Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// 對附件的操作
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="attachements"></param>
    /// <param name="userid"></param>
    public void UpdateToDoAttachMents(DataTable UpdateItems, DataTable attachements, string userid)
        string SQL = "";
        using (SQLHelper conn = new SQLHelper())
                string tmp_LRTD00H = "tmp_LRTD00H_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                string tmp_LRTDFILE = "tmp_LRTDFILE_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                SQLHelper connTemp = new SQLHelper();
                connTemp.ExecuteSQL("create table " + tmp_LRTD00H + "(td_no varchar(20) not null default '')");
                connTemp.ExecuteSQL("create table " + tmp_LRTDFILE + "(" + conn.GetTableStruct("lrtdfile") + ")");

                tmp_LRTDFILE = "tempdb.." + tmp_LRTDFILE;
                tmp_LRTD00H = "tempdb.." + tmp_LRTD00H;

                foreach (DataRow dr in UpdateItems.Rows)
                    SQL = "insert into " + tmp_LRTD00H + "(td_no) values('" + dr["td_no"].ToString() + "')";

                foreach (DataRow dr in attachements.Rows)
                    SQL =
                        "insert into " + tmp_LRTDFILE + "(td_no,td_file,td_guid,td_type,td_remk) " +
                        "select '" + dr["td_no"].ToString() + "',N'" + dr["td_file"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_guid"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_type"].ToString() + "',N'" + dr["td_remk"].ToString() + "'";


                conn._Transaction = conn._Connection.BeginTransaction();

                string ymd = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");

                #region 對附件的操作
                SQL =
                    " delete a " +
                    " from lrtdfile a " +
                    " join lrtd00h b(nolock) on b.td_no = a.td_no " +
                    " where b.td_owner = '" + userid + "'" +
                    " and exists(select 1 from " + tmp_LRTD00H + " x where x.td_no=b.td_no)" +
                    " and not exists(select 1 from " + tmp_LRTDFILE + " x where x.td_guid=a.td_guid)";


                SQL =
                    " insert into lrtdfile(ie_ymd,ie_time,ie_user,td_no,td_file,td_guid,td_type,td_remk) " +
                    " select '" + ymd + "', '" + time + "','" + userid + "',a.td_no," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_file,a.td_guid,a.td_type,a.td_remk " +
                    " from " + tmp_LRTDFILE + " a " +
                    " join lrtd00h b on a.td_no =b.td_no " +
                    " where b.td_owner = '" + userid + "'" +
                    " and not exists(select 1 from lrtdfile x(nolock) where x.td_guid=a.td_guid)";

                #endregion 對附件的操作

            catch (System.Exception ex)
                WriteLog(userid, ex.Message, "ErrLog");
                throw ex;
Esempio n. 2
    /// <summary>
    /// DataTable 里存放的是有異動的資料
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Contacts"></param>
    /// <param name="GMembers"></param>
    /// <param name="userid"></param>
    public void UpdateContacts(DataTable Contacts, DataTable GMembers, string userid)
        string SQL = "";
        using (SQLHelper conn = new SQLHelper())
                string tmp_LRCONTACT = "tmp_LRCONTACT_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                string tmp_LRGMEMBER = "tmp_LRGMEMBER_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                SQLHelper connTemp = new SQLHelper();
                connTemp.ExecuteSQL("create table " + tmp_LRCONTACT + "(" + conn.GetTableStruct("lrcontact") + ",contact_modify varchar(1) not null default ('9'))");
                connTemp.ExecuteSQL("create table " + tmp_LRGMEMBER + "(" + conn.GetTableStruct("lrgmember") + ")");

                tmp_LRCONTACT = "tempdb.." + tmp_LRCONTACT;
                tmp_LRGMEMBER = "tempdb.." + tmp_LRGMEMBER;

                foreach (DataRow dr in Contacts.Rows)
                    byte[] by;

                    if (dr["contact_img"] == null)
                        by = (byte[])dr["contact_img"];

                        SQL =
                            "insert into " + tmp_LRCONTACT + "(user_no,contact_id,contact_name,contact_company," +
                            "contact_position,contact_modify,contact_sex,contact_img) " + "\r\n" +
                            " select '" + dr["user_no"].ToString() + "','" + dr["contact_id"].ToString() + "','" + dr["contact_name"].ToString() + "','" + dr["contact_company"].ToString() + "','" + dr["contact_position"].ToString() + "','" + dr["contact_modify"].ToString() + "','" + dr["contact_sex"].ToString() + "',@image";

