public void SetResult (NecromancerActivationResult result)
			_result = result;
			RaisePropertyChanged (() => NecromancerRollDisplay);
			RaisePropertyChanged (() => DarknessDisplay);
			RaisePropertyChanged (() => DetectedHeroDisplay);
			RaisePropertyChanged (() => NewLocationDisplay);

			var models = _result.NewBlights
				.GroupBy (x => x.Item1)
				.Select (x => new SpawnLocationViewModel (x.Key, 
				             x.Select (y => y.Item2))).ToList ();
			if (_result.SpawnQuest) 
				var questLocation = _pendingGameState.Locations.Single (l => l.Id == _result.OldLocationId);
				var model = models.FirstOrDefault (x => x.Location.Id == _result.OldLocationId);
				if (model == null) {
					model = new SpawnLocationViewModel (questLocation, null);
				model.Spawns.Add (new QuestViewModel ());
			Locations.Clear ();
			models.ForEach (x => Locations.Add (x));

		/// <summary>
		/// Activate the necromancer. First he detects and then moves.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="gameState">Game state.</param>
		/// <param name="detectedHero">Force this hero to be detected.</param>
		/// <param name="roll">Force the necromancer roll.</param>
		/// <param name="heroesToIgnore">Heroes that are ignored due to Elusive Spirit or Blinding Black</param>
		public NecromancerActivationResult Activate (GameState gameState, 
		                                             Hero detectedHero = null,
		                                             int? roll = null, 
		                                             int[] heroesToIgnore = null)
			var result = new NecromancerActivationResult ();
			result.NecromancerRoll = roll.HasValue ? roll.Value : _d6GeneratorService.RollDemBones ();
			result.OldLocationId = gameState.Necromancer.LocationId;

			result.DarknessIncrease = 1 + gameState.Locations.SelectMany (x => x.Blights).Count (x => x.Name == "Desecration");
			if (gameState.Heroes.ShieldOfRadianceActive && result.NecromancerRoll == 6) {
				result.Notes += "Shield of Radiance triggered" + Environment.NewLine;

			gameState.Darkness += result.DarknessIncrease;
			if (detectedHero == null)
				result.DetectedHero = Detect (gameState, result.NecromancerRoll, heroesToIgnore);
				result.DetectedHero = detectedHero;

			var newLocation = Move (gameState, detectedHero, result.NecromancerRoll);
			result.NewLocationId = newLocation.Id;

			var spawnResult = Spawn(gameState, newLocation, result.NecromancerRoll);
			result.NewBlights = spawnResult.NewBlights;
			result.SpawnQuest = spawnResult.SpawnQuest;

			return result;