internal static VkAudio FromJson(JToken json) { if (json == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Json can not be null."); } VkAudio vkAudio = new VkAudio(); vkAudio.Id = json["aid"].Value <long>(); vkAudio.OwnerId = json["owner_id"].Value <long>(); vkAudio.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(json["duration"].Value <double>()); vkAudio.Url = json["url"].Value <string>(); try { vkAudio.Title = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(json["title"].Value <string>()).Trim(); vkAudio.Artist = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(json["artist"].Value <string>()).Trim(); } catch (Exception) { vkAudio.Title = json["title"].Value <string>().Trim(); vkAudio.Artist = json["artist"].Value <string>().Trim(); } if (json["album_id"] != null) { vkAudio.AlbumId = json["album_id"].Value <long>(); } if (json["lyrics_id"] != null) { vkAudio.LyricsId = json["lyrics_id"].Value <string>(); } return(vkAudio); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <VkAudio> > GetPopular(int count, int offset) { Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (count > 0) { dictionary.Add("count", count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (offset > 0) { dictionary.Add("offset", offset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } dictionary.Add("access_token", Vkontakte.Instance.AccessToken.Token); JObject jObject = await new VkRequest(new Uri(""), dictionary, "GET").Execute(); IEnumerable <VkAudio> result; if (VkErrorProcessor.ProcessError(jObject)) { result = null; } else { if (jObject["response"].HasValues) { result = Enumerable.Select <JToken, VkAudio>(jObject["response"], (JToken a) => VkAudio.FromJson(a)); } else { result = null; } } return(result); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <VkAudio> > GetById(IList <string> ids) { Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dictionary.Add("audios", string.Join(",", ids)); dictionary.Add("access_token", Vkontakte.Instance.AccessToken.Token); JObject jObject = await new VkRequest(new Uri(""), dictionary, "GET").Execute(); IEnumerable <VkAudio> result; if (VkErrorProcessor.ProcessError(jObject)) { result = null; } else { if (jObject["response"].HasValues) { result = Enumerable.Select <JToken, VkAudio>(jObject["response"], (JToken a) => VkAudio.FromJson(a)); } else { result = null; } } return(result); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <VkAudio> > Get(string userId, string groupId, string albumId, bool needUser, int count = 0, int offset = 0) { Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupId)) { dictionary.Add("gid", groupId); } else { dictionary.Add("uid", userId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(albumId)) { dictionary.Add("album_id", albumId); } if (needUser) { dictionary.Add("need_user", "1"); } if (count > 0) { dictionary.Add("count", count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (offset > 0) { dictionary.Add("offset", offset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } dictionary.Add("access_token", Vkontakte.Instance.AccessToken.Token); JObject jObject = await new VkRequest(new Uri(""), dictionary, "GET").Execute(); IEnumerable <VkAudio> result; if (VkErrorProcessor.ProcessError(jObject)) { result = null; } else { if (jObject["response"].HasValues) { result = Enumerable.Select <JToken, VkAudio>(jObject["response"], (JToken a) => VkAudio.FromJson(a)); } else { result = null; } } return(result); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <VkAudio> > Search(string query, int count = 0, int offset = 0, VkAudioSortType sort = VkAudioSortType.DateAdded, bool withLyricsOnly = false, bool autoFix = true) { if (count > 200) { throw new ArgumentException("Maximum count is 200."); } if (query == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Query must not be null."); } Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dictionary.Add("q", query); if (autoFix) { dictionary.Add("auto_complete", "1"); } Dictionary <string, string> arg_98_0 = dictionary; string arg_98_1 = "sort"; int num = (int)sort; arg_98_0.Add(arg_98_1, num.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (withLyricsOnly) { dictionary.Add("lyrics", "1"); } if (count > 0) { dictionary.Add("count", count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else { dictionary.Add("count", 200.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (offset > 0) { dictionary.Add("offset", offset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } dictionary.Add("access_token", Vkontakte.Instance.AccessToken.Token); JObject jObject = await new VkRequest(new Uri(""), dictionary, "GET").Execute(); IEnumerable <VkAudio> result; if (VkErrorProcessor.ProcessError(jObject)) { result = null; } else { if (jObject["response"].HasValues) { result = Enumerable.Select <JToken, VkAudio>(Enumerable.Where <JToken>(jObject["response"], (JToken a) => a.HasValues && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a["url"].Value <string>())), (JToken a) => VkAudio.FromJson(a)); } else { result = null; } } return(result); }