public void MountPointSelect() { if (mountPointIndex < 0 || mountPointIndex > map.mountPoints.Count) { return; } // If no country is selected (the mount point could be at sea) select it MountPoint mp = map.mountPoints[mountPointIndex]; int mpCountryIndex = mp.countryIndex; if (mpCountryIndex < 0) { SetInfoMsg("Country not found in this country file."); } if (countryIndex != mpCountryIndex && mpCountryIndex >= 0) { ClearSelection(); countryIndex = mpCountryIndex; countryRegionIndex = map.countries[countryIndex].mainRegionIndex; CountryRegionSelect(); } // Just in case makes GUICountryIndex selects appropiate value in the combobox GUIMountPointName =; SyncGUIMountPointSelection(); if (mountPointIndex >= 0) { GUIMountPointNewName =; GUIMountPointNewType = mp.type.ToString(); MountPointHighlightSelection(); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of mount points that are visible (front facing camera) /// </summary> public List <MountPoint> GetVisibleMountPoints() { List <MountPoint> vc = new List <MountPoint>(30); if (mountPoints == null) { return(null); } for (int k = 0; k < mountPoints.Count; k++) { MountPoint mp = mountPoints[k]; // Check if city is facing camera Vector3 center = transform.TransformPoint(mp.unitySphereLocation); Vector3 dir = center - transform.position; float d = Vector3.Dot(Camera.main.transform.forward, dir); if (d < -0.2f) { // Check if city is inside viewport Vector3 vpos = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint(center); if (vpos.x >= 0 && vpos.x <= 1 && vpos.y >= 0 && vpos.y <= 1) { vc.Add(mp); } } } return(vc); }
public MountPoint Clone() { // Clone dictionary Dictionary <string, string> tags = new Dictionary <string, string>(customTags.Count, customTags.Comparer); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in customTags) { tags.Add(entry.Key, (string)entry.Value.Clone()); } MountPoint c = new MountPoint(name, countryIndex, provinceIndex, unitySphereLocation, type, tags); return(c); }
/// <summary> /// Redraws the mounts points but only in editor time. This is automatically called by Redraw(). Used internally by the Map Editor. You should not need to call this method directly. /// </summary> public void DrawMountPoints() { // Create mount points layer Transform t = transform.Find(MOUNT_POINTS_LAYER); if (t != null) { DestroyImmediate(t.gameObject); } if (Application.isPlaying || mountPoints == null) { return; } mountPointsLayer = new GameObject(MOUNT_POINTS_LAYER); mountPointsLayer.transform.SetParent(transform, false); mountPointsLayer.layer = gameObject.layer; if (_earthInvertedMode) { mountPointsLayer.transform.localScale *= 0.99f; } // Draw mount points marks int mountPointCount = mountPoints.Count; for (int k = 0; k < mountPointCount; k++) { MountPoint mp = mountPoints [k]; GameObject mpObj = Instantiate(mountPointSpot); = k.ToString(); mpObj.transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(mp.unitySphereLocation); if (_earthInvertedMode) { mpObj.transform.LookAt(transform.position + mp.unitySphereLocation * 2); } else { mpObj.transform.LookAt(transform.position); } mpObj.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave | HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; mpObj.transform.SetParent(mountPointsLayer.transform, true); } MountPointScaler mpScaler = mountPointsLayer.GetComponent <MountPointScaler> () ?? mountPointsLayer.AddComponent <MountPointScaler> (); = this; mpScaler.ScaleMountPoints(); }
public bool MountPointAddNewTag() { if (mountPointIndex < 0) { return(false); } MountPoint mp = map.mountPoints[mountPointIndex]; if (!mp.customTags.ContainsKey(GUIMountPointNewTagKey)) { mp.customTags.Add(GUIMountPointNewTagKey, GUIMountPointNewTagValue); GUIMountPointNewTagKey = ""; GUIMountPointNewTagValue = ""; mountPointChanges = true; return(true); } return(false); }
bool GetMountPointUnderMouse(int countryIndex, Vector3 localPoint, out int mountPointIndex) { float hitPrecission = MOUNT_POINT_HIT_PRECISION * _cityIconSize * 5.0f; for (int c = 0; c < mountPoints.Count; c++) { MountPoint mp = mountPoints[c]; if (mp.countryIndex == countryIndex) { if ((mp.unitySphereLocation - localPoint).magnitude < hitPrecission) { mountPointIndex = c; return(true); } } } mountPointIndex = -1; return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Exports the geographic data in packed string format. /// </summary> public string GetMountPointsGeoData() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int k = 0; k < map.mountPoints.Count; k++) { MountPoint mp = map.mountPoints[k]; if (k > 0) { sb.Append("|"); } sb.Append( + "$"); string province = ""; if (mp.provinceIndex >= 0 && mp.provinceIndex < map.provinces.Length) { province = map.provinces[mp.provinceIndex].name; } string country = ""; if (mp.countryIndex >= 0 && mp.countryIndex < map.countries.Length) { country = map.countries[mp.countryIndex].name; } sb.Append(province + "$"); sb.Append(country + "$"); sb.Append(mp.type + "$"); sb.Append((int)(mp.unitySphereLocation.x * WorldMapGlobe.MAP_PRECISION) + "$"); sb.Append((int)(mp.unitySphereLocation.y * WorldMapGlobe.MAP_PRECISION) + "$"); sb.Append((int)(mp.unitySphereLocation.z * WorldMapGlobe.MAP_PRECISION) + "$"); int tc = 0; foreach (string key in mp.customTags.Keys) { if (tc++ > 0) { sb.Append("$"); } sb.Append(key); sb.Append("&"); sb.Append(mp.customTags[key]); } } return(sb.