public UpdateSnowLayerChunk UpdateSnowLayer(SnowAccumSnapshot sumsnapshot, bool ignoreOldAccum, IServerMapChunk mc, Vec2i chunkPos, IWorldChunk[] chunksCol)
            UpdateSnowLayerChunk updateChunk = new UpdateSnowLayerChunk();
            var layers = ws.GeneralConfig.SnowLayerBlocks;

            int chunkX = chunkPos.X;
            int chunkZ = chunkPos.Y;

            int regionX = (chunkX * chunksize) / regionsize;
            int regionZ = (chunkZ * chunksize) / regionsize;

            int regionBasePosX = regionX * regionsize;
            int regionBasePosZ = regionZ * regionsize;

            BlockPos pos                 = new BlockPos();
            BlockPos placePos            = new BlockPos();
            float    aboveSeaLevelHeight = sapi.World.BlockAccessor.MapSizeY - sapi.World.SeaLevel;

            int[] posIndices = randomShuffles[sapi.World.Rand.Next(randomShuffles.Length)];

            int         prevChunkY = -99999;
            IWorldChunk chunk      = null;

            int maxY = sapi.World.BlockAccessor.MapSizeY - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < posIndices.Length; i++)
                int posIndex = posIndices[i];
                int posY     = GameMath.Clamp(mc.RainHeightMap[posIndex], 0, maxY);
                int chunkY   = posY / chunksize;

                    chunkX * chunksize + posIndex % chunksize,
                    chunkZ * chunksize + posIndex / chunksize

                if (prevChunkY != chunkY)
                    chunk      = chunksCol?[chunkY] ?? sapi.WorldManager.GetChunk(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ);
                    prevChunkY = chunkY;
                if (chunk == null)

                float relx = (pos.X - regionBasePosX) / (float)regionsize;
                float rely = GameMath.Clamp((pos.Y - sapi.World.SeaLevel) / aboveSeaLevelHeight, 0, 1);
                float relz = (pos.Z - regionBasePosZ) / (float)regionsize;

                // What needs to be done here?
                // 1. Get desired snow cover level

                // 2. Get current snow cover level
                //    - Get topmmost block. Is it snow?
                //      - Yes. Use it as reference pos and stuff
                //      - No. Must have no snow, increment pos.Y by 1

                // 3. Compare and place block accordingly
                // Idea: New method Block.UpdateSnowLayer() returns a new block instance if a block change is needed

                // What needs to be done here, take 2
                // We have 3 possible cases per-block
                // 1: We find upside solid block. That means it has no snow on top
                // 2: We find snow. That means below is a solid block.
                // 3: We find some other block: That means we should try to find its snow-covered variant

                // We have the following input data
                // 1. Snow accumulation changes since the last update (usually an in-game hour or 2)
                // 2. A precise snow level value from the position (if not set, load from snowlayer block type) (set to zero if the snowlayer is removed)
                // 3. The current block at position, which is either
                //    - A snow layer: Override with internal level + accum changes
                //    - A solid block: Plase snow on top based on internal level + accum changes
                //    - A snow variantable block: Call the method with the new level

                Block block = chunk.GetLocalLiquidOrBlockAtBlockPos(sapi.World, pos);

                float hereAccum = 0;

                Vec2i vec = new Vec2i(pos.X, pos.Z);
                if (!ignoreOldAccum && !mc.SnowAccum.TryGetValue(vec, out hereAccum))
                    hereAccum = block.GetSnowLevel(pos);

                float nowAccum = hereAccum + sumsnapshot.GetAvgSnowAccumByRegionCorner(relx, rely, relz);

                mc.SnowAccum[vec] = GameMath.Clamp(nowAccum, -1, ws.GeneralConfig.SnowLayerBlocks.Count + 0.6f);

                float hereShouldLevel = nowAccum - GameMath.MurmurHash3Mod(pos.X, 0, pos.Z, 150) / 300f;

                float shouldIndexf = GameMath.Clamp(hereShouldLevel - 1.1f, -1, ws.GeneralConfig.SnowLayerBlocks.Count - 1);
                int   shouldIndex  = shouldIndexf < 0 ? -1 : (int)shouldIndexf;

                placePos.Set(pos.X, Math.Min(pos.Y + 1, sapi.World.BlockAccessor.MapSizeY - 1), pos.Z);
                chunkY = placePos.Y / chunksize;

                if (prevChunkY != chunkY)
                    chunk      = chunksCol?[chunkY] ?? sapi.WorldManager.GetChunk(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ);
                    prevChunkY = chunkY;
                if (chunk == null)

                Block upBlock = chunk.GetLocalLiquidOrBlockAtBlockPos(sapi.World, placePos);

                // Case 1: We have a block that can become snow covered (or more snow covered)
                Block newblock = block.GetSnowCoveredVariant(placePos, hereShouldLevel);
                if (newblock != null)
                    if (block.Id != newblock.Id && upBlock.Replaceable > 6000)
                        updateChunk.SetBlocks[placePos.Copy()] = new BlockIdAndSnowLevel(newblock, hereShouldLevel);
                // Case 2: We have a solid block that can have snow on top
                else if (block.AllowSnowCoverage(sapi.World, placePos))
                    placePos.Set(pos.X, pos.Y + 1, pos.Z);

                    if (upBlock.Id != 0)
                        newblock = upBlock.GetSnowCoveredVariant(placePos, hereShouldLevel);
                        if (newblock != null && upBlock.Id != newblock.Id)
                            updateChunk.SetBlocks[placePos.Copy()] = new BlockIdAndSnowLevel(newblock, hereShouldLevel);


                    if (shouldIndex >= 0)
                        Block toPlaceBlock = layers.GetKeyAtIndex(shouldIndex);
                        updateChunk.SetBlocks[placePos.Copy()] = new BlockIdAndSnowLevel(toPlaceBlock, hereShouldLevel);
