
                            Image CTFWeights = new Image(CTFWeightsData, FullParticleCTFs.Dims, true);

                            outCTFReconstructions[subsetRange.Key].BackProject(CTFsComplex, CTFWeights, FullParticleAngles);





Esempio n. 22
        private static float[] GetPCHIPSlopes(float2[] data, float[] del)
            if (data.Length == 2)
                return new[] { del[0], del[0] };   // Do only linear

            float[] d = new float[data.Length];
            float[] h = MathHelper.Diff(data.Select(i => i.X).ToArray());
            for (int k = 0; k < del.Length - 1; k++)
                if (del[k] * del[k + 1] <= 0f)

                float hs = h[k] + h[k + 1];
                float w1 = (h[k] + hs) / (3f * hs);
                float w2 = (hs + h[k + 1]) / (3f * hs);
                float dmax = Math.Max(Math.Abs(del[k]), Math.Abs(del[k + 1]));
                float dmin = Math.Min(Math.Abs(del[k]), Math.Abs(del[k + 1]));
                d[k + 1] = dmin / (w1 * (del[k] / dmax) + w2 * (del[k + 1] / dmax));

            d[0] = ((2f * h[0] + h[1]) * del[0] - h[0] * del[1]) / (h[0] + h[1]);
            if (Math.Sign(d[0]) != Math.Sign(del[0]))
                d[0] = 0;
            else if (Math.Sign(del[0]) != Math.Sign(del[1]) && Math.Abs(d[0]) > Math.Abs(3f * del[0]))
                d[0] = 3f * del[0];

            int n = d.Length - 1;
            d[n] = ((2 * h[n - 1] + h[n - 2]) * del[n - 1] - h[n - 1] * del[n - 2]) / (h[n - 1] + h[n - 2]);
            if (Math.Sign(d[n]) != Math.Sign(del[n - 1]))
                d[n] = 0;
            else if (Math.Sign(del[n - 1]) != Math.Sign(del[n - 2]) && Math.Abs(d[n]) > Math.Abs(3f * del[n - 1]))
                d[n] = 3f * del[n - 1];

            return d;
Esempio n. 23
        public override void ProcessCTF(MapHeader originalHeader, Image originalStack, bool doastigmatism, decimal scaleFactor)
            if (!Directory.Exists(PowerSpectrumDir))

            AreAnglesInverted = false;
            float LastFittedAngle = 9999f;
            float AverageDose = Dose[IndicesSortedDose.Last()] / NTilts;
            List<int> ProcessedIndices = new List<int>();

            CTF[] FitCTF = new CTF[NTilts];
            CubicGrid[] FitGrids = new CubicGrid[NTilts];
            float2[][] FitPS1D = new float2[NTilts][];
            Cubic1D[] FitBackground = new Cubic1D[NTilts];
            Cubic1D[] FitScale = new Cubic1D[NTilts];
            Image[] FitPS2D = new Image[NTilts];

            float[][] StackData = originalStack.GetHost(Intent.Read);

            #region Get astigmatism from lower tilts

            List<float> AstigmatismDeltas = new List<float>();
            List<float> AstigmatismAngles = new List<float>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(NTilts, 6); i++)
                int AngleID = IndicesSortedAbsoluteAngle[i];
                Image UncroppedAngleImage = new Image(StackData[AngleID], originalStack.Dims.Slice());
                Image AngleImage = UncroppedAngleImage.AsPadded(new int2(3500, 3500));

                int BestPrevious = -1;
                if (Math.Abs(LastFittedAngle - Angles[AngleID]) <= 5.1f)
                    BestPrevious = IndicesSortedAbsoluteAngle[i - 1];
                else if (ProcessedIndices.Count > 0)
                    List<int> SortedProcessed = new List<int>(ProcessedIndices);
                    SortedProcessed.Sort((a, b) => Math.Abs(Angles[AngleID] - Angles[a]).CompareTo(Math.Abs(Angles[AngleID] - Angles[b])));
                    if (Math.Abs(Dose[SortedProcessed.First()] - Dose[AngleID]) < AverageDose * 5f)
                        BestPrevious = SortedProcessed.First();

                CTF ThisCTF;
                CubicGrid ThisGrid;
                float2[] ThisPS1D;
                Cubic1D ThisBackground, ThisScale;
                Image ThisPS2D;

                CTF PrevCTF = BestPrevious >= 0 ? FitCTF[BestPrevious] : null;
                CubicGrid PrevGrid = BestPrevious >= 0 ? FitGrids[BestPrevious] : null;
                Cubic1D PrevBackground = BestPrevious >= 0 ? FitBackground[BestPrevious] : null;
                Cubic1D PrevScale = BestPrevious >= 0 ? FitScale[BestPrevious] : null;

                                   BestPrevious < 0,
                                   new float2(0, 0),
                                   out ThisCTF,
                                   out ThisGrid,
                                   out ThisPS1D,
                                   out ThisBackground,
                                   out ThisScale,
                                   out ThisPS2D);

                FitCTF[AngleID] = ThisCTF;
                FitGrids[AngleID] = ThisGrid;
                FitPS1D[AngleID] = ThisPS1D;
                FitBackground[AngleID] = ThisBackground;
                FitScale[AngleID] = ThisScale;
                FitPS2D[AngleID] = ThisPS2D;

                LastFittedAngle = Angles[AngleID];


            LastFittedAngle = 9999;
            int[] GoodIndices = MathHelper.WithinNStdFromMedianIndices(AstigmatismDeltas.ToArray(), 1f);
            float MeanAstigmatismDelta = MathHelper.Mean(GoodIndices.Select(i => AstigmatismDeltas[i]));
            float2 MeanAstigmatismVector = MathHelper.Mean(GoodIndices.Select(i => new float2((float)Math.Cos(AstigmatismAngles[i] * Helper.ToRad),
                                                                                              (float)Math.Sin(AstigmatismAngles[i] * Helper.ToRad))));
            float MeanAstigmatismAngle = (float)Math.Atan2(MeanAstigmatismVector.Y, MeanAstigmatismVector.X) * Helper.ToDeg;


