private void InitSprites() { _updaterFrame = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("UpdaterFrame"), }; }
private void InitSprites() { _meterSprite = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 1, Rows = BpmLevels.Count(), Texture = TextureManager.Textures("BpmMeterOverlay") }; _baseSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("BpmMeterBase") }; _songLengthBase = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LengthDisplayBase") }; _songTitleBase = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("SongTitleBase") }; _baseBlinkSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("BpmMeterBlink"), }; _warningSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("RestrictionIcon"), Size = new Vector2(64, 64) }; RepositionSprites(); }
private void InitSprites() { _partsSpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PerformanceBarParts"), Columns = 1, Rows = 6 }; _leftSpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PerformanceBarLeft"), Columns = 1, Rows = 6 }; _middleSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PerformanceBarMiddle") }; _rightSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PerformanceBarRight") }; _headerSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PerformanceBarHeader"), Size = Metrics["PerformanceBarHeader.Size", 0] }; }
private void Initialize() { _mySprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.BlankTexture(), Height = this.Height, Width = this.Width, ColorShading = Colour, }; _spectrumDrawer = new SpectrumDrawer { Position = new Vector2(0, GameCore.INTERNAL_HEIGHT), Size = new Vector2(BAR_WIDTH, -BAR_HEIGHT), ColorShading = Colour, LevelsCount = WAVEFORM_POINTS }; _spectrumDrawerTop = new SpectrumDrawer { Position = new Vector2(0, 0), Size = new Vector2(BAR_WIDTH, BAR_HEIGHT), ColorShading = Colour, LevelsCount = WAVEFORM_POINTS }; _waveformDrawer = new WaveformDrawer { ColorShading = Colour, Size = new Vector2(GameCore.INTERNAL_WIDTH, GameCore.INTERNAL_HEIGHT / 4), Position = new Vector2(0, GameCore.INTERNAL_HEIGHT / 2), }; _waveformDrawer.Init(); _spectrumDrawer.Init(); }
private void InitSprites() { _background = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PlayerOptionsFrame") }; _speedBlocks = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PlayerOptionsSpeedBlocks") }; _difficultyIcons = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 1, Rows = (int)Difficulty.Count + 1, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PlayerDifficulties") }; _indicatorArrows = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 4, Rows = 1, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("IndicatorArrows") }; _playerIdentifiers = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 1, Rows = 5, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PlayerIdentifiers") }; _nameBackground = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.BlankTexture() }; }
private void InitSprites() { _backgroundSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("ActionBindingBase") }; _controllerNumberSpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 4, Rows = 1, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("KeyOptionControllerPlayerIcons") }; _controllerButtonsSpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 5, Rows = 5, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("KeyOptionControllerButtonIcons") }; _keyboardIcon = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("KeyOptionKeyboardIcon"), Width = 35, Height = 30 }; }
private void InitSprites() { _partsSpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PerformanceBarParts"), Columns = 1, Rows = 6 }; _leftSpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PerformanceBarLeft"), Columns = 1, Rows = 6 }; _middleSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("RecordReplayBarMiddle") }; _rightSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PerformanceBarRight") }; _headerSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("RecordReplayBarHeader"), Size = new Vector2(290, 30) }; }
private void InitSprites() { _basePart = new Sprite3D { Height = this.Height, Width = this.Width, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("CoopLifeBarBase") }; _gridPart = new Sprite3D { X = this.X + 2, Y = this.Y + 3, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LifeBarGridBase") }; _sidePart = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LifeBarBaseCoop"), Size = SideSize, }; _middlePart = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("CoopLifeBarMiddle"), Position = MiddlePosition, Size = MiddleSize }; _frontPart = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 1, Rows = 4, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LifeBarFront") }; _overchargePart = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LifeBarOvercharge2"), Height = this.Height - 6, Y = this.Y + 3 }; _blazingPart = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LifeBarBlazingCoop"), Position = this.Position, Size = this.Size }; _blazingSidePart = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.CreateWhiteMask("LifeBarBaseCoop"), Size = SideSize }; _blazingMiddlePart = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("CoopLifebarMiddleBlazing"), Position = _middlePart.Position, Size = _middlePart.Size }; _overchargeOffsetClip = _overchargePart.Texture.Width; }
