public static unsafe void QueryFaceDistance(out FaceQueryResult result, RigidTransform transform1, NativeHull hull1, RigidTransform transform2, NativeHull hull2)
            // Perform computations in the local space of the second hull.
            RigidTransform transform = math.mul(math.inverse(transform2), transform1);

            result.Distance = -float.MaxValue;
            result.Index    = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < hull1.FaceCount; ++i)
                NativePlane plane    = transform * hull1.GetPlane(i);
                float3      support  = hull2.GetSupport(-plane.Normal);
                float       distance = plane.Distance(support);

                if (distance > result.Distance)
                    result.Distance = distance;
                    result.Index    = i;
        public unsafe static void CreateFaceContact(ref NativeManifold output, FaceQueryResult input, RigidTransform transform1, NativeHull hull1, RigidTransform transform2, NativeHull hull2, bool flipNormal)
            var         refPlane       = hull1.GetPlane(input.Index);
            NativePlane referencePlane = transform1 * refPlane;

            var clippingPlanesStackPtr = stackalloc ClipPlane[hull1.FaceCount];
            var clippingPlanes         = new NativeBuffer <ClipPlane>(clippingPlanesStackPtr, hull1.FaceCount);

            //NativeList<ClipPlane> clippingPlanes = new NativeList<ClipPlane>((int)hull1.FaceCount, Allocator.Temp);

            // Find only the side planes of the reference face
            GetFaceSidePlanes(ref clippingPlanes, referencePlane, input.Index, transform1, hull1);

            var incidentPolygonStackPtr = stackalloc ClipVertex[hull1.FaceCount];
            var incidentPolygon         = new NativeBuffer <ClipVertex>(incidentPolygonStackPtr, hull1.VertexCount);

            var incidentFaceIndex = ComputeIncidentFaceIndex(referencePlane, transform2, hull2);

            ComputeFaceClippingPolygon(ref incidentPolygon, incidentFaceIndex, transform2, hull2);

            //HullDrawingUtility.DrawFaceWithOutline(incidentFaceIndex, transform2, hull2, Color.yellow.ToOpacity(0.3f));

            var outputPolygonStackPtr = stackalloc ClipVertex[hull1.FaceCount];

            // Clip face polygon against the clipping planes.
            for (int i = 0; i < clippingPlanes.Length; ++i)
                var outputPolygon = new NativeBuffer <ClipVertex>(outputPolygonStackPtr, hull1.FaceCount);

                Clip(clippingPlanes[i], ref incidentPolygon, ref outputPolygon);

                if (outputPolygon.Length == 0)

                incidentPolygon = outputPolygon;

            // Get all contact points below reference face.
            for (int i = 0; i < incidentPolygon.Length; ++i)
                ClipVertex vertex   = incidentPolygon[i];
                float      distance = referencePlane.Distance(vertex.position);

                if (distance <= 0)
                    // Below reference plane -> position constraint violated.
                    ContactID id = default;
                    id.FeaturePair = vertex.featurePair;

                    if (flipNormal)
                        output.Normal = -referencePlane.Normal;
                        Swap(id.FeaturePair.InEdge1, id.FeaturePair.InEdge2);
                        Swap(id.FeaturePair.OutEdge1, id.FeaturePair.OutEdge2);
                        output.Normal = referencePlane.Normal;

                    // Project clipped point onto reference plane.
                    float3 position = referencePlane.ClosestPoint(vertex.position);
                    // Add point and distance to the plane to the manifold.
                    output.Add(position, distance, id);