            #region Fit every tilt

            for (int i = 0; i < NTilts; i++)
                int AngleID = IndicesSortedDose[i];
                Image UncroppedAngleImage = new Image(StackData[AngleID], originalStack.Dims.Slice());
                Image AngleImage = UncroppedAngleImage.AsPadded(new int2(3500, 3500));

                int BestPrevious = -1;
                if (Math.Abs(LastFittedAngle - Angles[AngleID]) <= 5.1f)
                    BestPrevious = IndicesSortedDose[i - 1];
                else if (ProcessedIndices.Count > 0)
                    List<int> SortedProcessed = new List<int>(ProcessedIndices);
                    SortedProcessed.Sort((a, b) => Math.Abs(Angles[AngleID] - Angles[a]).CompareTo(Math.Abs(Angles[AngleID] - Angles[b])));
                    if (Math.Abs(Dose[SortedProcessed.First()] - Dose[AngleID]) < AverageDose * 5f)
                        BestPrevious = SortedProcessed.First();

                CTF ThisCTF;
                CubicGrid ThisGrid;
                float2[] ThisPS1D;
                Cubic1D ThisBackground, ThisScale;
                Image ThisPS2D;

                CTF PrevCTF = BestPrevious >= 0 ? FitCTF[BestPrevious] : null;
                CubicGrid PrevGrid = BestPrevious >= 0 ? FitGrids[BestPrevious] : null;
                Cubic1D PrevBackground = BestPrevious >= 0 ? FitBackground[BestPrevious] : null;
                Cubic1D PrevScale = BestPrevious >= 0 ? FitScale[BestPrevious] : null;

                                   BestPrevious < 0,
                                   new float2(MeanAstigmatismDelta, MeanAstigmatismAngle),
                                   out ThisCTF,
                                   out ThisGrid,
                                   out ThisPS1D,
                                   out ThisBackground,
                                   out ThisScale,
                                   out ThisPS2D);

                FitCTF[AngleID] = ThisCTF;
                FitGrids[AngleID] = ThisGrid;
                FitPS1D[AngleID] = ThisPS1D;
                FitBackground[AngleID] = ThisBackground;
                FitScale[AngleID] = ThisScale;
                FitPS2D[AngleID] = ThisPS2D;

                LastFittedAngle = Angles[AngleID];


            CTF = FitCTF[IndicesSortedDose[0]];

            #region Determine if angles are inverted compared to actual defocus

                float[] UnbiasedAngles = FitGrids.Select(g =>
                    float X1 = (g.FlatValues[0] + g.FlatValues[2]) * 0.5f;
                    float X2 = (g.FlatValues[1] + g.FlatValues[3]) * 0.5f;
                    float Delta = (X2 - X1) * 10000;
                    float Distance = (float)MainWindow.Options.BinnedPixelSize * 3000;// originalHeader.Dimensions.X;
                    return (float)Math.Atan2(Delta, Distance) * Helper.ToDeg;

                float Unbiased1 = 0, Unbiased2 = 0, Original1 = 0, Original2 = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < NTilts; i++)
                    int ii = IndicesSortedAngle[i];
                    if (i < NTilts / 2)
                        Unbiased1 += UnbiasedAngles[ii];
                        Original1 += Angles[ii];
                        Unbiased2 += UnbiasedAngles[ii];
                        Original2 += Angles[ii];

                if ((Unbiased1 > Unbiased2) != (Original1 > Original2))
                    AreAnglesInverted = true;


            // Create grids for fitted CTF params
                float[] DefocusValues = new float[NTilts];
                float[] DeltaValues = new float[NTilts];
                float[] AngleValues = new float[NTilts];
                for (int i = 0; i < NTilts; i++)
                    DefocusValues[i] = (float)FitCTF[i].Defocus;
                    DeltaValues[i] = (float)FitCTF[i].DefocusDelta;
                    AngleValues[i] = (float)FitCTF[i].DefocusAngle;

                GridCTF = new CubicGrid(new int3(1, 1, NTilts), DefocusValues);
                GridCTFDefocusDelta = new CubicGrid(new int3(1, 1, NTilts), DeltaValues);
                GridCTFDefocusAngle = new CubicGrid(new int3(1, 1, NTilts), AngleValues);

            // Put all 2D spectra into one stack and write it to disk for display purposes
                Image AllPS2D = new Image(new int3(FitPS2D[0].Dims.X, FitPS2D[0].Dims.Y, NTilts));
                float[][] AllPS2DData = AllPS2D.GetHost(Intent.Write);
                for (int i = 0; i < NTilts; i++)
                    AllPS2DData[i] = FitPS2D[i].GetHost(Intent.Read)[0];


            // Store 1D spectrum data
            for (int i = 0; i < NTilts; i++)
                TiltSimulatedBackground.Add(new Cubic1D(FitBackground[i].Data.Select(v => new float2(v.X, 0)).ToArray()));

            PS1D = FitPS1D[IndicesSortedDose[0]];
            SimulatedBackground = TiltSimulatedBackground[IndicesSortedDose[0]];
            SimulatedScale = FitScale[IndicesSortedDose[0]];


            Simulated1D = GetSimulated1D();
            CTFQuality = GetCTFQuality();

Esempio n. 24
        public static Cubic1D Fit(float2[] data, int numnodes)
            List<float2> Fitted = new List<float2>();

            int Extent = Math.Max(data.Length / (numnodes - 1) / 2, 1);
            for (int n = 0; n < numnodes; n++)
                float Sum = 0;
                int Samples = 0;
                int Middle = Math.Min(data.Length - 1, n * (data.Length / (numnodes - 1)));
                int Start = Math.Max(0, Middle - Extent);
                int Finish = Math.Min(data.Length, Middle + Extent);

                for (int i = Start; i < Finish; i++, Samples++)
                    Sum += data[i].Y;

                Fitted.Add(new float2(data[Middle].X, Sum / Samples));

            return new Cubic1D(Fitted.ToArray());