private void InitSprites() { _levelBaseSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PlayerLevelBarBase"), }; _levelFrontSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PlayerLevelBarFront"), }; }
private void InitDefaults() { SegmentIndex = 0; Particle = new Sprite3D() //temp { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("Particle_1") }; Wrap = true; PathPosition = 0.0; StepSize = 0.001; Points = new List <Vector2>(4); }
private void InitSprites() { _markerSprite = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 1, Rows = 6, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("BeatMarkers"), }; _pulseFront = new SpriteMap3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("BeatMeterPulseFront"), Rows = 5, Columns = 1, }; _pulseBack = new SpriteMap3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("BeatMeterPulseBack"), Rows = 5, Columns = 1, }; _baseSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("BeatMeter"), Position = this.Position, Size = this.Size }; _beatlineEffects = new SpriteMap3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("BeatlineEffectIcons"), Columns = 1, Rows = 4 }; _playerIdentifiers = new SpriteMap3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("BeatlinePlayerIdentifiers"), Columns = 1, Rows = 5 }; _speedScaleSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("BeatlineSpeedScale"), Size = new Vector2(this.Width - LEFT_SIDE - 25, 5), X = (float)(this.Position.X + (LEFT_SIDE + IMPACT_WIDTH) * WidthRatio), Y = (this.Position.Y + (this.Height / 2.0f) - 2) }; }
private void InitSprites() { _barSpriteBack = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("GrooveMomentumBarBack"), Position = this.Position, Size = this.Size }; _barSpriteFront = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("GrooveMomentumBarFront"), Position = this.Position + this.BarOffset, Size = this.Size - this.BarOffset }; }
public void InitSprites() { _teamBaseSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("ScoreBaseTeam") }; _teamGridSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("ScoreGridTeam") }; _tugBlueSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("TugOfWarBlue") }; _tugRedSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("TugOfWarRed") }; }
private void InitSprites() { _barParts = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 1, Rows = 5, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("SongTimeLineParts") }; _barEdges = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 2, Rows = 1, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("SongTimeLineEdges") }; _currentPosition = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("SongTimeLineCurrentPosition"), Width = 6 }; }
private void InitSprites() { _specialChars = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 3, Rows = 1, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("KeyboardIcons") }; _barSideSpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("TextEntryBarSide"), Rows = 2, Columns = 1 }; _barMiddleSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("TextEntryBarMiddle") }; }
private void InitSprites() { _edgeSpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 1, Rows = 2, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("MenuEdge") }; _arrowSpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 4, Rows = 1, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("IndicatorArrows") }; _sideSpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 1, Rows = 1, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("MenuSide") }; _selectedItemSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("MenuSelectedItem") }; }
public void InitSprites() { _backgroundSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("SongSortBackground") }; _arrowSprites = new SpriteMap3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("IndicatorArrows"), Columns = 4, Rows = 1 }; _listBackgroundSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("SongSortListBackground"), X = (this.X + this.Width - 75), Y = this.Y + this.Height, Width = 75 }; _textPosition = new Vector2(); }