                        conn.ExecuteSQLImage(SQL, "@image", by);
                        SQL =
                        "insert into " + tmp_LRCONTACT + "(user_no,contact_id,contact_name,contact_company," +
                        "contact_position,contact_modify,contact_sex) " + "\r\n" +
                        " select '" + dr["user_no"].ToString() + "','" + dr["contact_id"].ToString() + "','" + dr["contact_name"].ToString() + "','" + dr["contact_company"].ToString() + "','" + dr["contact_position"].ToString() + "','" + dr["contact_modify"].ToString() + "','" + dr["contact_sex"].ToString() + "'";


                foreach (DataRow dr in GMembers.Rows)
                    SQL =
                       "insert into " + tmp_LRGMEMBER + "(contact_id,group_id) " + "\r\n" +
                       "select '" + dr["contact_id"].ToString() + "','" + dr["group_id"].ToString() + "'";


                conn._Transaction = conn._Connection.BeginTransaction();

                string ymd = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");

                //Add = 0,//新增的
                //Delete =1,//刪除的
                //Update = 2,//有更新的
                SQL =
                    " delete a " + "\r\n" +
                    " from lrcontact a " + "\r\n" +
                    " join " + tmp_LRCONTACT + " b on a.contact_id = b.contact_id and a.user_no = b.user_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " where b.contact_modify = '1'";


                SQL =
                    " update a set " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.contact_id = b.contact_id," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.contact_name = b.contact_name," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.contact_company = b.contact_company," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.contact_position = b.contact_position," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.contact_sex = b.contact_sex," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.contact_img = b.contact_img," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_lymd ='" + ymd + "'," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_ltime ='" + time + "'," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_luser ='******' " + "\r\n" +
                    " from lrcontact a " + "\r\n" +
                    " join " + tmp_LRCONTACT + " b on a.contact_id = b.contact_id and a.user_no = b.user_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " where b.contact_modify = '2'";


                SQL =
                    " insert into lrcontact(ie_ymd,ie_time,ie_user,user_no,contact_id,contact_name," + "\r\n" +
                    " contact_company,contact_position,contact_sex) " + "\r\n" +
                    " select '" + ymd + "','" + time + "','" + userid + "',user_no,contact_id,contact_name," + "\r\n" +
                    " contact_company,contact_position,contact_sex" + "\r\n" +
                    " from " + tmp_LRCONTACT + " b " + "\r\n" +
                    " where b.contact_modify = '0'";


                //已經刪除的group 要清除
                SQL =
                    " delete a from lrgmember a " +
                    " left join lrgroup b on a.group_id=b.group_id" +
                    " where b.uid is null ";


                SQL =
                    "insert into lrgmember(ie_ymd,ie_time,ie_user,group_id,contact_id) " +
                    "select '" + ymd + "','" + time + "','" + userid + "',group_id,contact_id " +
                    "from " + tmp_LRGMEMBER + " a " +
                    "where not exists(select 1 from lrgmember x where x.group_id=a.group_id and x.contact_id=a.contact_id)";


                SQL =
                   " delete a from lrgmember a " + "\r\n" +
                   " join lrgroup b on a.group_id= b.group_id " + "\r\n" +
                   " where not exists(select 1 from " + tmp_LRGMEMBER + " c " + "\r\n" +
                   " where a.group_id=c.group_id and a.contact_id=c.contact_id) " + "\r\n" +
                   " and exists(select 1 from " + tmp_LRGMEMBER + " x where x.contact_id=a.contact_id) and b.user_no ='" + userid + "'";


                //聯絡人 沒有了要刪除
                SQL =
                    " delete a from lrgmember a " +
                    " join lrgroup c on a.group_id = c.group_id " +
                    " left join lrcontact b on a.contact_id = b.contact_id and c.user_no = b.user_no " +
                    " where b.uid is null and c.user_no ='" + userid + "' ";