            /*float MinX = MathHelper.Min(data.Select(p => p.X)), MaxX = MathHelper.Max(data.Select(p => p.X)), ScaleX = 1f / (MaxX - MinX);
            float MinY = MathHelper.Min(data.Select(p => p.Y)), MaxY = MathHelper.Max(data.Select(p => p.Y)), ScaleY = 1f / (MaxY - MinY);
            if (float.IsNaN(ScaleY))
                ScaleY = 1f;

            float2[] ScaledData = data.Select(p => new float2((p.X - MinX) * ScaleX, (p.Y - MinY) * ScaleY)).ToArray();

            double[] Start = new double[numnodes];
            double[] NodeX = new double[numnodes];
            for (int i = 0; i < numnodes; i++)
                NodeX[i] = Math.Pow(i, 0.75) / Math.Pow(numnodes - 1, 0.75) * (MaxX - MinX) * ScaleX;
                Start[i] = ScaledData[(int)(Math.Pow(i, 0.75) / Math.Pow(numnodes - 1, 0.75) * (data.Length - 1))].Y;
                //NodeX[i] = (double)i / (numnodes - 1) * (MaxX - MinX) * ScaleX;
                //Start[i] = ScaledData[(int)((double)i / (numnodes - 1) * (data.Length - 1))].Y;

            float[] DataX = ScaledData.Select(p => p.X).ToArray();

            Func<double[], double> Eval = input =>
                float2[] Nodes = new float2[numnodes];
                for (int i = 0; i < numnodes; i++)
                    Nodes[i] = new float2((float)NodeX[i], (float)input[i]);
                Cubic1D Splines = new Cubic1D(Nodes);
                float[] Interpolated = Splines.Interp(DataX);

                float Sum = 0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < ScaledData.Length; i++)
                    float Diff = ScaledData[i].Y - Interpolated[i];
                    Sum += Diff * Diff;

                return Math.Sqrt(Sum / data.Length) * 1000;

            Func<double[], double[]> Gradient = input =>
                double[] Result = new double[input.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                    double[] UpperInput = new double[input.Length];
                    input.CopyTo(UpperInput, 0);
                    UpperInput[i] += 0.01;
                    double UpperValue = Eval(UpperInput);

                    double[] LowerInput = new double[input.Length];
                    input.CopyTo(LowerInput, 0);
                    LowerInput[i] -= 0.01;
                    double LowerValue = Eval(LowerInput);

                    Result[i] = (UpperValue - LowerValue) / 0.02;

                return Result;

            BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno Optimizer = new BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno(Start.Length, Eval, Gradient);

                float2[] Nodes = new float2[numnodes];
                for (int i = 0; i < numnodes; i++)
                    Nodes[i] = new float2((float)NodeX[i] / ScaleX + MinX, (float)Optimizer.Solution[i] / ScaleY + MinY);

                return new Cubic1D(Nodes);
Esempio n. 25
        public void ProcessCTFOneAngle(Image angleImage,
                                       float angle,
                                       bool fromScratch,
                                       bool fixAstigmatism,
                                       float2 astigmatism,
                                       CTF previousCTF,
                                       CubicGrid previousGrid,
                                       Cubic1D previousBackground,
                                       Cubic1D previousScale,
                                       out CTF thisCTF,
                                       out CubicGrid thisGrid,
                                       out float2[] thisPS1D,
                                       out Cubic1D thisBackground,
                                       out Cubic1D thisScale,
                                       out Image thisPS2D)
            CTF TempCTF = previousCTF != null ? previousCTF.GetCopy() : new CTF();
            float2[] TempPS1D = null;
            Cubic1D TempBackground = null, TempScale = null;
            CubicGrid TempGrid = null;

            #region Dimensions and grids

            int NFrames = angleImage.Dims.Z;
            int2 DimsImage = angleImage.DimsSlice;
            int2 DimsRegion = new int2(MainWindow.Options.CTFWindow, MainWindow.Options.CTFWindow);

            float OverlapFraction = 0.5f;
            int2 DimsPositionGrid;
            int3[] PositionGrid = Helper.GetEqualGridSpacing(DimsImage, new int2(DimsRegion.X, DimsRegion.Y), OverlapFraction, out DimsPositionGrid);
            int NPositions = (int)DimsPositionGrid.Elements();

            if (previousGrid == null)
                TempGrid = new CubicGrid(new int3(2, 2, 1));
                TempGrid = new CubicGrid(new int3(2, 2, 1), previousGrid.FlatValues);

            bool CTFSpace = true;
            bool CTFTime = false;
            int3 CTFSpectraGrid = new int3(DimsPositionGrid.X, DimsPositionGrid.Y, 1);

            int MinFreqInclusive = (int)(MainWindow.Options.CTFRangeMin * DimsRegion.X / 2);
            int MaxFreqExclusive = (int)(MainWindow.Options.CTFRangeMax * DimsRegion.X / 2);
            int NFreq = MaxFreqExclusive - MinFreqInclusive;


            #region Allocate GPU memory

            Image CTFSpectra = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(DimsRegion.X, DimsRegion.X, (int)CTFSpectraGrid.Elements()), true);
            Image CTFMean = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(DimsRegion), true);
            Image CTFCoordsCart = new Image(new int3(DimsRegion), true, true);
            Image CTFCoordsPolarTrimmed = new Image(new int3(NFreq, DimsRegion.X, 1), false, true);


            // Extract movie regions, create individual spectra in Cartesian coordinates and their mean.

            #region Create spectra

            angleImage.FreeDevice(); // Won't need it in this method anymore.


            // Populate address arrays for later.

            #region Init addresses

                float2[] CoordsData = new float2[CTFCoordsCart.ElementsSliceComplex];

                Helper.ForEachElementFT(DimsRegion, (x, y, xx, yy, r, a) => CoordsData[y * (DimsRegion.X / 2 + 1) + x] = new float2(r, a));
                CTFCoordsCart.UpdateHostWithComplex(new[] { CoordsData });

                CoordsData = new float2[NFreq * DimsRegion.X];
                Helper.ForEachElement(CTFCoordsPolarTrimmed.DimsSlice, (x, y) =>
                    float Angle = ((float)y / DimsRegion.X + 0.5f) * (float)Math.PI;
                    float Ny = 1f / DimsRegion.X;
                    CoordsData[y * NFreq + x] = new float2((x + MinFreqInclusive) * Ny, Angle);
                CTFCoordsPolarTrimmed.UpdateHostWithComplex(new[] { CoordsData });


            // Retrieve average 1D spectrum from CTFMean (not corrected for astigmatism yet).

