// Handles adding new visualizers to the scene
        public void AddVisualizer(VisualizerModule visualizer)
            // Create an empty to group the visualizer's particles
            GameObject parent = visualizer.Scale ? _scaledEmpty : _unscaledEmpty;
            GameObject empty  = new GameObject(visualizer.Name);

            empty.transform.SetParent(parent.transform, false);

            _activeVisualizers.Add(visualizer, empty);
        private VisualizersManager _visualizersManager; // Used to tell the parent which visualizers to use

        // Can't use Start since we need to set the variables first
        public void Init(VisualizersManager visualizersManager, VisualizerModule visualizerModule)
            _visualizersManager = visualizersManager;
            _visualizer         = visualizerModule;

            _toggle = GetComponent <Toggle>();
            .AddListener(OnValueChanged);     // OnValueChanged will run every time the toggle is clicked

            // Set the text attached to this toggle
            _toggle.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = _visualizer.Name;

            _image = GetComponent <Image>();
 // Handles removing visualizers from the scene
 public void RemoveVisualizer(VisualizerModule visualizer)