                SQL =
                   " delete a from lrgmember a " +
                   " left join lrgroup b on a.group_id = b.group_id" +
                   " where b.uid is null";


            catch (System.Exception ex)
                WriteLog(userid, ex.Message, "ErrLog");
                throw ex;
Esempio n. 3
    public void UpdateToDoItems(DataTable UpdateItems, DataTable members, DataTable tags, string userid)
        string SQL = "";
        using (SQLHelper conn = new SQLHelper())
                #region 資料及臨時表準備
                string tmpExecutor = "tmp_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");//原來的執行者
                string tmp_LRTD00H = "tmp_LRTD00H_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                string tmp_LRTD00D1 = "tmp_LRTD00D1_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                string tmp_LRTD00D2 = "tmp_LRTD00D2_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                //string tmp_LRTDFILE = "tmp_LRTDFILE_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");

                SQLHelper connTemp = new SQLHelper();
                connTemp.ExecuteSQL("create table " + tmp_LRTD00H + "(" + conn.GetTableStruct("lrtd00h") + ",justread varchar(1) not null default '',canback varchar(1) not null default '',td_dir varchar(10) not null default '')");
                connTemp.ExecuteSQL("create table " + tmp_LRTD00D1 + "(" + conn.GetTableStruct("lrtd00d1") + ")");
                connTemp.ExecuteSQL("create table " + tmp_LRTD00D2 + "(" + conn.GetTableStruct("lrtd00d2") + ")");
                //connTemp.ExecuteSQL("create table " + tmp_LRTDFILE +"("+ conn.GetTableStruct("lrtdfile")+")");
                connTemp.ExecuteSQL("create table " + tmpExecutor + "(td_no varchar(20) not null default '',td_executor varchar(50) not null default '',send_msg varchar(1) not null default '')");

                tmp_LRTD00H = "tempdb.." + tmp_LRTD00H;
                tmp_LRTD00D1 = "tempdb.." + tmp_LRTD00D1;
                tmp_LRTD00D2 = "tempdb.." + tmp_LRTD00D2;
                //tmp_LRTDFILE = "tempdb.." + tmp_LRTDFILE;
                tmpExecutor = "tempdb.." + tmpExecutor;

                foreach (DataRow dr in UpdateItems.Rows)
                    string _td_sylog = dr["td_sylog"].ToString();
                    SQL =
                        "insert into " + tmp_LRTD00H + "(td_no,td_name,td_owner,td_description,td_prdate,td_prtime," +
                        "td_fno,td_priority,td_code,td_fdate,td_rsdate,td_rstime,td_redate," +
                        "td_retime,td_state,td_sylog,td_relno,td_type,td_ctype," +
                        "td_prsdate,td_predate,td_sdate,td_edate,td_top,td_hold,canback,td_dir,justread,td_flag) " +

                        "select '" + dr["td_no"].ToString() + "',N'" + dr["td_name"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_owner"].ToString() + "',N'" + dr["td_description"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_prdate"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_prtime"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_fno"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_priority"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_code"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_fdate"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_rsdate"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_rstime"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_redate"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_retime"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_state"].ToString() + "','" + _td_sylog.Substring(0, _td_sylog.Length > 500 ? 500 : _td_sylog.Length) + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_relno"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_type"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_ctype"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_prsdate"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_predate"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_sdate"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_edate"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_top"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_hold"].ToString() + "','" + dr["canback"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_dir"].ToString() + "','" + dr["justread"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_flag"].ToString() + "'";


                foreach (DataRow dr in members.Rows)
                    string _td_sylog = dr["td_sylog"].ToString();

                    SQL =
                        "insert into " + tmp_LRTD00D1 + "(td_no,td_member,td_role,td_rsdate,td_rstime,td_redate," +
                        "td_retime,td_state,td_prsdate,td_predate,td_sdate,td_edate,td_top,td_sylog,td_hold,td_flag) " +
                        "select '" + dr["td_no"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_member"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_role"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_rsdate"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_rstime"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_redate"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_retime"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_state"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_prsdate"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_predate"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_sdate"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_edate"].ToString() + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_top"].ToString() + "','" + _td_sylog.Substring(0, _td_sylog.Length > 500 ? 500 : _td_sylog.Length) + "'," +
                        "'" + dr["td_hold"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_flag"].ToString() + "'";


                foreach (DataRow dr in tags.Rows)
                    SQL =
                        "insert into " + tmp_LRTD00D2 + "(td_tag,td_no) " +
                        "select N'" + dr["td_tag"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_no"].ToString() + "'";