            #region Initial 1D spectrum

                Image CTFAverage1D = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(DimsRegion.X / 2, 1, 1));

                                   new[] { new CTF().ToStruct() },
                                   new CTF().ToStruct(),
                                   (uint)DimsRegion.X / 2,


                float[] CTFAverage1DData = CTFAverage1D.GetHost(Intent.Read)[0];
                float2[] ForPS1D = new float2[DimsRegion.X / 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < ForPS1D.Length; i++)
                    ForPS1D[i] = new float2((float)i / DimsRegion.X, (float)Math.Round(CTFAverage1DData[i], 4));
                TempPS1D = ForPS1D;



            #region Background fitting methods

            Action UpdateBackgroundFit = () =>
                float2[] ForPS1D = TempPS1D.Skip(Math.Max(5, MinFreqInclusive / 2)).ToArray();
                               v => v.Select(x => TempCTF.Get1D(x / (float)TempCTF.PixelSize, true)).ToArray(),
                               out TempBackground,
                               out TempScale);

            Action<bool> UpdateRotationalAverage = keepbackground =>
                float[] MeanData = CTFMean.GetHost(Intent.Read)[0];

                Image CTFMeanCorrected = new Image(new int3(DimsRegion), true);
                float[] MeanCorrectedData = CTFMeanCorrected.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];

                // Subtract current background estimate from spectra, populate coords.
                                        (x, y, xx, yy, r, a) =>
                                            int i = y * (DimsRegion.X / 2 + 1) + x;
                                            MeanCorrectedData[i] = MeanData[i] - TempBackground.Interp(r / DimsRegion.X);

                Image CTFAverage1D = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(DimsRegion.X / 2, 1, 1));

                                   new[] { TempCTF.ToStruct() },
                                   (uint)DimsRegion.X / 2,


                float[] RotationalAverageData = CTFAverage1D.GetHost(Intent.Read)[0];
                float2[] ForPS1D = new float2[TempPS1D.Length];
                if (keepbackground)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ForPS1D.Length; i++)
                        ForPS1D[i] = new float2((float)i / DimsRegion.X, RotationalAverageData[i] + TempBackground.Interp((float)i / DimsRegion.X));
                    for (int i = 0; i < ForPS1D.Length; i++)
                        ForPS1D[i] = new float2((float)i / DimsRegion.X, RotationalAverageData[i]);

                TempPS1D = ForPS1D;



            // Fit background to currently best average (not corrected for astigmatism yet).
                float2[] ForPS1D = TempPS1D.Skip(MinFreqInclusive).Take(Math.Max(2, NFreq / 2)).ToArray();

                float[] CurrentBackground;
                //if (previousBackground == null)
                    int NumNodes = Math.Max(3, (int)((MainWindow.Options.CTFRangeMax - MainWindow.Options.CTFRangeMin) * 5M));
                    TempBackground = Cubic1D.Fit(ForPS1D, NumNodes); // This won't fit falloff and scale, because approx function is 0

                    CurrentBackground = TempBackground.Interp(TempPS1D.Select(p => p.X).ToArray()).Skip(MinFreqInclusive).Take(NFreq / 2).ToArray();
                    CurrentBackground = previousBackground.Interp(TempPS1D.Select(p => p.X).ToArray()).Skip(MinFreqInclusive).Take(NFreq / 2).ToArray();
                    TempBackground = new Cubic1D(previousBackground.Data);

                float[] Subtracted1D = new float[ForPS1D.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < ForPS1D.Length; i++)
                    Subtracted1D[i] = ForPS1D[i].Y - CurrentBackground[i];

                float ZMin = (float)MainWindow.Options.CTFZMin;
                float ZMax = (float)MainWindow.Options.CTFZMax;
                float PhaseMin = 0f;
                float PhaseMax = MainWindow.Options.CTFDoPhase ? 1f : 0f;

                if (previousCTF != null)
                    ZMin = (float)previousCTF.Defocus - 0.5f;
                    ZMax = (float)previousCTF.Defocus + 0.5f;
                    if (PhaseMax > 0)
                        PhaseMin = (float)previousCTF.PhaseShift - 0.3f;
                        PhaseMax = (float)previousCTF.PhaseShift + 0.3f;

                float ZStep = (ZMax - ZMin) / 100f;

                float BestZ = 0, BestPhase = 0, BestScore = -999;
                for (float z = ZMin; z <= ZMax + 1e-5f; z += ZStep)
                    for (float p = PhaseMin; p <= PhaseMax; p += 0.01f)
                        CTF CurrentParams = new CTF
                            PixelSize = (MainWindow.Options.CTFPixelMin + MainWindow.Options.CTFPixelMax) * 0.5M,

                            Defocus = (decimal)z,
                            PhaseShift = (decimal)p,

                            Cs = MainWindow.Options.CTFCs,
                            Voltage = MainWindow.Options.CTFVoltage,
                            Amplitude = MainWindow.Options.CTFAmplitude
                        float[] SimulatedCTF = CurrentParams.Get1D(TempPS1D.Length, true).Skip(MinFreqInclusive).Take(Math.Max(2, NFreq / 2)).ToArray();
                        float Score = MathHelper.CrossCorrelate(Subtracted1D, SimulatedCTF);
                        if (Score > BestScore)
                            BestScore = Score;
                            BestZ = z;
                            BestPhase = p;

                TempCTF = new CTF
                    PixelSize = (MainWindow.Options.CTFPixelMin + MainWindow.Options.CTFPixelMax) * 0.5M,

                    Defocus = (decimal)BestZ,
                    PhaseShift = (decimal)BestPhase,

                    Cs = MainWindow.Options.CTFCs,
                    Voltage = MainWindow.Options.CTFVoltage,
                    Amplitude = MainWindow.Options.CTFAmplitude

                UpdateRotationalAverage(true); // This doesn't have a nice background yet.
                UpdateBackgroundFit(); // Now get a reasonably nice background.

            // Fit defocus, (phase shift), (astigmatism) to average background-subtracted spectrum,
            // which is in polar coords at this point (for equal weighting of all frequencies).

