Esempio n. 1
        public override void GetHeldItemInfo(ItemSlot inSlot, StringBuilder dsc, IWorldAccessor world, bool withDebugInfo)
            float temp = GetTemperature(world, inSlot.Itemstack);

            if (temp > 20)
                dsc.AppendLine(Lang.Get("Temperature: {0}°C", (int)temp));

            CookingRecipe recipe = GetCookingRecipe(world, inSlot.Itemstack);

            ItemStack[] stacks = GetNonEmptyContents(world, inSlot.Itemstack);
            ItemSlot    slot   = BlockCrock.GetDummySlotForFirstPerishableStack(world, stacks, null, inSlot.Inventory);

            slot.Itemstack?.Collectible.AppendPerishableInfoText(slot, dsc, world);

            float servings = GetQuantityServings(world, inSlot.Itemstack);

            if (recipe != null)
                if (Math.Round(servings, 1) < 0.05)
                    dsc.AppendLine(Lang.Get("{1}% serving of {0}", recipe.GetOutputName(world, stacks).UcFirst(), Math.Round(servings * 100, 0)));
                    dsc.AppendLine(Lang.Get("{0} serving of {1}", Math.Round(servings, 1), recipe.GetOutputName(world, stacks).UcFirst()));
                if (inSlot.Itemstack.Attributes.HasAttribute("quantityServings"))
                    dsc.AppendLine(Lang.Get("{0} servings left", Math.Round(servings, 1)));
                else if (displayContentsInfo)
                    if (stacks != null && stacks.Length > 0)
                        dsc.AppendLine(stacks[0].StackSize + "x " + stacks[0].GetName());

            if (!MealMeshCache.ContentsRotten(stacks))
                string facts = GetContentNutritionFacts(world, inSlot, null, recipe == null);

                if (facts != null)
        public override void GetHeldItemInfo(ItemSlot inSlot, StringBuilder dsc, IWorldAccessor world, bool withDebugInfo)
            //base.GetHeldItemInfo(inSlot, dsc, world, withDebugInfo);
            float temp = GetTemperature(world, inSlot.Itemstack);

            if (temp > 20)
                dsc.AppendLine(Lang.Get("Temperature: {0}°C", (int)temp));

            CookingRecipe recipe   = GetMealRecipe(world, inSlot.Itemstack);
            float         servings = inSlot.Itemstack.Attributes.GetFloat("quantityServings");

            ItemStack[] stacks = GetNonEmptyContents(world, inSlot.Itemstack);

            if (recipe != null)
                if (servings == 1)
                    dsc.AppendLine(Lang.Get("{0} serving of {1}", Math.Round(servings, 1), recipe.GetOutputName(world, stacks)));
                    dsc.AppendLine(Lang.Get("{0} servings of {1}", Math.Round(servings, 1), recipe.GetOutputName(world, stacks)));

            BlockMeal mealblock  = api.World.GetBlock(new AssetLocation("bowl-meal")) as BlockMeal;
            string    nutriFacts = mealblock.GetContentNutritionFacts(api.World, inSlot, stacks, null);

            if (nutriFacts != null)

            ItemSlot slot = BlockCrock.GetDummySlotForFirstPerishableStack(api.World, stacks, null, inSlot.Inventory);

            slot.Itemstack?.Collectible.AppendPerishableInfoText(slot, dsc, world);
Esempio n. 3
        public string CrockInfoCompact(ItemSlot inSlot)
            BlockMeal      mealblock = Api.World.GetBlock(new AssetLocation("bowl-meal")) as BlockMeal;
            BlockCrock     crock     = inSlot.Itemstack.Collectible as BlockCrock;
            IWorldAccessor world     = Api.World;

            CookingRecipe recipe = crock.GetCookingRecipe(world, inSlot.Itemstack);

            ItemStack[] stacks = crock.GetNonEmptyContents(world, inSlot.Itemstack);

            if (stacks == null || stacks.Length == 0)
                return(Lang.Get("Empty Crock") + "\n");

            StringBuilder dsc = new StringBuilder();

            if (recipe != null)
                double servings = inSlot.Itemstack.Attributes.GetDecimal("quantityServings");

                if (recipe != null)
                    if (servings == 1)
                        dsc.Append(Lang.Get("{0}x {1}.", servings, recipe.GetOutputName(world, stacks)));
                        dsc.Append(Lang.Get("{0}x {1}.", servings, recipe.GetOutputName(world, stacks)));
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var stack in stacks)
                    if (stack == null)
                    if (i++ > 0)
                        dsc.Append(", ");
                    dsc.Append(stack.StackSize + "x " + stack.GetName());


            DummyInventory dummyInv = new DummyInventory(Api);

            ItemSlot contentSlot = BlockCrock.GetDummySlotForFirstPerishableStack(Api.World, stacks, null, dummyInv);

            dummyInv.OnAcquireTransitionSpeed = (transType, stack, mul) =>
                return(mul * crock.GetContainingTransitionModifierContained(world, inSlot, transType) * inv.GetTransitionSpeedMul(transType, stack));

            TransitionState[] transitionStates = contentSlot.Itemstack?.Collectible.UpdateAndGetTransitionStates(Api.World, contentSlot);
            bool addNewLine = true;

            if (transitionStates != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < transitionStates.Length; i++)
                    TransitionState state = transitionStates[i];

                    TransitionableProperties prop = state.Props;
                    float perishRate = contentSlot.Itemstack.Collectible.GetTransitionRateMul(world, contentSlot, prop.Type);

                    if (perishRate <= 0)

                    addNewLine = false;
                    float transitionLevel = state.TransitionLevel;
                    float freshHoursLeft  = state.FreshHoursLeft / perishRate;

                    switch (prop.Type)
                    case EnumTransitionType.Perish:
                        if (transitionLevel > 0)
                            dsc.AppendLine(" " + Lang.Get("{0}% spoiled", (int)Math.Round(transitionLevel * 100)));
                            double hoursPerday = Api.World.Calendar.HoursPerDay;

                            if (freshHoursLeft / hoursPerday >= Api.World.Calendar.DaysPerYear)
                                dsc.AppendLine(" " + Lang.Get("Fresh for {0} years", Math.Round(freshHoursLeft / hoursPerday / Api.World.Calendar.DaysPerYear, 1)));

                            /*else if (freshHoursLeft / hoursPerday >= Api.World.Calendar.DaysPerMonth)  - confusing. 12 days per months and stuff..
                             * {
                             *  dsc.AppendLine(Lang.Get("<font color=\"orange\">Perishable.</font> Fresh for {0} months", Math.Round(freshHoursLeft / hoursPerday / Api.World.Calendar.DaysPerMonth, 1)));
                             * }*/
                            else if (freshHoursLeft > hoursPerday)
                                dsc.AppendLine(" " + Lang.Get("Fresh for {0} days", Math.Round(freshHoursLeft / hoursPerday, 1)));
                                dsc.AppendLine(" " + Lang.Get("Fresh for {0} hours", Math.Round(freshHoursLeft, 1)));

            if (addNewLine)