                //foreach (DataRow dr in attachements.Rows)
                //    SQL =
                //        "insert into " + tmp_LRTDFILE + "(td_no,td_file,td_guid,td_type,td_remk) " +
                //        "select '" + dr["td_no"].ToString() + "',N'" + dr["td_file"].ToString() + "'," +
                //        "'" + dr["td_guid"].ToString() + "','" + dr["td_type"].ToString() + "',N'" + dr["td_remk"].ToString() + "'";

                //    conn.ExecuteSQL(SQL);

                    "insert into " + tmpExecutor + "(td_no,td_executor) " + "\r\n" +
                    "select a.td_no,isnull(b.td_member,a.td_owner) td_executor " + "\r\n" +
                    "from lrtd00h a " + "\r\n" +
                    "left join lrtd00d1 b(nolock) on a.td_no=b.td_no and b.td_role ='2' " + "\r\n" +
                    "join " + tmp_LRTD00H + " c on a.td_no = c.td_no ");

                #endregion 資料及臨時表準備
                conn._Transaction = conn._Connection.BeginTransaction();

                #region 只有owner才可以變更表頭
                string ymd = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");

                //JustRead = 1 表示只是狀態的變化
                SQL =
                    " update a set a.td_name = b.td_name," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_rsdate = b.td_rsdate," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_rstime =  b.td_rstime," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_redate =b.td_redate," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_retime =b.td_retime, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_state=b.td_state," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_hold=b.td_hold," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_top=b.td_top," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_flag=b.td_flag," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_lymd = '" + ymd + "', " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_ltime = '" + time + "', " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_luser = '******' " + "\r\n" +
                    " from lrtd00h a(nolock) " + "\r\n" +
                    " join " + tmp_LRTD00H + " b on a.td_no=b.td_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " where a.td_owner = '" + userid + "' and b.justread ='1'";


                //JustRead = 0 表示異動了狀態外的其他屬性
                SQL =
                    " update a set a.td_name = b.td_name," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_description =b.td_description, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_priority = b.td_priority, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_prdate = b.td_prdate, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_prtime = b.td_prtime," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_fdate = b.td_fdate, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_fno = b.td_fno," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_rsdate = b.td_rsdate," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_rstime = b.td_rstime," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_redate = b.td_redate," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_retime = b.td_retime, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_code = b.td_code," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_ctype = b.td_ctype, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_state=b.td_state," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_hold=b.td_hold," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_top=b.td_top," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_flag=b.td_flag," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_prsdate =b.td_prsdate," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_predate = b.td_predate," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_sdate = case when c.td_role is null then b.td_sdate else '' end," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_edate = case when c.td_edate is null then b.td_edate else '' end, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_sylog = b.td_sylog," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_lymd = '" + ymd + "', " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_ltime = '" + time + "', " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_luser = '******' " + "\r\n" +
                    " from lrtd00h a(nolock)" + "\r\n" +
                    " join " + tmp_LRTD00H + " b on a.td_no=b.td_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " left join " + tmp_LRTD00D1 + " c on a.td_no = c.td_no and c.td_role='2' " + "\r\n" +
                    " where a.td_owner = '" + userid + "' and b.justread ='0'";

                #endregion  只有owner才可以變更表頭
                #region owner 的操作
                ymd = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");

                #region owner 對角色的改變
                SQL =
                    " delete a " +
                    " from lrtd00d1 a(nolock) " +
                    " join " + tmp_LRTD00H + " b on a.td_no = b.td_no " +
                    " where not exists(select 1 from " + tmp_LRTD00D1 + " x where x.td_no = a.td_no and x.td_member = a.td_member)";


                //owner 改變角色
                SQL =
                    " update a set " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_role = b.td_role, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_lymd = '" + ymd + "', " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_ltime = '" + time + "', " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_luser = '******' " + "\r\n" +
                    " from lrtd00d1 a(nolock)" +
                    " join " + tmp_LRTD00D1 + " b on a.td_no = b.td_no and a.td_member = b.td_member " +
                    " join lrtd00h c on a.td_no = c.td_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " where c.td_owner = '" + userid + "'";


                SQL =
                   " update a set " + "\r\n" +
                   " a.td_edate = b.td_edate " + "\r\n" +
                   " from lrtd00d1 a(nolock) " + "\r\n" +
                   " join " + tmp_LRTD00D1 + " b on a.td_no = b.td_no and a.td_member = b.td_member " +
                   " join lrtd00h c(nolock) on a.td_no = c.td_no " + "\r\n" +
                   " join " + tmp_LRTD00H + " d on c.td_no = d.td_no " + "\r\n" +
                   " where c.td_owner = '" + userid + "' and d.canback = '1' and a.td_role = '2'";