            #region Grid search

            if (fromScratch)
                Image CTFMeanPolarTrimmed = CTFMean.AsPolar((uint)MinFreqInclusive, (uint)(MinFreqInclusive + NFreq / 1));

                // Subtract current background.
                Image CurrentBackground = new Image(TempBackground.Interp(TempPS1D.Select(p => p.X).ToArray()).Skip(MinFreqInclusive).Take(NFreq / 1).ToArray());

                // Normalize for CC (not strictly needed, but it's converted for fp16 later, so let's be on the safe side of the fp16 range.
                GPU.Normalize(CTFMeanPolarTrimmed.GetDevice(Intent.Read), CTFMeanPolarTrimmed.GetDevice(Intent.Write), (uint)CTFMeanPolarTrimmed.ElementsReal, 1);

                CTF StartParams = new CTF
                    PixelSize = (MainWindow.Options.CTFPixelMin + MainWindow.Options.CTFPixelMax) * 0.5M,
                    PixelSizeDelta = Math.Abs(MainWindow.Options.CTFPixelMax - MainWindow.Options.CTFPixelMin),
                    PixelSizeAngle = MainWindow.Options.CTFPixelAngle,

                    Defocus = TempCTF.Defocus, // (MainWindow.Options.CTFZMin + MainWindow.Options.CTFZMax) * 0.5M,
                    DefocusDelta = 0,
                    DefocusAngle = 0,

                    PhaseShift = TempCTF.PhaseShift,

                    Cs = MainWindow.Options.CTFCs,
                    Voltage = MainWindow.Options.CTFVoltage,
                    Amplitude = MainWindow.Options.CTFAmplitude

                CTFFitStruct FitParams = new CTFFitStruct
                    Defocus = new float3(-0.4e-6f,

                    Defocusdelta = new float3(0, 0.8e-6f, 0.02e-6f),
                    Astigmatismangle = new float3(0, 2 * (float)Math.PI, 1 * (float)Math.PI / 18),
                    Phaseshift = MainWindow.Options.CTFDoPhase ? new float3(-0.2f * (float)Math.PI, 0.2f * (float)Math.PI, 0.025f * (float)Math.PI) : new float3(0, 0, 0)

                CTFStruct ResultStruct = GPU.CTFFitMean(CTFMeanPolarTrimmed.GetDevice(Intent.Read),
                TempCTF.Defocus = Math.Max(TempCTF.Defocus, MainWindow.Options.CTFZMin);


                UpdateRotationalAverage(true); // This doesn't have a nice background yet.
                UpdateBackgroundFit(); // Now get a reasonably nice background.

                UpdateRotationalAverage(true); // This time, with the nice background.
                UpdateBackgroundFit(); // Make the background even nicer!
            else if (previousCTF != null)
                TempCTF.DefocusDelta = previousCTF.DefocusDelta;
                TempCTF.DefocusAngle = previousCTF.DefocusAngle;

            if (fixAstigmatism)
                TempCTF.DefocusDelta = (decimal)astigmatism.X;
                TempCTF.DefocusAngle = (decimal)astigmatism.Y;


            if (previousGrid == null)
                TempGrid = new CubicGrid(TempGrid.Dimensions, (float)TempCTF.Defocus, (float)TempCTF.Defocus, Dimension.X);

            // Do BFGS optimization of defocus, astigmatism and phase shift,
            // using 2D simulation for comparison

            #region BFGS

            bool[] CTFSpectraConsider = new bool[CTFSpectraGrid.Elements()];
            for (int i = 0; i < CTFSpectraConsider.Length; i++)
                CTFSpectraConsider[i] = true;
            int NCTFSpectraConsider = CTFSpectraConsider.Length;

                Image CTFSpectraPolarTrimmed = CTFSpectra.AsPolar((uint)MinFreqInclusive, (uint)(MinFreqInclusive + NFreq));
                CTFSpectra.FreeDevice(); // This will only be needed again for the final PS1D.

                #region Create background and scale

                float[] CurrentScale = TempScale.Interp(TempPS1D.Select(p => p.X).ToArray());

                Image CTFSpectraScale = new Image(new int3(NFreq, DimsRegion.X, 1));
                float[] CTFSpectraScaleData = CTFSpectraScale.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];

                // Trim polar to relevant frequencies, and populate coordinates.
                Parallel.For(0, DimsRegion.X, y =>
                    for (int x = 0; x < NFreq; x++)
                        CTFSpectraScaleData[y * NFreq + x] = CurrentScale[x + MinFreqInclusive];

                // Background is just 1 line since we're in polar.
                Image CurrentBackground = new Image(TempBackground.Interp(TempPS1D.Select(p => p.X).ToArray()).Skip(MinFreqInclusive).Take(NFreq).ToArray());



                // Normalize background-subtracted spectra.

                #region Convert to fp16

                Image CTFSpectraPolarTrimmedHalf = CTFSpectraPolarTrimmed.AsHalf();

                Image CTFSpectraScaleHalf = CTFSpectraScale.AsHalf();
                Image CTFCoordsPolarTrimmedHalf = CTFCoordsPolarTrimmed.AsHalf();


                // Wiggle weights show how the defocus on the spectra grid is altered
                // by changes in individual anchor points of the spline grid.
                // They are used later to compute the dScore/dDefocus values for each spectrum
                // only once, and derive the values for each anchor point from them.
                float[][] WiggleWeights = TempGrid.GetWiggleWeights(CTFSpectraGrid, new float3(DimsRegion.X / 2f / DimsImage.X, DimsRegion.Y / 2f / DimsImage.Y, 0));

                // Helper method for getting CTFStructs for the entire spectra grid.
                Func<double[], CTF, float[], CTFStruct[]> EvalGetCTF = (input, ctf, defocusValues) =>
                    decimal AlteredPhase = MainWindow.Options.CTFDoPhase ? (decimal)input[input.Length - 3] : 0;
                    decimal AlteredDelta = (decimal)input[input.Length - 2];
                    decimal AlteredAngle = (decimal)(input[input.Length - 1] * 20 / (Math.PI / 180));

                    CTF Local = ctf.GetCopy();
                    Local.PhaseShift = AlteredPhase;
                    Local.DefocusDelta = AlteredDelta;
                    Local.DefocusAngle = AlteredAngle;

                    CTFStruct LocalStruct = Local.ToStruct();
                    CTFStruct[] LocalParams = new CTFStruct[defocusValues.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < LocalParams.Length; i++)
                        LocalParams[i] = LocalStruct;
                        LocalParams[i].Defocus = defocusValues[i] * -1e-6f;

                    return LocalParams;

