Esempio n. 1
        // Starts a transfer of raw data from the host to a device buffer
        public unsafe static void PushBuffer(byte *src, uint length, Vk.Buffer dst, uint dstOffset)
            // Calculate transfer information
            uint blockCount = (uint)Mathf.Ceiling(length / (float)DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);

            // Iterate over the transfer blocks
            for (uint bidx = 0; bidx < blockCount; ++bidx)
                // Calculate offsets and block sizes
                uint  blockOff      = bidx * DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
                byte *currSrc       = src + blockOff;
                uint  currDstOffset = dstOffset + blockOff;
                uint  currLength    = Math.Min(length - blockOff, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);

                // Wait on the previous transfer

                // Map the staging buffer, and copy the memory
                IntPtr mapped = s_pushMemory.Map(0, currLength);
                System.Buffer.MemoryCopy(currSrc, mapped.ToPointer(), currLength, currLength);

                // Start recording

                // Add the transfer command
                Vk.BufferCopy bc = new Vk.BufferCopy(currLength, 0, currDstOffset);
                s_pushCommands.CmdCopyBuffer(s_pushBuffer, dst, bc);

                // End recording, and submit
                s_queue.Submit(s_pushSubmitInfo, fence: s_pushFence);
Esempio n. 2
 // Waits for the item fence to signal, checks if there is a valid fence to wait on
 public void WaitAvailable()
     if (!IsSubmitted)
         Waited = false;
     Waited = Fence.GetStatus() != Vk.Result.Success;
     if (Waited)
     IsSubmitted = false;
        // Submits a one-time action that needs a graphics queue command buffer, will be synchronous
        // The command buffer will already have Begin() called when it is passed to the action, and will automatically call End()
        internal void SubmitScratchCommand(Action <Vk.CommandBuffer> action, Vk.Semaphore waitSem = null, Vk.PipelineStages waitStages = Vk.PipelineStages.AllGraphics,
                                           Vk.Fence waitFence = null)
            // Record the command
            var cb = _scratchPool.AllocateBuffers(_scratchAllocInfo)[0];


            // Submit
            if (waitFence != null)
            Queues.Graphics.Submit(waitSem, waitStages, cb, null, _scratchFence);
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Wait for one or more fences to become signaled.
 /// <para>
 /// If the condition is satisfied when the command is called, then the command returns
 /// immediately. If the condition is not satisfied at the time the command is called, then
 /// the command will block and wait up to timeout nanoseconds for the condition to become satisfied.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fences">Fence handle.</param>
 /// <param name="waitAll">
 /// The condition that must be satisfied to successfully unblock the wait. If <c>true</c> ,
 /// then the condition is that all fences in <paramref name="fences"/> are signaled.
 /// Otherwise, the condition is that at least one fence in <paramref name="fences"/> is signaled.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="timeout">
 /// The timeout period in units of nanoseconds. Timeout is adjusted to the closest value
 /// allowed by the implementation-dependent timeout accuracy, which may be substantially
 /// longer than one nanosecond, and may be longer than the requested period.
 /// <para>
 /// If timeout is zero, then the command does not wait, but simply returns the current state
 /// of the fences. The result <see cref="Result.Timeout"/> will be thrown in this case if the
 /// condition is not satisfied, even though no actual wait was performed.
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 /// If the specified timeout period expires before the condition is satisfied, the command
 /// throws with <see cref="Result.Timeout"/>. If the condition is satisfied before timeout
 /// nanoseconds has expired, the command returns successfully.
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <exception cref="VulkanException">Vulkan returns an error code.</exception>
 public void WaitFences(Fence[] fences, bool waitAll, long timeout = ~0)
     Fence.Wait(this, fences, waitAll, timeout);