                SQL =

                    " insert into lrtd00d1(ie_ymd,ie_time,ie_user,td_no,td_member,td_role,td_flag) " + "\r\n" +
                    " select '" + ymd + "','" + time + "','" + userid + "',a.td_no,a.td_member,a.td_role,a.td_flag" + "\r\n" +
                    " from " + tmp_LRTD00D1 + " a " + "\r\n" +
                    " where not exists(select 1 from lrtd00d1 x where x.td_no =  a.td_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " and x.td_member = a.td_member)";

                #endregion owner 對角色的改變

                #region owner 對關鍵字的改變
                SQL =
                    " delete a " +
                    " from lrtd00d2 a " +
                    " join " + tmp_LRTD00H + " b on a.td_no = b.td_no " +
                    " join lrtd00h c(nolock) on c.td_no = b.td_no " +
                    " where b.td_owner = '" + userid + "'" +
                    " and not exists(select 1 from " + tmp_LRTD00D2 + " x where x.td_no = a.td_no and x.td_tag=a.td_tag)";


                SQL =
                    " insert into lrtd00d2(ie_ymd,ie_time,ie_user,td_no,td_tag) " + "\r\n" +
                    " select distinct '" + ymd + "','" + time + "','" + userid + "',a.td_no,a.td_tag" +
                    " from " + tmp_LRTD00D2 + " a " +
                    " join lrtd00h b on a.td_no =b.td_no " +
                    " where b.td_owner = '" + userid + "' and a.td_tag <> '' " +
                    " and not exists(select 1 from lrtd00d2 x(nolock) where x.td_no=a.td_no and x.td_tag=a.td_tag)";

                #endregion owner 對關鍵字的改變

                #region 對附件的操作 分開操作
                //SQL =
                //    " delete a " +
                //    " from lrtdfile a " +
                //    " join " + tmp_LRTD00H + " b on a.td_no = b.td_no " +
                //    " join lrtd00h c(nolock) on c.td_no = b.td_no " +
                //    " where b.td_owner = '" + userid + "'" +
                //    " and not exists(select 1 from " + tmp_LRTDFILE + " x where x.td_guid=a.td_guid)";


                //SQL =
                //    " insert into lrtdfile(ie_ymd,ie_time,ie_user,td_no,td_file,td_guid,td_type,td_remk) " +
                //    " select '" + ymd + "', '" + time + "','" + userid + "',a.td_no," + "\r\n" +
                //    " a.td_file,a.td_guid,a.td_type,a.td_remk "+
                //    " from " + tmp_LRTDFILE + " a " +
                //    " join lrtd00h b on a.td_no =b.td_no " +
                //    " where b.td_owner = '" + userid + "'" +
                //    " and not exists(select 1 from lrtdfile x(nolock) where x.td_guid=a.td_guid)";

                #endregion 對附件的操作
                #endregion owner 的操作
                #region 非owner 的操作
                SQL =
                    " update a set " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_lymd='" + ymd + "', " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_ltime='" + time + "', " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_luser='******'," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_rsdate=b.td_rsdate," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_rstime=b.td_rstime," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_redate=b.td_redate," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_retime=b.td_retime," + "\r\n" +
                    //更新當前用戶資料 預計完成 實際完成
                    " a.td_prsdate=b.td_prsdate," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_predate=b.td_predate," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_sdate=b.td_sdate," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_edate=b.td_edate," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_hold=b.td_hold," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_top=b.td_top," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_flag=b.td_flag," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_sylog=b.td_sylog," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_state='1' " + "\r\n" +
                    " from lrtd00d1 a(nolock) " + "\r\n" +
                    " join " + tmp_LRTD00D1 + " b on a.td_no=b.td_no and a.td_member=b.td_member and a.td_role=b.td_role " + "\r\n" +
                    " join lrtd00h c(nolock) on a.td_no=c.td_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " where c.td_owner<>'" + userid + "' and a.td_member='" + userid + "'" +
                    " and exists(select 1 from " + tmp_LRTD00H + " x where x.td_no=a.td_no and x.justread = '0')";