                // Simulate with adjusted CTF, compare to originals

                #region Eval and Gradient methods

                Func<double[], double> Eval = input =>
                    CubicGrid Altered = new CubicGrid(TempGrid.Dimensions, input.Take((int)TempGrid.Dimensions.Elements()).Select(v => (float)v).ToArray());
                    float[] DefocusValues = Altered.GetInterpolatedNative(CTFSpectraGrid, new float3(DimsRegion.X / 2f / DimsImage.X, DimsRegion.Y / 2f / DimsImage.Y, 0));

                    CTFStruct[] LocalParams = EvalGetCTF(input, TempCTF, DefocusValues);

                    float[] Result = new float[LocalParams.Length];


                    float Score = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Result.Length; i++)
                        if (CTFSpectraConsider[i])
                            Score += Result[i];

                    Score /= NCTFSpectraConsider;

                    if (float.IsNaN(Score) || float.IsInfinity(Score))
                        throw new Exception("Bad score.");

                    return (1.0 - Score) * 1000.0;

                Func<double[], double[]> Gradient = input =>
                    const float Step = 0.005f;
                    double[] Result = new double[input.Length];

                    // In 0D grid case, just get gradient for all 4 parameters.
                    // In 1+D grid case, do simple gradient for astigmatism and phase...
                    int StartComponent = input.Length - 3;
                    //int StartComponent = 0;
                    for (int i = StartComponent; i < input.Length; i++)
                        if (fixAstigmatism && i > StartComponent)

                        double[] UpperInput = new double[input.Length];
                        input.CopyTo(UpperInput, 0);
                        UpperInput[i] += Step;
                        double UpperValue = Eval(UpperInput);

                        double[] LowerInput = new double[input.Length];
                        input.CopyTo(LowerInput, 0);
                        LowerInput[i] -= Step;
                        double LowerValue = Eval(LowerInput);

                        Result[i] = (UpperValue - LowerValue) / (2f * Step);

                    float[] ResultPlus = new float[CTFSpectraGrid.Elements()];
                    float[] ResultMinus = new float[CTFSpectraGrid.Elements()];

                    // ..., take shortcut for defoci...
                            CubicGrid AlteredPlus = new CubicGrid(TempGrid.Dimensions, input.Take((int)TempGrid.Dimensions.Elements()).Select(v => (float)v + Step).ToArray());
                            float[] DefocusValues = AlteredPlus.GetInterpolatedNative(CTFSpectraGrid, new float3(DimsRegion.X / 2f / DimsImage.X, DimsRegion.Y / 2f / DimsImage.Y, 0));

                            CTFStruct[] LocalParams = EvalGetCTF(input, TempCTF, DefocusValues);

                            CubicGrid AlteredMinus = new CubicGrid(TempGrid.Dimensions, input.Take((int)TempGrid.Dimensions.Elements()).Select(v => (float)v - Step).ToArray());
                            float[] DefocusValues = AlteredMinus.GetInterpolatedNative(CTFSpectraGrid, new float3(DimsRegion.X / 2f / DimsImage.X, DimsRegion.Y / 2f / DimsImage.Y, 0));

                            CTFStruct[] LocalParams = EvalGetCTF(input, TempCTF, DefocusValues);

                        float[] LocalGradients = new float[ResultPlus.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < LocalGradients.Length; i++)
                            LocalGradients[i] = ResultMinus[i] - ResultPlus[i];

                        // Now compute gradients per grid anchor point using the precomputed individual gradients and wiggle factors.
                        Parallel.For(0, TempGrid.Dimensions.Elements(), i => Result[i] = MathHelper.ReduceWeighted(LocalGradients, WiggleWeights[i]) / LocalGradients.Length / (2f * Step) * 1000f);

                    foreach (var i in Result)
                        if (double.IsNaN(i) || double.IsInfinity(i))
                            throw new Exception("Bad score.");

                    return Result;


                #region Minimize first time with potential outpiers

                double[] StartParams = new double[TempGrid.Dimensions.Elements() + 3];
                for (int i = 0; i < TempGrid.Dimensions.Elements(); i++)
                    StartParams[i] = TempGrid.FlatValues[i];
                StartParams[StartParams.Length - 3] = (double)TempCTF.PhaseShift;
                StartParams[StartParams.Length - 2] = (double)TempCTF.DefocusDelta;
                StartParams[StartParams.Length - 1] = (double)TempCTF.DefocusAngle / 20 * (Math.PI / 180);

                // Compute correlation for individual spectra, and throw away those that are >.75 sigma worse than mean.

                BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno Optimizer = new BroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno(StartParams.Length, Eval, Gradient)
                    Past = 1,
                    Delta = 1e-6,
                    MaxLineSearch = 15,
                    Corrections = 20


                #region Retrieve parameters

                TempCTF.Defocus = (decimal)MathHelper.Mean(Optimizer.Solution.Take((int)TempGrid.Dimensions.Elements()).Select(v => (float)v));
                TempCTF.PhaseShift = (decimal)Optimizer.Solution[StartParams.Length - 3];
                TempCTF.DefocusDelta = (decimal)Optimizer.Solution[StartParams.Length - 2];
                TempCTF.DefocusAngle = (decimal)(Optimizer.Solution[StartParams.Length - 1] * 20 / (Math.PI / 180));

                if (TempCTF.DefocusDelta < 0)
                    TempCTF.DefocusAngle += 90;
                    TempCTF.DefocusDelta *= -1;
                TempCTF.DefocusAngle = ((int)TempCTF.DefocusAngle + 180 * 99) % 180;

                TempGrid = new CubicGrid(TempGrid.Dimensions, Optimizer.Solution.Take((int)TempGrid.Dimensions.Elements()).Select(v => (float)v).ToArray());


                // Dispose GPU resources manually because GC can't be bothered to do it in time.

