private static void SetTextureCache(VehicleDef vehicleDef, GraphicDataRGB graphicData) { var textureArray = new Texture2D[Graphic_RGB.MatCount]; textureArray[0] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(graphicData.texPath + "_north", false); textureArray[0] ??= ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(graphicData.texPath, false); textureArray[1] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(graphicData.texPath + "_east", false); textureArray[2] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(graphicData.texPath + "_south", false); textureArray[3] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(graphicData.texPath + "_west", false); textureArray[4] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(graphicData.texPath + "_northEast", false); textureArray[5] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(graphicData.texPath + "_southEast", false); textureArray[6] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(graphicData.texPath + "_southWest", false); textureArray[7] = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(graphicData.texPath + "_northWest", false); if (textureArray[0] is null) { if (textureArray[2] != null) { textureArray[0] = textureArray[2]; } else if (textureArray[1] != null) { textureArray[0] = textureArray[1]; } else if (textureArray[3] != null) { textureArray[0] = textureArray[3]; } } if (textureArray[0] is null) { Log.Error($"Failed to find any textures at {graphicData.texPath} while constructing texture cache."); return; } if (textureArray[2] is null) { textureArray[2] = textureArray[0]; } if (textureArray[1] is null) { if (textureArray[3] != null) { textureArray[1] = textureArray[3]; } else { textureArray[1] = textureArray[0]; } } if (textureArray[3] is null) { if (textureArray[1] != null) { textureArray[3] = textureArray[1]; } else { textureArray[3] = textureArray[0]; } } if (textureArray[4] is null) { textureArray[4] = textureArray[0]; } if (textureArray[5] is null) { textureArray[5] = textureArray[2]; } if (textureArray[6] is null) { textureArray[6] = textureArray[2]; } if (textureArray[7] is null) { textureArray[7] = textureArray[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { CachedVehicleTextures.Add(new Pair <VehicleDef, Rot8>(vehicleDef, new Rot8(i)), textureArray[i]); } }
public virtual void CopyFrom(GraphicDataRGB graphicData) { base.CopyFrom(graphicData); colorThree = graphicData.colorThree; pattern = graphicData.pattern ?? PatternDefOf.Default; }
static VehicleTex() { StringBuilder tasks = new StringBuilder(); foreach (VehicleDef vehicleDef in DefDatabase <VehicleDef> .AllDefs) { tasks.Clear(); tasks.AppendLine($"Generating TextureCache for {vehicleDef.defName}"); try { tasks.Append("Creating icon..."); string iconFilePath =; if (iconFilePath.NullOrEmpty()) { switch (vehicleDef.vehicleType) { case VehicleType.Land: iconFilePath = DefaultVehicleIconTexPath; break; case VehicleType.Sea: iconFilePath = DefaultBoatIconTexPath; break; case VehicleType.Air: iconFilePath = DefaultShuttleIconTexPath; break; } } tasks.AppendLine("Icon created"); tasks.AppendLine("Creating BodyGraphicData and cached graphics..."); if (vehicleDef.graphicData is GraphicDataRGB graphicDataRGB) { Texture2D tex; var graphicData = new GraphicDataRGB(); graphicData.CopyFrom(graphicDataRGB); Graphic_Vehicle graphic = graphicData.Graphic as Graphic_Vehicle; tasks.AppendLine("Setting TextureCache..."); SetTextureCache(vehicleDef, graphicData); tasks.AppendLine("Finalized TextureCache"); if (cachedTextureFilepaths.ContainsKey(iconFilePath)) { tex = cachedTextureFilepaths[iconFilePath]; } else { tex = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(iconFilePath); cachedTextureFilepaths.Add(iconFilePath, tex); } tasks.AppendLine("Finalizing caching"); CachedGraphics.Add(vehicleDef, graphic); CachedTextureIcons.Add(vehicleDef, tex); } else { SmashLog.Error($"Unable to create GraphicData of type <type>{vehicleDef.graphicData?.GetType().ToStringSafe() ?? "Null"} for {vehicleDef.defName}.\n{tasks}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Exception thrown while trying to generate cached textures. Exception=\"{ex.Message}\"\n-----------------Tasks-----------------\n{tasks}"); } } }
public GraphicRequestRGB(Type graphicClass, string path, Shader shader, Vector2 drawSize, Color color, Color colorTwo, Color colorThree, float tiles, Vector2 displacement, GraphicDataRGB graphicData, int renderQueue, List <ShaderParameter> shaderParameters) { this.graphicClass = graphicClass; this.path = path; this.shader = shader; this.drawSize = drawSize; this.color = color; this.colorTwo = colorTwo; this.colorThree = colorThree; this.tiles = tiles; this.displacement = displacement; this.graphicData = graphicData; this.renderQueue = renderQueue; this.shaderParameters = (shaderParameters.NullOrEmpty() ? null : shaderParameters); }