                //如果是自己的提醒時間 / 狀態的變化
                //那麼就不要更新日誌 並且 只更新狀態的欄位
                SQL =
                    " update a set " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_lymd='" + ymd + "', " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_ltime='" + time + "', " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_luser='******'," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_rsdate=b.td_rsdate, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_rstime=b.td_rstime, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_redate=b.td_redate, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_retime=b.td_retime, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_top=b.td_top, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_flag=b.td_flag," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_hold=b.td_hold, " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.td_state='1' " + "\r\n" +
                    " from lrtd00d1 a(nolock) " + "\r\n" +
                    " join " + tmp_LRTD00D1 + " b on a.td_no=b.td_no and a.td_member=b.td_member and a.td_role=b.td_role " + "\r\n" +
                    " join lrtd00h c(nolock)  on a.td_no=c.td_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " where c.td_owner<>'" + userid + "' and a.td_member='" + userid + "'" +
                    " and exists(select 1 from " + tmp_LRTD00H + " x where x.td_no=a.td_no and x.justread = '1')";

                #endregion 非owner 的操作
                #region 更新所有人的狀態為未讀
                //是owner 且 本次修改不是狀態修改
                        " update a set " + "\r\n" +
                        " td_state = '0', " + "\r\n" +
                        " ie_lymd = '" + ymd + "', " + "\r\n" +
                        " ie_ltime = '" + time + "', " + "\r\n" +
                        " ie_luser = '******' " + "\r\n" +
                        " from lrtd00d1 a(nolock) " + "\r\n" +
                        " join lrtd00h b on a.td_no = b.td_no" + "\r\n" +
                        " where b.td_owner = '" + userid + "' " + "\r\n" +
                        " and exists(select 1 from " + tmp_LRTD00H + " x where x.td_no=a.td_no and x.justread = '0')");

                // 不是owner 且 本次修改不是狀態修改
                            " update a set " + "\r\n" +
                            " a.td_state = '0', " + "\r\n" +
                            " a.ie_lymd = '" + ymd + "', " + "\r\n" +
                            " a.ie_ltime = '" + time + "', " + "\r\n" +
                            " a.ie_luser = '******' " + "\r\n" +
                            " from lrtd00d1 a(nolock) " + "\r\n" +
                            " join lrtd00h b on a.td_no = b.td_no" + "\r\n" +
                            " where b.td_owner <> '" + userid + "' and td_member <> '" + userid + "'" + "\r\n" +
                            " and exists(select 1 from " + tmp_LRTD00H + " x where x.td_no=a.td_no and x.justread = '0')");

                // 不是owner 且 本次修改不是狀態修改
                            " update a set a.td_state = '0'," +
                            " a.ie_lymd='" + ymd + "'," +
                            " a.ie_ltime='" + time + "'," +
                            " a.ie_luser='******' " +
                            " from lrtd00h a(nolock) " +
                            " where a.td_owner <> '" + userid + "'" +
                            " and exists(select 1 from " + tmp_LRTD00H + " x where x.td_no=a.td_no and x.justread = '0')");
                #endregion 更新所有人的狀態為未讀
                #region 用戶目錄
                //狀態變化 不需要更新附件
                SQL =
                    " delete a " +
                    " from lrtdship a(nolock) " +
                    " join " + tmp_LRTD00H + " b on a.td_no=b.td_no " +
                    " where a.user_no='" + userid + "' and a.td_dir <> b.td_dir ";


                SQL =
                   " insert into lrtdship(ie_ymd,ie_time,ie_user,td_no,user_no,td_dir) " +
                   " select '" + ymd + "', '" + time + "','" + userid + "',a.td_no,'" + userid + "',a.td_dir " +
                   " from " + tmp_LRTD00H + " a " +
                   " where a.td_dir <> '' " +
                   " and not exists(select 1 from lrtdship x where x.td_no = a.td_no and x.user_no ='" + userid + "')";


