public CharacterTile(WSOGame myGame, Vector2 location, bool isCharacter)
     Location = location;
     selected = false;
     HasCharacter = isCharacter;
     my_tile = null;
     scale = SIZE_SMALL;
     alpha = 100;
     graphics = myGame.graphicsManager;
     characterPosition = location + new Vector2(0, 64);
        public CharacterDoll(GraphicsManager gm, Vector2 loc, Race race, int head, int body, int legs, int foot)
            graphics = gm;

            headID = head;
            torsoID = body;
            armsID = body;
            legsID = legs;
            raceID = race;
            footID = foot;

            location = loc;

            head_sprite = graphics.Heads[(byte)raceID][headID];
            torso_sprite = graphics.Torsos[(byte)raceID][torsoID];
            arm_sprite = graphics.Arms[(byte)raceID][armsID];
            leg_sprite1 = graphics.Legs[(byte)raceID][legsID];
            foot_sprite1 = graphics.Feet[(byte)raceID][footID];
            leg_sprite2 = graphics.Legs[(byte)raceID][legsID];
            foot_sprite2 = graphics.Feet[(byte)raceID][footID];
 /// <summary>
 /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
 /// all of your content.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void LoadContent()
     spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
     graphicsManager = new GraphicsManager(this.Content);