public void InitSprites() { _difficultySpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 1, Rows = (int)Difficulty.Count + 1, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("PlayerDifficulties") }; _gradeSpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 1, Rows = NUM_EVALUATIONS, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("EvaluationGrades") }; _baseSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("HighScoreFrame") }; }
private void InitSprites() { _capsLockSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("TextEntryCaps") }; _shiftSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("TextEntryShift") }; _barSideSpriteMap = new SpriteMap3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("TextEntryBarSide"), Rows = 2, Columns = 1 }; _barMiddleSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("TextEntryBarMiddle") }; }
public void Draw(float[] levels) { if (!_spritesInit) { _spritesInit = true; _barSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("SpectrumBar") }; Init(); } if (levels.Length > LevelsCount) { throw new ArgumentException( "Levels array size is too large. Set the LevelsCount property to match its length first."); } float posX = 0; for (int x = 0; x < levels.Count(); x++) { _maxLevels[x] = Math.Max(_maxLevels[x], levels[x]); levels[x] /= _maxLevels[x]; if (levels[x] >= _lineLevels[x]) { _dropSpeed[x] = 0.0f; _lineLevels[x] = levels[x]; } else { _dropSpeed[x] += 1.5f * (float)TextureManager.LastGameTime.ElapsedRealTime.TotalSeconds; _lineLevels[x] -= _dropSpeed[x] * (float)TextureManager.LastGameTime.ElapsedRealTime.TotalSeconds; } _barSprite.ColorShading = this.ColorShading; _barSprite.Position = new Vector2(this.X + posX, this.Y); _barSprite.Size = new Vector2(this.Width, this.Height * levels[x]); _barSprite.DrawTiled(0, 0, _barSprite.Texture.Width, _barSprite.Height * 2); posX += this.Width; } DrawLineLevels(); }
private void InitSprites() { _basePart = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LifeBarBase"), Position = this.Position, Size = this.Size }; _frontPart = new SpriteMap3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LifeBarFront"), Columns = 1, Rows = 4 }; _overchargePart = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LifeBarOvercharge"), Position = new Vector2(this.X + BAR_X_OFFSET, this.Y - 3), Height = this.Height + 6, }; _2ndOverchargePart = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LifeBarOvercharge2"), Position = new Vector2(this.X + BAR_X_OFFSET, this.Y - 3), Height = this.Height + 6 }; _gridPart = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LifeBarGridBase"), Position = new Vector2(this.X + BAR_X_OFFSET, this.Y + 3), Size = new Vector2(this.Width - BAR_X_OFFSET, this.Height - 6), }; _blazingPart = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LifeBarBlazing"), Position = this.Position, Size = this.Size }; _overchargeOffsetClip = _overchargePart.Texture.Width; _textPosition = this.Position.Clone(); _textPosition.X += 25; }
public void DrawVertices(VertexPositionColorTexture[] vertices) { if (vertices.Length % 3 != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Wrong number of vertices supplied. Should be divisible by 3."); } Device.RenderState.CullMode = CullMode.None; Device.SamplerStates[0].AddressU = TextureAddressMode.Clamp; Device.SamplerStates[0].AddressV = TextureAddressMode.Clamp; var effect = Sprite3D.GetEffect(); Device.VertexDeclaration = Sprite3D.VertexDeclaration; effect.Texture = this.Texture; effect.Begin(); foreach (var pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Begin(); Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, vertices, 0, vertices.Length / 3); pass.End(); } effect.End(); }
private void InitSprites() { _baseSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("NoteBarProgressBase" + TextureSuffix), Position = this.Position.Clone(), Height = this.Height, Width = this.Width }; _frontSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("NoteBarProgressFront" + TextureSuffix), Position = this.Position.Clone(), Height = this.Height, Width = this.Width }; _readySprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("NoteBarProgressReady" + TextureSuffix), Position = this.Position.Clone(), Height = this.Height, Width = this.Width }; }
private void InitSprites() { _maxBarWidth = this.Width - 52; _barPosition = new Vector2(this.X + 4, this.Y + 3); _baseSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LevelBarBase"), Position = this.Position, Size = this.Size }; _maxBaseSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LevelBarMaxBase"), Position = this.Position, Size = new Vector2(this.Width, this.Height) }; _barSprite = new SpriteMap3D { Columns = 1, Rows = 12, Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LevelBarFronts") }; _maxFrontSprite = new Sprite3D { Texture = TextureManager.Textures("LevelBarMaxFront"), Position = _barPosition, Size = new Vector2(_maxBarWidth, this.Height - 6) }; _textPosition = new Vector2(this.X + this.Width - 25, this.Y + 3); _spritesInit = true; }