                #endregion 目錄跟用戶有關
                #region  發郵件
                //如果td_edate<>'' 且 canback = '1' 且 owner 不是 執行者 表示 有回饋完成
                #region 完成日期的回饋/否決
                SQL =
                    " select '" + ymd + "','" + time + "','" + userid + "',isnull(b.user_email,'') toAddr," +
                    " isnull((select isnull(ss.user_email,tt.td_member)+';' " + "\r\n" +
                    " from lrtd00d1 tt (nolock)  " + "\r\n" +
                    " left join lrtduser ss (nolock) on tt.td_member=ss.user_no  " + "\r\n" +
                    " where tt.td_role <> '2' and tt.td_no = a.td_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " for xml path('')),'') ccAddr," +
                    " '[待辦事項] 來自 [' +  isnull(b.user_name,a.td_owner) + ']' lr_subject," + "\r\n" +
                    " 'To All:<br> 待辦事項單號: '+a.td_no+' ('+a.td_name+') 已經完成<br> 事項說明:<br> '+a.td_description lr_content,'2','1' " + "\r\n" +
                    " from " + tmp_LRTD00H + " a(nolock) " + "\r\n" +
                    " left join lrtduser b on a.td_owner = b.user_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " left join lrtd00d1 c on a.td_no = c.td_no and c.td_role = '2' " + "\r\n" +
                    " left join lrtduser d on c.td_member = d.user_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " where a.canback = '1' and a.td_edate <> '' and isnull(d.user_no,a.td_owner) = '" + userid + "'" +
                    " and a.td_owner <> isnull(d.user_no,a.td_owner) and isnull(b.user_email,'') <> ''";//完成

                conn.ExecuteSQL("insert into lrtdmail(ie_ymd,ie_time,ie_user,lr_to,lr_cc,lr_subject,lr_content,lr_type,lr_ftype) " + SQL);

                //DataTable emails = conn.OpenDataTable(SQL, CommandType.Text);

                //foreach (DataRow dr in emails.Rows)
                //    SendEmail(dr["toAddr"].ToString(), dr["ccAddr"].ToString(), "To All:<br> 待辦事項單號:" + dr["td_no"].ToString() + "(" + dr["td_name"].ToString() + ") 已經完成<br> 事項說明:<br> " + dr["td_description"].ToString(), "[待辦事項] 來自 [" + dr["executor_name"].ToString() + "]", "");

                //如果td_edate='' 且 canback = '1' 且 owner 不是 執行者 表示 被否決完成了
                //owner 的否決才算
                SQL =
                    " select '" + ymd + "','" + time + "','" + userid + "',isnull(d.user_email,d.user_no) toAddr," +
                    " isnull((select isnull(ss.user_email,tt.td_member)+';' " + "\r\n" +
                    " from lrtd00d1 tt (nolock)  " + "\r\n" +
                    " left join lrtduser ss (nolock) on tt.td_member=ss.user_no  " + "\r\n" +
                    " where tt.td_role <> '2' and tt.td_no = a.td_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " for xml path('')),'') ccAddr," +
                    " '[待辦事項] 來自 [' + isnull(b.user_name,a.td_owner) + ']' lr_subject," + "\r\n" +
                    " 'To All:<br> 待辦事項單號:' + a.td_no + '(' + a.td_name + ')  已被[' + isnull(b.user_name,a.td_owner) + ']否決結果,請重新執行該項目!<br> 事項說明:<br> ' + a.td_description lr_content,'2','1' " + "\r\n" +
                    " from " + tmp_LRTD00H + " a(nolock) " + "\r\n" +
                    " left join lrtduser b on a.td_owner = b.user_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " left join lrtd00d1 c on a.td_no = c.td_no and c.td_role = '2' " + "\r\n" +
                    " left join lrtduser d on c.td_member = d.user_no " + "\r\n" +
                    " where a.canback = '1' and a.td_edate = '' and a.td_owner = '" + userid + "'" +
                    " and a.td_owner <> isnull(d.user_no,a.td_owner) and isnull(b.user_email,'') <> ''";//否決

                conn.ExecuteSQL("insert into lrtdmail(ie_ymd,ie_time,ie_user,lr_to,lr_cc,lr_subject,lr_content,lr_type,lr_ftype) " + SQL);
                //emails = conn.OpenDataTable(SQL, CommandType.Text);

                //foreach (DataRow dr in emails.Rows)
                //    SendEmail(dr["toAddr"].ToString(), dr["ccAddr"].ToString(), "To All:<br> 待辦事項單號:" + dr["td_no"].ToString() + "(" + dr["td_name"].ToString() + ")  已被[" + dr["ownername"].ToString() + "]否決結果,請重新執行該項目!<br> 事項說明:<br> " + dr["td_description"].ToString(), "[待辦事項] 來自 [" + dr["ownername"].ToString() + "]", "");
                #endregion 完成日期的回饋/否決