                #region Get nicer envelope fit

                        Image CTFSpectraBackground = new Image(new int3(DimsRegion), true);
                        float[] CTFSpectraBackgroundData = CTFSpectraBackground.GetHost(Intent.Write)[0];

                        // Construct background in Cartesian coordinates.
                        Helper.ForEachElementFT(DimsRegion, (x, y, xx, yy, r, a) =>
                            CTFSpectraBackgroundData[y * CTFSpectraBackground.DimsEffective.X + x] = TempBackground.Interp(r / DimsRegion.X);


                        float[] DefocusValues = TempGrid.GetInterpolatedNative(CTFSpectraGrid, new float3(DimsRegion.X / 2f / DimsImage.X, DimsRegion.Y / 2f / DimsImage.Y, 0));
                        CTFStruct[] LocalParams = DefocusValues.Select(v =>
                            CTF Local = TempCTF.GetCopy();
                            Local.Defocus = (decimal)v + 0.0M;

                            return Local.ToStruct();

                        Image CTFAverage1D = new Image(IntPtr.Zero, new int3(DimsRegion.X / 2, 1, 1));

                        CTF CTFAug = TempCTF.GetCopy();
                        CTFAug.Defocus += 0.0M;
                                           (uint)DimsRegion.X / 2,
                                           CTFSpectraConsider.Select(v => v ? 1 : 0).ToArray(),


                        float[] RotationalAverageData = CTFAverage1D.GetHost(Intent.Read)[0];
                        float2[] ForPS1D = new float2[TempPS1D.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < ForPS1D.Length; i++)
                            ForPS1D[i] = new float2((float)i / DimsRegion.X, (float)Math.Round(RotationalAverageData[i], 4) + TempBackground.Interp((float)i / DimsRegion.X));
                        TempPS1D = ForPS1D;


                    TempCTF.Defocus = Math.Max(TempCTF.Defocus, MainWindow.Options.CTFZMin);



            // Subtract background from 2D average and write it to disk.
            // This image is used for quick visualization purposes only.

            #region PS2D update

                int3 DimsAverage = new int3(DimsRegion.X, DimsRegion.X / 2, 1);
                float[] Average2DData = new float[DimsAverage.Elements()];
                float[] OriginalAverageData = CTFMean.GetHost(Intent.Read)[0];

                for (int y = 0; y < DimsAverage.Y; y++)
                    int yy = y * y;
                    for (int x = 0; x < DimsAverage.Y; x++)
                        int xx = DimsRegion.X / 2 - x - 1;
                        xx *= xx;
                        float r = (float)Math.Sqrt(xx + yy) / DimsRegion.X;
                        Average2DData[y * DimsAverage.X + x] = OriginalAverageData[(y + DimsRegion.X / 2) * (DimsRegion.X / 2 + 1) + x] - TempBackground.Interp(r);

                    for (int x = 0; x < DimsRegion.X / 2; x++)
                        int xx = x * x;
                        float r = (float)Math.Sqrt(xx + yy) / DimsRegion.X;
                        Average2DData[y * DimsAverage.X + x + DimsRegion.X / 2] = OriginalAverageData[(DimsRegion.X / 2 - y) * (DimsRegion.X / 2 + 1) + (DimsRegion.X / 2 - 1 - x)] - TempBackground.Interp(r);

                thisPS2D = new Image(Average2DData, DimsAverage);


            for (int i = 0; i < TempPS1D.Length; i++)
                TempPS1D[i].Y -= TempBackground.Interp(TempPS1D[i].X);


            thisPS1D = TempPS1D;
            thisBackground = TempBackground;
            thisScale = TempScale;
            thisCTF = TempCTF;
            thisGrid = TempGrid;
Esempio n. 26
 public int2(float2 v)
     X = (int)v.X;
     Y = (int)v.Y;
Esempio n. 27
        public void AlignTiltMovies(Star tableIn, int3 stackDimensions, int size, int3 volumeDimensions, Dictionary<int, Projector> references, float resolution)
            Star TableSeries = new Star(DirectoryName + RootName + ".star");

            Image SimulatedSeries = StageDataLoad.LoadMap("d_simulatedseries.mrc", new int2(1, 1), 0, typeof (float));
            //Image SimulatedSeries = StageDataLoad.LoadMap(DirectoryName + RootName + ".ali", new int2(1, 1), 0, typeof(float));
            Image AlignedSeries = new Image(SimulatedSeries.Dims);

            for (int t = 26; t < NTilts; t++)
                Image TiltMovie = StageDataLoad.LoadMap(DirectoryName + TableSeries.GetRowValue(t, "wrpMovieName"), new int2(1, 1), 0, typeof (float));
                Image Template = new Image(SimulatedSeries.GetHost(Intent.Read)[t], SimulatedSeries.Dims.Slice());

                float MovieAngle = float.Parse(TableSeries.GetRowValue(t, "wrpAnglePsi"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                //float2 MovieShift = new float2(-float.Parse(TableSeries.GetRowValue(t, "wrpShiftX"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                //                               -float.Parse(TableSeries.GetRowValue(t, "wrpShiftY"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                float2 MovieShift = new float2(5.64f, -21f);

                Image Aligned = AlignOneTiltMovie(TiltMovie, Template, MovieAngle, MovieShift, resolution);

                AlignedSeries.GetHost(Intent.Write)[t] = Aligned.GetHost(Intent.Read)[0];



            AlignedSeries.WriteMRC(DirectoryName + RootName + ".aligned");
Esempio n. 28
 public float3(float2 v)
     X = v.X;
     Y = v.Y;
     Z = 0f;
Esempio n. 29
        public Image GetCTFCoords(int size, int originalSize)
            float PixelSize = (float)MainWindow.Options.BinnedPixelSize;
            Image CTFCoords;
                float2[] CTFCoordsData = new float2[(size / 2 + 1) * size];
                for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < size / 2 + 1; x++)
                        int xx = x;
                        int yy = y < size / 2 + 1 ? y : y - size;

                        float xs = xx / (float)originalSize;
                        float ys = yy / (float)originalSize;
                        float r = (float)Math.Sqrt(xs * xs + ys * ys);
                        float angle = (float)Math.Atan2(yy, xx);

                        CTFCoordsData[y * (size / 2 + 1) + x] = new float2(r, angle);

