Esempio n. 1
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_SNIP_ALL(string path, string activation_amplitude_norm, string activation_duration_ms, string activation_negative_offset_ms)
            // o activation_amplitude_norm = 0.1
            // o activation_duration_ms = 200
            // o activation_negative_offset_ms = 100
            byte[] alldata          = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            double amp              = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activation_amplitude_norm) ? 0.1 : Convert.ToDouble(activation_amplitude_norm);
            uint   duration         = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activation_duration_ms) ? 200 : Convert.ToUInt32(activation_duration_ms);
            uint   negativeoffsetms = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activation_negative_offset_ms) ? 100 : Convert.ToUInt32(activation_negative_offset_ms);

            WavSnipper(path, WAV.GetActivatedSections(alldata, amp, duration, negativeoffsetms));
Esempio n. 2
        // Utilities
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static List <Section> GetActivatedSections(byte[] alldata, double activation_amplitude_norm, uint activation_duration_ms, uint activation_negative_offset_ms)
            WAVFormat      fmt          = ReadFormat(alldata);
            uint           duration     = WAV.ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(activation_duration_ms, fmt);
            int            startofdata  = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            int            newfilesize  = alldata.Length;
            List <Section> sections     = new List <Section>();
            int            activator    = 0;
            bool           activated    = false;
            double         sectionstart = 0.0;
            double         sectionpeak  = 0.0;

            for (int i = startofdata; i < newfilesize - startofdata; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth)
                int    sample      = WAV.Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                double norm_sample = WAV.Normalise(sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                if (Math.Abs(norm_sample) > activation_amplitude_norm)
                    activated = true;
                    if (activator == 0)
                        sectionstart = WAV.ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs((uint)i, fmt);
                        if (sectionstart > activation_negative_offset_ms)
                            sectionstart = sectionstart - activation_negative_offset_ms;
                    sectionpeak = norm_sample > sectionpeak ? norm_sample : sectionpeak;
                    activator   = (int)duration;
                    if (activated && activator == 0)
                        uint sectionend = WAV.ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs((uint)i, fmt);
                        sections.Add(new Section(sectionstart, sectionend, sectionpeak));
                        sectionpeak = 0.0;
                        activated   = false;
                activator = activator - (int)fmt.ByteDepth <= 0 ? 0 : activator - (int)fmt.ByteDepth;
            if (activated)
                sections.Add(new Section(sectionstart, WAV.ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs((uint)(newfilesize - startofdata), fmt), sectionpeak));
Esempio n. 3
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_TONE(string path, string output_path, string activation_amplitude_norm)
            byte[]            alldata   = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            double            amplitude = Convert.ToDouble(activation_amplitude_norm) - 0.5;
            WAVFormat         fmt       = ReadFormat(alldata);
            List <List <Xy> > waves     = GetWaves(alldata);
            List <List <Xy> > fft       = null;

            if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                fft = GetWAVFFT(waves[0], waves[1], 3000);
                fft = GetWAVFFT(waves[0], null, 3000);
            string output_text = "";

            foreach (Section section in WAV.GetActivatedFrequencies(fft, amplitude))
                output_text += section.X1 + "\t" + (section.Peak + 0.5) + "\n";
            File.WriteAllText(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(output_path), output_text);
Esempio n. 4
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public void SnipSelected(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int number = Convert.ToInt32((sender as MenuItem).Text);

            WAV.WAV_SNIP(GraphControl.ChartGraph.Titles[0].Text, GraphControl.Sections[number].X1.ToString(), GraphControl.Sections[number].X2.ToString(), "True");
Esempio n. 5
 /// =======================================================================================================
 public void SnipAll(object sender, EventArgs e)
     WAV.WavSnipper(GraphControl.ChartGraph.Titles[0].Text, GraphControl.Sections);
Esempio n. 6
        // Simultaneously graph time and frequency data
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static API.Return WAV_SCOPE(string paths, string start_ms, string end_ms, string timebase_ms, string max_frequency)
            List <API.ChartData> allcharts = new List <API.ChartData> {
            List <CATMessage> allmsgs      = new List <CATMessage>();

            foreach (string p in paths.Split(';'))
                int    reduction = 20; // Note this is adequate for reporting and fourier transforms
                string path      = API.DISK.AutoAddExt(p, ".wav");
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    byte[]     header = new byte[1024];
                    FileStream fs     = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
                    fs.Read(header, 0, header.Length);
                    WAVFormat fmt         = WAV.ReadFormat(header);
                    int       startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(header);

                    // Cut
                    uint   start        = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(start_ms) ? 0 : ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(start_ms), fmt);
                    uint   end          = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(end_ms) ? fmt.Length : ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes((Convert.ToUInt32(end_ms)), fmt);
                    uint   timebase     = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(timebase_ms) ? 0 : Convert.ToUInt32(timebase_ms);
                    int    maxfrequency = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(max_frequency) ? 1000 : Convert.ToInt32(max_frequency);
                    byte[] alldata      = new byte[end - start];
                    fs.Read(alldata, (int)start + startofdata, (int)(end - start - startofdata));

                    // Create time wave
                    List <List <API.Xy> > timewaves = BytesToWave(alldata, fmt, reduction);
                    if (timebase == 0)
                        allcharts.Add(new API.ChartData(timewaves, new API.TimeData(ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs(end - start, fmt)), path));
                        double sample_rate       = fmt.SampleRate / reduction;
                        int    samplespersnippet = (int)(timebase * sample_rate / 1000);
                        int    numbersnippets    = timewaves[0].Count / samplespersnippet;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numbersnippets; i++)
                            List <API.Xy> subsetleft = timewaves[0].GetRange(i * samplespersnippet, samplespersnippet);
                            if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                                List <API.Xy>         subsetright = timewaves[1].GetRange(i * samplespersnippet, samplespersnippet);
                                List <List <API.Xy> > subset      = new List <List <API.Xy> >()
                                    subsetleft, subsetright
                                allcharts.Add(new API.ChartData(subset, new API.TimeData(timebase)));
                                List <List <API.Xy> > frequency = new List <List <API.Xy> >();
                                frequency = GetWAVDFT(subsetleft, subsetright, maxfrequency);
                                allcharts.Add(new API.ChartData(frequency, new API.FrequencyData(timebase)));
                                allcharts.Add(new API.ChartData(new List <List <API.Xy> >()
                                }, new API.TimeData(timebase)));
                                List <List <API.Xy> > frequency = new List <List <API.Xy> >();
                                frequency = GetWAVDFT(subsetleft, null, maxfrequency);
                                allcharts.Add(new API.ChartData(frequency, new API.FrequencyData(timebase)));
                    allmsgs.Add(new CATMessage(path + " does not exist", CAT.Status.FAIL));
            return(new API.Return(allcharts, allmsgs));