                //Owner有變更執行者的 send_msg
                    " update d set d.send_msg = 'Y' " +
                    " from " + tmpExecutor + " d(nolock) " +
                    " join " +
                    " (" +
                    "   select a.td_no,b.td_member td_executor " + "\r\n" +
                    "   from lrtd00h a(nolock) " + "\r\n" +
                    "   join lrtd00d1 b(nolock) on a.td_no=b.td_no and b.td_role ='2' " + "\r\n" +
                    "   left join " + tmp_LRTD00H + " c on a.td_no = c.td_no " + "\r\n" +
                    "   where a.td_owner = '" + userid + "'" + "\r\n" +
                    " ) x on d.td_no = x.td_no " +
                    " where d.td_executor<> x.td_executor");

                SendMsgAndEmail(conn, tmpExecutor, true, false, userid);
                #endregion 發郵件

                #region 最後寫日誌
                DataTable Msgs = new DataTable("t1");
                Msgs.Columns.Add("td_no", typeof(string));
                Msgs.Columns.Add("msg_text", typeof(string));

                DataTable dt = conn.OpenDataTable(
                    " select td_no,td_sylog " +
                    " from " + tmp_LRTD00H +
                    " where justread = '0' and td_owner = '" + userid + "'" +
                    " union all " +
                    " select a.td_no,a.td_sylog " +
                    " from " + tmp_LRTD00D1 + " a(nolock) " +
                    " join " + tmp_LRTD00H + " b(nolock) on a.td_no=b.td_no " +
                    " where b.td_owner<>'" + userid + "' and b.justread = '0' and a.td_member = '" + userid + "'", CommandType.Text

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    DataRow newRow = Msgs.NewRow();
                    newRow["td_no"] = dr["td_no"].ToString();
                    newRow["msg_text"] = dr["td_sylog"].ToString();

                InsertMsgs(userid, DateTime.Now, Msgs, conn);
                #endregion 寫日誌

            catch (System.Exception ex)
                WriteLog(userid, ex.Message, "ErrLog");
                throw ex;
Esempio n. 4
    public void UpdateGroup(DataTable groups, string userid)
        string SQL = "";
        using (SQLHelper conn = new SQLHelper())
                string tmp_LRGROUP = "tmp_LRGROUP_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
                SQLHelper connTemp = new SQLHelper();
                connTemp.ExecuteSQL("create table " + tmp_LRGROUP + "(" + conn.GetTableStruct("lrgroup") + ",group_modify varchar(1) not null default '9')");

                tmp_LRGROUP = "tempdb.." + tmp_LRGROUP;

                foreach (DataRow dr in groups.Rows)
                    SQL =
                        "insert into " + tmp_LRGROUP + "(user_no,group_id,group_name,group_modify) " + "\r\n" +
                        "select '" + dr["user_no"].ToString() + "','" + dr["group_id"].ToString() + "','" + dr["group_name"].ToString() + "','" + dr["group_modify"].ToString() + "'";


                conn._Transaction = conn._Connection.BeginTransaction();

                string ymd = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");

                //Add = 0,//新增的
                //Delete =1,//刪除的
                //Update = 2,//有更新的
                SQL =
                    " delete a " + "\r\n" +
                    " from lrgroup a " + "\r\n" +
                    " join " + tmp_LRGROUP + " b on a.group_id = b.group_id " + "\r\n" +
                    " where b.group_modify = '1'";


                SQL =
                    " update a set " + "\r\n" +
                    " a.group_name = b.group_name," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_lymd ='" + ymd + "'," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_ltime ='" + time + "'," + "\r\n" +
                    " a.ie_luser ='******' " + "\r\n" +
                    " from lrgroup a " + "\r\n" +
                    " join " + tmp_LRGROUP + " b on a.group_id = b.group_id " + "\r\n" +
                    " where b.group_modify = '2'";


                SQL =
                    " insert into lrgroup(ie_ymd,ie_time,ie_user,user_no,group_id,group_name) " + "\r\n" +
                    " select '" + ymd + "','" + time + "','" + userid + "',user_no,group_id,group_name " +
                    " from " + tmp_LRGROUP + " b " + "\r\n" +
                    " where b.group_modify = '0'";


                //已經刪除的group 要清除
                SQL =
                    " delete a from lrgmember a where not exists(select 1 from lrgroup b where a.group_id=b.group_id)";


            catch (System.Exception ex)
                WriteLog(userid, ex.Message, "ErrLog");
                throw ex;