private void cmbProject_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { //If the user selects a different project, load the correct information cmbProject.Text = cmbProject.SelectedItem.ToString(); //When the control is entered possible reload tasks and the changing information ModelView.taskListComboBoxHandler(cmbTask, cmbProject.Text); //Take selected item from list and return the task object for information Project SelectedProject = ModelView.projectFromName(cmbProject.Text); try { txtProjectName.Text = SelectedProject.x; txtProjectDescription.Text = SelectedProject.projectDescription; txtProjectStartDate.Text = SelectedProject.dateStarted.ToShortDateString(); } catch (Exception) { //If this is the first time SelectedProject will be null Trace.WriteLine("Error loading selected project"); } }
public static GanttChart.GanttChart returnGantt(Project project) { /* * This method takes a project and returns a Gantt Chart object that can be displayed and manipulated */ GanttChart.GanttChart ganttChart1 = new GanttChart.GanttChart(); try { //Gantt chart settings ganttChart1.AllowChange = false; ganttChart1.FromDate = project.dateStarted.AddDays(-2); ganttChart1.ToDate = ModelView.taskLastFinishing(project).AddDays(2); ganttChart1.GridColor = Pens.Black; ganttChart1.ForeColor = Color.Black; ganttChart1.BackColor = UI.chartColour; int barIndex = 0; //For each task add a relevant row in the gantt chart foreach (Task task in project.taskList) { string taskName = task.TaskName; DateTime fromTime = task.StartDate; DateTime toTime = task.EstimatedFinishingDate; Color barColor = UI.dataPointColour; Color barHoverColor = UI.dataPointHoverColour; barIndex++; BarInformation bInf = new BarInformation(taskName, fromTime, toTime, barColor, barHoverColor, barIndex); ganttChart1.AddChartBar(taskName, bInf, fromTime, toTime, barColor, barHoverColor, barIndex); } return(ganttChart1); } catch (Exception) { return(null); } }
private void btnSaveTaskChanges_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //If user clicks save, edit task accordingly DatabaseHandler.editTask(txtTaskName.Text, txtTaskDescription.Text, Convert.ToInt32(txtTaskLength.Text), ModelView.taskFromName(cmbTask.Text)); }
private void btnSaveProjectChanges_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //If user clicks save, edit project accordingly DatabaseHandler.editProject(txtProjectName.Text, txtProjectDescription.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(txtProjectStartDate.Text), ModelView.projectFromName(cmbProject.Text)); }
private void cmbProject_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { //When the control is entered possible reload tasks and the changing information ModelView.projectListComboBoxHandler(cmbProject); }
private void cmbProjectSelector_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { //If a user hovers over the combo box handle this in the modelview ModelView.projectListComboBoxHandler(cmbProjectSelector); }
private void dispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //On the two hour tick, show a notification on the taskbar with a procedurally generated message taskbarIcon.ShowBalloonTip("Better Project Notification", ModelView.generateBaloonMessage(), Hardcodet.Wpf.TaskbarNotification.BalloonIcon.Info); }
private void Child_MouseMove(object sender, Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { //Whenever the mouse moves whilst on the chart control ModelView.manageBarHighlighting(((Chart)wfhTest.Child).HitTest(e.X, e.Y), (Chart)wfhTest.Child); }