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new mount point to current country. /// </summary> public void MountPointCreate(Vector3 newPoint) { if (countryIndex < 0) { return; } GUIMountPointName = "New Mount Point " + (map.mountPoints.Count + 1); newPoint = newPoint.normalized * 0.5f; MountPoint newMountPoint = new MountPoint(GUIMountPointName, countryIndex, provinceIndex, newPoint); if (map.mountPoints == null) { map.mountPoints = new List <MountPoint>(); } map.mountPoints.Add(newMountPoint); map.DrawMountPoints(); lastMountPointCount = -1; ReloadMountPointNames(); mountPointChanges = true; }
/// <summary> /// Reads the mount points data from a packed string. /// </summary> void ReadMountPointsPackedString(string s) { string[] mountPointsList = s.Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int mountPointsCount = mountPointsList.Length; mountPoints = new List <MountPoint> (mountPointsCount); for (int k = 0; k < mountPointsCount; k++) { string[] mountPointInfo = mountPointsList [k].Split(new char[] { '$' }); string name = mountPointInfo [0]; string country = mountPointInfo [2]; int countryIndex = GetCountryIndex(country); if (countryIndex >= 0) { string province = mountPointInfo [1]; int provinceIndex = GetProvinceIndex(countryIndex, province); int type = int.Parse(mountPointInfo [3]); float x = float.Parse(mountPointInfo [4]) / MAP_PRECISION; float y = float.Parse(mountPointInfo [5]) / MAP_PRECISION; float z = float.Parse(mountPointInfo [6]) / MAP_PRECISION; Dictionary <string, string> tags = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int t = 7; t < mountPointInfo.Length; t++) { string tag = mountPointInfo[t]; string[] tagInfo = tag.Split(new char[] { '&' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (tagInfo != null && tagInfo.Length > 1) { string key = tagInfo[0]; string value = tagInfo[1]; if (!tags.ContainsKey(key)) { tags.Add(key, value); } } } MountPoint mountPoint = new MountPoint(name, countryIndex, provinceIndex, new Vector3(x, y, z), type, tags); mountPoints.Add(mountPoint); } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of mount points that are visible and located inside the rectangle defined by two given sphere points /// </summary> public List <MountPoint> GetVisibleMountPoints(Vector3 rectTopLeft, Vector3 rectBottomRight) { Vector2 latlon0, latlon1; latlon0 = Conversion.GetBillboardPosFromSpherePoint(rectTopLeft); latlon1 = Conversion.GetBillboardPosFromSpherePoint(rectBottomRight); Rect rect = new Rect(latlon0.x, latlon1.y, latlon1.x - latlon0.x, latlon0.y - latlon1.y); List <MountPoint> selectedMountPoints = new List <MountPoint>(); int mpCount = mountPoints.Count; for (int k = 0; k < mpCount; k++) { MountPoint mp = mountPoints[k]; Vector2 bpos = Conversion.GetBillboardPosFromSpherePoint(mp.unitySphereLocation); if (rect.Contains(bpos)) { selectedMountPoints.Add(mp); } } return(selectedMountPoints); }
public bool InstantiateCulturalLandmark(MountPoint mountPoint) { if (!started) { Start(); } string mountPointName =; if (mountPointName == null) { errorHandler.ReportError("Cultural mount point name missing", ErrorState.close_window); return(false); } string tempName = mountPointName.Replace("The", ""); tempName = tempName.Replace(" ", ""); var model = Resources.Load <GameObject>(landmarkFilePath + tempName); if (model == null) { errorHandler.ReportError("Unable to load cultural landmark model", ErrorState.close_window); return(false); } var modelClone = Instantiate(model); if (modelClone == null) { errorHandler.ReportError("Failed to instantiate " + mountPointName, ErrorState.close_window); return(false); } Landmark landmarkComponent = modelClone.GetComponent(typeof(Landmark)) as Landmark; if (landmarkComponent == null) { errorHandler.ReportError(mountPointName + " landmark component missing", ErrorState.close_window); return(false); } landmarkComponent.MountPoint = mountPoint; landmarkComponent.ObjectName = mountPointName; landmarkComponent.CellIndex = worldMapGlobe.GetCellIndex(mountPoint.localPosition); if (landmarkComponent.CellIndex < 0 || landmarkComponent.CellIndex > worldMapGlobe.cells.Length) { errorHandler.ReportError("Invalid cell index for " + mountPointName, ErrorState.close_window); return(false); } landmarkComponent.CellLocation = worldMapGlobe.cells[landmarkComponent.CellIndex]; landmarkComponent.CellLocation.canCross = false; worldMapGlobe.AddMarker(modelClone, mountPoint.localPosition, 0.001f, false, -5.0f, true, true); landmarkComponent.CellLocation.occupants.Add(landmarkComponent); string landmarkID = landmarkComponent.GetInstanceID().ToString(); mappablesManager.MappedObjects.Add(landmarkID, landmarkComponent); CulturalLandmarks.Add(landmarkID, landmarkComponent); CulturalLandmarksByName.Add(landmarkComponent.ObjectName, landmarkComponent); return(true); }