                CTFCoords = new Image(CTFCoordsData, new int3(size, size, 1), true);

            return CTFCoords;
Esempio n. 30
 public float3(float2 v12, float v3)
     X = v12.X;
     Y = v12.Y;
     Z = v3;
Esempio n. 31
File: CTF.cs Progetto: dtegunov/warp
        public float[] Get2D(float2[] coordinates, bool ampsquared, bool ignorebfactor = false, bool ignorescale = false)
            float[] Output = new float[coordinates.Length];

            float pixelsize = (float) PixelSize;
            float pixeldelta = (float) PixelSizeDelta;
            float pixelangle = (float) PixelSizeAngle / (float)(180.0 / Math.PI);
            float voltage = (float)Voltage * 1e3f;
            float lambda = 12.2643247f / (float)Math.Sqrt(voltage * (1.0f + voltage * 0.978466e-6f));
            float defocus = -(float)Defocus * 1e4f;
            float defocusdelta = -(float)DefocusDelta * 1e4f * 0.5f;
            float astigmatismangle = (float) DefocusAngle / (float)(180.0 / Math.PI);
            float cs = (float)Cs * 1e7f;
            float amplitude = (float)Amplitude;
            float scale = (float)Scale;
            float phaseshift = (float)PhaseShift * (float)Math.PI;
            float K1 = (float)Math.PI * lambda;
            float K2 = (float)Math.PI * 0.5f * cs * lambda * lambda * lambda;
            float K3 = (float)Math.Sqrt(1f - amplitude * amplitude);
            float K4 = (float)Bfactor * 0.25f;

            Parallel.For(0, coordinates.Length, i =>
                float angle = coordinates[i].Y;
                float r = coordinates[i].X / (pixelsize + pixeldelta * (float) Math.Cos(2.0 * (angle - pixelangle)));
                float r2 = r * r;
                float r4 = r2 * r2;

                float deltaf = defocus + defocusdelta * (float) Math.Cos(2.0 * (angle - astigmatismangle));
                float argument = K1 * deltaf * r2 + K2 * r4 - phaseshift;
                float retval = amplitude * (float) Math.Cos(argument) - K3 * (float) Math.Sin(argument);

                if (!ignorebfactor && K4 != 0)
                    retval *= (float) Math.Exp(K4 * r2);

                if (ampsquared)
                    retval = Math.Abs(retval);// * retval);

                if (!ignorescale)
                    Output[i] = scale * retval;
                    Output[i] = retval;

            return Output;
Esempio n. 32
 public static float Dot(float2 a, float2 b)
     return(a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y);
Esempio n. 33
        public float GetInterpolated(float3 coords)
            coords /= Spacing;  // from [0, 1] to [0, dim - 1]

            float3 coord_grid = coords;
            float3 index = coord_grid.Floor();

            float result = 0.0f;

            int MinX = Math.Max(0, (int)index.X - 1), MaxX = Math.Min((int)index.X + 2, Dimensions.X - 1);
            int MinY = Math.Max(0, (int)index.Y - 1), MaxY = Math.Min((int)index.Y + 2, Dimensions.Y - 1);
            int MinZ = Math.Max(0, (int)index.Z - 1), MaxZ = Math.Min((int)index.Z + 2, Dimensions.Z - 1);

            float[,] InterpX = new float[MaxZ - MinZ + 1, MaxY - MinY + 1];
            for (int z = MinZ; z <= MaxZ; z++)
                for (int y = MinY; y <= MaxY; y++)
                    float2[] Points = new float2[MaxX - MinX + 1];
                    if (Points.Length == 1)
                        InterpX[z - MinZ, y - MinY] = Values[z, y, 0];
                        for (int x = MinX; x <= MaxX; x++)
                            Points[x - MinX] = new float2(x, Values[z, y, x]);
                        Cubic1DShort Spline = Cubic1DShort.GetInterpolator(Points);
                        InterpX[z - MinZ, y - MinY] = Spline.Interp(coords.X);

            float[] InterpXY = new float[MaxZ - MinZ + 1];
            for (int z = MinZ; z <= MaxZ; z++)
                float2[] Points = new float2[MaxY - MinY + 1];
                if (Points.Length == 1)
                    InterpXY[z - MinZ] = InterpX[z - MinZ, 0];
                    for (int y = MinY; y <= MaxY; y++)
                        Points[y - MinY] = new float2(y, InterpX[z - MinZ, y - MinY]);
                    Cubic1DShort Spline = Cubic1DShort.GetInterpolator(Points);
                    InterpXY[z - MinZ] = Spline.Interp(coords.Y);

                float2[] Points = new float2[MaxZ - MinZ + 1];
                if (Points.Length == 1)
                    result = InterpXY[0];
                    for (int z = MinZ; z <= MaxZ; z++)
                        Points[z - MinZ] = new float2(z, InterpXY[z - MinZ]);
                    Cubic1DShort Spline = Cubic1DShort.GetInterpolator(Points);
                    result = Spline.Interp(coords.Z);

            return result;
Esempio n. 34
        public Image GetImagesOneAngle(Image tiltStack, int size, float3[] particleOrigins, int angleID, bool normalize)
            int NParticles = particleOrigins.Length;

            float3[] ImagePositions = GetPositionsInOneAngle(particleOrigins, angleID);

            Image Result = new Image(new int3(size, size, NParticles));
            float[][] ResultData = Result.GetHost(Intent.Write);
            float3[] Shifts = new float3[NParticles];

            int3 DimsStack = tiltStack.Dims;

            Parallel.For(0, NParticles, p =>
                ImagePositions[p] -= new float3(size / 2, size / 2, 0);
                int2 IntPosition = new int2((int)ImagePositions[p].X, (int)ImagePositions[p].Y);
                float2 Residual = new float2(-(ImagePositions[p].X - IntPosition.X), -(ImagePositions[p].Y - IntPosition.Y));
                Residual -= size / 2;
                Shifts[p] = new float3(Residual);

                float[] OriginalData;
                lock (tiltStack)
                    OriginalData = tiltStack.GetHost(Intent.Read)[angleID];

                float[] ImageData = ResultData[p];
                for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                    int PosY = (y + IntPosition.Y + DimsStack.Y) % DimsStack.Y;
                    for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                        int PosX = (x + IntPosition.X + DimsStack.X) % DimsStack.X;
                        ImageData[y * size + x] = OriginalData[PosY * DimsStack.X + PosX];
            if (normalize)
                                  (uint)(MainWindow.Options.ExportParticleRadius / CTF.PixelSize),


            Image ResultFT = Result.AsFFT();

            return ResultFT;